Committee Meeting Highlights ALA Midwinter 2005
Executive Committee
Advisory Council
Communication Studies
Curriculum Materials Committee
Distinguished EBSS Librarian Award
ERIC Users Discussion Group
Higher Education
Instruction for Educators
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Social Work/Social Welfare
Ad Hoc Access to Government Sponsored Education Research
Committee: Executive Committee
Date: January 14, 2005
Minutes by Helga B. Visscher, EBSS Secretary
Present: Judy Walker, chair, Penny Beile, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Beth Broyles, Melissa Cast, Doug Cook, Jen Fabbi, Anne Fields, Deborah Schaeffer, Helga Visscher
Guests: Lori Goetsch, ACRL, Bernadette Lear, visitor, Mary Jane Petrowski, ACRL
Meeting called to order by Judy Walker. Introductions were made around the table.
ACRL Mary Jane Petrowski and Lori Goetsch distributed handouts of ACRL FAQ s on dues. The document explains raising annual dues from $35 to $55. There are fiscal requirements in ALA that a section maintain a percentage of money in reserves. There has not been a dues increase since 1989. In the past, publications have provided a revenue stream through classified ads, but that is no longer the case. Members are encouraged to attend the ACRL meeting in Minneapolis, April 7-10, since that event is what has caused many expenses prior to the conference, and the revenue from the conference will replenish these expenses. Questions were raised regarding a discount on dues for full-time library school students and not part-time students. The possibility of charging for section membership rather than dues increase, and other ideas were brought up to be discussed further at ACRL Council.
MEMBERS AT LARGE There will be six discussion topics on Saturday, split between two sessions, from 2:00 -3:30, and 3:30 -5:00 at the Westin Copley Place Essex Center. Penny Beile and Deborah Schaeffer acknowledged the EBSS members who volunteered to be recorders and facilitators at the sessions.
PUBLICATIONS & COMMUNICATIONS Anne Fields stated that action on publications would be taken at their meeting on Saturday morning.
MEMBERSHIP There will be an EBSS Social hour on Saturday at Sola's Irish Pub 710 Boylston Street, from 5:00-6:30 PM. Melissa Cast said that the committee continues to survey dropped members of EBSS. Most members have changed their job responsibilities. The Membership Committee is also trying to connect with Library School students, targeting students at Library schools closest to the convention site. They did that for Annual in Orlando, and Boston. Membership numbers are up. Melissa distributed the EBSS Section Membership Committee report for 2003-2004, and the survey sent to dropped members.
SECRETARY Helga Visscher reported Minutes and Agendas have been collected and distributed on the web. There were a few agendas for Midwinter that did not get here prior to the meeting.
VICE CHAIR/CHAIR ELECT Doug Cook distributed a one-page summary of EBSS section structure. Beth Broyles is the incoming EBSS Newsletter editor. There is an all committee chairs list. Each committee should make sure there is a recorder for each list. Kate Corby is the AERA (American Educational Research Association) liaison for ACRL.
CHAIR Annual Schedule: Judy Walker had some ideas about reorganizing the meeting times for Executive Committee, EBSS Committees, and Advisory Committee. The timing of the Executive Committee and the Advisory Committee could be changed, so that more information could be shared with the Committee Chairs. Much discussion ensued about schedules: Executive on Saturday, All Committees Sunday, then Advisory; or Advisory on Friday, All Committees Saturday, Executive Sunday were suggested. Mary Jane Petrowski suggested that we query other sections to see how they handle their schedules. The changes could possibly go into effect at the Midwinter Meeting in 2006. Doug Cook moved and Deborah Schaeffer seconded that the incoming chair explore the several options and present them at the Annual meeting in June for a decision. Motion passed.
ACTION / DISCUSSSION ITEMS Jen Fabbi presented a proposal to organize the Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the CMC Directory. Penny Beile may be the chair of the committee. There is a need to revise the 1998 online CMC directory, and there are people waiting to serve on EBSS Committees. The charge would be to investigate the format, and update the CMC Directory. Doug Cook moved and Deborah Schaeffer seconded that EBSS organize this committee. Motion passed.
Judy Walker proposed that there should be an Ad Hoc Best Collaborative Practices Committee. This is an outgrowth of the Instruction for Educators Committee. Doug Cook, as chair elect stated that we would encourage people to choose to serve on this committee, or the IE committee; not both. Membership in the IE Committee is high. Lori Mestre will serve as chair. Doug Cook moved and Deborah Schaeffer seconded that EBSS organize this committee. Motion passed.
The ERIC Users Discussion Group will meet on Sunday afternoon, January 16, 2:00-3:30 PM, at the Boston Park Plaza Ballroom. There is a need for a forum on how the new ERIC will meet the needs of the Education Community. Leslie Bjorncrantz attended the National Education Network program held at Harvard's Guttmann Library, and co-chaired by John Collins of Harvard and JoAnn Carr of the University of Wisconsin. The changes in ERIC and the loss of ERIC Clearinghouses have diminished the scope of what ERIC provides. This group wants to provide something like this, preliminary referred to as an Education Information Commons. This group is establishing a list-serv to try to put together proposals for an education information cooperative. Topics of interest include Science / Math Education, History of education, and expanding the information site. ERIC had a very successful branding of its resources. The current Education Reference Desk, run by Syracuse University which was formerly an ERIC Clearinghouse still has lots of hits at their website, even thought they no longer answer questions directly as they formerly did at Ask ERIC.
Judy Walker and Kate Corby met with Chris Dunn of ERIC and the US Department of Education. Judy felt that it was important to keep up discussions with the officials in ERIC. People who work for CSC (the technical side of the ERIC database) are members of the EBSS List-serv. She proposed that EBSS organize the ERIC User's Group Committee. The charge would be to make sure that there is a discussion session at ALA meetings regarding ERIC, and the committee plan for these meetings. Judy volunteered to chair this committee. Deborah Schaeffer moved and Doug Cook Seconded that EBSS organize this committee Motion passed.
EBSS List-serv is still on the UNC-Charlotte server. Judy Walker is considering moving it to the server on ALA. She is checking the software for archiving the messages. Kate Corby met with Stephanie Orphan about moving some of the EBSS publications to the ALA web page. The EBSS Committee rosters are now on the MSU server. ALA also has a database of committee members. There are privacy issues that need to be addressed regarding the information provided on the rosters. The Publications & Communications Committee will discuss some of these issues at their meeting.
Judy Walker suggested the possibility of another committee for EBSS that would deal with Research. She did not have many specifics on the topic. The ACRL Science & Technology Section has a Research Committee. She would find out more about what that committee does before proposing another committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM, to allow people some sleep before the EBSS All Committees meeting on Saturday morning.
February 2, 2005 After the Conference was over, Judy Walker contacted all the members of the Executive Committee to confirm the organization of committees that were discussed at the Executive Meeting. Quoting Judy Walker's e-mail: At the advisory committee meeting we discussed the two new committees listed below, but according to the minutes the executive committee did not officially approve them. So I guess we need to do that so Doug can populate them.
Ad Hoc Research Committee Charge: Investigate and propose ways the section can provide a forum for behavior science librarians to share ideas about new directions in behavior science librarianship, research in progress and current topics of interest. Penny Beile has unofficially indicated she would be willing to chair this committee.
Electronic Resources in Communication Studies Committee: Charge: To investigate relevant electronic resources for communication studies; assess and evaluate relevant electronic resources for usability and function; encourage the development of better electronic resources within communication studies through careful vendor feedback; to inform and educate librarians about relevant electronic resources, their use, and implementation as a library resource; and to update and enhance the Library Resources for Communication Studies web site on a regular basis. Lisa Romero has agreed to chair this committee.
This e-mail served as a motion to propose these two committees. Doug Cook responded immediately to second the motion.. After e-mail discussion from officers and members of EBSS, the motion to accept these committees passed. (A majority of Committee members responded yea, to accept the two new committees.)
Committee: Advisory Council
Date:January 16, 2005
Minutes by Helga B. Visscher, EBSS Secretary
Present: Judith Walker, chair; Penny Beile, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Beth Broyles, Mary Jane Brustman, Melissa Cast, Doug Cook, Natasha Cooper, Jen Fabbi, Anne Fields, Marcia Keyser, Lorna Lueck, Nancy O'Brien, Brian Quinn, Lisa Romero, Deborah Schroeder, Helga Visscher.
Introduction, greetings were made. Doughnuts were provided by Melissa Cast due to the generosity of those who paid for the Social Hour at Sola's Irish Pub the previous evening.
Approval of Agenda/ Minutes: Penny moved that the Agenda be approved, Nancy Seconded, motion passed. The 2004 Advisory Minutes were approved as corrected by Nancy O'Brien. Doug moved, Deborah seconded. The corrections were technical in nature. Motion passed.
