Committee Meeting Highlights ALA Midwinter 2004
Executive Committee
Advisory Council
Communication Studies
Conference Planning 2004
Conference Planning 2005
Curriculum Materials Committee
Distinguished EBSS Librarian Award
Higher Education
Instruction for Educators
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Social Work/Social Welfare
Ad Hoc Access to Government Sponsored Education Research
Ad Hoc - Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
Committee: Executive Committee
Date: January 9, 2004
Chairperson: Scott Walter
Members Present: Penny Beile, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Melissa Cast, Lois Cherepon, Doug Cook, Kate Corby, Marcia Keyser, Julie Tharp, Helga Visscher, and Judy Walker. Also in attendance were
Guests: Charles Kratz & Camila Alire, candidates for ACRL presidency; Laura Hudson & Martin Konig-Bastian, representatives from project MERLOT; Ann Weeks of the International Children's Digital Library.
- Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the Executive Committee Meeting, Annual Meeting June 20, 2003 were approved as presented.
- Approval of Agenda: The Agenda was approved as presented
- Announcements
- Current Topics Discussion Group is sponsoring a meeting on ERIC Reauthorization at the San Diego Convention Center Rm. 28 D Saturday January 10, 2-4 PM.
- The Gerontology Committee will present a discussion on Aging Creatively in the Workplace, at Manchester Grand Hyatt, Cunningham B, Sunday January 11, 2004, 2-4 PM.
- The EBSS Membership Committee is sponsoring the EBSS Dutch Treat Social on Saturday, January 10 from 4:30-6:00, at Dublin Square Pub, 544 Fourth Ave.
- P roject MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching): Martin Konig-Bastian presented information on increasing Librarian's involvement with the project MERLOT. Laura Hudson, who is an information Technology librarian at San Diego State University, also shared her experience in participating in the Project. Project MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching)
- Visit from Charles Kratz, Candidate for ACRL President: Charles Kratz, Candidate for ACRL President spoke to the group. He asked for suggestions from the members present as to what issues are important, and asked for the support of the members present.
- Visit from Camila Alire, Candidate for ACRL President: Camila Alire, Candidate for ACRL President also spoke to our group and shared how her ALA experience and work experience are an asset to ACRL. She is a founding member of REFORMA. She also asked for the support of the members present at the meeting.
- Consultation of Committee Chairs in Appointment Process : We recommend that the Vice Chair/Chair Elect consult the outgoing chairs for names of new members to be added or dropped for the newly formed committees. New chairs should be told that they are expected to attend New Chairs Orientation.
- New Appointments for Committees
- Judy Walker moved and Kate Corby seconded that the Ad Hoc Committee on Government Sponsored Education Research be extended for another two years. Motion carried.
- Also, Judy Walker moved and Kate Corby seconded that the Ad Hoc Committee on Historical Textbook Committee be extended for a year. Motion Carried.
- Members clarified the formation and progression of the Nominating Committee. Appointments to the committee need to be for two years. The immediate past chair of EBSS cannot be chair of the Nominating Committee. The person can be appointed as a member of the committee, and be Chair the second year of participating on the committee. So, the past / past chair becomes Chair of the Nominating Committee.
- Discussion ensued regarding some of the committees which have very low membership.
- Report from ACRL Leadership/Sections Council
- The 2004 Program Committee will meet on Saturday, 8-9 AM. The topic is Pedagogy and the Online Learner. There are some problems getting a program speaker, since the original person who was asked is now unable to attend. There will be one person speaking representing the librarian's point of view; we had hoped to have someone representing the education teaching faculty's point of view. People are still working on the details.
- Lois Cherepon: Report of ACRL Leadership / Sections Council met. At the meeting everyone received a handout on Dialogue Session on Strategic Plan. It was distributed to the members present at the meeting and will be available on the web. Members will be asked to comment on the Strategic Plan. Focus is changing toward meeting the needs of librarians: training needs, mentoring needs, etc. This puts ACRL at odds with overall ALA's focus on LIBRARIES not Librarians. How will all this affect sections?? Looking at redundancy, duplication of sections, one possible scenario would be to take the Anthropology & Social Sciences Section might be merged with EBSS to become a Social Sciences section. The information will be presented as a members-only, sign in with your PIN number password.
- Sections were asked to consider E-learning content for ACRL. The section could offer an online course as well as a preconference or a publication for ACRL. .
- Adjournment: Advisory will have Highlights from Committees. 2005 Program chairs will report. New Committee coming from the Gerontology will be considered. There being no more to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM. Helga B. Visscher, EBSS Secretary
Committee: EBSS Advisory Council
Date: January 11, 2004
Chairperson: Scott Walter
Members Present: Kevin Barry, Melissa Cast, Penny Beile, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Ann Brownson, Mary Jane Brustman, Melissa Cast, Kate Corby, Doug Cook, Tasha Cooper, Jen Fabbi, Marcia Keyser, Sally Lawler, Laura Lillard, Paula McMillen, Nancy O'Brien, Brian Quinn, Lisa Romero, Julie Tharp, Helga Visscher, Judy Walker, Scott Walter.
- Introductions: Introductions were made around the table
- Agenda Building: It was decided the agenda would include: Reports from consolidated meeting; ACRL meeting, Judy Walker; Sally Lawler, discuss new committee; Educators Reference Desk; Membership Issues, Melissa Cast, Judy Walker.
- Reports from Consolidated Meeting.
- Program 2004: Scott Walter: Jerilyn Veldoff will speak on Instructional Design for Librarians. Another speaker was planned, but cancelled out. There is a possibility of getting someone from a more general educational background. The person is from UCF Central Florida. Michael Nooland. We also hope to get a person who is a recent distance Ed MLS graduate. Title of the program is Pedagogy and the Online Learner.
- Program 2005: Kevin Barry, Judy Walker: The program is entitled "A New Focus on Educational Research." Kevin Barry is from Princeton, where he works with the program on Labor & Economics education and research. This is very quantitative research, as opposed to the more traditional education qualitative research. The program would present both qualitative and quantitative Research. The committee has its official meeting after the Advisory meeting. They would like to include AASL in the program.
