Committee Meeting Highlights ALA Annual 2004
Executive Committee
Advisory Council
Communication Studies
Conference Program Planning 2004
Conference Program Planning 2005
Curriculum Materials Committee
Higher Education
Instruction for Educators
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Social Work/ Social Welfare
Ad Hoc Access to Government Sponsored Education Research
Ad Hoc - Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
Committee: Executive Committee
Date: June 25, 2004
Members Present: Scott Walter, Chair; Judy Walker, Vice-Chair; Doug Cook, Newsletter editor; Kate Corby, Past-Chair; Penny Beile, Member-at-Large; Marcia Keyser, Publications Committee Chair; Lois Cherepon, ACRL Board Liaison to EBSS; Mary Jane Petrowski, ACRL staff.
Members Excused: : Leslie Bjorncrantz, Section Liaison to ACRL; Julie Tharp, Member-at-Large;
Guests: Jen Fabbi, CMC Committee Chair
- Agenda Building: The Agenda was approved by acclamation with the addition of two items. Additions were made to discuss the Gerontology Committee, and a meeting with Luna Levinson on Monday, June 28
- Approval of Executive Committee Minutes Approved as posted on the web.
- Announcements The EBSS Program 'Pedagogy and the Online Learner' will be on Saturday, June 26, from 1:30 to 3:30 at the Radisson Hotel, Butler ballroom.
- ACRL Leadership/Sections Council. Camille Alire told Scott and Judy that there was a lot of interest in the ACRL Conference in Minneapolis next May. Many contributed papers, programs have already been submitted. Given the restrictions of time slots and space, there will be a high percentage of rejections. Judy Walker mentioned that the high rejection level for programs might discourage some people from attending the ACRL program in Minneapolis, since some people only get funded if they are presenting. Mary Ellen K. Davis promoted the ACRL Effective Practices web site to share information about E-learning issues. The EBSS Higher Education Committee is already working to produce a E-Learning product. The Membership Committee will present an annual report. The Triennial Membership Survey of ACRL was completed recently. EBSS Membership Committee requested cross tabs from this survey, to examine how EBSS members responded. Which cross tabs are actually done will depend on available ACRL funding. The University Library Section suggested making ACRL Midwinter meetings Virtual meetings. The issue is that individual sections may cancel meetings. Mary Jane Petrowski said that totally virtual Midwinter was not likely, but individual virtual meetings for sections or committees is feasible. She said she would bring back questions to the ALA staff. Some Committees in EBSS, such as our Membership Committee currently work a virtual level.
- ACRL Board Liaison:
- The ACRL Strategic Plan needs to have the strategy approved; then work on mega issues - such as e-learning. The deadline for Section Comments on the Strategic Plan is .
- Lori Goetsch will take over as ACRL Liaison to EBSS.
- ACRL Board meetings at ALA are Saturday, June 26, 2:00 to 4:00 PM, and Tuesday, June 29, 1:00 to 4:30 PM. The ACRL President's Program is Monday, June 28, 1:30 to 4:00 PM. It was noted that the first one conflicted with the EBSS program.
- ALA's Survey 2010 has been sent out via e-mail to most members and needs to be responded to by July 10, 2004.
- The 2007 ACRL Conference is in Baltimore in April.
- Update on Educators Reference Desk Project Representative did not show up.
- EBSS Nominee for ACRL IFLA Representative (Judy) Doug Cook is the EBSS nominee to be the Social Sciences Representative to IFLA. The vote was unanimous.
- Proposal to Review Ongoing Committee and Task Force Projects (Penny/Doug) Penny Beile proposed that EBSS Executive Council have an official review of ongoing projects for EBSS Committees. The purpose would be to look for duplication or redundancy; keep track of section projects, and stay on track; and consider if old projects need to be revised or not. We could possibly have a review of projects by Executive Committee or Advisory. Does EBSS-Exec. assign projects? Marcia Keyser noted that the Publications / Communications Committee keeps track of projects under their purview.
- Call for Newsletter Editor (Doug/Marcia) Doug Cook stated that with his duties as Vice Chair / Chair Elect, he will step down as Newsletter Editor after the next issue. Marcia Keyser concurred, and steps will be taken to start the search for a new editor, with announcements in the EBSS List-serv, and C&RL News.