Announcements / Updates on EBSS Meetings: The Midwinter ERIC User's Discussion Group will be held this Sunday afternoon, 2:00-3:30 PM, Boston Park Plaza Ballroom. We are encouraged to promote dialog with CSC, the organization handling the technical part of ERIC. The Department of Education people will attend, but are not officially on the program. All members are encouraged to attend this meeting.
FAQ's on Dues Increase from ACRL were distributed. Judy Walker had a Draft Copy available. EBSS added some suggestions for explanations at the Executive meeting on Friday evening. FAQ's on Virtual Meetings from ACRL were also distributed. This sets the policy from ALA on Virtual Meetings. There will be software, similar to Web CT, to accommodate virtual meetings, available from ALA. There were not enough copies at that meeting to distribute to everyone at the meeting.
Members at Large: Penny and Deborah - Current Topics Discussion Meeting was held on Saturday, January 15, from 2:00-5:00 PM at the Westin Copley Place, Essex Center. Deborah reported that we had a very successful meeting. Over 100 people attended. Some sessions were livelier than others. Some facilitators had prepared remarks, others just opened up the discussion forum. The information will be shared, probably put on the EBSS Web page.
Question about SPAM that people received last week: Judy Walker asked who had received a certain set of SPAM messages, apparently from India. It appears that this person used the list of EBSS Executive board, or Advisory board, available from the web site. She is convinced it did not come in on the EBSS Listserv.
Newsletter - Doug Cook and Beth Broyles. She is new editor. She will happy to accept material from everyone. Doug is interested in tracking projects of EBSS activities. This is in his role of Vice Chair / Chair elect. He will include an article about the projects for the newsletters.
Membership - Melissa Cast Nothing new since Friday's meeting. She is reaching out to dropped members, and sending e-mails to library schools. LOTS of people attended the Sola's Irish pub social hour.
Judy discussed publicity - At ACRL in Minneapolis, we should promote EBSS. For example - Something like a bookmark in PDF form to send to new members.
Secretary - Helga Visscher - Meeting Highlights can be written on any paper and given to her, or sent by e-mail. Minutes due January 31.
Vice Chair - Doug Cook will do the Committee appointments for EBSS. He will be vice president for 'whining and arm twisting.' Judy Walker has proposed the most new committees. So, we will get some more meetings.
Committee Appointments Conference 2006: Lisa Romero and Lee LaFleur are organizing the New Orleans program. Lisa met with committee prior to the Advisory Committee meeting this morning, the program will be on grant writing, presentation, funding sources, and agencies that provide grants. They brainstormed about issues. They will be refining the proposal within the next couple of months. It might even morph into an online resource.
Nancy O'Brien reminded everyone that at the program, it will be preceded by the Award Ceremony for EBSS. That should be made clear on publicity of program.
Chair Judy thanked people for sending in their Goals for Committees, and what they have accomplished. She needs this information for her Annual Reports to ACRL. She had sent out the message in October. Some people said they had missed that request. Judy said she would send out the request again.
Conference '05 is well underway. Kevin Barry has written Newsletter articles about the program. The theme is No Child Left Behind and Evidence Based Research. We have four speakers: Two from Princeton and two from the former ERIC Clearinghouse in Michigan.
Ad hoc Directory of Historical Textbooks: Nancy O'Brien reported the Directory is ready to go to the Publications Committee. This will be very useful for historical research.
We did not summarize at the Saturday combined meetings so Meeting Highlights are really important.
Action Items bought by committee chairs from Saturday meetings.
The Executive Board approved 3 new committees: 1 standing, 2 ad hoc:
- Ad hoc Best Collaborative Practices, from IE, will have a 3 year appointment through 2007.
- Ad hoc Curriculum Committee to revise CMC Directory. Benita Strnad and Penny will work on Committee.
- ERIC User's Group Committee: This will be a standing committee, and will be chaired by Judy Walker, and have at least 4 prospective members.
Judy Walker also suggested other committees: The Communications Studies Committee needs to include more people, and possibly add an indexing and abstracting services committee. The vendors have been coming up with resources, after a hiatus. Electronic Resources in Communications Studies is the proposed name for this group. There are about 5 or so 6 people interested in serving on this committee. It will probably be a standing committee. The charge will be to investigate electronic resources, provide feedback to vendors, keep communications community informed, and make recommendations. Exec. Committee will vote via e-mail on whether or not to add this committee. The CMC Ad hoc Committee will also accommodate more members.
5th Committee: Research Committee for EBBS. Research types are becoming more issues. So many of our committees are Service Based, and not research based The STS section, and other groups include research. This committee would provide a forum for what kinds of research is being done in Education & Behavioral Sciences. Poster sessions, etc., format would vary. This committee could be a teaching tool for new people coming into the field, and a forum to show what people do. Penny Beile is the proposed committee chair. This will raise up the level of EBSS, and help people for tenure & promotion.
Doug Cook said this would broaden the scope, and attract more members for EBSS. We get more money for the section when membership total is over 1000. We are about 50 people shy of the magic number. We could have Current Topics Discussion Group, and promote poster sessions. Nancy O'Brien suggests that this be an Ad Hoc committee for a 2 year 2005-2007, to see how this works. Ad hoc Committee could evolve the proposals for activities. The Advisory committee is open to suggest a charge, or a name change, such as Ad Hoc Committee on Research in Behavioral Sciences.
Doug reminded people about who should add all these committees to the EBSS Manual. The Publications Committee has been responsible for the Manual in the past.
Publications and Communications Committee: Anne Fields discussed the fact that more and more publications are in web format. Committees should be able to express themselves while still reflecting the EBSS publication standards. So the website manager and pub committee will work with the other committees to develop guidelines for the web page; so that the html code, page layout, content, etc. allow for flexibility, usability, and don't place too many burdens on the web manager or committee members who are responsible for developing web pages.
Judy Walker suggested an Advisory Committee of EBSS for the Publications Committee. It would have a representative from each committee that deals with web pages, so that they'll work compatibly. Should each committee have a rep no matter where they are technologically? Should it be committee chair or designee? This advisory group is viewed as a way to share info about what works and what doesn't work Discussion ensued, but no specific plan was endorsed.
Some of our info will be moved from Michigan State University web site to the ALA web site. Some of this will provide direct access of the committee member to the web site.
Web Manager is the preferred term. Looking at the future of the web group part of the Publications & Communications Committee, it may emerge as its own committee. It may meet at the same time as Publications committee. We may be asking at annual that the web representatives meet with Publications Committee at Annual, and separate out to discuss web issues, and include Kate Corby.
Psychology Psychiatry Lorna reported that two APA people came to their committee meeting. APA would like to do some hands-on training. Suggested a demo / training of database. Perhaps at a nearby institution in Chicago. Is it favoritism to do it for one vendor? After some discussion, it was agreed to was agreed to have APA schedule in their own session
ERIC Users Discussion Group Meeting - Judy suggest that their time slot be scheduled on Monday mornings. Schedules. Changes can be made. Separate rooms, same hotel. The din of large room full of people talking cannot accommodate a hard of hearing. There were suggested changes for Saturday All Committee 9:30-11:30. Psyc Psyc could have its forum meeting from 8:30-9:30. The all EBSS Membership meeting could be 11:30-12:30. Jen Fabbi suggested a work time for CMC committee could meet on Sunday afternoons.
Time Changes for EBSS meetings in general were discussed: Friday meetings: The Section Chair learns of things at ACRL meeting that the committees should be informed of. Judy Walker suggested Exec Friday, Advisory Sat, All members Sunday Or Advisory Friday, Executive Sunday. Are committee chairs getting the information they need? Does change in time bring about an advantage? Or, share some of the issues form ACRL leadership, at consolidated meeting to all committees. (Although not all committees are in consolidated.) The EBSS chair should visit committees that don't meet at consolidated. There was another suggestion that Exec meet twice during the ALA Weekend. None of these proposals were decided upon. Judy Walker indicated that if any changes are made, the earliest they could be implemented would be at the Midwinter meeting of 2006. ERIC Users Discussion Group Meeting - Judy suggest that their time slot be scheduled on Monday mornings.
Doug presented a graphic handout describing the EBSS structure. He presented to the IE committee about opportunities for services in EBSS. Advisory members should offer Doug any additions or corrections.
Meeting adjourned at 11:05.
Committee: Communications Studies
Date:Saturday, January 15, 2005
Minutes by Sharon Ladenson
Present: Lisa Romero (Chair), Jessica Albano, Laura Barrett, Jenifer Flaxbart, Adrian Ho, Elliot Kanter, Sharon Ladenson, Felice Maciejewski, Joseph Yue
Excused: Vicky Lebbin, Heidi Senior
Guests: Debora Cheney, Kathy Dabbour, Mark Emmons, Marsha Forys, Amy Robb
- Welcome and Introductions: members and guests introduced themselves.