- Gerontology Committee: Mary Jane Brustman: The whole committee except for Patricia Libutti is rotating off this summer. The future of this committee is in question. Mary Jane suggested making it a discussion group, or making it a part of Social Work / Social Welfare Committee. Mary Jane was asked if she would serve as chair again. No final decision would be made about Gerontology now. Scott said he will ask Mary Jane Petrowski to extend Mary Jane Brustman's chairmanship for one more year.
Considering the low membership of Gerontology and of EBSS in general, we discussed how to reach out to libraries and librarians with specific programs. NASS (National Association of Social Workers) includes librarians as their primary professional affiliation. The committee is working on a Web Resources Page. The discussion on "Aging Creatively" will take place this afternoon, presented by Tricia Libutti. - Publications & Communications Committee: Marcia Keyser: EBSS has been considering moving the section website to ALA site. Members present discussed the issue. URL s of ALA are too long, issues of freedom of content on the website were mentioned as well. Doug Cook and Kate Corby will attend the ACRL Meeting on Sunday afternoon to learn more about ALA web software
- Curriculum Materials Committee: Jen Fabbi: Committee will finish the CMC Collection Development Policy, and have a new draft by Annual. Integration with CMC Standards. The group is discussing having it as a print publication or a web publication. New topic: Ann Weeks of the ICDL (International Children's Digital Library) suggested that someone from EBSS should be on the ICDL Board. Scott Walter proposed that Jen Fabbi should nominate a person to be the ICDL liaison, so we should decide on this via e-mail.
- Program Planning ALA 2004: Mary Jane Brustman: "Pedagogy and the Online Learner." The speaker we had planned to have this summer is unable to attend. So we are looking for another speaker.
- Membership Committee. Melissa Cast: Most of the report discussed in Membership Issues. The committee is also planning to get welcoming e-mails out to new members.
- Social Work. Brian Quinn. The group is meeting on Saturday afternoons. Some people have trouble with meeting times. There are conflicts with other discussion groups, etc. The committee tries to avoid overlap with Psychiatry/Psychology and Social Work/Social Welfare Committees. There are also concerns about the size of the committee. Now there are seven members but several are rotating off after Annual. Possibly Liaising with Council on Social Work meetings. One member will attend CSW meetings. The Committee is working on a Social Work Webliography, hope to finish by Annual, and post on Social Work web page. Future projects may include creating a Bibliography of Selection Tools for Soc. Work Reference, Discussion Group on Evidence based Practice, Comparison of Databases.
- Nominating Committee: Brian Quinn: The Slate for Vice Chair / Chair Elect: Doug Cook, Venta Silins. Member at Large: Julie Cunningham and Deborah Schaeffer. Committee Members: Penny, Sharon, Laverna, Kate
- Higher Education: Ann Brownson. The committee refocused its plans. There has been a recent book 100 top books in higher ed, so a bibliography isn't the best idea. So they thought of forums on 'hot topics.' Copyright Issues, Accreditation. These would be presented in an online forum. Plan to do a Survey on the EBSS list. Have people in mind to lead the discussion groups on line. ACRL has options availability of WebCT Chat stuff. Stephanie Orphan of ACRL has mentioned this option. (And this might impact the Publications Committee.)
- Psychiatry/Psychology: Paula McMillan. Linda Beebe (of American Psychological Association) spoke to the Consolidated Meeting group on Psych Extra. Their focus is on Gray Literature. They are including APA conferences, newsletters, newspaper, etc. Will be available through APA and EBSCO. Peg White is liaison to Publications & Communications Committee. The group plans to do more work via e-mail . Updating Journals in Psychology last published in 1997; which includes acceptance rates.
- Instruction for Educators: Tasha Cooper. The Committee is looking at publication relating to NCATE. Judy Walker mentioned that she was recently trained to be on the NCATE Board, and she would be happy to look over that publication. The other publication would possibly be a website - dealing with Best Practices / multiple sets of standards and Best Practices / collaboration.
- Ad Hoc Historical Textbooks: Nancy O'Brien. Her committee met by phone calls after Toronto. Hope to finish directory by June meeting.
- Communications Committee: Lisa Romero.: The Committee is compiling a website dealing with Communications Studies. There are 15 sections of area, and will include a collection development component. Those interested will visit the San Diego Union Tribune on a field trip on Monday.
- Reference Sources and Services: Laura Lillard. The Committee is recommending journals to be included in the ISI databases. One person will compare ISI journals with ERIC. Then work with journal publishers and or editors, to submit journals to ISI. They hope that some members would have a presentation at AERA, to describe the uses of ISI. They plan another web type of publication, Education Toolbox, which would include resources for collection development, making a web framework for including the information for regular resources.
- ACRL Liaison: Leslie Bjorncrantz. Her meeting with ACRL would take place after the Advisory Meeting.
- Member at Large: Penny Beile: She reported that the EBSS ERIC Authorization Discussion Saturday Jan 10, was well attended. More than 90 people filled the room. The flexibility of Current topics allows us to be current.
- ACRL Meeting: Judy Walker. The ACRL Meeting is in Minneapolis 2005. The Call for Papers is due August 28. "Navigating the Rivers of Change" is the theme. Requests will also go on EBSS Listserv. ACRL Strategic Plan; potential realignment of sections. Speculation about a possibility of merging EBSS and ANSS (anthropology etc.)
- Possible New Committee: Sally Lawler is proposing a Committee for Instruction / Information Literacy for Behavioral Sciences. Evidence Based Practice / Information Literacy concepts would be part of the discussion. This evidence based practice, taken from Medicine, is used in Behavioral Sciences - Social Work, Psychology, school counselors, etc. This Committee would be parallel to the Instruction for Educators Committee. Scott Walter said that in the past, the person propose a new committee within another committee. Doug Cook suggested that the Social Work Committee could take this on, and when it becomes viable, and then break off as a new committee. Tasha Cooper said that the Instruction for Educators is focused on Education.
- Educators Reference Desk;Kate Corby: at Current Topics Discussion Group the Topic was ERIC Reauthorization. Speakers included Nancy Cawley - ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Dave Lankes - Director, former ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology , and Kate Corby, of EBSS. Nancy Cawley announced that the timeline for ERIC has changed. David Lankes of Syracuse University showed the new website, Educator's Reference Desk. at Syracuse University, the web space and information transferred from Ask Eric to ERD. Funding for AskEric is not there.