- The Gerontology Committee does not have new members. Shall we retire the Committee, or make it temporarily inactive as of the end of Annual? After discussion, it was agreed that we should keep the committee on our list through the end of the next appointment cycle. If there are no volunteers for the committee we will disband the committee after Annual 2005.
- CMC has a proposal for a Discussion group. The Members at Large put out a call for suggestions for Midwinter discussion group topics. There are other topics besides CMC's suggestion. We should review all the options, and then let the Members at Large decide which discussion group proposal meets the needs of the most members.
- There was a meeting with Luna Levinson, Director of ERIC and Christina Dunn, Director of the National Library of Education. Doug Cook reported on some of the preliminaries. They might okay an ERIC User's Group. EBSS could help present issues to ERIC. The idea of an ERIC user's group was discussed, and generally met with approval. The User's group could answer questions for the ERIC organization. We would have a forum to ask ERIC about policies, such as adding a 'peer reviewed' field for journals. We might have an Open Discussion group at ALA Midwinter that would be separate from the Current Topics discussion groups. Kate Corby was the natural one to follow up on that issue.
- Adjournment: Time adjourned. 9:10
Summary Motions [made and voting results] Action Items:
- Doug Cook and Marcia Keyser will place announcements and begin the process of a search for a new EBSS Newsletter editor.
- Kate Corby will organize the Ad hoc Committee on Government sponsored Research to become a permanent committee. Kate would propose the name and charge of the Committee.
- Judy Walker volunteered to present in writing that we have been willing to work with ERIC, and will compose a letter describing our actions as EBSS.
Helga Visscher Secretary EBSS.
Committee: EBSS Advisory Council
Date: Sunday, June 27, 2004
Members Present: Penny Beile, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Anne Brownson, Mary Jane Brustman, Melissa Cast, Doug Cook, Natasha Cooper, Kate Corby, Jen Fabbi, Marcia Keyser, Laura Lillard, Paula McMillen, Brian Quinn, Lisa Romero, Helga Visscher, and Judy Walker.
Members Absent: Scott Walter
Judy Walker, the incoming chair of EBSS, 2004-2005 presided at the meeting, since Scott Walter, the outgoing chair 2003-2004 was presenting another program.
Introductions were made around the table.
Minutes of the January 11, 2004 Advisory Council meeting in San Diego were approved as presented on the web.
Kate Corby reported that Stephanie Orphan of the ACRL Office e-mailed her regarding indexing all the ACRL Websites. Members should e-mail Kate Corby the items from our committees which should be sent out to be 'broadcast.'
Kate Corby, as Nominations Committee chair asked for nominations for elections next year, for EBSS Chair-Elect, Secretary and Member at Large. She will welcome nominations, especially self-nominations.
Kate is posting changes from ERIC on our website. She and Doug Cook and Judy Walker met with Christina Dunn and Luna Levinson on Saturday June 26. The meeting was the result of Kate's complaints to Dr. Levinson about difficulties getting any information about the ERIC changes. The idea of having an EBSS committee on ERIC was discussed. It would give ERIC feedback, like a users group. The new ERIC is scheduled to go up in September, 2004; but there is not much information about it. Doug Cook said that ERIC representatives liked the model of a users group, would want to include Special Libraries Association members in the input and organization. For input about ERIC the federal representatives prefer to deal with institutions/organizations, not individuals. The website Kate works on has provided investigative reporting on how ERIC is developed. Judy stated that we can recommend a new committee or plan a separate ERIC discussion group at Midwinter and invite ERIC people. Nancy O'Brien moved and Ann Brownson seconded that the Executive Committee develop a charge and outline the components of a new user's group or interest group about ERIC immediately. Motion carried. Doug Cook will compose a charge for this ERIC interest group.
- Committee chairs are urged to send in their Committee Highlights reports ASAP. Minutes of meetings should be sent to the Secretary by July 12.
- ALA members' survey should be filled out by every member. There is space for lots of comments, so please fill in the online survey when you get home.
- The 12th National ACRL Conference is in Minneapolis in April 7-10, 2005. May 28 was the deadline for contributed papers, panel sessions, preconferences and workshops. November 8, 2004 is when proposals for poster sessions are due. January 10, 2005 proposals for roundtable discussions are due. Judy Walker mentioned that the number of proposals received by May 28 is very high. Given the number of time slots available, less than one third of the submissions will be presented. The Mega Issue for the conference revolves around ACRL's Strategic Plan: 'Focus on the Future.'
