EBSS Committee Meeting Highlights ALA Annual 2005
Executive Committee
Advisory Council
Communication Studies
Curriculum Materials Committee
ERIC Users Group Panel Discussion
Higher Education
Instruction for Educators
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Social Work/ Social Welfare
Ad Hoc Access to Government Sponsored Education Research
Ad Hoc Best Collaborative Practices in Education
Ad Hoc Directory of Curriculum Materials Centers
EBSS Program - "Empirical Desires, Realized Dreams: Quantitative and Qualitative Research in the Era of No Child Left Behind."
- Aimee & Craig Howley provide the text of their presentation: "Playing Chicken with Education Research; or Chicken Little Goes to School."
- Linda Markman provides the PowerPoint from her presentation: " Conducting Randomized Evaluations in Schools."
Committee: Executive Committee
Chairperson: Lisa Romero
Date: June 24, 2005
Name of person submitting Minutes: Helga B. Visscher
Members Present: Judy Walker, chair; Penny Beile, Beth Broyles, Anne Fields, Melissa Cast, Doug Cook, Anne Fields, Sharon Naylor, Lisa Romero, Deborah Schaeffer, Helga Visscher
Members Excused: Vicky Lebbin
Guests: Mary Jane Petrowski, Lori Goetsch, ACRL
Introductions/Greetings were made. The meeting began 20 minutes late due to room availability. Approval of Agenda was made.
Approval of Midwinter 2005 Minutes: Minutes of the Executive Meeting of EBSS from January were approved with grammatical and technical corrections.
Announcements/Update on EBSS meetings: All the EBSS meetings at Annual after the Executive Meeting will take place in the Palmer House Hotel. Judy Walker encouraged everyone to attend the program and the ERIC Users group meetings. There will be a major announcement from the folks at ERIC.
ACRL Liaison: Lori Goetsch
Planning Calendar/ Strategic Plan: Lori Goetsch discussed these documents, and indicated that there is a $50,000 grant that can be applied for. The input from all the sections regarding the Environmental Scan should be submitted to ACRL by August 15. By Environmental Scan, this means that things can be viewed in different environments - library wide, academic discipline, higher education in general. In addition, there is a deadline for Action Plans - activities going on in your section that impact the ACRL plan, whether or not they have financial implications. The plan should include: identity, goal area; communication to Board the needs of the section, Action plan to propose for FY 2006 (September '05) and FY 2007 (September '06). Plans need to be linked to a strategic objective. ACRL's strategic plan will include coordinating committees intended to work through new interdisciplinary groups. For example, Professional Development and Advocacy. Doug Cook as the incoming Chair will be dealing with these topics.
Summary of ACRL in Minneapolis: There were 4,000+ attendees at the conference as well as the Virtual Conference. The underwriting from Vendors raised $250,000, to provide special programs, such as speakers. The call for presentations was overwhelming. Over 1,000 people attended for the first time.
Members-at-large: Deborah Schaeffer and Penny Beile suggested keeping the format of multiple subjects for the Current Topics Discussion group. They will bring this up at the Consolidated Meetings on Saturday.
Publications and Communications: Anne Fields reported that Nancy O'Brien and committee finished the Directory of Historical Textbooks and Curriculum Centers. The CMC Collection Development Policy is still being worked on. The CMC Directory is coming down the road. The committee is trying to simplify the process for submitting publications. The committee is trying to have a web manager liaison for every EBSS committee. Kate Corby is stepping down as EBSS web manager. There are four applicants for the position. The new web manager will be announced at advisory. Kate will work with the new web manager as a transition. List serv: ALA is promising an archive for the List serv. Judy Walker, the EBSS List serv manager is also working on the archive for the List serv.
Membership: Melissa Cast distributed handouts about membership: In April, 2005 the EBSS membership was 983; in May, 2005, 966. She expected membership to rise above the magic 1000 number after the ALA conference since so many people renew their membership at conference time. This year's survey of dropped members was very similar to last year's survey. Perhaps the survey will be done every two years, since the results have been so similar. The 2005-2006 Committee can make that decision. Other sections are dropping in membership, so EBSS is not the only one. However, Distance Learning Section is growing.
Secretary: The secretary reminded people about writing up meeting highlights and minutes. Helga Visscher is completing her term as EBSS Secretary. Helga will complete the minutes and highlights reports for Annual 2005. Sharon Naylor will start her term at the Midwinter Meeting 2006.
Vice Chair: Doug Cook reported that he and Natasha Cooper are planning to write a new casebook on Teaching Information Literacy. They will be issuing a call for contributions from the EBSS members at the Consolidated Committee meetings, and the Membership meeting tomorrow. The Conference Program for 2006 Annual meeting will be entitled "Shaking the Money Tree." Lisa Romero and Lee LaFleur are organizing it. The Committee Roster as of June 20 was distributed. The first name in each committee list is the chair. There is a link from the web site to the rosters.
The ACRL Board is reconfiguring its structure with regard to the ACRL Strategic Plan. The 'action environmental scan' document of ACRL directs each section's plan to match up with the Strategic Plan. There is $50,000 set aside for projects to implement the strategic plan. Committees will have available to them online community software, to set up chat group type activities, etc. Future plans include online membership directories, and online Handbook of Organization. Brochures need to be updated. The most recent EBSS brochure came out in 2003, so we're up for a new on in 2006. There is an ACRL template for brochures, so the next one may be simpler to produce.
Chair: Judy Walker continued the discussion on the Strategic Plan. Also, the future of the Ad Hoc Committee on Access to Government Information Committee, chaired by Kate Corby is in question. Other members of the committee are not very involved, and the ERIC User's Group Committee is taking over the purpose this committee once had. The consensus seemed to be to let this committee fade away, as it is an ad hoc committee.
GEM/DOE Education Research Libraries Consortium meeting: This brought together librarians from the top 50 colleges of education in the USA. The U.S. Department of Education organized this group. EBSS has representation on this group: the EBSS Chair is invited, and several of our members, including Nancy O'Brien and JoAnn Carr are members. This group discussed topics such as what to do with the Educator's Reference Desk (the ASK ERIC re-do). Ideas included compiling an Education History Web site, or Education Informatics, or a special issue of Teacher's College Record, written for the educators / teaching faculty and not just librarians. Judy reported that JoAnn Carr suggested that the special issue could focus on open source URL's, or historical topics, or informatics. The Education Research Libraries Consortium is looking for a sponsor for the next ALA meeting. Judy Walker will work with the Committee Chairs about the possibility of calling this a forum or discussion group, and having it meet on Friday afternoon of the ALA meeting. She suggested that the past chair of EBSS be a representative, since the chair has ACRL meeting obligations at ALA Annual. The consensus among the members was for EBSS to pursue this through Judy's activities.