- Review of agenda
- New business
- Discussion of committee web site project; provide feedback to Jessica Albano. Jessica Albano reported that she changed the design of the site in order to meet EBSS standards. The site now includes graphics used on other pages within the EBSS site, such as the EBSS logo. Albano also noted that she needs training before moving the site to the EBSS/ALA server. Right now the site resides on a University of Washington server. Albano may also join a future EBSS working group of committee web managers.
Elliot Kanter noted that he might wish to add some new indexing and abstracting tools to the indexes page. Action item: Kanter will e-mail information about new indexes to Jessica Albano.
Felice Maciejewski inquired about an e-mail message from a faculty member who suggested adding the National Communication Association (NCA) to the associations and organizations page. Lisa Romero reported that she responded to the faculty member to let him know that the NCA would be added; the NCA is now included.
The group also discussed the disadvantages of including lists of Library of Congress (LC) subject headings in each subject guide: the headings change (and, consequently, such lists are difficult to maintain), and they do not represent communication studies topics very effectively. Also, LC subject headings cannot be used to search various indexes. Consequently, the group decided to provide suggestions for keyword searches only, and not list specific LC subject headings. The "Keywords/Subject Headings" section of each guide will be changed to "Suggested Subject Keyword Searches." The subject headings currently listed will be changed to a keyword search format: for example, "Multiculturalism in mass media" will be changed to "Multiculturalism and mass media." Action item: Albano will make the necessary changes to the current "Keyword/Subject Headings" section of each page. - Discuss the third round of web site assignments
- Media Diversity & Race "Reference Materials" should be listed using the format presented in the "Communication Science & Disorders" subject guide. Listings of web sites should be annotated. Introductory statement perhaps should be revised to include language from the general site introduction. The group suggested a few more sources to add to the guide. Action item: Barrett will make the changes, and send the final draft to Albano and Romero.
- New Media & Cyberculture Separating some of the web sites into a "Best Bets" section would be helpful. The "Databases" and "Organizations/Assocations" sections could be trimmed down a bit. For the "Keywords/Subjects" section, it would be useful to add a note about the dynamic nature of searching new media topics; i.e., the search terms are constantly changing. The group suggested a few more sources to add to the guide. Action item: Adrian Ho will make the changes, and send the final draft to Albano and Romero.
- Political Communication The group suggested a few more sources to add to the guide. Action item: Lisa Romero will add the suggested sources, and send the final draft to Albano. Additional action items: Lisa Romero distributed a timeline with deadlines for completing the new sections of the site: February 9, 2005: final draft of assignments due to Jessica Albano (proofreader) and Lisa Romero. March 2, 2005: proofreader completes work. March 31, 2005: Web site draft due (Albano e-mails draft to committee members). June 25, 2005: meeting at annual conference.
- Thoughts on what to focus on next:
Adrian Ho mentioned that he would like to work with Patrick Reakes (former EBSS Communication Studies Committee member) to develop a new guide for the web site on government documents.
Lisa Romero has spoken with Judy Walker about the possibility of forming a new committee that would continue to focus on the web site, and address issues of maintenance.
The group discussed the possibility of developing criteria for evaluating scholarly communication studies indexes, as well as for newspaper indexes and aggregators. It would be useful to invite various vendors to conferences and meetings to discuss their products, especially after the committee has developed such criteria and specific questions.
Albano suggested creating a new EBSS discussion group for communication studies.
Possible field trips for 2005 ALA Annual Conference: Jet Magazine, Chicago Press Club, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, or a trip to an advertising agency.
Action item: Romero will investigate the various possibilities, and arrange a trip. - Publicity Update Lisa Romero distributed promotional bookmarks to advertise the committee site. Romero also developed a handout to be distributed at other communications related conferences (AEJMC, NCA, etc.) to promote the site, as well as a publicity statement to distribute to various listservs and organizations. Kanter noted the importance of having the site catalogued. Action item: Kanter will inquire about producing an OCLC record for the site.
Additional action item: Debora Cheney volunteered to distribute promotional literature about the site at the upcoming Special Libraries Association Conference.
- Discussion of committee web site project; provide feedback to Jessica Albano. Jessica Albano reported that she changed the design of the site in order to meet EBSS standards. The site now includes graphics used on other pages within the EBSS site, such as the EBSS logo. Albano also noted that she needs training before moving the site to the EBSS/ALA server. Right now the site resides on a University of Washington server. Albano may also join a future EBSS working group of committee web managers.
- Announcements:
- Trip to WGBH Boston on Tuesday January 18 at 10:00am: meet by conference registration on Tuesday at 9:00 am; group will take a cab to WGBH.
- Previous trip to Boston Phoenix on Friday January 14: the Boston Phoenix had indicated in October that they would be interested in meeting with the committee. However, Romero tried to confirm the trip on five separate occasions, and received no response. Consequently, it was necessary to cancel.
Time adjourned: 11:00 am
Committee: Curriculum Materials Committee
Name of person submitting Minutes: Bernadette Lear
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2005
Members Present: Darla Bressler, Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA Collette Davis, California State University, Fullerton, CA Vanessa Earp, Texas A&M, Kingsville, TX Jennifer Fabbi (Chair), UNLV, Las Vegas, NV Gary Lare, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Anna Lewis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Justina Osa, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Dorothy Schleicher, Baylor University, Waco, TX Roslyn Wylie, Illinois State University, Normal, IL
Members Absent: John Hickock Lee Ann Lannom
Guests: Veronica Bielat, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI Beth Bowles, Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, GA Alex Hodges, American University, Washington, DC Sheila Kirven, New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ Bernadette Lear, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, PA Yvonne Roux, William Patterson University, Wayne, NJ
Agenda Items:
Announcements: Please attend the Committee's "Marketing CMC Services and Resources" discussion. It's happening from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Westin Copley Place hotel, in the Essex South meeting room.
Approval of Minutes from ALA Annual Meeting: Dorothy Schleicher motioned to approve the minutes from the committee's ALA Annual meeting held on 6/26/2004, in Orlando, FL; Collette Davis seconded; The entire committee approved the minutes.
Nominations: Jennifer Fabbi discussed the need to nominate a CMC Committee Chair for July 2005-June 2006. This 1-year term is important because the Chair takes a leadership role in current projects (such as the CMC Collection Development Policy Manual). The Chair also prepares meeting agendas and ensures communication between members. Gary Lare was nominated, but he motioned to elect Darla Bressler, who agreed to be nominated. Justina Osa seconded the motion, and the Committee approved Darla Bressler as the nomination for Chair for 2005/2006.
Ad-hoc Committee for the Curriculum Materials Centers Directory: Jennifer Fabbi described a new EBSS committee, the "Ad-Hoc Committee to Review and Update the Directory of Curriculum Materials Centers." The new directory will include CMC collections that are housed in larger libraries, in addition to collections in university Education departments. The proposed committee chair is Penny Beile of the University of Central Florida. Its charge is to investigate the format for, and compile, a 6th edition of the directory, which was last revised in 2001. The committee can have up to 12 members. To involve new members in more activities, the EBSS Executive Committee wants people to serve either on the CMC Committee, or on this new ad-hoc committee (not on both). Current members of the CMC committee can "shift" their involvement to the new committee. If you are interested in serving on the new committee, contact Jennifer Fabbi (, or Doug Cook ( of Shippensburg University (the new Chair of EBSS).
Current Projects:
Webliography: A member brought up the need for a procedure for reassigning webliography sections, particularly when a selector resigns from the CMC committee. Gary Lare advised that we investigate the guidelines of other ACRL committees that do webliographies. Jennifer Fabbi pointed out that there are several options, including the Chair making the final decision about appointment; or having co-selectors - allowing both the "original" selector and new selectors to share credit for their contributions to the page. The Committee decided to add a statement to its procedural guidelines that the Chair may assign and reassign selectors and co-selectors. Jennifer Fabbi added that three sections of the webliography (E-Journals, School Counseling and Psychology, and E-Discussion Groups) need a "person" to update or create them. They need 10-15 quality web sites, following standard inclusion guidelines. Webliographies also need to be checked periodically for broken links. Please let Jennifer Fabbi ( know if you are interested in taking over one of these sections. If you have updates for your page, send the information to Judy Walker of the University of North Carolina (, cc'ing Jennifer Fabbi. Jennifer Fabbi informed the Committee that EBSS' entire web site is moving from UNCC to ALA's page.