- ACRL has an Effective Practices Website. Submit your good practices to this site.
- Content providers are needed for Resources for College Libraries, the new product that will update Books for College Libraries. Be on the lookout for the call for volunteers, coming soon.
Committee Issues:
- Some of the EBSS Committees did not meet at the Annual Consolidated Meeting and so did not report their activities at the membership portion of the meeting.
- Social Work Social Welfare: Brian Quinn mentioned that they discussed Social Work Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts. They finalized the Human Services website, and are updating links to Social Service Organizations. The Meeting time conflicts with the Social Hour. Could the membership Committee change the time to 6:00 PM? Or, to change to the same time block as the other EBSS Committees, they would have to find another way to liaise with the Council on Social Work Education. The next project is a Toolbox of Collection Development Resources for Social Work Librarians.
- Ad Hoc Directory of Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Committee: Nancy O'Brien reported that they have completed their manuscript. ACRL will probably publish it.
- Current Topics Discussion Groups: Penny Beile mentioned that there have been about 6 suggestions for Midwinter's discussion groups, and there are two time slots. By September, any suggestions for meetings or programs for 2005 need to be submitted.
- Judy Walker brought up Penny Beile's suggestion of reviewing past activities and updating. Also we should keep up with the website to keep track of what is going on. We should try to use Ad Hoc committees to take care of extra long projects that require continuity. They also can be used to help a group avoid meeting time conflicts. Interested members should bring the proposed Committee name and charge to the Executive Committee.
- Conference Program 2005: The program will be on Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research. It will include No Child Left behind issues. The 2004 Program on Saturday, Pedagogy and the Online Learner had 218 people attending. The program started late because there were not enough seats. There was too much material for the allotted time. Judy thanked Mary Jane for an excellent program.
- Conference Program 2006. New Orleans. Doug Cook needs a Chair and Committee members for this program by October 2004. The proposal is Grant Writing as a form of collaboration. This is a good lead-in to how to get something published. A program on the New ERIC would be interesting, too. Doug mentioned this may be too narrow for the interdisciplinary nature of our work. Other ACRL sections, ANSS, LIT, NESS are interested in collaboration. Doug mentioned other ideas. Best practices in collaborating with Educators; how to do graduate research in education; how to help graduate students? We do need to remember to keep the wide interest that appeal to most librarians, inside and outside of our group, not just educators.
Virtual meetings: If an EBSS committee wants to propose a virtual meeting, they must first post an agenda. Have minutes, distribute to all members, post on the website, etc. We can be flexible about the type of virtual meeting: Conference call / Ref Chat/ e-mails. Send minutes to the List-serv. It is important to show what you did, so others know about it. List Serv. There are some new members this spring, for a total of 915 members. Everyone gets a notification on joining the List-serv when they pay dues to join EBSS. Some people, some organizations are members, and don't want to join the List-serv. Some people join the List-serv, and don't join EBSS. Judy Walker brought up the suggestion of changing the default on the List-serv. Instead of a reply going to the entire list, the reply should go to the person who sent the message. There were comments about how crowded e-mail inboxes had been lately. The idea of having a separate list serv for ERIC topics only was brought up. Kate Corby and Judy Walker will confer on that idea. Some EBSS members are not at all interested in ERIC. By general consent, the Advisory Council members agreed with Judy Walker's proposal that a List-serv reply should go to the sender instead of responding to all, without much direct comment. Since there was no more business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 11:10 AM. Helga Visscher EBSS Secretary
Committee: Communication Studies
Chairperson: Lisa Romero
Date: Saturday, June 26, 2004
Name of person submitting Minutes: Heidi Senior
Members Present: Lisa Romero (Chair); Jessica Albano; Elliot Kanter; Sharon Ladenson; Vicky Lebbin; Felice Maciejewski; Patrick Reakes; Heidi Senior
Members Excused: Jenifer Flaxbart
Members Absent: AnnMarie Singh
Guests: Laura Barrett, Adrian Ho
The meeting was convened at 9:30 on Saturday, June 26, 2004 in the Sheraton Mediterranean Room, by Committee Chair Lisa Romero. Lisa welcomed everyone, and Committee members introduced themselves.
Agenda Items and Summary of Meeting:
New Business:
Discussion of committee web site project. Lisa thanked all committee members for their work.
The committee decided that News Sources should be a separate list, not a subject guide. Elliot Kanter is working on the list.