Members of EBSS have been asked to save the Educator's Reference Desk, and generate ideas of how to make this work; sources of new content, and evaluation so that people will continue to work this. We have to decide whether or not EBSS will be a part of it. Would support for Educators Reference desk be an EBSS ACRL project / or just use our network for volunteers. There does need to be someone in charge. There is the MERLOT model of having members, but a board to be in charge. Dave volunteered that he could maintain the server space. It could be part of Information Institute at Syracuse. Doug Cook stated that he thought the organization would die without some input from us. Does the information belong to ALA, ACRL. EBSS? Will there be Institutional Support? Many former Clearing Houses are keeping their websites, etc. and renaming the website with the same content and new address. Several people said they would be willing for their institutions to be part of this. Scott Walter asked who else would be willing to do follow up. Kate's Committee will meet Monday; discuss the ramifications and plans for this all. Judy Walker will attend the meeting on Monday - Membership Issues:
- Melissa Cast distributed a packet of membership activities. An E-mail survey was sent to dropped members. Most members left because of job changes. The question was presented, 'Do we want to have a change to have more e-mail contact?'
- The committee deals with tasks done prior to the ALA meetings, such as arrange for social time, update the brochure, etc. Most activities for the Membership & Orientation Committee were handled via e-mail. The committee could consider conference calls, e-mail, chat, etc. Can there formally be a Virtual Committee? Right now, only one member on a committee can be a virtual member. Melissa will investigate more virtual approach to the Membership Committee, to include E-mail, chat, and telephone contacts.
- Orientation is a part of M & O Committee. Often members of the Committee do not have the background knowledge to share for Orientation Meeting. New members and officers are not apprised of the obligations of membership. People need to ask permission, or report that they are not able to attend a meeting. Past chairs of committees should impart this knowledge. So we suggest that the past chairs of the committees work with the Membership Committee.Motion: to amend the EBSS Manual to include the past chair responsibilities. The Publications Committee will then review it. Informally, The Vice-Chair / Chair Elect Judy Walker, will call the new chairs to welcome them remind them of their responsibilities. Kate Corby will submit the wording for the Publications Committee to review.
Action Items:
- ACTION ITEMS: Motion: to amend the EBSS Manual to include the past chair responsibilities. The Publications Committee will then review it.
- We will ask Mary Jane to extend her chairmanship of the Gerontology Committee for one more year. New members will be added to the committee. If the Committee can revitalize itself in one year, we will keep it going.
- Would support for Educators Reference desk be an EBSS ACRL project / or just use our network for volunteers?
- Scott Walter proposed that Jen Fabbi should nominate a person to be the ICDL liaison, so we should decide on this via e-mail.
- Jen Fabbi will finish the CMC Collection Development Policy, and have a new draft by Annual
Committee: Communication Studies
Chairperson: Lisa Romero
Name of person submitting Minutes: Jessica Albano
Date:January 11, 2004
Members Present: Lisa Romero, Sharon Ladenson, Vicky Lebbin, Felice Maciejewski, Elliot Kanter, Jessica Albano
Members Excused: Jenifer Flaxbart, Patrick Reakes, Heidi Senior
Guests: Debora Cheney, Lee LaFleur
Agenda Items:
- Welcome and introductions
- Review of agenda
- New Business: Discussion of Committee web site project
- Discuss each committee member's web site assignment (5-10 minutes per assignment)
- Discuss overall design/organization of web site (this discussion will continue at ALA Annual)
- Next Steps: Revise assignments, Committee web person will need to discuss with EBSS Publications Committee procedures involved with loading the website
- Announcements:
- Trip to San Diego Union Tribune on Monday, January 12 at 10:30 am (Elliot Kanter)
- ALCTS Newspaper Users Discussion Group discussion concerning newspaper digitization on Saturday, January 10 from 2-4 pm (Jessica Albano)
- Adjournment Time adjourned: 11:30 am
Summary: The Communication Studies Committee had a very exciting and productive meeting. The group reviewed each committee member's Website assignments, offering constructive suggestions concerning the content of each research guide/pathfinder and the actual design of the Website. After reviewing each of the research guides/pathfinders, the Committee discussed a general list of criteria. Lisa agreed to formulate a list and email it to Committee members. This general list should be consulted in the revision of the first round of pathfinders and any future ones. Lisa Romero presented a proposed project timeline for the completion of the Committee's Website project. The timeline was approved by the six committee members present. A copy of the timeline is included with the other action items listed below. In addition to their current assignments, each committee member took responsibility for creating other sections of the Website including additional research guides, indexes and abstracts, mass communication associations and organizations, and communication studies related special collections. Jessica Albano, the committee's Webmaster, reported that she has communicated with Kate Corby, the EBSS Web Manager, about the Website project. In addition, the committee spoke with Doug Cook about the requirement to present the Website project to the EBSS Publications and Communications Committee before it is officially published. The meeting ended after all committee members agreed to follow the project timeline and be in touch via email until the next meeting in Orlando on Saturday, June 26, 2004.
Action Items:
- Lisa Romero and Jessica Albano will write up and distribute a list of additional criteria for research guides.
- Lisa Romero will contact those not present at the meeting with feedback concerning their research guides so that they can make revisions.
- Committee members will continue to work on the second round of Website assignments.
- Jessica Albano will continue to communicate with Kate Corby.
Communication Studies Website Project Timeline:
February 9, 2004: Final draft of sections due to Proofreader (Jessica Albano) Email:
To do:
- Proofing of final drafts. This should be minor proofing, accomplished quickly!
- Copy and paste documents to Notepad (text format)
- Label and create a file for Webmaster
- Anything that needs extensive editing should be forwarded to Lisa (who will work with the author of the section)
- Proofing should be completed within 2 weeks
- Create introductory paragraph (Lisa)
February 23, 2004: Proofreader will send final document to Webmaster (Jessica)
February 23, 2004: Jessica has gathered information from EBSS on Website creation. To do:
- Jessica creates draft of Website
April 25, 2004: Website draft due. Jessica sends the url to committee
May 1, 2004: Second round of sections for Website due. Email drafts to committee by this date.
May 15, 2004: Each committee member should have reviewed draft of Website and have a list of comments for discussion at June meeting.