CMC Collection Development Policy Manual: Jennifer Fabbi gave the Committee an update on the progress of the new manual, including the formal submission of ACRL's Preliminary Publication Information Form. A potential issue we need to resolve is whether this will be a revision of the previously-published "Curriculum Materials Center Collection Development Policy," or a new document with a new title and format. An important change in the new guide is a less prescriptive tone. It also incorporates the recently published "Guidelines for Curriculum Materials Centers." Since the new version will be available for free on the Internet, we need to decide whether it is a "new" or "revised" publication for copyright purposes. Jennifer Fabbi expressed the need for a small group to ensure that this publication is completed (particularly since she is moving to the new ad-hoc committee), and 2 other people are coming off the committee. Justina Osa and Collette Davis volunteered to join the group, joining Darla Bressler, Gary Lare, and Roslyn Wylie. Jennifer Fabbi pointed out that ACRL will have new document-sharing software that may make it easier to share work products over a distance. But for now, she asks everyone on the committee to read the draft and let her know of any comments or suggestions. The new manual will have sample policies submitted by committee members. Darla Bressler pointed out that we will all need to revise our policies (which were based on the 2nd edition) to fit the new manual. We must do this before we send them to Vanessa Earp, who will review them and select some for the manual. Further work on draft was continued in second meeting: Sunday, January 16, 4:00-6:00, Boston Park Plaza-Claremont Roster:
Jennifer Fabbi verified the Committee's roster for 2005/2006:
- Darla Bressler (new chair, 2005/2006)
- Collette Davis (term ends in 2006)
- Vanessa Earp (term ends in 2006)
- Jennifer Fabbi (coming off in June 2005)
- John Hickock (coming off in June 2005)
- Lee Ann Lannom (term ends in 2006)
- Gary Lare (term ends in 2006)
- Anna Lewis (term ends in 2006)
- Justina Osa (term ends in 2006)
- Dorothy Schleicher (coming off in June 2005)
- Roslyn Wylie (term ends in 2006)
New Business: None.
Time adjourned: 10:54 a.m. EST
Committee: ERIC Users Discussion Group
Date:Sunday, January 16, 2005
Chair: Judy Walker
ERIC Contractor Attendees, Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC): Linda Massaro – Acting Project Director; Nancy Cawley – Communications Lead; Pete Dagutis – Former Director, ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS); Larry Henry – Technology Lead; Susan Johnson – Usability Lead
Synopsis of CSC Opening Remarks
Nancy Cawley:
- The EBSS library community, The Department of Education, and the ERIC Project share common goals. The ERIC Project staff welcomes discussion with members of this group, seeks input, and will strive to answer your concerns to the greatest extent possible.
Linda Massaro:
- The addition of content to the ERIC database has been delayed but ERIC is actively acquiring 2004 and 2005 content.
- More than 1,000 journal and non-journal sources have been approved for acquisition of content.
- CSC stated that the first new content to be added will be public domain content. CSC has expanded the scope of the debut of new content to include a broader range of materials. The date for the first update is under discussion and will be announced on the ERIC Web site at
- After the initial upload of materials CSC plans to update the database daily as new content is available until all 2004 and backlogged 2005 materials have been added.
Larry Henry:
- The ERIC online system was baselined 9/1/04. Since that time the focus has been on the development of backend processes. The system is undergoing a natural maturation process. ERIC systems are built to enable change.
Question and Answer Session – 2:15 – 3:30
Q. Regarding the 1,000 sources of content, how were the publishers/providers selected?
A. Potential sources were identified and compiled by the ERIC curators with input from the advisory panel of content experts. The sources include non-journal content providers and journals indexed in the legacy ERIC database plus newly identified sources. The content experts reviewed the source lists compiled by the ERIC curators and recommended additional journal and non-journal sources for indexing in ERIC. There are 3 content experts for each of the 16 subject areas covered by ERIC. Recommended sources were then sent to the Department for approval.
Q. Can you define what you mean by a “Source”?
A. A source is either a journal title or publisher of non-journal materials, including grey literature and books.
Q. Will these lists be available on your Web site?
A. Yes, but not until the baseline is approved by the Department.
Q. How many curators are there?
A. The answer provided was 7 curators, but the actual number is currently 8.
Q. You stated that there are 7 curators now. Will this number double to 14 or 16 curators so there is one curator per subject area?
A. No. There is some overlap in certain subject areas and these have been combined under one curator. They will be adding curators, but do not anticipate having a single curator for each of the 16 former Clearinghouse topic areas. Two additional curators are currently being sought, including one with deep expertise in the area of information science. If they see a need for additional curators they will add them.
Q. What is the approval process the Department uses to evaluated sources?
A. CSC cannot comment on this because this is out of their scope.
Q. Can you tell us more about the role of a curator? What are the job qualifications of a curator? Odd title but can we see the job responsibilities?
A. The curators are the program’s selection experts responsible for identifying, selecting, and managing ERIC’s collection of electronic resources within the various scope areas of ERIC. The curator specifies the digital tools and methodologies leading to the easy and comprehensive retrieval of resources as designated by the ERIC selection policy and suggested by the ERIC steering committee, content experts, and ERIC acquisitions team. The curator utilizes expert subject matter knowledge to identify related collections and suggest strategies leading to the efficient database presentation and discovery of materials. The curator exercises quality control over the acquisitions, rejecting materials that are not compliant with the ERIC selection policy and in electronic formats deemed unacceptable by the CSC technology leader. The curator utilizes professional networks to enhance acquisitions strategies and support high quality management and building of the database collection. Job qualifications for a curator include a Ph.D. or Master’s degree in education research and/or one or more of the 16 education subject areas, and 5 or more years experience in a key subject area. Curators additionally possess extensive knowledge of and experience in educational practices, research methodology, and the literature in their fields of expertise.
Q. How were they selected?
A. Curators were hired by RTI, International, a major innovative research organization and CSC’s primary subcontractor on the ERIC contract. RTI identified candidates for the subject areas based on the requirements discussed in a previous question. Candidate information was then forwarded to the Department for approval.
Q. Who are the “content experts”? How were they chosen? What was the selection process? What were the criteria? Are they affiliated with colleges, schools?
A. The content experts are recognized leaders in their field. They were chosen by CSC based on recommendations and input from sources in each of the subject fields and the Department. Content experts are affiliated with universities and professional organizations. Content experts were approved by the Department. A list of the content experts is available at
Q. I have seen the list of content experts and shared with colleagues. We feel there are not enough teachers/educators. Can you comment on that?
A. CSC will pass this comment on to the Department of Education.
Q. How will we know if a source has been rejected?
A. CSC will take this question back to the Department, however a preliminary answer is that users will not know if a source is rejected. Only prospective content providers submitting materials to ERIC will know if their materials are not accepted in the ERIC database. This practice does not vary from previous ERIC practices.
Q. How will people know where the (content) gaps are? Is anyone looking at that? Has this issue been discussed with the Department of ED?
A. The curators are responsible for collection management and addressing content gaps in the database. The curators are continually reviewing content sources to ensure that content is being acquired for all of the covered subject areas. The curators, with input from the content experts, are also responsible for monitoring the activities in their field and identifying sources for emerging subjects within their field.
Q. How long will it be before peer-reviewed materials are available?
A. Peer Reviewed materials will be available when the new content is released. They have added this element into the new metadata model for ERIC.
Q. What will be done with back files? Will they be updated?
A. There are no plans at the present time to update the legacy ERIC records with the peer reviewed metadata element.
Q. How long has peer review been an issue? (CSC panel question to audience)
A. (Answer from attendees) This has been an issue for many years. There is a need to have a minimum of 10 years worth of peer review information available in the database. CSC will take at closer look at this issue.
Q. What kind of input can this group have with the curators? Can the group recommend materials missing from ERIC to the curatorial staff?
A. Yes. CSC will discuss this further to come up with a future process for handling these kinds of recommendations.
Q. Can you discuss changes to the metadata model?
A. The metadata model has been adjusted to accomplish the business goals of ERIC. However, they are not in a position to discuss this at this juncture.
Q. There was a posting on the EBSS list about changes to the Thesaurus. Can you explain the nature of those changes?
A. The recent activity was primarily a maintenance effort. There has not been any clean-up or maintenance of the ERIC Thesaurus since the 1980’s. This was a one time clean-up to align the Thesaurus with the terms used today.
Q. Will you publish a new print edition of the Thesaurus?
A. At this time there are no plans to provide the Thesaurus in other than electronic format.
Q. When we read about the changes being made to ERIC there seems to be a strong emphasis on scientific research in favor of quantitative over qualitative material – how does that relate to policy? Will selection of future materials be weighted in that direction?
A. ERIC will incorporate as much high quality scientific research material as possible but will not ignore the qualitative materials. There is emphasis on labeling materials so you can readily identify scientifically based research.