- The Committee discussed the web site and provided Webmaster Jessica Albano with feedback.
- The committee thanked Jessica for the work she has put into the website.
- Jessica has put ???? in subject guides where information is needed; committee members should check for ???? and get information to Jessica.
- The committee decided to amend the List of Additional Criteria for Pathfinders
- Include annotations for selected reference sources, to explain content if it's not implied by the source title, or to distinguish between similar sources.
- Database lists should include communication studies and related disciplines; exclude general databases and insert a disclaimer.
- Identify databases (indexes) as print or electronic.
- Database descriptions should not include number of journals covered
- Database descriptions can include known vendors
- Frequency of periodical publication (quarterly, monthly, etc.) is optional
- Indicate if periodicals are trade, scholarly, consumer
The Committee discussed the 2nd round of web site assignments, taking 5-10 minutes per assignment. Members' comments are listed below each assignment name.
Groups, Associations, Organizations
- After discussion about annotations for this guide and whether to include publication and conference information, the committee decided to send readers to the organization website to find this information.
- The committee discussed creating an A-Z comprehensive list of organizations and decided to wait to see how much overlap there is between this list and other subject guides before acting. ·
- Meld descriptions from other subject guides; subject-guide database lists will link to this page.
- Locate vendor information
- ComIndex is now available as downloadable files
- Add Sage Communication Studies Full Text
- Needs a link to the Photojournalism subject guide
- The original pathfinder was out of order (Jessica has corrected online version)
- Include a note regarding specialized subject headings (for different types of journalism)
- Be more selective in Periodical Databases/Indexes (see general website guidelines)
- Include Center for Investigative Reporting,; Fund for Investigative Journalism,; and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists,
Media Ethics
- This subject guide needs a Title, and an introductory paragraph
- The title was changed to Media Ethics and Objectivity
- The organization list will include watchdog groups such as AIM, FAIR, Media Matters, etc.
- Databases section needs expansion
- Journals list needs dates of coverage and type (trade, scholarly, etc.)
Media Ratings Info
- Lisa distributed this subject guide for Jenifer Flaxbart; committee members should review it and send comments for Jenifer to the list by August 1
New Media, Cyberculture Studies
- Adrian will take over responsibility for this subject guide
- No comments
Special Collections
- Include a link to the Poynter Institute's Journalism Libraries bibliography
- The Committee discussed publicity for the web site.
- The committee will solicit endorsements from communication studies faculty and students
- The website will include an endorsement form, and an invisible counter
- Other ideas for announcements:
- Listservs
- Scout Report
- Librarians' Index to the Internet
- ACRL News (submit the website for review)
- Midwinter boxes
- Ad in ACRL News
- Communication Association publications
- Local associations
- Communication Studies departments
- Librarian-oriented web-resource review media, including CHOICE and Communication Booknotes Quarterly.
- Next steps: Timeline and Action Items:
- August 1: Webmaster discusses with EBSS web person the specifics of loading committee web site onto EBSS web site
- August 1: Final draft of assignments due to Jessica Albano (Proofreader) and Lisa Romero
- August 30: Proofreader completes work
- October 1: Revised website draft due (Webmaster emails draft to Committee members)
- October 1: New Media & Cyberculture Studies, Political Communication, Media Diversity & Race subject guides and News Sources list due
- October 15: Review website and email Committee members with comments
- Other news:
- The Committee examined EBSS Web Site Guidelines and decided to add review of website to Communication Studies charge
- ASCUS: Lisa will email Tim Stephen to get an update
- Jessica told the committee about the September 11 project: Libraries will sponsor readings and programming around the Bill of Rights. This project is funded by the University of Washington's Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities, UW's Dean's Office of the College of Arts and Sciences, Humanities Washington, and Washington Medical Librarians Association. The URL is
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned when the EBSS Membership Meeting began at 11:30am.
Committee: Conference Program Planning 2004
Chairperson: Mary Jane Brustman
Major Topics of Discussion: Final details for today's program.
Major Decisions: Worked out minor details for how program would run as far as committee member assignments, format of question period, etc.
Upcoming Activities:
- Analyze evaluations
- Report to ACRL
- Post program handouts to EBSS Website.
- Newsletter article
- Speaker paperwork, thank yous, etc.