June 26, 2004: Annual meeting. To do:
- Committee meets to edit and review second round of sections
- Review draft of Website. Provide Webmaster with feedback
- Discuss promotion efforts for Website
Committee: Conference Program Planning 2004
Chairperson: Mary Jane Brustman
Date:January 10, 2004
Present: Mary Jane Brustman, chair; Penny Beile; JoAnn Carr; Lee LaFleur; Scott Walter
Absent: Allison Sutton
- Discussion of speaker for EBSS program, Pedagogy and the Online Learner. One of two planned speakers withdrew in late November. At the meeting the committee put together a prioritized list of educational psychologists to contact. (Dr. Michael Newlin accepted the committee's invitation on January 16, and a colleague of his, Dr. Maria LaVooy, also of University of Central Florida Psychology Department, will present with him.) Jerilyn Veldoff, University of Minnesota Libraries, is the other speaker.
- Other issues: ACRL will provide publicity in publications. Committee members will send out information to a variety of listservs. Room arrangement will be a table in front for panel with rows of seats for attendees. M.J. Brustman will speak with Melissa Cast, Membership chair, to coordinate EBSS membership efforts at the program.
- The evaluation form from ACRL will be used as is.
- P. Beile will contact Michael Newlin of the University of Central Florida to invite him to speak at the program. There were several suggestions of people to contact for ideas of speakers if Dr. Newlin declines.
- M.J. Brustman will correct the program description on Preliminary ACRL Conference Program Descriptions and follow through with speaker arrangements and contracts, honoraria, confirming audiovisual requirements, etc.
Committee: Conference Program Planning 2005
Chairs: Kevin Barry and Judy Walker
Date:January 11, 2004
Present: Dana Peterman, Debra Cheney, Kevin Barry and Judy Walker
- Kevin and Judy reported on what they learned at the ACRL '05 Conference Planning Meeting on Saturday. The theme for '05 annual will be: Changing Environment of Higher Education, Learning, Teaching, and Scholarship.
- Kevin then described his original idea for the program. Basically one that would look at the two different types of research - qualitative vs quantitative and how it impacts educational research. This is particularly important because of 'No Child Left Behind.'
- Group discussed make up of the panel. We would look for someone to talk about qualitative research, quantitative research, and a practicing librarian who can talk about how it impacts library collections and research.
- Kevin indicated that someone from Princeton could talk about the quantitative aspect [Rouse or Markman].
- Dana mentioned a married couple he heard do a presentation at a ERIC conference [Howleys].
- Other names that came up:
- Joseph James - quantitative research, MLS, library faculty at Washington Unv.
- Mary Moore - Collection Development at Northern Illinois Univ.
- Karen Schmidt - Collection/Tech Services UI - Urbana.
- Kevin will get the ball rolling by beginning to contact speakers.
- 5. Proposal is due to ACRL in May.
Meeting adjourned 12:20 PM.
Minutes submitted by: Judy Walker, Co-chair.
Committee: Curriculum Materials
Chairperson: Jen Fabbi
Date: January 10, 2004
Present: Darla Bressler, Jen Fabbi, John Hickok, Gary Lare, Dorothy Schleicher, Roslyn Wylie
Excused: Venta Silins
Guests: Collette Davis (Cal State Fullerton) and Anna Lewis (Univ. of Wisconsin Madison)
Introduction and Greetings: Members and guests introduced themselves and told everyone a bit about their current positions.
Announcements: Jonathan Betz-Zall has resigned from the CMC Committee due to a new committee appointment. Judy Walker left forms for those wishing to join the committee; those rotating off will be offered reappointment if they are eligible.
Review of annual meeting held in June 21, 2003 in Toronto: It was confirmed that no one present had taken minutes at the annual meeting. Several members were absent, so we will pick up and move on.
Current Projects:
- Webliography ( All sections need to be updated to reflect changes in ERIC. Jen will contact current list of contributors. Any sections relinquished will be reassigned between now and Annual.
- CMC Collection Development Policy (
- Discuss revision history: The committee agreed that with diligence we can have this project finished shortly after Annual.
- Set deadline and plan of action:
- Choose Sections-sections were assigned as follows: Preface and Introduction (Jen) Clientele (Roslyn) Scope and Boundary (Darla) Selection Criteria (Gary and Dorothy) Selection Processes (Gary and Dorothy) Collection Maintenance and Evaluation (Venta and John) Bibliography (Jen) Sample Policies (discuss at time of finished work)
- Read and Identify areas to be revised-assigned for 1/11 meeting
- Meet 1/11 and go over sections as a group
- Send revised sections to Jen by April 1
- Jen will combine and send to committee members
- Thoroughly review document at Annual Judy Walker will talk to Hugh Thompson (ACRL Publications) about how this document will be published. She may also have the 2nd edition as a Word document.
New Business: It was generally agreed that Jen Fabbi's name would be submitted to chair the committee again in 2004-05. Scott Walter charged the committee with nominating someone to represent EBSS on the board of the International Children's Digital Library project ( The committee nominated Darla Bressler.
Adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Action Items: Contact Webliography contributors (Jen); Contact Hugh Thompson re: publication of CD Policy (Judy Walker); Read over assigned sections for discussion at tomorrow's meeting (all members); Send citation to CMC Guidelines and Management Book to committee via email (Jen)
Committee: Curriculum Materials
Chairperson: Jen Fabbi
Date: January 11, 2004
Present: Darla Bressler, Jen Fabbi, John Hickok, Gary Lare, Dorothy Schleicher, Roslyn Wylie
Excused: Venta Silins
Brief discussion re: hosting discussion sessions or panel presentations: Deadline for next Midwinter is June. Deadline for Annual 2005 is October. The committee decided that this is a worthwhile goal and will discuss ideas via email over the next few months.
Brief discussion re: the future of ERIC and The committee will wait for word from EBSS Executive but can see being part of the process, for example, setting criteria/format for lesson plan submission.
CMC Collection Development Policy ( The committee decided that overall, this revision of the Collection Development Policy will be less prescriptive and more of a "how to" guide. This change of philosophy will be reflected in the preface and in the title change to "Manual for Writing CMC Collection Development Policies." Jen will make sure that we can still call this a revision and change the title.