Q. What about the Test Review locator (Buros/ETS combo) – will there be a way to bring that back? If not, how will educators/classroom teachers find that very practical type of material in the future?
A. (Judy Walker responded to this question) The information that was on the Test and Measurement Clearinghouse site were links to resources that were not actually part of ERIC. This information is still accessible from the Buros [] and ETS [] websites.
Q. Will ERIC continue to provide test and measurement instruments in the database?
A. At this time ERIC is considering discontinuing inclusion of test and measurement instruments. The thinking is that these materials become outdated and lose their utility. (There was general disagreement from the audience on this issue and advocacy for inclusion of these materials. CSC indicated that they would continue the discussion of this issue with the Department, the ERIC Steering Committee, and the ERIC User Group).
Q. What is the selection policy on including lesson plans or other materials straight from curriculum development activities? Is there a policy covering selection of journals cover-to-cover or at journal article level?
A. Lesson plans contained in approved, comprehensively indexed content may still be available through ERIC. However a lesson plan as a stand alone document will no longer be included in ERIC based on the current selection policy. Selection criteria for journals are included in the selection criteria policy available on the ERIC Web site at .
Q. Are the experts being paid for their work and how extensive are they being utilized?
A. The content experts are being used extensively right now as they work to build a core list of journal and non-journal sources for ERIC. In the future they will count on them to recommend any new materials they identify in their field of expertise. Content experts are paid for time and expenses relating to ERIC meetings
Q. Who is making the decision on individual materials? What type of responsibility do they have to the public?
A. The curators are responsible for selecting materials based on the established ERIC selection guidelines. Curators are responsible for adhering to the letter of Department-approved policies and guidelines
Q. Can individuals and small groups submit content to ERIC?
A. Yes, but not at the present time. They are currently working to establish core contributors to the ERIC database and for now are only accepting materials from these sources.
Q. Which titles are covered cover-to-cover and selectively covered?
A. This information is contained in the ERIC selection policy. []
Q. What about microfiche? Are there plans to convert to digital format? What’s involved?
A. There are no plans to convert any additional microfiche to digital format due to copyright issues. The Reproduction Release Forms for pre-1993 materials did not contain provisions for electronic distribution. In order to digitize these materials CSC would need to contact the provider and obtain authorization to release their materials in electronic format. This would be a massive undertaking.
Q. How much full text journal content do we expect to add to ERIC?
A. CSC is not sure at this time since not all authorization agreements have been signed, but ERIC is seeking to provide as much full-text content as possible.
Q. In the past master and PhD candidate theses were included – will they be available in the future?
A. These materials may be included as long as they meet the selection criteria.
Q. Regarding linking to content, will there be a provision for SFX type linking?
A. Yes. They are planning on Open URL.
Q. Will there be a way of profiling Open URL so that users are directed to selected publishers and not paying for access when the library already has it? Will there be the ability to shut off access to selected publisher?
A. This is in the requirements phase now and CSC would like to explore this further with this group.
Q. Have thoughts been given to inclusion of audio and video files within ERIC? Do you have plans to operate your own list serve to facilitate these types of discussions?
A. Yes and Yes. CSC needs to perform a detailed analysis of the audio and video file issue prior to implementation. They are also planning implementation of listserv technology to facilitate discussion with users and other groups affiliated with ERIC.
Q. Any thoughts of working with Google Scholar?
A. Yes, they have had preliminary talks with Google about some collaboration efforts but these are in the early stages. They have also looked at DMOZ.ORG.
Q. How frequently are links checked? Abstracts currently say “contains 18 sections” or other information like that making them extremely valuable. Will this type of information continue to be provided in the new ERIC?
A. Currently the links on the site are being checked regularly. However, links within the ERIC record metadata are not being checked. Part of the issue with these links is related to them not being ‘called out’ as such within the metadata, therefore they are difficult at best to detect and validate. The information referred to will continue to be provided in abstracts written by ERIC. Publisher provided abstracts will not necessarily contain this information.
Q. Are the rules on writing abstracts the same as before?
A. At the present time, yes. They are in the process of clarifying specific abstracting rules for different types of categories of documents, such as research reports, evaluation reports, conference papers, bibliographies, and so forth, and devising a plan for developing a common structure and format for abstracts. The approved abstract guidelines will be posted on the ERIC Web site this year so contributors may submit abstracts to ERIC using a common structure and format. There will be another staff team, different from the curators, who will create, enhance and/or edit abstracts submitted by publishers and/or contributors. One difference with the new journal records is that the abstracts may be longer than those provided in the past. Previously journal article abstracts could only contain 50 words. Now ERIC is allowing longer abstracts to make them more complete.
Q. Our experience has been that there seems to be different results with the ERIC search engine and say the CSA search engine. Could you provide any insight on this?
A. They believe that this issue is a manifestation of expectations related to the way the Advanced Search area on the web site should work. The advanced search capabilities do not “nest Booleans”. Most commercial search engines provide a “nested Boolean” capability. They are looking into this and don’t see any issues in providing an update that will address this issue and bring it more in line with expectations. They are planning to focus part of their near term usability testing on this issue particularly. At this point a new CSC staff person who was not part of the panel spoke about their up coming usability testing plans. They would like to include folks from this group in the study and will put a call out via the EBSS discussion detailing the dates.
Q. I have always taught my students that the “ors” are horizontal and the “ands” are vertical.
A. They thanked the person for that information. They will investigate this issue and resolve it in a future release.
Judy Walker provided some closing comments and the meeting was adjourned. Following the meeting a librarian requested that ERIC maintain the following fields in the new ERIC metadata model: Education level and Publication Type. These fields are included in the new ERIC metadata model.
Committee: EBSS Distinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award
Date:Sunday, January 16, 2005
Present: Francine DeFranco, Nancy O'Brien (Chair), Charley Thurston
Discussion and selection of 2005 Award recipient:
Members were welcomed. The committee discussed nominations and selected a recipient for the 2005 EBSS Distinguished Librarian Award. The committee reviewed the process for announcing the award which requires that documentation be sent to ACRL and that they have the first right of announcement. The committee chair will compile the documentation, route it to the other committee members for review, and send a final version to ACRL.
Coordination of 2005 Annual Meeting activities with EBSS, ACRL and John Wiley and Sons:
Once the award decision has been sent to ACRL, several other issues need to be addressed. The 2005 EBSS conference planning committee needs to be reminded that time for the award presentation should be incorporated at the beginning of the program. A certificate for the award recipient needs to be created. Charley will handle the certificate for this year, but will need someone else to do so in future since his committee term is ending. Charley asked that ACRL be contacted for a jpg of the signatures to be placed on the certificate. Nancy will contact Megan Bielefeld at ACRL for that information. Reimbursement requests will also need to be submitted by Charley for the cost of the certificate and the frame. The sponsor (John Wiley & Sons) will need to be contacted regarding participation in the award ceremony.
Discussion of future nominees and procedures for publicizing award and soliciting nominations:
The committee discussed procedures and strategies for soliciting future nominations. It was agreed that calls for future nominations will be sent not only to the EBSS listserv, but also to the Psychology, Social Work, Communications, ULS and CLS listservs if possible. C&RL News routinely includes information about award nominations as well. The committee will also recommend to the EBSS Vice Chair that appointment of committee members should always be an odd number so that ties can be broken if necessary when voting. It was noted that electronic access to the nomination information and forms on the Web was extremely helpful, and encouraged nominations to be submitted. The committee then reviewed a questionnaire from ACRL regarding the efficacy of 2005 award procedures, and agreed on text to be completed by N. O'Brien and submitted to ACRL.
The Committee adjourned at 8:50 a.m.
Committee: Higher Education
Date: Saturday January 15, 2005
Name of person submitting Minutes: Lynn Lampert
Members Present: Lynn Lampert (Co-Chair), Leslie Bjorncrantz, Julie Cunningham, Marcia Keyser, Sharon Naylor, Jeff Luzius,
Guests: Barbara Schoenfield
Introductions Lynn Lampert reviewed the most recent projects considered by the Committee to date:
Project to publish bibliographies on higher education topics was put on hold due to concern that this information overlaps existing publications and/or would date quickly. However, all agreed that bibliographies that had already been completed could linked to from the EBSS web site.