Pre-Conference with STS : The consensus was that EBSS would be willing to put our name on this. Most of the work has been done, and we do not want the conference to be a financial obligation.
Web Site : The new web manager will be announced at the Advisory meeting, and Kate Corby will work with that person for a transition period.
ILAG Representative: Information Literacy Advisory Group has its meeting on Sunday afternoon. The Chair of the Instruction Committee, Tasha Cooper should be the rep to ILAG for ACRL. Others are encouraged to attend. The Science & Technology Section has reviewed their information Literacy Standards and organized them to be in harmony with ACRL's standards. All other sections with Information Literacy standards are encouraged to do the same.
Other business: Beth Broyles encouraged people to submit articles for the newsletter. She also mentioned the possibility of including highlights from the ACRL newsletter in our newsletter. For example, Nancy O'Brien should write an article about the availability of the new Directory of Historical Textbooks and Curriculum Centers.
Major Topics of Discussion:ACRL Strategic Plan, Environmental Scan, and $50,000 grant for special projects. Education Research Libraries Consortium. Information Literacy Advocacy Group.
Major Decisions:The AD hoc Committee on Access to Government Sponsored Education Research will not be renewed, as the ERIC Users group is taking over its functions.EBSS will sponsor in some way, a forum/discussion group for the Education Research Libraries Consortium, so they can meet at ALA. Judy Walker will contact Committee chairs via e-mail.
Upcoming Activities:Doug Cook will be asking for contributions to the new EBSS casebook Teaching Information Literacy. Doug Cook will compile the EBSS Strategic Plan so that it is in conformity with the ACRL strategic plan, looking to a deadline of August 15.
Committee: Advisory Council
Chairperson: Lisa Romero
Date: June 26, 2005
Name of person submitting Minutes: Helga B. Visscher
Members Present: Penny Beile, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Darla Bressler, Beth Broyles, Melissa Cast, Doug Cook, Tasha Cooper, Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Jen Fabbi, Anne Fields, Lee La fleur, Lorna Lueck, Lori Mestre, Sharon Naylor, Nancy P. O'Brien, Lisa Romero, Deborah Schaeffer Kate Silfen, Benita Strnad, Helga Visscher, Judy Walker
Introductions/Greetings were made.Approval of Agenda was made by consensus.
Approval of Midwinter 2005 Minutes: Minutes were approved as corrected. Corrections of grammatical and technical nature had been sent by Nancy O'Brien prior to the meeting, and were made. Lorna Lueck pointed out corrections regarding the sequence of events for the Psychology / Psychiatry Committee's activity, and corrections were made.
Announcements/Update on EBSS: ERIC Users Group will meet on Monday, June 27, at 10:30 in the Palmer House Monroe Ballroom. Everyone is encouraged to attend. This is the same room as Saturday's EBSS Program.
Reports:Distinguished Librarian Award: Nancy O'Brien announced that Kate Corby was the recipient of the 2005 Distinguished Librarian Award, which was presented at the beginning of Saturday's Program. Members are encouraged to send nominations for next year; the forms are on the EBSS web page.
Programs: Lee La Fleur reported that the Program 2006 Committee met on Sunday AM, and the ACRL planning committee on Saturday. The topic of next year's program will be grant writing. They hope to have a panel discussion with an agency representative, a librarian representative, Marcia Keyser, and another point of view representative. The program will be on Saturday afternoon of Annual. The program is entitled: Shaking the Money Tree: Grant Writing for Librarians. Since the Orlando conference had 268 people attend the meeting, they are asking for a room for 300. Lisa Romero will be program chair for 2007. Any committee that has an idea for a program, please submit it to her. Penny Beile, Research Committee chair suggested a program about research methodology, perhaps including poster sessions. There will be a call for suggestions on the EBSS List Serv.
Members-at-large: Penny Beile stated that the Current Topics Discussion Group is soliciting ideas for the next Midwinter Meetings topics. Some ideas that were discussed included electronic textbooks, mentoring, accreditation - higher education, and perhaps a meeting at NCES, with a demonstration when we will be meeting in Washington, DC.
Membership: Melissa Cast reported that the Happy Hour Social at Trader Vic's was very successful. There was lots of room for everyone. The List-serv may move to A.L.A.'s web site. We will ask ACRL to promote archiving. Those who have responded to surveys say that the EBSS List Serv is the best part of membership.
Newsletter: Beth Broyles asked everyone to send her articles, and Meeting Highlights . Lorna Lueck suggested that if a committee chair felt that a certain topic was especially important, to inform the newsletter editor, and offer a 'highlight of the highlight.' There was a case where the information included in the newsletter was not what the committee chair felt was as important as an item left out. So, a committee chair could specify that if you had to summarize in two sentences, this is what it would be. Judy Walker suggested focusing on subject areas first.
Publications: Anne Fields reported that the committee as a chart describing the process of publications. There is a similar process for publishing to a web site, which committees also need to follow. The approval process is described. The committee also approved the CMC Policy. Kate Corby is in the process of stepping down as web manager of the EBSS web page. It will be a gradual process, so the incoming web manager will work with Kate for a while. Web Manager: The EBSS Web page is moving to the ALA server, which has an uncertain future according to Kate Corby. Questions arose regarding the stability of the ALA server. And discussion ensued.
Secretary: Helga Visscher's term as secretary ends after ALA Annual meeting, and submitting the minutes and reports from the meeting. Sharon Naylor succeeds her after Annual, and will take over at Midwinter, 2006.
Chair: Judy Walker reported on the Education Research Libraries. These are the libraries that are affiliated with the top 50 Colleges of Education in the USA. This is sponsored by the national Library of Education, founded in 1996. A similar group has met regularly since 1997, working collaboratively. The editor of Teacher's College Record is planning a themed issue on 'Informatics,' and there is also a grant proposal on a history of education project. This group wants to hold a meeting at Midwinter on Friday afternoon of the ALA conference. The Executive Board agreed to sponsor this as a Forum for Education Librarians. EBSS will be a part of this, so the past chair will be invited to attend.