Committee: Conference Program Planning 2005
Chairpersons: Judy Walker, Kevin Barry
Members Present: Judy Walker, Dana Petersen;
Excused: Deborah Cheney, Kevin Barry;
Guest: Doug Cook
- Judy reported on what she learned at the ACRL '05 Conference Program Planning meeting on Saturday. Other than the specific areas that need to be discussed by the committee here are the highlights:
- There was a round robin with each section describing their program [see ACRL program matrix attached.]
- We need to finalize budget in August
- All speaker agreements must be in by December
- AV Equipment requests need to be in as early as possible.
- See Program Planning Calendar [attached] for more detailed time table of what we need to do.
- ACRL will be putting more effort into marketing the sections programs
- After listening to all the other program titles Judy thought we needed to 'spice up' our title a little. Dana came up with several suggestions. Revised title: Empirical Desires, Realized Dreams: Quantitative and Qualitative Researchs' Impact on Libraries
- Mary Jane also indicated we need to shorten up our description a little. The group worked on that and came up with the following revised description: A growing number of researchers and policy makers are calling for an improvement in education research through increased use of randomized experiments and data analysis. A panel will discuss trends and issues in both qualitative and quantitative educational research and what librarians must know to be effective in the No Child Left Behind era. There will be a brief presentation of the EBSS Distinguished Librarian Award at the beginning of the program.
- Budget Because as a whole the Sections requested more money than ACRL has available all sections requesting more than $1,000 were asked to consider additional alternative funding. In the past the section has usually contributed $500 toward the program. Judy checked with several executive folks and discussed it with the Advisory committee. Everyone was in agreement to use $500 of the EBSS basic funds for the program to help offset ACRL funding. Judy will inform Mary Jane of this decision.
- The EBSS Advisory Committee strongly suggested the Conference Committee request our program be moved from Sunday afternoon back to its more traditional time slot of Saturday afternoon. Doing this will avoid a programming conflict with the Instruction Section which traditionally offer programs that are also of interest to EBSS members. The EBSS program would still be in conflict with the Distance Education but this year they are just doing a celebration of their fifteenth anniversary as a section. The Conference Committee concurred with the Advisory Committee. Judy will include this request in the updated program proposal form which is due to Mary Jane by noon on Monday.
- There was a brief discussion/review of this year's program that took place on Saturday. The formats were very similar as far as speakers. Although the program was excellent there was a problem with timing. Speakers took much more time than they should have. Right now we have 3 speakers speaking to two sides of the issue. Kevin is still looking for an additional speaker to give the librarians viewpoint. We need to make very clear to speakers how long they have to speak before hand.
- Judy shared with the Advisory Committee that we were still looking for a librarian to speak to the issue. Mary Jane Brustman recommended a person [Deborah Anderson] from her institution [SUNY Albany. Judy will pass that name on to Kevin.
Meeting adjourned at 12:35 PM
Minutes submitted by Judy Walker.
Committee: Curriculum Materials
Chairperson: Jennifer Fabbi
Submitted by Venta Silins, Member
Members Present: Jennifer Fabbi (Chair), Darla Bressler, Dorothy Schleicher, Gary Lare, and Venta Silins
Members Excused: John Hickok, Roslyn Wylie
Guests: Anna Lewis (incoming member), Elizabeth Broyles, Vanessa Earp (incoming member)
- Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:40 a.m.
- Introductions and Greetings Members and guests introduced themselves, stating institutional affiliation, current position, and member and term expiration or guest status.
- Volunteer for Minutes Venta Silins volunteered to take minutes.
- Approval of Minutes for Midwinter meeting held Saturday, January 10 - 11, 2004 in San Diego. Minutes were accepted as submitted.
- Announcements There were no announcements.
- VI. Current Projects
- Webliography assignments and reassignments Jennifer reviewed the Webliography assignments and asked for volunteers to fill open assignments. She will ask new members to volunteer for assignments not filled at the meeting. Jennifer also discussed the criteria members should use when creating their section of the Webliography.
- CMC Collection Development Policy The committee members discussed issues surrounding the publication of the CMC Collection Development Policy. We wondered whether the new policy would be a revision of the old policy or would it be a new publication. We also discussed whether the format should be web-based or print and whether there should be a fee to access the policy if it was web-based. Jennifer invited Marcia Keyser from the Publications Committee to help determine the best way to proceed. Marcia said she would take our concerns to the Publications Committee. The committee decided to cancel Sunday's meeting.