A project to offer online workshops on higher education accreditation is in progress. Since this promises to be a major effort requiring support from ALA and EBSS, Lynn asked the Committee for their approval before proceeding. All agreed. She noted that Scott Walter has been helpful in working with Stephanie Orphan from the ALA office that would be handling the technical aspects of the workshop implementation. The online workshop software features were described and the elements of the full workshop proposal required by ALA were identified and discussed:
- ALA workshops require 6 sessions. Committee members suggested the following content areas:
- Changing accreditation requirements
- Changing trends in higher education that affect accreditation
- Preparing for accreditation: where/how does library assessment fit into institutional/program accreditation
- Regional vs. professional accreditation
- Other workshop content/ideas:
- Provide suggested reading materials provided to attendees beforehand. Readings and the speaker presentation can form the basis for subsequent discussion
- Suggested reading materials can include: i. elements of a bibliography on the topic of outcomes assessment prepared for earlier committee project ii. Higher Ed web sites including blogs. Lorcan Dempsey's blog on futurist/technology issues was also suggested. iii. Establish an accreditation blog prior to the workshop. The question of ongoing management would first need to be resolved. The committee will pursue this issue and the question of whether other sections have blogs
- Speakers need to be free and have name recognition. Suggested names Laureen Zaporozhetz, Gary Thompson, Ilene Rockman CSU Chancellors office, Patricia Breivik-San Jose State Univ., Danuta Nitecki - Yale, Judy Druse (back up) Judy Walker (back up). Committee members were asked to send additional suggestions to Lynn
- Title (tentative): "Librarians as Citizens of the Academy: Accreditation and Current Trends in Higher Education"
- Audience:
- Librarians who provide library data for accreditation
- Library assessment coordinators
- Librarians who work on program assessment
- Information literacy assesment personnel
- Collection development librarians
- Marketing: Workshops will be promoted within ACRL, IS and LAMA
- Back-up Plan: If presenting the workshop in an online format is not viable, the Committee will propose turning this into a pre-conference.
Lynn reported that her and Stephanie's goal was to have a proposal draft ready for the committee to review by the end of the first week in February. After feedback has been received from Committee members, they will speak to the Executive Committee and then to the Advisory Committee.
New project idea: Establish a Higher Ed Discussion Group Focus: To discuss why librarians study Higher Ed; possible majors/areas of study; direct/indirect benefits of studying higher education. Speakers could include librarians who have gone into other areas of higher education using organizations such a AERA and AAHE as sources for speakers. The roster was passed around for review and corrections.
Time adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 am.
Committee: Instruction for Educators
Date: Saturday January 15, 2005
Name of person submitting Minutes: Natasha Cooper; Kathyanne Dobda
Members Present: Natasha Cooper (Chair), Kathyanne Dobda, Louise Greenfield, Karen Janke, Laura Koltutsky, Deborah Schaeffer, Ada Woods, Carol Wright Members
Absent: Merinda McLure
Guests: Veronica Bielat; Lori Mestre
Welcome and introductions: Tasha Cooper (chair) circulated a sign in sheet, name cards, and checked for general comfort level. She also circulated the agenda and called for additions.
Minutes: Louise Greenfield circulated additional minutes from the 2004 Annual conference; all minutes were approved.
Volunteers to help with minutes: Kathyanne Dobda agreed to take minutes (she and Tasha will compare notes).
Additions to the agenda/announcements: Tasha made several announcements:
- Moving along the sub-group projects, in anticipation of the entire committee taking on future projects, is the primary focus of today's meeting.
- Anyone interested in being considered for the position of Committee chair should contact Tasha (Tasha's term ends following the June 2005 meeting).
- Committee members with terms ending in June 2005 were encouraged to apply for reappointment, if eligible (not having already served two terms). Tasha provided a volunteer form.
- Doug Cook, EBSS Chair-Elect, will join the meeting to provide an overview of EBSS, and to provide information about opportunities for involvement and mentoring.
- Suggestions/questions for Sunday's Advisory Committee may be given to Tasha.
- All were invited to EBSS mid-winter events. Event flyers were circulated.
- The ad hoc committee proposal submitted by the committee was approved; additional information is forthcoming.
Tasha asked each sub-group to report on progress and, during group meetings, decide how to bring projects to completion.
Summary report from sub-group A: Subgroup A members are sharing a draft of their article. They have agreed to change their focus slightly, making the audience librarians who serve teacher education programs and including ways in which librarians can collaborate with faculty in support of NCATE standards. They briefly discussed including suggestions for librarians preparing for NCATE review in the article. Sub-group members believe they can produce a full draft by Annual 2005. Ada Woods agreed to serve as deadline setter.
Summary report from sub-group B: Lori Mestre, who will probably be chairing the ad hoc committee, distributed sample web pages and reported on responses to the group's solicitation. She suggested the group revise the solicitation, seeking broader solicitation of ideas and subsequently working as a group to draw connections to standards. Laura Koltutsky continues to maintain the list of colleges and universities to be contacted, sorted by state. Group members discussed including basic/introductory information on standards on the developing web sites. The subgroup needs to:
- Revise the solicitation and send it to sub-group/ad hoc members (Lori);
- Check on access/approval for the web site (Tasha);
- Find out how to refer to ex-committee members on the web site (Tasha);
- Ask other committee members (new or from sub-group A) if they want to volunteer to contact additional states;
- Consider including the Ohio K-12 librarian site (mentioned by Kathyanne Dobda).
Suggestions for future projects: Tasha raised the possibility of new projects for the Committee, including:
- An update of "Information Retrieval and Evaluation Skills for Education Students," C&RL News, (October, 1992: 583-588).
- An update of Teaching Information Retrieval and Evaluation Skills to Education Students and Practitioners: A Casebook of Applications. Patricia O'Brien Libutti, Bonnie Gratch, editors. ACRL, 1995.
- Working on some of the past project suggestions, such as: sponsoring a discussion at which an NCES representative would demonstrate searching for education statistics; working on something related to "who the education student is today" (graduate and undergraduate); alternate programs for teacher certification.
Committee members expressed interest in taking on smaller projects, such as exploring the possibility of hosting an NCES instruction session or pursuing one of the topics mentioned above, as opposed to working on updates of the two publications (listed above). Individuals interested in working independently on an update of the Teaching Information Retrieval work should notify Tasha.
Overview of EBSS: During the final five minutes, chair-elect Doug Cook provided a helpful and informative overview of EBSS, including an EBSS Structure handout. Doug welcomed volunteers and involvement.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Tasha Cooper and Kathyanne Dobda.
Committee: Membership and Orientation
Date: Saturday January 15, 2005
Name of person submitting Minutes: Melissa Cast
Members Present: Melissa Cast, chair; Cynthia Crosser, Judy Druse, Benita Strnad, Venta Silins
- Attendance: Melissa Cast, chair; Cynthia Crosser, Judy Druse, Benita Strnad, Venta Silins
- Announcements · The EBSS Social Hour is scheduled for 5 p.m., Saturday, January 15 at the Solas Irish Pub. · ACRL FAQ on increasing membership dues · ACRL FAQ on virtual membership
- Membership reports *EBSS numbers have been up the last couple of months but we're still below the 1,000 members needed to increase the EBSS funding. *The dropped survey continued this year. Results are consistent with last year's.
- Membership promotions - This year's activities: · The committee sent a promotional letter and EBSS brochures to all of the library schools. · E-mail invitations to attend EBSS activities at Midwinter were sent to library school listservs that are in close proximity to Boston. · E-mail announcements of the EBSS Saturday Social Hour were sent to new members joining since August. Future ideas include: · Collection of resources for EBSS members who speak to library school students · Contact state organizations · National Conference reception for new members/attendees · Pay attention to listserv for posters identifying themselves as new librarians or students and contacting them. · Newsletter article on mentoring · Add a tag to the new member letter about the EBSS listserv
- New Leader Orientation - Discussed how this was the responsibility of the Membership Committee Chair and the EBSS Past-chair.
- New business Discussed needing a new chair for the committee. Time adjourned.
Major Topics of Discussion: Reported on Membership activities, contacting new & reinstated members, surveying dropped members. Discussed effectiveness of contact activities with library schools. Brainstormed additional activities.
Major Decisions: Decided on activities for the Spring:
- Find an EBSS to attend the new member reception at National.
- Watch EBSS listserv for postings by new librarians and sending them a welcome.
- Newsletter on mentoring new librarians in their professional association involvement.
- Add additional emphasis on listserv in the new member letter.
Committee: Psychology/Psychiatry
Date: Saturday January 15, 2005
Name of person submitting Minutes: Alice Perez
Members Present: Lorna Lueck, Co-Chair; Alice Perez, Co-Chair; Geoffrey Morse; Bruce Stoffel; Tobeylynn Birch; Sala Shierling, Recorder; Leane Vandercreek; Allison Sutton; Sally Neal
Members Absent: Karen Bacsanyi; Paula McMillen
Guests: Susan Macicak; Laura Mullen; Diana Ramirez; Linda Beebe and Susan Hilson, APA representatives
Minutes revised: February 7, 2005; Approved February 14, 2005 via email
Recorder - Sala Rhodes Shierling
- Introductions by committee members
- APA guests: Update from Linda Beebe, Sr. Director and Susan Hilson, Manager, Customer Relations, PsycInfo APA Update The past year there were many first for APA.