ILAG: Information Literacy Advocacy Group. Other committees in ACRL are looking at Information Literacy for their subject areas. So we need to look at our Information Literacy Standards. The Instruction Committee has already decided to update the standards from 1992. Should they include Psychology, Social Work, Communications, etc? The instruction group has been focused on educators. Discussion ensued regarding combining EBSS and ACRL standards. The EBSS web site links to articles about Information Literacy Guidelines. ACRL wants EBSS to look at the EBSS Information Literacy standards conforming to ACRL Standards. ACRL has a template for coordinating the subject disciplines. Judy mentioned that the ILAG meeting will be on Sunday afternoon, 4:30 PM, at McCormack North, 139, where this would be addressed by several committees within ACRL.
Vice Chair: Doug Cook distributed an unofficial roster of EBSS Committee members. He can add people on the committee through June 30. He also handed out a list of projects, which he received at a meeting for ACRL Leaders. Everything the section does should tie in with the ALA / ACRL Strategic Plan. The issue will be brought up later by ACRL. In this transition year, the ACRL section will consider how to report activities into the language of the strategic plan. So, ACRL has set aside $50,000 for special projects, to use starting in 2007. The Strategic plan for EBSS has to align with ACRL's plan. Some ideas for special projects included the following: Connecting the standards; historical textbook collections, leadership, membership advocacy. Discussion ensued regarding EBSS activities that fit into the ACRL strategic plan.
The Environmental Scan document from ACRL was distributed, and should be reviewed by EBSS by August 15. It refers to the professional environment for the future. Doug plans to tweak the document, and modify, add issues, and send his review to all advisory council members to get more ideas.
Major Topics of Discussion:
- Committee Activities
- ACRL Strategic Plan.
- Judy Walker thanked everyone for the support of all the committee members and chairs.
Major Decisions: The key to a good program is co-location of meetings and the programs. Judy encouraged the next chair to plan for that the next time. We felt fortunate to have so many meetings and programs in the Palmer House at this conference.
Upcoming Activities: The Nominating Committee needs new members. There will be two-year terms, so that membership is staggered. The past-chair or the past-past chair heads the Nominating Committee. Doug Cook stressed that people should ask to be re-nominated for a committee position. Rosters from ACRL and the rosters on the EBSS web pages have differences.
Committee: Communication Studies
Chairperson: Lisa Romero
Date: Saturday, June 25, 2005
Name of person submitting Minutes: Jessica Albano
Members Present:Jessica Albano, Laura Barrett, Jenifer Flaxbart, Adrian Ho, Elliot Kanter, Sharon Ladenson, Felice Maciejewski, Lisa Romero (chair), Heidi Senior
Members Excused: Vicky Lebbin
Guests: Debora Cheney, Alex Cohen, Kathy Dabbour, Amy Robb
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Review of agenda
3. Announcements
- Trip to Cain Publication on Monday June 27 at 10:30am
- Trip to BBDO Ad Agency on Monday June 27 at 1:00pm
- Previous trip to WGN on Friday June 24 was cancelled because the tour guide had to cover the Cubs and White Sox baseball game.
4. New Business Update on migration of Web site to ALA server - Jessica Albano, the committee's Web master, reported that she attended the ALA Web content management system training. Transferring the Library Resources for Communication Studies Web site from the University of Washington Libraries server to the ALA server should not be difficult. The most time consuming will be to make sure that the site adheres to the new ALA Web Site Style Guide.
5. Future focus: This time it's personal! What do we as communication studies librarians need in order to make our jobs easier? What are the grassroots areas that we want to focus on? What types of things would improve our professional performance? What is lacking for communications librarians?
Summary: The Communication Studies Committee had a lively and productive meeting. Lisa Romero, the current chair, and Heidi Senior, the incoming chair, led a discussion about the future focus of the Communication Studies committee. What should the committee do to help the members to do our jobs better? What will help us to interact with our students and faculty? The committee created a large list of ideas for future projects (see Ideas for the Communication Studies Committee's Future Focus list below). It was recommended that the group begin with items that relate to the expertise of the members on the committee. Focus then shifts as membership shifts.
Lisa announced that the Electronic Resources in Communication Studies will meet for the first time at ALA Midwinter 2006 in San Antonio. The committee will meet on Sundays from 2pm to 4pm for at least the first two years. It may then meet during the EBSS consolidated meeting. Members from each EBSS communication committee are welcome to attend both committee meetings.
Action Items:
- Jessica Albano will move the Library Resources for Communication Studies web site to the ALA server by July 31. The committee members will have several weeks to review the web site and make suggestions before the site is published for public viewing September 1, 2005. Jessica will put a redirect on each of the current web pages so that visitors will be redirected to the new url on the ALA server.
- The committee will begin to maintain an archive of past and present members. We will list their expertise, areas of selection/programs that they serve, special collections that they maintain, key/unique resources that they love, etc. The list could be by name and by subject. Jessica Albano will ask the ALA programmers if it is possible to have a search that will only search our committee pages and/or a membership archive.
Ideas for the Communication Studies Committee's Future Focus
- What areas in communication might a librarian research?
- What are librarians doing while instructing journalism and advertising students?
- A lot of the ref books in advertising are doubling and tripling in price. How does everyone manage those budget issues?
- Create core competencies for journalism students and advertising students. Faculty are part of the problem. What are the best ways to address this? Is anyone doing this and if so, how? Can this be extended to cover the other subjects within our subject? We need a better understanding of what is communication. Communications? Media Studies?
- Collection development is a challenge because our discipline is so interdisciplinary. We need to purchase the materials that interest faculty and support their research and teaching. There can be a lot of duplication if there are multiple communication selectors in the subject area. Address collection development division of responsibility among selectors.
- Publicizing the archives/special collections that libraries have.
- How to store special collections. How to keep and organize materials such as press kits.
- Libraries must continue to subscribe to print magazines, journals, and newspapers because those studying advertising need to see the ads. Ads are not included in e-journals.
- Share our expertise for problem solving. The ALA Communities tool may help to solve this. Will it allow for a searchable question and answer fact check?
- Vendor contacts: It would save a lot of time if someone has a contact(s) in a vendor association that would supply information about products, prices, etc. It would help if librarians shared the three things that they like and dislike about a product. Jennifer selects for 5 areas that are all over the place, so it takes time to investigate the new products.
- Bibliography (web project has this)
- Pricing structures. Educate vendors about our market. Bring some vendors in and try to educate them about our needs and our frustrations. They're geared towards ad agencies. We can help them to create market share because our students will use their products in the future. We need to influence the pricing structure by talking to them and educating them about our role and how it will compliment theirs. SRDS is an example. Ad dollar spending has tripled in price, but students have to have it.
- Hold a publishers forum like the one RUSA business librarians do. Vendors come in and we talk to them about stuff. This would bring recognition to this committee. They should interact with us.