Committee members will keep the CMC Guidelines and appropriate sections of A Guide to the Management of Curriculum Materials Centers: The Promise and the Challenge when doing revisions and will also keep track of new references to add to the bibliography section.
Committee members will pay special attention to the need to update the manual for technological developments. In general, the new format will be the following:
- Reminder: Address the level of the resources in your CMC.
- Example: The CMC collection contains resources appropriate for P-12 and basic adult education.
Sample policies at the end will be chosen to reflect CMC's in different contexts (i.e. within a main library, as a separate branch library, as administered by a college of education, or possibly within a school district). Have your section revised by April 1 and send to Jen electronically. She will then combine and send out to all for review.
Adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Action Items: Call for discussion forum ideas for next Midwinter (Jen); Revise sections using the above guidelines and send to Jen by April 1 (all committee members); combine sections and send to all for review prior to Annual (Jen)
Name of Committee: Distinguished EBSS Librarian Award.
Chair: Charles B. Thurston
Dr. Laurene E. Zaporozhetz, Dean of Libraries, Murray State University, is the 2004 EBSS Distinguished and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award recipient. Within EBSS, Dr. Zaporozhetz served as section Chair, chaired the Distinguished Librarian Committee for six years, and was a member of the Standards for Education Library Services Committee from 1983 to 1987. She has been active in ACRL's Chapters Council and the Instruction Section, and has served on the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)Board of Examiners since 1990. She holds a BA with Honors from Michigan State University, a MS in Librarianship from Western Michigan University, and a PhD in Education from the University of Oregon.
Dr. Zaporozhetz will receive an award citation and a check for $1,000 from John Wiley & Sons, Inc. during the EBSS program on Saturday, June 26 at 1:30 p.m.
Name of Committee: Gerontology
Chairperson: Mary Jane Brustman
Date: January 10, 2004
Present: Mary Jane Brustman, chair; Sally Lawler; Tricia Libutti; Brian Quinn; Deborah Schaeffer; Kay Womack
1. The committee made final preparations for the discussion group to be sponsored by the committee on January 11, 2004. "Aging Creatively in the Workplace" will be introduced and facilitated by committee member Tricia Libutti.
2. Also discussed was the web resources page for social gerontology. Several members had circulated drafts of sections of the web page prior to Midwinter meeting. This page is being developed to assist social gerontology collection development librarians and web builders. The page will be organized into two sections: 1) Reference Resources including print and electronic guides to the literature, encyclopedias, dictionaries, databases, indexes, bibliographies, review sources, directories, associations/ organizations, journal lists, statistical sources, meta sites; and 2) Web Subject Resources including Economics, Evidence-Based Practice, Health/Medical, Housing, Policy, Social Research, etc. Criteria for inclusion of sources were discussed.
3. After this meeting M.J. Brustman will consult other lists of criteria (such as the EBSS CMC/PACEM webliography criteria) and circulate a draft for this page. T. Libutti and S. Lawler will serve as reviewers of web sites slated for inclusion.
4. All members of the committee will be finishing their terms this June 2004. Only one member is eligible for reappointment. Various alternatives for keeping the committee filled were discussed, including allowing one member to continue past term limits and merging with the Social Work/Social Welfare Committee for a time.
5. M.J. Brustman will talk with the EBSS Publications Committee chair about assigning a publications liaison for the Gerontology Committee.
Committee: Higher Education
Chairperson: Ann Brownson
Major Topics of Discussion: Focus of the committee / refocusing the committee.
Major Decisions: Focus on hot issues in Higher Education.
Upcoming Activities: Develop online colloquium (April) on one of these topics - probably copyright.
Committee: Instruction for Educators
Chairperson: Tasha Cooper
Members present: Tobeylynn Birch; Tasha Cooper (chair); Louise Greenfield; Karen Janke; Laura Koltutsky; Lori Mestre; Katherine Ott; Deborah Schaeffer; Ada Woods; Carol Wright
Member excused: All were present.
Guests: none
The meeting was convened by Tasha Cooper (chair) shortly after 9:30 a.m., in Convention Center Room 5A. Following introductions and circulation of a sign-in sheet, Tasha distributed the agenda and called for additions and corrections to the minutes.
Tasha made the following announcements:
- EBSS-L is the section discussion list; Tasha has information about signing on for those who haven't (this information is also available on the EBSS-L web site);
- Online meeting information is available from Tasha; she noted that there are requirements for posting agenda in advance;
- Those whose terms are ending need to apply for reappointment if interested in continuing to serve on an EBSS committee;
- ALA has issued a statement regarding endorsements by ALA officers; if you would like more information, see Tasha;
- Someone contacted Tasha after reading that the committee is working on two information literacy/standards articles, asking if the articles are available (as this person works on her dissertation); as the articles take final form we can find out whether this person is still interested;
- Tasha reminded sub-groups that they will need to confer with the publications committee as the articles move forward; Kate Corby is the current publications committee liaison to the Instruction for Educators committee;
- The EBSS Advisory Committee meets on January 11, 2004; Tasha encouraged committee members to pass along to her any concerns or questions for Advisory;
- Members should consider projects the Committee might pursue in the future, when the two sub-groups have completed their work;
- Tasha asked whether anyone had information about MERLOT.
Following reports of each sub-group, work in subgroups began. Ada Woods and Deborah Schaeffer joined Sub-group A.
The Committee reconvened for progress reports by each subgroup.
- Notes from Subgroup A are provided by Tobeylynn Birch:
Two new committee members - Ada Woods and Deborah Schaeffer - joined the subcommittee for the article on NCATE standards to replace Linda Geller and Penny Biele, who had gone off the committee. Tobey will email her outline and the two completed draft sections to the new members. Ada agreed to take on the section regarding Standard 5 (Faculty Qualifications, Performance, and Development), and Deborah will edit the final draft.
Karen Janke gave an overview of her section on Standard 1, Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions, explaining that she had found a great example of faculty-librarian partnering in the literature. She suggested we may want to find another example that is not so labor intensive. Deborah volunteered to check with CSU Northridge about their faculty partnering.
Louise then went over her section on Standard 3, Field Experience and Clinical Practice. She included a lot of content but suggested that we can remove some of it as the full article comes together.