- The 2 millionth record was processed in PsycInfo.
- 106,000 records were added this year, this was a 37 % increase in production.
- The error rate went down due to:
- Automated processes- they are outsourcing basic records
- New standards were set
PsycArticles- added back to 1985, the front file will not go further.
There are now 42,000 articles in PsycArticles.
PDF's from 1985-2000 are now searchable.
PsycArticles cannot be added until they are indexed in PsycInfo.
PsycArticles should be online prior to receiving your print edition.
Psycbooks - adding older books
Sage Psychology collection is using PsycInfo for their indexing.PsycExtra - released in June, 51,000 records Many gray papers have been indexed and they hope to dramatically index the full text.
Plans are to add training videos. Should see a significant increase in videos. There are demands for cited references. These will be added in the summer.Psycbooks - 609 books, 82 are classics, full-text, most are in public domain.
Plans are to negotiate with other publishers for books.
Currently, there are 1500 entries from Encyclopedia of Psychology-joint project by APA and Oxford Publishing. There is an 18 month embargo on APA books for Psycbooks. The publisher is concerned @ print sales.PsycCritiques - Released Sept 28, 2004 Most books reviewed in 2004 print issues were two years old. Estimate about 2000 books published in Psychology each year. Plans are to add more reviews in the online version. Currently, approximately 20 reviews are released a week. This originally seemed small but has turned out to be a challenge. There are more than 1100 reviewers. Need to index back to 1956 for the backfile. The review page is similar to the NYRoB
PsycInfo- a major new edition is in the works for PsycInfo. Change in field labels, make it more like Google. Plan to review corrections on a weekly basis instead of a monthly basis. Change in PsycInfo will result in changes in other APA products.
Susan Hilson Library Advisory Board held their first meeting in October The Board requested training tools.
- Quick reference cards will be redone
- More advanced materials such as online tutorials
Discussion about changes to PsycInfo structure:
Lorna Lueck mentioned that she did not like CSA search screen
Linda Beebe - wants to lead everyone to field search vs. content anywhere
-want to add methodological field
-better documentation for the database
-Library Advisory Group recommended a More Like This buttonLinda Beebe inquired of group if there is a way to offer APA training at an ALA conference. Perhaps having a university near the conference host the training? The committee Co-Chairs will look into this.
Reminder about APA breakfast, 8:00 - 9:00, Whittier Room, Boston Park Plaza, Sunday
Technology Showcase - MondayQuestions from Psyc/Psyc Committee: Is PsycInfo going to add open access journals? Linda Beebe, responded that APA has not been focusing on this, instead is focusing on backlog of new journals. If the Open Access journals meet the criteria for adding, they may need to be added.
Scope notes - Susan Hilson will investigate if the online Thesaurus includes all of the scope notes in the print Thesaurus.
Can you put the Publication manual online? No specific answer other than the Concise Guide to APA is now online
- Approval of ALA Annual Conference minutes, June 26, 2004
- Announcements
- Reminder - Current Topics Discussion from 2-5pm, Westin - Essex Center
- Subject Editor, psychology resources for Resources for College Libraries. Resources for College Libraries will replace Books for College Libraries and needs a subject editor for psychology. The editor, Marcus Elmore, needs EBSS to spread the word about the need for an editor. Editor will receive $500.00
- Happy Hour reminder, Jan. 15, 5:00 - 6:30, Solas
- Committee Roster- only one member's term is expiring. We should recruit additional volunteers so that term expirations are staggered. Volunteer forms are on the web page.
5. Updates
- Conference poster session suggestion Alice reported that she has found the contact person for ALA poster session topics. She will inform the Psyc/Psyc committee member who was interested in the poster session topics at the next meeting at ALA Annual (member was absent for this meeting.)
- Web page news, and any more revisions needed? (Alice and Lorna)
Alice reports that the webpage will move to the ALA server. It is currently located at Michigan State. We need to decide what to add to the page. Our goal was to create a resource page for people just starting out as Psychology librarians. Do we meet that need? Suggestions to add Instruction component; tutorials, info standards from APA. Databases: list of key databases. Two sections of the page at a time will be sent to the committee members for review and comments.
- Core Psychology Journals (Alice and Bruce) An introduction was added. Bruce and Alice need feedback about intro. A subject list was added. The 10 JCR categories were used as a guide for the subject list.. When the JCR '04 rankings are up, Bruce will update the page. About 6 titles were removed from the list. Bruce looked at the Baxter book and added all of the titles. He also searched OCLC and picked up titles owned by more than 500 libraries. Look at the list to see if it includes appropriate titles. An email will be sent for your opinions. Feedback is needed by the end of February.
Thanks Bruce and Alice! We need to find the Open Access List on the website and decide where to put it on our page. - Committee program, ALA Annual 2006: Test Collections (subcommittee members)
- Bruce Stoffel
- Allison Sutton
- Darlene Nichols
- Sala Rhodes Shierling
- Paula McMillen
The program will be under the guise of a discussion group. Scheduling for annual happens in Sept 2005. Subcommittee will solidify our plans by May of 2005.
Proposed EBSS/Psychology and Psychiatry Committee Discussion Group
ALA Annual
(Draft outline 2)
- Name: Tests and Measurement Instruments (We may need to brainstorm about name of program/discussion group)
- Sources (presented by EBSS volunteer).
- Published vs. Unpublished Tests (Commercial vs. non-commercial?)- overview (1 panelist)
- Identifying and Locating (including how to actually get the test once you identify that it exists) (2-3 panelists)
- Free
- ETS Test Database - Tests in Microfiche
- Helen's bibliography of psychological tests in collections
- Buros Institute Test locator
- Commercial
- MY online
- Free
- Discussions from experts in field
- Ethical issues - Panelist to discuss ethical issues concerning testing? Responsible use, etc…(1 panelist)
- Creating and Managing a Test Collection(1-2 panelists)
- Acquisitions
- Cataloging
- Access and Use Policies
- Maintenance and Weeding
6. Discussion
- Begin brainstorming ideas for future project(s) Postponed to Annual meeting in Chicago.
- Other A committee member inquired if our meeting schedule and setup can change. The member raised concerns about the amount of time taken up by the APA reps and recommended a change to the format. Concerns were also raised about the "all committee" structure of the meeting and the noise level in the meeting room. This new format will be tried at annual: Invite APA to speak to the all committee meeting first. (Allow 30 minutes) 15 minute break Begin all committee meeting. If possible, begin EBSS Psychology Meeting in separate room (in same hotel)
Adjourn - Meeting adjourned at 11:30a.m.
Committee: Publications and Communications
Date: Saturday January 15, 2005
Present: Debora Cheney, Beth Broyles, Anne Fields (chair), Marcia Keyser, Christine King, Peg White, Kate Corby (ex officio), Judy Walker (ex officio)
Assignments for the All-Committee meeting were determined.
Summary Committee goals for the rest of 2004-2005 were proposed by Anne Fields and discussed by the committee. The revised goals will be:
- To bring together the EBSS Web manager and committee members responsible for developing committee Web projects in order to share information and ideas and to develop guidelines for committee Web pages.
- To monitor and evaluate the success of moving selected EBSS Web pages to the ALA server in order to begin to determine a timetable and procedures for moving over the rest of the EBSS pages.
- To create a database listing committee publications, their current status, committee contact person responsible for development and updates, and Publications and Communications Committee liaison.
These goals grew out of discussion of the proliferation of Web-based projects among the various EBSS committees. The Publications and Communications Committee does not want to stifle the creativity and effort of the other EBSS committees, but also wants to minimize the Web manager's workload and to present a professional-looking Web presence. Involving Web developers from the various EBSS committees should help us accomplish these goals. The committee stressed the need to give Web developers flexibility by presenting alternatives for acceptable formats and Web authoring software, e.g., Word documents, FrontPage, and Dreamweaver are fairly easy for the Web manager to work with, while Word HTML is not. Peg White, Beth Broyles, and Anne Fields will work on finding a way, perhaps virtual, to convene the individual committee Web developers and Kate Corby, the EBSS Web manager .
Judy Walker announced that ALA is going to be making collaborative software available to committees, which may streamline committee efforts to develop publications of all kinds.
It was suggested that committee members subscribe to the available listservs of other EBSS committees as one way of keeping informed of publications that are under development. Anne Fields is going to compile information on publications under development by the various committees so that we can more easily keep track of publication-related activities throughout EBSS.