- Gather information about publishers of print materials also. They can be expensive.
- We need to encourage more research/publications in print. For example, we need an annual publication that includes television and radio ratings. Ratings information needs are interdisciplinary - many people need this information.
- Develop a list of what is/is not published. Develop a wish list.
- Provide actual source and actual methodology for statistics, such as box office statistics. Researchers need to better explain methodology of collecting statistics.
- Stats in general can be problematic.
- Do collaborative collection development. Jennifer buys one, Lisa buys another, Jessica buys one. This would be an easy way to distribute costs, especially for individual libraries that can't afford an item.
- Share announcements about consortium agreements/deals. Share our interactions with these vendors - negotiations. Lisa said this is how much money I have, three other librarians contributed, take it or leave it. There must be a moderator to our list serve. Maybe the ALA online communities would help. Can we restrict sections of this to certain people. Even knowing who is willing to negotiate. We need to get the edge over them. Make ourselves an informal consortia. Email the list and say I have new information from a vendor. Email me if you want details.
- Educate communication librarians. Address the different models of communication libraries. Highlight the pluses and minuses of the different models.
- Be more active in SLA's news division. This would connect them to journalism education. Newspaper librarians don't understand what their journalism students need to do. How can we reach out to newspaper librarians/librarians in the media? They could give us some clues as well. They're self preserving right now b/c many newspapers are getting rid of their librarians. There are very few academic librarians in that division. We need more connection with them. Maybe have a liaison from our group to their group.
- Consider the content of newspaper databases. Current vs. historic.
- Develop ideas for library assignments, research assignments. Create guidelines for effective library assignments. Create suggested treasure hunts for beginning journalism students. This ties instruction and core competencies together. It depersonalizes assignments and provides a way for communication librarians to approach their faculty about bad assignments.
- Consider SLA and ADJ guidelines to develop our core competencies. Ask the professionals what journalists need. Translate this back to language that we can use in our own work and with our faculty.
6. Adjournment Time adjourned: 10:50 am
Committee: Curriculum Materials
Chairperson: Jen Fabbi,
Date: Saturday, June 25, 2005
Members present: Darla Bressler, Collette Davis, Vanessa Earp, Jen Fabbi, Lee Ann Lannom, Gary Lare, Justina Osa, Dorothy Schleicher, Roslyn Wylie
Members Absent: John Hickock, Anna Lewis
Guests: Beth Broyles, Publications Committee and Lisa Baures, Minnesota State University
Introduction and Greetings: Members and guests introduced themselves.
Appointment of Web Contact for CMC: Vanessa Earp agreed to take this position, which will include working with the Publications Committee on web project guidelines and may also include being the main contact for Webliography updates and other CMC Web projects
Approval of Minutes: Unanimous approval of minutes from the January 15, 2005 meeting held in Boston, MA
Current Projects:
- Webliography ( http://www.uncc.edu/cimc/): Collette agreed to take over the School Counseling section. The committee agreed to remove the Electronic Journals section and to cease pursuing the creation of an Electronic Discussion Groups section. All sections now have a "last updated" date of May, 2005, so it is difficult to know which pages are actually updated. Jen will contact list of contributors, which should now all be current, reminding them to update.
- CMC Collection Development Policy
- We now know that the policy is a new publication with a new title: Guide for Writing CMC Collection Development Policies and will be published on the EBSS website.
- Jen has agreed to create an introduction (Conceptual Framework) section and to begin to compile the Bibliography. Vanessa will create a fictional Sample Policy for inclusion to which the rest of the committee members will give their input.
- The document needs to be edited for consistency of format. This was begun at the meeting and will continue on June 26, 2005 from 4-5:30 p.m. at the Palmer House, Sandburg Room.
- The final document needs to be edited for inclusion of internal web linking.
New Business: None.
Action Items: Contact Webliography contributors (Jen); Read over entire policy for editing at tomorrow's meeting (all members); Create Conceptual Framework and Bibliography sections (Jen)
Adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Committee: ERIC Users Group Panel Discussion
Moderator: Judy Walker
Date: Saturday, June 27, 2005
CSC Representatives present: Nancy Cawley, Mike Weber, Pete Dagutis, Jane Atwell
Notes from this meeting were made available only in pdf format.
Committee: Higher Education
Chairperson: Stephanie Davis-Kahl (co-chair and minutes), Lynn Lampert (co-chair)
Date: Saturday, June 25, 2005
Members present: Lynn Lampert (co-chair), Stephanie Davis-Kahl (co-chair), Jeff Luzius, Barbara Wales, Julie Cunningham, Mary Cassner, Sharon Naylor, Jan Fryer, Marcia Keyser, Minerva Alaniz, Leslie Bjorncrantz
Members Absent: Laurel Haycock
Update on E-Learning: Lynn Lampert has been trying to get ahold of ALA/ACRL folks who are in charge of the online seminars with no progress. After discussion, the committee decided to postpone an online learning course until we raise our profile within ACRL and then perhaps we will have sufficient leverage to make a course happen (if future committee members still want to pursue this option). Preconference:Lynn Lampert was contacted by Executive Committee with a proposal for a preconference from two committees from the Science and Technology Section (STS). The title of the preconference is "Assessment and Beyond: Starting it Off, Pulling it All Together and Making Decisions." We are the only committee within EBSS that matched closely with the preconference's topic and goals, so it was decided that we would co-sponsor the event at ALA 2006. Benefits include: no cost to us, great speakers, great way to gauge interest in topic so we can continue with our own activities in the future, and a way to raise our profile within ACRL.
Committee members were very positive about co-sponsorship. We discussed how we could contribute to the event, and suggestions included setting up a blog on assessment, or putting together a survey for participants, but we decided instead to ask for copies of the standard evaluations that ACRL provides for our own use. Another suggestion was to write up a brief (2 pages tops) article for C&RL News titled "Current Trends in Assessment." The article could include program recommendations, recommendations from our committee, a brief overview of the preconference, and a resource list of web and print materials. Ultimately, we decided to provide a bibliography of web and print resources from our committee as well as from the speakers for the preconference participants. Lynn Lampert, Jan Fryer, and Julie Cunningham will work on the bibliography and will have a draft to us before Midwinter so we can discuss it during our meeting. Lynn will check to see if our committee members get a discount on registration for the preconference, if one of our members can moderate the event, and if we can add specific questions about assessment to the evaluation.
Update on Resources for College Libraries: Stephanie Davis-Kahl contacted Irving Rockwood about contributing to the new edition of Resources for College Libraries (formerly Books for College Libraries). His response was positive, and the committee decided to pursue the matter further once an editor was appointed for the subject of Education. Stephanie will contact him to see if anyone has been appointed.