Deborah will take a look at potential publications, targeting teacher preparation programs and faculty, to determine what final format the article should take.
Tobey will complete her draft of the introduction by the end of January and send it out to the subcommittee. We will try to have all sections complete by mid-March in order to complete final draft before ALA Annual.
- Notes from Sugroup B are provided by Tasha Cooper: Present: Tasha Cooper; Laura Koltutsky; Lori Mestre; Katherine Ott; Carol Wright
Subgroup B discussed narrowing the focus of their project to standards-based collaborative best practices. Building on much of the work this group has already done, the group envisions a web site listing best practices and an article introducing the web site and providing an introduction to standards. Sections to be retained from additional work include the introduction, statement of purpose, and descriptions of standards. The group will also explore the possibility of soliciting best practice suggestions via e-mail discussion lists.
Specific section assignments were:
- Carol: tweaking of introduction
- Lori and Kat: best practice examples/collaborations
- Laura: introduction to web page/context
- Tasha: bibliography
Librarians who work with faculty and students in schools of education are the audience for this project. The group will attempt to arrange for conference calls, starting in February, in order to complete much of this project prior to June 2004.
Meeting Conclusion: Expressing her hope that at some point the Committee can resume meeting as a whole, Tasha closed the meeting with a call for suggestions for upcoming committee projects. Possibilities include:
- Sponsoring a discussion at which an NCES representative would demonstrate searching for education statistics; · Updating past publications (as listed on committee charges distributed during the meeting);
- Mentoring new education librarians (related to the following suggestion);
- Best practices in collaborating with educators;
- Who the education student is today, undergraduate as well as graduate;
- Support for alternate programs for teacher certification;
Additional suggestions are welcome.
The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
Action items: Tasha will check on:
- Conference call arrangements, once a month for sub-group B;
- Permission to solicit best practices;
- Publication process for Tobeylynn.
Carol and Tobeylynn will send notes from sub-group discussions to Tasha (promptly).
Committee: Membership and Orientation
Chairperson: Melissa Cast
- Attendance: Melissa Cast, chair; Soraya Magalhaes-Willson, virtual member
- Announcement - The EBSS Social Hour is scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Saturday, January 10 at the Dublin Square Pub.
- Membership reports were distributed prior to meeting.
- Letters to new, dropped and reinstated members - The ACRL office is now sending email addresses with the monthly new, dropped and reinstated membership reports. Discussed pros and cons of sending personal letters versus email contacts.
- Results of email survey to dropped members - Most respondents dropped membership to EBSS due to job changes or retirement. Many of those commented that EBSS was very helpful while they were education/social science librarians. One lapsed member dropped because they were currently unemployed and another dropped because of frustration becoming involved with ACRL committees.
- Other business
- As the virtual member of the committee was present, we discussed the nature of virtual committee membership, how involved virtual committees feel in committee work and things that could be done to improve the situation.
- Membership & Orientation Committee members attendance has been low the last two conferences due to a variety of reasons - illness, Toronto and SARS, appointments on other committees. It was noted that much of the work the committee does is chore-like - sending letters, finding a place for the social, etc. It was wondered if the committee should look to doing much of the work virtually. Cast said she would discuss it with EBSS Chair Scott Walter and EBSS Vice-chair/Chair-elect Judy Walker.
- Some ideas for membership promotion were discussed such as how to reach new librarians, etc. It was mentioned that brainstorming ideas like this might be a good item for a virtual meeting.
Committee: Psychology/Psychiatry
Chairperson: Paula McMillen
Major Topics of Discussion: (1) review of committee web page drafts (2) need for revised edition of Journals in Psychology (3) brainstormed ideas for future mtgs & presentations (4) guest speaker from APA (5) volunteers and new chair needed after annual
Major Decisions: (1) note to L. Beebe (APA) with recommendation that APA revise & republish Journals in Psychology. Also note that committee would suggest people to serve on journal editor search committees (2) chair to send e-mail to committee/attendees to submit suggestions for changes to draft web pages (3) recommend more committee activity via e-mail (4) pursue a special issues discussion on 1 of these topics: increasing interdisciplinary nature of our work (CD & instruction), changing emphasis on gray literature in our various disciplines, coping with increased workload and stress
Upcoming Activities: Nothing specific at this time.
Committee: Publications & Communications
Chairperson: Marcia Keyser
Date: 1-10-04
Members Present: Marcia Keyser, Doug Cook, Kate Corby, Christine King, Patricia Libutti, Anne Fields.
Members Excused: Peg White.
Guests: Kate Silfen
- Web Site: Discussion of moving the EBSS web site to the ALA server. Agreed that we would wait at least one year. Doug and Kate will go through training during this conference.
- Newsletter: Doug is running for Vice Chair. If elected, he will seek many reporters to write much more content for the newsletter.
- Program Idea: Patricia Libutti is a member of the ACRL New Publications Committee. She suggested that we plan a program encouraging publication for librarians.
- EBSS Resolution in support of the ERIC Clearinghouses has gone to the ACRL Board and from there will go to ALA Council.
- Liaisons appointed:
- Doug is the liaison to Communication Studies Cmt.
- Marcia is the liaison to the Higher Education and CMC Cmts.
- Kate is the liaison to the Instruction for Educators Cmt.
- Peg White is the liaison to the Psych-Psych Cmt.
- Anne is the liaison to the Reference and Gerontology Cmts.
- Possible new Chairs, to start after Annual, 2004:
- Christine King - but can't come to the Consolidated Committee time.
- Anne Fields
- Patricia Libutti.
Time Adjourned: 9:20.
Committee: Reference Sources and Services
Chairperson: Laura Lillard
Attendees: Bee Gallegos, Lee Ann Lannom, Laura Lillard (Chair), Brian Schoolar, Marian Shemberg, Sharon Weiner (Recorder)
Guests: Ann Fields (EBSS Publications Committee), Kate Silfen
The meeting began at 9:00 a.m. in the San Diego Convention Center.