Beth Broyles brought the committee up to date on her plans for the newsletter
Time adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 AM
Committee: Reference Sources and Services
Date: Saturday January 15, 2005
Name of person submitting Minutes: Laura Lillard
Present: Laura Lillard, Marian Shemberg, Debora Schaeffer
Members Excused: Peg White, Kate Silfen, Elaine Hirsch
Guests: Barbara Schoenfield
- Welcome and Introductions
- Review of agenda
- Ongoing business Summary
- Discuss website project progress Suggestions, questions, next steps, additional areas to cover We were unable to address this piece of ongoing business as Brian Schoolar was not present. It was later learned he missed his flight. Kate Corby did talk to us about the need to move the website over to the ALA server so that it can be updated by members of the committee when Brian leaves the committee.
- ISI project Due to poor attendance we did not get to do as much on this project as previously hoped. Prior to the meeting Kate Silfen agreed to create a draft letter to be sent to publishers of those journals we would like to see added to Social Science Citation Index. Marian, Deborah and I went over the list of journal titles compiled based upon recommendations from EBSS members. We removed titles which either were more humanities focused or were outside the field of education. The list now consists of 46 titles we hope to assist in getting added to ISI. Marian volunteered to contact the publishers to determine specific contacts within the publishing companies. Our fear is that the letters would get lost if not addressed to specific individuals.
- New Business
- New projects to undertake?/ Where should the committee focus next? Tabled until more can contribute.
- Anyone interested in chairing after Annual? Kate Silfen has expressed interest in taking over as chair after Laura's term ends after Annual 2005.
- Adjourn: Time adjourned. 10:30 AM
Committee: Social Work/Social Welfare
Date: Saturday January 15, 2005
Present: Mary Jane Brustman, Ellen De Marinis, Karen Hartman, Mary Kay Hartung, Arif Jamal, Brian Quinn, Kate Silfen
Excused: Frada Mozenter, Vanette Schwartz
Guests: Barbara Beaton
Volunteer to Report The minutes from ALA Annual in Orlando were approved. Brian asked for a volunteer to report on committee activities at the consolidated meeting and Mary Jane Brustman volunteered.
Announcements. Kate Silfen reminded everyone that the committee was sponsoring a Current Topics Discussion that afternoon on Evidence-Based Practice. Brian announced that ANSS was sponsoring a tour of Hull House at the ALA Annual conference in Chicago on Tuesday, June 28 from 10:00-11:00 am. The URL is
Meeting Time/Committee Etiquette Meeting as part of the EBSS Consolidated Committee Meeting on Saturdays from 9:30-11:00 is problematic for some members because of conflicts with other ACRL committees and even with other EBSS committees that also meet during Consolidated. Karen Hartman suggested the possibility of meeting virtually. Someone else suggested meeting earlier at Consolidated at 8:00 am. Brian asked the committee to vote. One member voted for 9:30-11:00, another for 4:30-6:00 on Saturdays, and three members voted for meeting from 8:00-9:30 on Saturdays. Kate volunteered to report on Social Work at 11:00 to the rest of Consolidated since she needs to stay anyway for another committee meeting. There was also a brief discussion of committee etiquette. Brian emphasized the importance of timely responses to member queries and the members agreed that a 48 hour response time was appropriate for any email queries sent by members.
Update on Current Topics Discussion Kate Silfen reported on the Current Topics Discussion to be held that afternoon on Evidence-Based Practice. She and Mary Kay Hartung plan to distribute an overview on best practices. They have compiled a selective bibliography from all fields of social work, as well as psychology and education. There will be discussion about the research process from a library perspective. Mary Kay plans to speak about her own experience, and about the difference between the medical and social work models of practice. Arif Jamal talked about his involvement with the Council on Social Work Education. CSWE will be meeting in New York next month on Saturday, February 26. The agenda will include a discussion of ACRL information literacy competencies. There will be a guest speaker, Karen Reiman-Sendi from the University of Michigan. A roundtable discussion between librarians and social workers will take place. Arif will moderate two meet the author sessions.
Social Work Selector's Toolbox project. Three sections of the Toolbox have been completed: Book Reviews, Evaluating the Collection, and Video Vendors. Members of the committee reported on progress on their sections. Vanette Schwartz is making progress on the statistics section. Kate has been working on Book Vendor Websites and distributed a list of sites. She had a question about research methods, and several members made helpful suggestions. Mary Jane Brustman talked about her work on the Selecting Tests section, and distributed a copy of her section. Brian reported on his work on the collection evaluation section, and passed around a copy of the bibliography. Ellen volunteered to help Mary Jane with her section on tests and assessment. Brian suggested that the Committee should try to complete the project by ALA Annual in June, and everyone agreed to aim for this completion date.
New Business. Brian reported that his term as chair of the committee was ending in June and asked if anyone would be interested in volunteering to serve as the next chair. Kate Silfen said she might be interested if no one else volunteers. Her term ends in 2006 and she would need to extend her term by a year if she were to serve as chair.
Time adjourned. 11:00 AM
Committee: Ad Hoc Committee on Access to Government Sponsored Education Research
Date: Monday January 17, 2005
Present: Matt Paris, John Collins, Venta Silins, Kate Corby, chair.
Excused: Soraya Magalhaes-Willson
Guests: Ada Woods, Judith Downie, Wilson Frost
- We did introductions
- Old Business
- Eric Thesaurus: Matt spoke about his analysis of the ERIC Thesaurus and Nancy Cawley's response. (Nancy Cawley is Communication Lead on the ERIC Project for the contractor, Computer Sciences Corp.) Thesaurus changes used to be initiated by the Clearinghouses. They were more often additions than subtractions. The Ad Hoc Committee needs to keep pursuing a written policy for Thesaurus changes that is clear about what types of changes can be made and by whom. The most worrisome part of this entire process is Nancy Cawley's characterization of these changes as "routine maintenance," as if they were changes that should not rise to the level of attention by the Department of Education or other ERIC oversight bodies. The Contract for ERIC calls for a "brief written assessment" of the Thesaurus. This assessment was either never done or not made public. But even that does not address the issue of process for further Thesaurus changes. The Ad Hoc Committee will pursue this issue.
- Federal Policies toward Research: In Orlando Venta and Jen were going to work on this project and then Jen changed positions and resigned from the committee. Venta proposed raising the issue in the EBSS Newsletter to solicit others to work on the project with her. Among possible issues to investigate: changes in the types of research funded, changes in the language of funding announcements, changes in teacher education curriculum to meet new demands. The judgments of the What Works Clearinghouse are relevant for this project. Kate suggested Venta raise the issue on EBSS_L so that it would not be delayed by waiting for a Newsletter issue. She agreed to pursue in this timelier manner.
- Education Library Symposium, Thursday, January 13, 2005, meeting at Harvard: John Collins discussed a meeting held at Harvard which was an outgrowth of connections made within the National Education Network (NEN) and the National Library of Education (NLE). In discussions at ALA Annual in Orlando, the Advisory Board of NEN decided to try to find a way to build a cooperative network around education research library concerns/interests. They began this effort by inviting the education librarians from the 30 largest education collections/schools in the country for a one day program at Harvard's Gutman Library on the Thursday before Midwinter. Funded by the U.S. Dept. of Education, the program began with the presentation of four invited papers, followed by a facilitated discussion of goals and possibilities for cooperation. Details should be out shortly on EBSS-L.
- ERIC Users Group: EBSS has moved forward with organizing an ERIC Users Group. Judy Walker has agreed to be the first chair of the organizing committee and other members will be appointed shortly by Doug Cook. The initial meeting of the Users Group was Sunday and their minutes should be out soon too. They will be a permanent committee and this Ad Hoc Committee will be allowed to expire. Matt Paris agreed to be liaison to the Users' Group from the Ad Hoc Committee. Kate will discuss with Judy Walker and Doug Cook whether he should be a formal appointment to that committee or just ex officio. Our committee will continue to monitor issues about education research information that have arisen due to the ERIC changes. Issues and problems with the ERIC implementation will become the purview of this new group.
- New Business. We discussed the Educator's Reference Desk, a project that the committee had been peripherally involved in trying to move to new support once ERIC ceased to support it. No one has heard any response from their offer to volunteer labor to the effort. Kate mentioned that there were a couple of funding possibilities that did not get pursued or did not yield results. Time constraints have been a major problem for that project's director and staff this year. At the Harvard presentation, Dave Lankes of Educator's Reference Desk indicated that the project is still seeing very high traffic. Folks are hopeful that the coming year will bring better results for this effort. It seems like every meeting at Midwinter had to mention the Google digitization project. We mused about it in relation to the concept of unintended consequences. While Google is hoping to make money, and the schools cooperating with them are hoping to aid research, the project might also have unintended results like making it possible to argue that schools don't need their own libraries when huge research libraries are readily and freely available on the web.