Report on Current Topics Discussion at Midwinter: Jeff Luzius reported that the CTD in Boston, "Observing the Academy," was successful and well-attended. The participants seemed to come at the topic from two perspectives - those working toward a degree in higher education, and those working with academic departments of higher education.
Since we had positive feedback from Advisory, the committee decided to propose another CTD titled "University Politics 101." Brainstorming elicited many ideas for topics - the discussion may include: the role of librarians in the higher education 'machine,' marketing ourselves, our role(s) in curriculum, assessment, technology, funding, student affairs development; our status as faculty or as staff and how that impacts our role on campus, the perception of us as a "college" or as just another "support service," our placement and visibility in the structure, governance and bureaucracy of the university, our skills in representing ourselves, how we show value to our communities, 'trickle-down theory of education outreach,' economics of outreach, how to work the system using personality, knowledge of politics. Stephanie Davis-Kahl will draft a proposal to send to the committee for comment, and then send it onto the Members-at-Large.
Update on ACRL's Strategic Planning/Environmental Scan: Doug Cook visited our meeting briefly to update us on the progress of the strategic planning process. Basically, all section activities, including committee activities, will be tied directly to the goals laid out in the Strategic Plan. In the future, we will need to link the purpose and goal(s) of our programs, discussion groups, publications, etc. to an element of the strategic plan. There may be funding to help section out with projects that fit into the strategic plan. More information will be shared at Advisory meeting on June 26. [Note from SDK: At the June 26 meeting, committee chairs and members of Advisory went over the strategic planning document and matched our past activities with the specific goals outlined in the document. Doug Cook will be working on the environmental scan that ACRL has requested.]
Action Items:
- Preconference bibliography: Lynn, Julie, Jan (draft by Midwinter)
- Preconference questions re moderator, evaluation, etc: Lynn
- Contact Irving Rockwood re RCL Education editor: Stephanie (done July 19, 2005)
- Draft of Current Topics Discussion proposal: Stephanie (sent July 19, 2005)
Meeting Adjourned at 11:15 am.
Committee: Instruction for Educators
Chairperson: Natasha Cooper
Date: Saturday, June 25, 2005
Members present:Natasha Cooper (Chair), Louise Greenfield, Karen Janke, Laura Koltutsky, Merinda McLure, Deborah Schaeffer, Ada Woods, Carol Wright
Members Excused: Kathyanne Dobda
Guests: Lori Mestre, Barbara Schoenfield, Veronica Bielat, Anne Fields
Welcome Tasha Cooper welcomed members and guests, and thanked members whose committee terms are ending.
Additions to the Agenda Tasha reported that Judy Walker, EBSS Section Chair, asked each committee to identify committee projects that support ACRL's strategic plan, noting that there may be funding opportunities for future projects. In addition, committee/section goals will be set in the context of the plan. Tasha reminded members to complete the ALA demographics survey. Tasha reported that she has asked Judy to join the Committee at some point to talk about the Education Information Symposium.
Approval of Past Minutes Minutes from the January 2005 meeting were approved without correction.
Volunteer to Help with Minutes Merinda McLure volunteered to help with minutes for the combined group meeting. Tasha and Merinda will compare notes prior to finalizing the minutes. Sub-group conveners will need to add to these minutes as appropriate; the Ad Hoc Committee will report separately.
Report from Sub-Group A (NCATE article) Significant progress has been made on this project. Ada Woods distributed drafts and invited comments from all Committee members. The group particularly welcomes suggestions related to Standard #3.
Report from Sub-Group B/Ad Hoc Committee Lori Mestre reported for the Sub-Group B project, now the work of an ad hoc committee. Lori shared sample web pages from the developing site. Questions about how to host on the ALA site were raised. Anne Fields, Chair, Publications Committee, reminded both groups of the need to submit publication proposals.
Action Item 1 Tasha will find out who to contact re hosting on the ALA site.
Topic Suggestions for Future IE Committee-Sponsored Sessions The Committee discussed the following possibilities.
National Center for Education Statistics
Tasha reported that she contacted an NCES representative to inquire about the possibility of hosting an NCES training session. Various options for this session were discussed. The group concluding that offering this as a Current Topics discussion at ALA Annual 2007 in Washington, DC would make sense.
EduRef and the Education Information Commons Symposium
Anne Fields reported. · EduRef is still looking for a home. The Committee agreed that EduRef is not best pursued as a session topic at this time. · Teachers College Record offered a complete issue focused on discussion of libraries and education; 2 guest editors are being selected from the library community and a call for papers will follow; project timeline should be established by Midwinter. The Committee agreed that this might be a good publication venue for Sub-Group A's article
- today's education student, including teachers as "reluctant readers"
- scaleable instruction (differences in instruction at the undergraduate and graduate level); this session could include a faculty member, student, etc.
- challenges of the ongoing transition to less face-to-face instruction
- alternate teacher certification
Action Item 2 Tasha will let Melissa Cast, Member at Large, know about the possibility of an NCES session at ALA Annual 2007. The Committee will need to come up with questions/suggestions for NCES.
Work Sessions Sub-Group A and the Ad Hoc Committee broke into work sessions. Minutes for the work session for Sub-Group A follow. Minutes for the work session/meeting of the ad hoc committee are reported separately.
Second Reports/News Tasha commented briefly on the ACRL strategic plan to 2020. She will learn more about this at the Advisory Council meeting and provide Council with information about current IE projects.
Adjourned, 11:30 a.m. The membership meeting began, cutting short time for second reports and prompting hasty adjournment.
Summary Progress on Sub-Group A/Ad Hoc Committee projects has been made. The Committee is looking forward to future projects, including proposing one or more current discussion group topics. ACRL has a view towards the creation of subject-specific versions of the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. The Committee could begin this work relative to education by updating the 1992 article "Information Retrieval Skills for Education Students," C&RL News, October 1992: 583-588. The Committee will delay decision on this until the scope of this ACRL initiative is clarified.
Sub Group A: Article on Partnering with Librarians to Meet NCATE Standards in Teacher Education
Present Tobeylynn Birch, Louise Greenfield, Karen Janke, Deborah Schaeffer, and Ada Woods
Guests Anne Fields, Chair, Publications Committee, Veronica Bielat
Instruction for Educators Committee Group Meeting Members of the AdHoc group first met with the Instruction for Educators Committee for introductions, announcements, reports of the two groups and ideas for future projects. The two committees then separated for work/planning time before regrouping to conclude.