- Midwinter Discussion Group The committee discussed topics for the Midwinter Discussion Group. Topics included: Marketing Curriculum Materials Centers · Assessment · User groups · Kinds of services CMCs provide students and faculty · Assessing user needs · Marketing CMCs within the larger institution · Technology Teaching Information literacy The committee decided to put forward the idea of Marketing your CMC. The EBSS Members at Large will review submitted topics and select.
- New Business The Committee had no new business.
- Adjournment Jennifer reported the highlights of our meeting to the other committees and the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Committee: Gerontology
Chairperson: Mary Jane Brustman
Major Topics of Discussion:
- Future of Committee
- Gerontology Resources Web Page.
Major Decisions:
EBSS Executive Committee placed this committee on inactive status due to shortage of new volunteers. WE have decided to reorganize into an informal virtual discussion group to discuss issues of interest also to occasionally meet as a group and propose activities at conferences. We will work to complete the Gerontology Resources Web page and make it accessible.
Committee: Higher Education
Chairperson: Ann Brownson
Members Present: Ann Brownson, Julie Cunningham, Lea Currie, Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Laurel Haycock, Lynn Lampert, Jeff Luzius, Sharon Naylor, Barbara Wales
Incoming Member present: Marcia Keyser (also representing Publications Committee)
Member Absent: Jan Fryer
Guests: Nancy Dupree
After introductions, the first item of discussion was the online colloquium. This was originally planned for this past spring, but turned out to be a larger undertaking than we thought. There was first discussion again of topic, and it was decided that we would tackle "accreditation issues" as the topic of the colloquium. In higher education, librarians are asked to prepare for regional accreditation (WASC, SACS, NCA, Middle States,) and for profession-specific accreditation (NCATE, Athletic Training, Social Work, etc.)
Plans are to develop a three or four session course using the TLT software available through ACRL and using their expertise. Lynn has been through one of the TLT classes, and is somewhat aware of the process. Cost is generally about $150 per person to sign up, and any profit is shared with the section. There are a maximum of 80 seats. Questions raised included that of paying the instructor(s)/honorariums; whether it has to go past the publications committee; if it will be run one-time or more often, with the question of residuals if it is run more often.
Topics for the three sessions would be 1) How to be prepared for an accreditation visit, including how to demonstrate the library's influence; 2) Discipline-specific accreditation; and 3) regional accreditation. Possible speakers could be Gary B. Thompson (I think the citation is Thompson, Gary B., Information Literacy Accreditation Mandates: What They Mean for Faculty and Librarians Library Trends, 0024-2594, September 1, 2002, Vol. 51, Issue 2) and Laurene Zaporozhetz, NCATE examiner and 2004 EBSS Distinguished Librarian [Note*: Judy Walker, EBSS chair, is a trained NCATE examiner as well].
It is hoped that this can all be put together and into effect during Fall 2005. Lynn will contact ACRL to find out all of the pertinent information concerning the process and costs.
In new business: it was decided to begin to develop a web site with tools that librarians working with higher education programs and administration would find useful. Ann will send copies of the bibliographies sent from the original planned project to Stephanie, who will take the lead in developing the web site.
Also discussed was the possibility of developing an e-mail tutorial to be advertised through the various ACRL and EBSS lists; one on Accessibility in Libraries; the other on Librarians doing doctoral programs in Higher Education. This could be a round table at Midwinter, too.
The updating of the "Books for College Libraries" to "Resources for College Libraries" edited by Irving Rockwood was also briefly discussed. Stephanie will take the lead in contacting him regarding a chapter/entry on higher education resources.
Ann Brownson was thanked for her service to the committee as outgoing chair, and Lynn Lampert and Stephanie Davis-Kahl thanked for their upcoming service as incoming co-chairs.
The committee adjourned to the consolidated committee meeting at 11:30 a.m.
Committee: Instruction for Educators
Chairperson: Natasha Cooper
Members present: Tobeylynn Birch, Tasha Cooper (chair), Louise Greenfield (initial recorder), Laura Koltutsky, Merinda McLure, Lori Mestre, Katherine Ott, Deborah Schaeffer, Ada Woods.
Members Excused: Karen Janke; Carole Wright
Guests: Veronica Bielat; anonymous
Welcome and introductions: The meeting was convened in the Mediterranean Room of the Sheraton World Resort in Orlando, Florida, by Tasha Cooper at approximately 9:30 a.m., following chair and table rearrangement. Members and guests introduced themselves.