1. Plan how to address education/library science journal recommendations to ISI. ISI has strict criteria for inclusion of journals listed on their web site. L. Lillard and S. Weiner will write an article for the EBSS newsletter to encourage librarians to educate their faculty about social sciences journal coverage in JCR and to suggest that faculty who are on editorial boards submit their journals for consideration (newsletter deadline is March). We could also submit an article to C&RL News. K. Silfen commented that CSA PsycTracker is a competitor to ISI and covers psychology literature comprehensively; EBSCO has a citation tracker. We can talk to journal publishers at the conference about submitting their journals to ISI for consideration. We could suggest to AERA's Communication of Research Committee that they host a program at their conference about how journals are selected by ISI. We discussed how to determine which journals to recommend. We can determine whether there are core lists and compare them with ISI coverage, then contact journal editorial boards to suggest that they submit their journals for consideration. We can pre-screen the titles using ISI's criteria before recommending them for submission. We can track the progress of journal indexing requests on the ISI web site. The committee discussed whether we should address journal recommendations in all of the social sciences. We decided to begin with education journals to develop a process and then continue with other social science subjects. Committee members offered to help Elaine Hirsch to check a core list of journals in education against ERIC.
2. Discuss the implementation of a Librarians' Toolbox. Brian Schoolar suggested creating a resource for new education librarians that would give them guidance about important resources. The committee agreed that a web page with this information would be useful. The EBSS Publications Committee needs to approve the template that Brian develops. They need to approve the final product, as well. Possible categories for the template are: collection development sources and policies, educational primers for learning about the discipline of education, databases, key journals, key reference sources, publishers, standards, and sources and publishers of instructional materials. Once the template is approved, the committee will determine how to divide responsibility for each section.
3. Consideration of the topics that Anne Fields presented as possible publication/research topics. The group decided that the list should be publicized through the EBSS discussion list and newsletter so that people who are interested might select an idea or identify collaborators.
Action Items: L. Lillard and S. Weiner will write an article for the EBSS newsletter to encourage librarians to educate their faculty about social sciences journal coverage in JCR (newsletter deadline is March). B. Schoolar will develop a template for the Librarian's Toolbox and distribute it to the committee.
The meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
Committee: Social Work/Social Welfare
Chairperson: Brian Quinn
Date: 1/10/01
Members Present: Karen Hartman, Kate Silfen, Arif Jamal, Brian Quinn
Members Excused: Deborah Schaeffer, Vanette Schwartz Guests: Nikhat Ghouse, Ellen Demarinis, Brian Schoolar
Agenda Items: Meeting time, Committee functioning, Webliography project, Future projects
Time adjourned. 6:10 PM
The committee discussed the meeting time and decided to leave it at Saturday rather than return to Friday. We talked about how the committee is functioning and how we can work together more effectively. Committee members suggested more frequent email correspondence and the possibility of using conference calls to improve communication. We discussed the problem of the small size of the committee and the fact that several members will be rotating off after annual. The possibility of merging with the Gerontology Committee was discussed as a way of increasing the size of the committee. We talked about the possibility of appointing a liaison to the Council on Social Work Education. Arif Jamal attended the meeting and agreed to serve as liaison to CSWE. He offered to investigate collaboration possibilities between EBSS and CSWE.
Committee members discussed the webliography project. Three of our seven members have submitted contributions with two more sections to be completed shortly by other members. The committee agreed that the webliography should be posted on the EBSS social work page, and that some of the older material could be removed. Kate Silfen mentioned that she had talked with Kate Corby and that Kate was in the process of cleaning up the page. Silfen also mentioned that she had met with Christine King from the Publications Committee who agreed to serve as liaison between the two committees.
The committee discussed the possibility of future projects after the webliography is completed. Among the ideas that we discussed are creating a bibliography of selection tools for social work reference works. We talked about doing a comparative study of Social Work Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts. We also discussed the possibility of sponsoring a Current Topics discussion at Midwinter on evidence-based practice.
Committee: Ad Hoc Access to Government Sponsored Education Research
Date: January 12, 2004
Attendees: Kate Corby (Chair), Sharon Weiner (Recorder), Jen Stevens, Soraya Magalhaes-Wilson.
Guests: Jonathan Betz-Zall, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Jo Ann Carr, Tasha Cooper, Nancy O'Brien, Diana Ramirez, Ada Woods, Judy Walker.
The meeting began at 8:00 a.m. in the Hilton Gaslight Hotel, San Diego.
- Introductions.
- Minutes. S. Weiner agreed to record the minutes.
- Conference calls. John Collins can host conference call meetings. Soraya will be the back up host. According to ALA rules, notice that the meeting will be held and agendas for the conference call meetings must be posted on the ALA web site two weeks before the meeting. Minutes must be posted within a specified period.
- Chair of Ad Hoc Committee: J. Walker questioned who will chair this committee next year. K. Corby agreed to serve as Chair after this term expires.
- Review of Current Topics Discussion. K. Corby summarized Saturday's "Current Topics" program. EDRS will continue till September 30. Dave Lankes, formerly involved with the ERIC Information Technology Clearinghouse in Syracuse, discussed continuity for the Educator's Reference Desk and offered it to EBSS or other institutions to manage. J. Betz-Zall commented that Dave wants support, management of content, and a server. L. Bjorncrantz commented that Dave is looking for a university or administrative structure to take it over and wants support from ALA. S. Magalhaes-Wilson suggested a conference call between members of the Ad Hoc Committee, Dave, and Mary Ellen Davis. There is no precedent for managing an information service within ALA. K. Corby polled each attendee about whether they thought further action should be taken on this matter. All agreed that discussions should proceed; S. Weiner expressed concern about the urgency needed because of Dave's timeline. J. Stevens commented that this project fits well with ACRL's strategic plan. J. Carr commented that the project should start with ALA and ACRL; then work toward building a coalition with groups such as AERA and AACTE. The project could become a collaborative for information sharing for the national community. There was discussion about possible organizational structures, division of responsibilities, phased implementation, and a reference service for library professionals.
The list of people interested in helping with the transition that was compiled during the "Current Topics" meeting was routed to obtain additional names. K. Corby said that Mary Ellen Davis is willing to help write an IMLS grant and is willing to go to the ALA board to discuss this transition. J. Carr said that GODORT's Education Committee and AERA's Communication in Research Committee have offered to help; AASL, and RUSA may be willing to help, too. Similar collaborative projects are the IDEAS project in Wisconsin (Internet resources selected by K-20 educators; budget is $300,000/year; has an independent URL; receives contributions from agencies) and AGNIC (National Agricultural Library). K. Corby expressed concern about the magnitude of this transition project. J. Stevens said it is the role of this committee to bring people together to determine how the project can be done. L. Bjorncrantz said that people who had worked at the clearinghouses may be able to help. S. Magalhaes-Wilson said that staff of the former adjunct clearinghouses may also be able to help. There was discussion about who from the Ad Hoc Committee should participate in the conference call.