Sub Group A
Ada handed out copies of our draft article and the committee worked together to edit the areas most in need. Deborah Schaeffer had edited her copy on the plane and most of her suggestions were incorporated into the draft.
Action Items
- Deborah Schaeffer volunteered to revise the in-text citations and the references.
- Karen Janke will enlarge the conclusion.
- Louise suggested that a "collaboration" item in the chart be added to Standard 3.
- Ada will collect these revisions and incorporate them into a final draft.
- Ada will fill in the Publication Approval Form and send it to Anne Fields.
Committee: Membership and Orientation
Chairperson: Melissa Cast
Date: Saturday, June 25, 2005
Major Topics of Discussion: Membership Reports Promotion Ideas Cross-check CMC directory; mentoring article, EBSS Listserv Reminder, brochure, online discussion group; archive, listserv. New Leader Orientation.
Major Decisions:· Cross Check CMC Directory with EBSS Members list and contact with membership information.· Mentoring article for newsletter and possible discussion group. · Develop new brochure.
Upcoming Activities: Promotion to CMC librarians who aren't members. Mentoring article. New brochure.
Committee: Psychology Psychiatry
Chairperson: Lorna Lueck (Co-Chair), Alice Perez (Co-Chair)
Date: Saturday, June 25, 2005
Recorder - Sala Shierling
Members Present: Tobeylynn Birch, Paula McMillen, Sally Neal, Karen Bacsanyi, Bruce Stoffel, Allison Sutton, Sala Shierling, Lorna Lueck (Co-Chair), Alice Perez (Co-Chair)
Guest: Monica Hagan, Laura Bowering Mullen, Tasha Cooper, Darlene Nichols, Deborah Schaeffer, Diana Ramirez
8:30-9am APA guests: Linda Beebe, Susan Hillson, and Patricia West
- Announcements
- Alice and Lorna will continue as Co-Chairs for another year, through Annual 2006. Chairs normally serve for two-years.
- Sally will continue as Committee's web author for another year, through Annual 2006. Chairs and committee expressed a thank you to Sally Neal for the work she has done on the webpage.
- Roster: departing members, new members next year. Departing member: Karen Bacsanyi. Two incoming members: Laurel Haycock, Univ. of Minnesota and Deborah Schaffer, Cal State/LA.
- Reminder - EBSS Membership Meeting from 11:30-12:30 today in Palmer House - Wabash Parlor
- EBSS Program "Empirical Desires, Realized Dreams: Quantitative and Qualitative Research in the Era of No Child Left Behind" from 1:30-3:30pm today in Palmer House - Monroe Ballroom
- Reminder - EBSS Happy Hour Social from 4:30-6:00pm today at Trader Vic's at the Palmer House
- Discussion · Update on Committee Discussion Forum - ALA Annual 2006: Test Collections Subcommittee members distributed the draft for the discussion forum. Members discussed outline and decided the current plan was too broad. Members agreed on the following new "draft" plan for the forum:
Working name: Tests and Measurement Instruments
- Overview and introductions (one of the EBSS committee members?)
- Access, Use Policies and Ethics [librarian speaker]
- ETS Test Database, Tests in Microfiche [speaker from ETS],
- Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences [web page author]
- Buros Institute [speaker from Buros]
- HAPI (BMD) [speaker from HAPI]
Time: 2 hours (about 20 minutes each for each speaker)
Day and time: prefer Sunday in the 2:00 - 4:00 time slot.
Attendees: Ask for room for 75 people.
PR: brochures, listservs, program booklet?
This discussion will appeal to: sociology, RUSA, business, anthropology (ANSS), EBSS, others?
Other: Rooms are generally booked in October.
ACTION ITEM: Lorna will bring up the Discussion Forum at the EBSS Advisory Council Meeting and request final approval.
NOTE: The Committee did receive final approval from Advisory Council for the discussion forum on Tests and Measurements for the 2006 annual conference. Lorna will follow-up with the incoming EBSS Chair to make sure he books a room for the forum. The Executive Committee did confirm that there is no money for speakers.
The EBSS Chair and members of the Advisory Council suggested we request the following:
- Sunday time slot 3:30-5:30 (so that our discussion forum does not conflict with EBSS or the Instruction Section program)
- Co-Locate with IS program.
- Estimate 100 people in audience.
- Judy Walker will also investigate how to get a description of the discussion forum in the ALA program.
Brainstorming session about title:
- Connecting users with tests
- Users want tests: How do we deliver?
- Rats in a Maze - Navigating test sources
- Where's the cheese?
- Getting testy?
- Feeling a little testy?
- Testing, testing 1, 2, 3
- Testing 101
- IQ what?
- Raise your testing IQ.
- How to navigate the complex maze of finding test resources.
Possible title: Testing, testing 1, 2, 3: How to navigate the complex maze of finding test resources.
Possible title: Where's the Cheese? How to navigate the complex maze of finding test resources. ·
- Any more revisions needed? (Sally)
- Change box for Mental Health Sites to Gateway to Related Sites
- Libraries and library organizations: Some of these are gateways and should they move to the gateway buttons?
- Spell out EBSS.
- Include California Digital Library links? (Sally and Karen) Link was changed and now goes to a publicly accessible site.
- Article: link it and if so, from where? (Sally and Alice) "Library and Information Resource Instruction for Psychology."
Yes, we should include. This led to a discussion about updating the article. Sally Neal and Sala Shierling are interesting in pursuing updating the article. Step one is to find the original article and authors. The article needs to include the ACRL Info Lit guidelines.
NOTE FROM ADVISORY COUNCIL: ACRL's ILAG Committee is talking about developing a process for creating guidelines/standards for Information Literacy, so that the section's publications will be compatible with ACRL's information literacy standards. Both the EBSS Instruction for Educators Committee and the Psyc/Psyc Committee have guidelines created in 1992. Psyc/Psyc had discussed updating the psychology guidelines as a future project. EBSS incoming Chair, Doug Cook, is interested in creating some information literacy guidelines for all of EBSS. Lorna suggested that we take a look at each other's 1992 articles to see if the psychology and education guidelines could be combined, or if they need to remain separate publications because of the differences in the two disciplines. Lorna will find the citation for the Instruction for Educators article and send it out to the committee. Judy suggested that if we start this project together or separately, that we appoint an Ad Hoc Committee for a two year term to publish the article. If EBSS decides to do standards for the entire section, they will most likely want some Psyc/Psyc Committee members on the Ad Hoc Committee. Lorna will recommend Sally and Sala if the Ad Hoc Committee goes through.
- Publicizing our web page? (Sally)
Perhaps EBSS newsletter, EBSS listserv, APA, brochure or bookmark to distribute at ALA (similar to the sunglasses used by the Communication Committee.)
Sally agreed to work on a bookmark ready for ALA Midwinter 2006.
- Darlene will update "free list" of psychology journals. A title will be added to include: title, name of compiler and date.
- Some of the Gateway sites are annotated, others are not. Alice will send assignments to the committee and members will add 1-2 sentence annotations.
- Target date to finish "current" page: July 31sat. Launch August 1
- Other
- Should we organize the page by clinical, cognitive and subject area? Perhaps we will update the page to include this type of subject organization in the future.
- The "Electronic" category is confusing. What is it? Books, papers, what?
- Should we have an A-Z page?
ACTION ITEM: Lorna will ask Advisory Council when our web pages will be moved to the ALA Server.
NOTE: Committee Chairs were reminded at Advisory Council that all web pages need to go through an approval process with the EBSS Publications Committee. After that committee web pages can be moved to the ALA web site whenever we are ready.
- Other Business Concerning APA at our meetings. Those in attendance agreed:
- We want APA reps at our meetings at both midwinter and annual.
- Have APA reps speak before our meeting. We like the way things worked at Annual '05. APA 8:30 - 9:00, meeting begins at 9:00.
- We like having the EBSS Psych meeting in a separate room from the all committees EBSS meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 11:10am.
Committee: Publications and Communications
Chairperson: Anne Fields
Date: June 25, 2005
Members Present: Beth Broyles (Newsletter Editor), Peg White, Marcia Keyser, Anne Fields (Chair), Kate Corby (Web Manager), Judy Walker (Listserv Manager), Deborah Cheney, Christine King,
Guests: James Cohen
Agenda Items:
- Liaison assignments to committees for Consolidated Committee meeting were made.
- Beth Broyles reported on ideas for upcoming issues of newsletter.
- The chart of committee publications currently in print, on the Web, or under development was reviewed. Committee chairs will be contacted for review, as well.
- CMC Committee proposal for publication "Manual for Writing a CMC Collection Development Policy" was approved. Peg White will convey this information to the committee, and Anne Fields will forward the proposal to Hugh Thompson at ACRL for approval if necessary. (Approval by ACRL may not be necessary because it's going to be Web project on EBSS pages.)
- Reformatting of publication process description in EBSS Manual from diagram to text was approved, with word "document" changed to "project" throughout. Anne Fields will forward to Kate Corby for incorporation into the manual.
- The applications for EBSS Web Manager were reviewed. Jessica Albano was selected, pending approval by EBSS Chair (as specified in the EBSS Manual.)
- The committee recommended setting the term for Web Manager to "an initial term of one year with option for renewal." Anne is checking to see if the EBSS Executive Board needs to approve this.
- CMC Committee proposal for publication "Manual for Writing a CMC Collection Development Policy" was approved.
- Reformatting of publication process description in EBSS Manual from diagram to text was approved, with word "document" changed to "project" throughout.
- Jessica Albano was selected Web Manager to succeed Kate Corby, pending approval by EBSS Chair.
- Approved setting the term for EBSS Web Manager to "an initial term of one year with option for renewal."
Action Items
- Publication status chart needs to be updated. (Anne Fields)
- Committee chairs will be contacted with link to publication proposal request form and publication approval process description. (Anne Fields)
- Publications and Communication Committee members to be assigned as liaisons to committee publications under development. (Anne Fields)
- Guidelines for committee Web pages still being developed in collaboration with committee Web managers. Waiting for new section Web manager and beginning of move to ALA Web server.
Time adjourned.: 9:15 am
Committee: Reference Sources and Services
Chairperson: Laura Lillard
Date: June 25, 2005
Name of person submitting minutes: Kate Silfen
Members Present: Laura Lillard, Kate Silfen, Brian Schooler, Laurie Ann Charnigo
Members Not Present: Deborah Schaeffer, Elaine Hirsch, Marian Shemberg, Sharon Weiner, Margaret White
Guests: Jim Jonas
Agenda Items:
- Welcome and Introductions
- Review of Agenda
- Ongoing Business
- Discuss website, Education Librarian's Toolbox, project progress. http://astro.temple.edu/~jbrian/ebss/toolbox2.htm Is anyone interested in taking over from Brian?
The committee reviewed the Educator's Toolbox that Brian Schooler has been maintaining. Brian said that there are some sections that could still use some fleshing out. James Jonas, a guest and prospective new member volunteered to take over the maintenance of the Toolbox. Kate Silfen, the incoming chair, will query new and present members about what they would like to add to the Toolbox. The group decided that we will have the Educator's Toolbox completed for our next meeting at Midwinter. · - ISI project
Laura updated the committee on the status of the ISI journal project. Laura sent letters to selected journal publishers asking them to consider having their publications be indexed in ISI. She has received about ten responses, and they have been mixed so far. The committee will follow-up on the project by sending additional letters to the editors of the journals. Kate Silfen volunteered to follow-up on this process.
- Discuss website, Education Librarian's Toolbox, project progress. http://astro.temple.edu/~jbrian/ebss/toolbox2.htm Is anyone interested in taking over from Brian?
- New Business
- Introduction of new chair, who begins after annual
Kate Silfen, the incoming committee chair introduced herself to the group. Kate said that she has always been particularly interested in working with this group because she has a Master's degree in education but works full-time as a social work librarian. She said that there is an even balance between education librarians, social work librarians, and psychology librarians within the committee. She looks forward to collaborating on projects that are of interest to librarians in all three of these areas. - New projects? Where does the committee wish to go from here?
Kate suggested future projects that the committee will pursue after Midwinter. She mentioned putting together APA/writing resources for students in the educational and behavioral sciences field. She also suggested that the committee write a guide to finding psychological or educational tests and measures. The committee agreed that they would like to pursue a tests and measures project once we have wrapped up our work on the Educator's Toolbox.
- Introduction of new chair, who begins after annual
Time adjourned: 11:30am
Committee: Social Work/Social Welfare
Chair: Mary Jane Brustman, Acting Chair
Date: June 25, 2005
Members present:Mary Jane Brustman, Ellen DeMarinis, Karen Hartman, Arif Jamal, Sally Lawler, Vanette Schwarz, Kate Silfen
Members excused: Brian Quinn
Guests: Adina Mulliken, Kate Corby, Judy Walker.
- The minutes from the January 2005 meeting were approved.