J. Walker suggested that a new committee could be formed to continue work on this project once the conference call resolves our questions. T. Cooper said that some of the questions for the conference call may also be raised on the new discussion list. J. Stevens said that leadership for the project may emerge from the discussion list.
J. Walker will discuss funding for the conference call with Mary Ellen Davis and report to K. Corby. Possible questions for the conference call meeting:- How much support would be realistic to expect from Dave?
- Can Dave provide a server for the existing web pages?
- What are Dave's expectations of ALA/ACRL/EBSS?
- What role would Dave have in the new structure?
- Who owns the copyright for the information in the Educator's Reference Desk? Is it transferable?
- Did AskERIC use chat or email reference service?
- Review of Contract status: K. Corby will be on vacation in March and asked if anyone could monitor ERIC developments and update the web site during that time. Neither S. Magalhaes-Wilson nor S. Weiner could take on that responsibility, so K. Corby will approach others about this.
- Next Steps: S. Magalhaes-Wilson commented that this meeting's discussion focused only on the virtual reference service of the Educator's Reference Desk. She asked what the goals for the committee are. J. Walker said that the committee should continue gathering information and contact the new contractor when announced. She said there used to be a governmental relations committee in EBSS but it was dissolved. This group could recommend that it be revived. She said we should concentrate on issues related to ERIC. K. Corby said that there are other issues that were listed in the minutes from the Toronto meeting. None of the committee members volunteered to address any of these issues. S. Weiner agreed to follow up on the gray literature issue. She commented on the parallels between the development of Medline and ERIC.
Action items:
- J. Walker will discuss the conference call meeting funding with Mary Ellen Davis. Committee members will review and comment on the above list of questions compiled at this meeting in preparation for the conference call.
- K. Corby will identify participants for the conference call.
- K. Corby will identify someone to maintain the reauthorization site while she is away in March.
- S. Weiner will pursue the gray literature issue.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m.
Committee: Ad hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
Chairperson: Nancy P. O'Brien
Date: Sunday, January 11, 2004
Present: Nancy O'Brien, Judy Walker
Absent: Carrie Cooper, Venta Silins, Lorene Sisson (all excused)
Guest: Denise Rosenblatt, National Library of Education
Members and guest were welcomed. The agenda was reviewed and approved without changes. Minutes from the teleconference meetings in June and July 2003 had been approved previously via email.
A discussion of the project focused on several issues, including the following.
Review of edited entries: Those present discussed the format of the entries distributed by Judy Walker prior to the meeting. The following decisions were made. In the sections on "Hours of Access," days of the week will be spelled out in full. Morning and afternoon times should consistently be listed in all capitals as "AM" or "PM" (e.g., Monday-Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM). In general, we will not use abbreviations in the directory entries.
In the section on "Estimated size of historical collection" we will report the number of volumes. If someone has provided this information in terms of linear feet, we need to change that to volumes. My sources say that on average there are 10 (average size) books per linear foot. If someone indicates the size as 230 linear feet, the edited response should be "2,300 volumes (230 linear feet)."
No numbers from questions in the original survey should appear in front of entries, so these need to be deleted.
In general, periods will be used at the end of responses submitted by survey participants. We will not include periods at the end of responses that offered the opportunity to simply check a response (e.g., "Categories of users that may access historical collection.")
We will omit personal pronouns (such as you, I, me, and so on) in the responses, rewriting as necessary. -
Questions for committee members. Should we fill in missing contact information when it is easily obtainable from the Web? For example, one entry did not include the URL, phone number or email. Should we find this information and include it?
Should we index unique collections listed in the individual entries? For example, Bowling Green State University has an Educational Memorabilia Center that collects information about one-room school education. Should we provide an index to these unique collections? Judy says it is possible, but we will need to highlight these for her to add to such an index.
Submission of corrections to Judy. It was agreed that revisions and corrections should be sent to Judy Walker. They may be sent to her either by tracking them on the electronic copy or clearly indicated on a paper copy. Also, be sure to send Judy any questions of intermixing of directory entries. One example occurred of half of the responses from one institution appearing in the record of the subsequent institution's entry.
Inclusion of known collections that did not respond. It was decided that we should include an appendix with a list of known historical collections that did not respond to the survey but that have important collections. Nancy has a list that she compiled from various sources. She will send that to the committee. The list will be divided among committee members (other than Judy) to find basic contact information. In addition to the minimum of contact information, when a Web site annotation is available, that will be included.
Status of resource list/bibliography. Due to absences, this discussion was deferred to email.
Status of glossary. Due to absences, this discussion was deferred to email.
Development of introduction. Nancy volunteered to write a first draft of the introduction which will include why and how the project was initiated; the usefulness of the directory, and will mention the earlier 1989 edition.
Credits on title page. Nancy proposed the following author statement on the title page of the final directory. Committee members need to discuss this proposal.
Directory of Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections
Compiled by the Ad hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum
C ollections Directory Committee,
Education and Behavioral Sciences Section,
Association of College and Research Libraries
Managing Editor:
Judy Walker
Committee Members:
Barbara Celone
Carrie Cooper
Nancy P. O'Brien, Chair
Venta Silins
Lorene Sisson
Judy Walker
Scott Walter
- Judy will change the wording in the heading for "Tools used…" to the following: "Tools used to assist in locating historical education materials."
- Venta will report on the status of the resource list.
- Venta and Lorene will report on the status of the glossary.
- Nancy will write an introduction.
- All members will complete editing of entries by March 1.
- All members will be assigned a small number of institutions for which contact information is needed.
- Judy will include a copy of the original survey as an appendix.
- Nancy will compile the minutes by February 1.
The next meeting (if needed) of the committee will take place in Orlando on Sunday, June 27, 8-11 a.m. (Anticipated meeting time is 8-9 a.m. since there are likely to be conflicts with the other EBSS meetings.)