- A. Jamal reported on the Council on Social Work Education conference in New York City. The Social Work Librarians Group met for ½ day. The meeting included database updates on Social Services Abstracts and Social Work Abstracts and information on the New York University Information for Practice site. Karen Reiman-Sendi from University of Michigan spoke on Information Literacy standards and Abbie Frost from Simmons College on technical competencies. This group is possibly interested in doing a website on information literacy with us. They have a listserv our members are welcome to join, managed by Betty Cohen at Boston College. Next year's conference will be in February in Chicago. Librarians used to attend at the member rate, although there is confusion about this now. Librarians can do presentations there. A. Jamal moderated a "meet the authors" session.
- A. Jamal will work on the Journal section of the Social Work Selector's Toolbox. M.J. Brustman will look into whether we need a section on Government Information.
- Kate Corby visited the committee to talk about refinements to the Social Work Selector's Toolbox. These included reformatting the page for consistency, particularly in headings and bibliographic style. It was suggested that Frada Mozenter (virtual member) might assist with this.
- Some sources for tutorials were mentioned. National Library of Medicine, Public Health Training Manual. GODORT also offers continuing education materials for government information.
- Judy Walker came to the committee to discuss "Charting our Future: ACRL Strategic Plan 2020.
- Future plans: --Complete Toolbox with journals section. Possibly add section on government information, tutorials, and/or metasites. --Presentations by database venders. At Midwinter- Family & Society Studies representative will be invited. At Annual The Foundation Center databases representative will be asked. --Putting together a list of open access journals for social welfare. --Looking into what efforts are being made by social work librarians to archive government documents on social welfare topics including progress of Government Printing Office's FDsys (Future Digital System) program.
- Collaborative website development with National Association of Social Workers. There was no report on this in B. Quinn's absence.
Time Adjourned: 9:25am
Committee: Ad Hoc Access to Government Sponsored Education Research
Chair: Kate Corby
Date: June 27, 2005
Members present: Kate Corby, Chair; Matt Paris
Not Present: John Collins, Venta Silins, Soraya Willson
Guests: Ada Woods, Chris Benda, Helga Visscher, Beth Boyles, Judy Walker.
- Old Business
- Matt was unable to report on the ERIC Users Group meeting because it had not yet taken place. He and Kate were planning on attending. Matt will also begin attending the Steering Committee meeting for the Users Group that takes place during the Consolidated Committee meeting time.
- Matt and Kate discussed some of the changes that have taken place in the Thesaurus. Judy Walker said that our concerns were shared by the Users Group, and we deferred to that group for follow-up on the issue
- The committee has received no communication about Venta's project regarding Federal Policy towards research. Kate indicated she had tried looking for obvious trends in requests for proposals and published reports, with interesting but somewhat inconclusive results. A satisfactory investigation of this topic would be a full research project. Judy suggested referring to the new Research Committee.
- John Collins was not in attendance. He has offered to convene the next meeting of the former NEN/Education Information Commons project, most recently called Education Research Libraries Group. People expressed interest in the activities of this group, but were also hopeful that they would somehow find a way to ensure the continuing success of the Educators Desk Reference web project.
- Soroya was not in attendance but has provided a contact at the Center for Research Libraries with whom we can explore the possibility of creating a complete archival set of the ERIC documents. Librarians are already starting to post inquiries about discarding the fiche on listservs. We would like to ensure that at least one complete set remains accessible. Kate will follow up.
- New Business/Discussion of possible Committee action. The release of new content for the ERIC database two nights before the meeting made this discussion moot.
- Committee sunset planning. Having provided for passing along most of the ongoing projects, the Committee will recommend to EBSS Executive Committee that they allow us to disband immediately. The ERIC Reauthorization News, probably renamed, will continue to exist and will gather information from the activities of the ERIC Users Group project. Ada Woods and Beth Broyles, will assist Kate with the transition. The mailing list that has served the committee will now send mail to the ERIC Users Group committee.
Committee: Ad Hoc Best Collaborative Practices in Education
Chair: Lori Mestre
Date: June 25, 2005
Present: Tasha Cooper; Laura Koltutsky, Merinda McLure, Lori Mestre, Barbara Schoenfield
Excused: Diane L. Schrecker
Guests: Anne Fields, Chair, Publications Committee Carole Wright Instruction for Educators Committee Group Meeting
Members of the AdHoc group first met with the Instruction for Educators Committee for introductions, announcements, reports of the two groups and ideas for future projects. The two committees then separated for work/planning time before regrouping to conclude.
Lori gave an overview of progress to date and handed out draft Web pages, including examples of handouts submitted by education librarians that include activities covering various standards. The group then discussed standardization of pages and future solicitation ideas.
- The title for the Web page will be: Connecting the Standards: The Intersection of Education and ACRL Information Literacy Standards.
- On the top of each page include: name of contributor, e-mail address, institution. Standards covered will be mentioned next. If there is no education standard mentioned, default to the NCATE standard(s) and the ACRL information literacy competency standards covered by the example. An explicit note will be included to indicate standards are the Committee's additions. It was decided to default to the NCATE standard(s) so that we can more closely connect with the article being submitted by the Instruction for Educator's Committee, which also discusses the NCATE standards. We will ask the contributor of the handout if they would like to suggest a standard or if they are o.k. with us providing the standards covered.
- We will provide both html and pdf versions of each handout.
Action Items
- Lori will send another request for examples to the EBSS list, including two of the recent examples.
- We will also look at the NCATE/and ACRL Standards grid of the article being prepared by the Instruction for Educator's Committee ("Partnering with Librarians to Meet NCATE Standards in Teacher Education") and include that grid on the Web site as a reference point.
- Lori will seek formal approval for the site from the Publications Committee and confirm with Anne Fields, Chair, EBSS Publications Committee, that the site could be hosted at Lori's new insitution (September 2005-), with a link included on the EBSS site.
- The Committee will continue conversations via e-mail regarding format and inclusions.
Committee: Ad Hoc Directory of Curriculum Materials Centers
Chair: Benita Strnad
Date: June 25, 2005
Members Present: Benita Strnad, Jennifer Barth, Jennifer Fabbi, Winifred Flint, Alex Hodges, Bernadette Lear, Jane Smith
Introduction - members introduced themselves
CMC Directory - discussed previous versions.
Decided that we needed to define CMC's.
Define production facilities
Discussed various forms of Directories & how should new directory be published
Design - old directories
Book & CD
Book & Web Site
CD's should be searchable
Decided that we needed to look at old versions and decide what format we should start to pursue for the new edition of the directory.
Check on ACRL compliance rules for publication