Minutes: Louise Greenfield agreed to take minutes during the initial, combined group part of the meeting. The Mid-winter conference meeting minutes were approved.
Additions to the agenda/announcements: Tasha reminded members about the ALA Member Survey, and verified that all committee members present subscribe to the EBSS-L list.
Report from sub-group A (NCATE article): Tobeylynn Birch reported that sub-group A has a rough draft of the article on which that group has been working. This article focuses on ways in which librarians can partner with faculty and administrators in Schools of Education to help them with the NCATE accreditation process. Tobey's term on the committee is ending, but she is willing to help see the article through. Tasha thanked Tobey for her willingness to continue and offered to assist with the process as needed.
Report from sub-group B (other standards article): Tasha reported that sub-group B had two telephone conference calls during the spring, and arrived at a course of action during the second of the two. Having received few responses to a discussion list solicitation, the group would like to actively solicit, from librarians who serve as liaison to schools of education or education programs, models for collaboration, particularly in standards work. She noted that Lori has created a web site on which these models will be posted. The site might also contain basic information about standards. Tasha shared a sample page and the URL for the web site created by Lori:
Suggestions for future projects: Tasha distributed a handout that contained the committee charge, lists of past programs and publications, and ideas for future projects, most of which were suggested at the midwinter 2004 meeting. (Those not present at this meeting who did not receive this handout may see the charge, list of publications and possible projects on the EBSS web site in the Committee charge section (, the EBSS manual ( and the midwinter 2004 minutes: (
Noting that she would like to work on some of the possible projects on the list, Tasha also expressed her desire to complete the current two sub-group projects. She raised the question of whether sub-group A, which is nearing completion of its project, might join with sub-group B, probably after mid-winter 2005. Because this project now requires solicitation of models, having more people to help with the solicitation would expedite the process.
All present were agreeable to this proposal.
Sub-group work: Groups A and B separated for subgroup work.
Sub-group A discussed their work on the NCATE article. The draft will be distributed to the entire committee before mid-winter. After editing the draft, the sub-group will sent it to the Publications Committee to start the ACRL review process. The sub-group conferred with the publications liaison during this meeting. Deborah will look for possible publications in the field of teacher education to which to submit the article, assuming that ACRL will not publish it.
Sub-group B reviewed the plan for soliciting best practices. Minutes from the May 13, 2004, conference call at which this plan was suggested were circulated; these are available at the following web site:
Laura Koltutsky distributed a list of TEAC and NCATE accredited education schools and colleges. The sub-group discussed various methods of identifying librarians to contact, and agreed that each of us would contact someone from one or more states on the list, as follows:
- Laura: Texas; Louisiana
- Tasha: New York; Pennsylvania
- Lori: Massachusetts; Wisconsin; Florida; Connecticut
- Merinda: Montana; Oregon; Washington, Idaho
- Kat: Oklahoma
- Louise: Arizona
We agreed that we do not need to be limited to institutions with schools of education. We might find collaborative models at smaller institutions with a teacher certification program. However, we do want to stick with models that have to do with education standards, as opposed to collaborations regarding ACRL standards and subject disciplines. We need to think about models that will be useful for librarians working with faculty and students in education programs. We agreed that contacting librarians who have participated in ACRL's immersion program might be useful, if we can find ways to determine who in that group works with education programs. Similarly, we discussed seeking responses from EBSS list participants. Judy Walker suggested the EBSS Directory of Curriculum Materials Centers, as a source of names to contact. Ultimately, we decided that personal contact to institutions on the lists provided by Laura might be most effective, although we can also follow up with postings to the EBSS-L list or immersion participants, etc.
We will not necessarily try to complete all the categories on Lori's web page. We will take whatever models we find and categorize after we see what examples we have.
We discussed the need to get approval of the solicitation. Tasha will circulate the draft prepared by the sub-group following the May meeting. After receiving comments or corrections, she will seek approval.
Merinda agreed to start looking at the resources listed on the bibliography on Lori's web site, starting to pare them down to match the focus of the site.
Action items for this sub-group:
- Everyone to review solicitation draft
- Tasha to seek permission for solicitation
- Following approval (assuming approval), all members contact librarians in selected states (if sub-group A has finished their work, they will be invited to join)
- Members send results of solicitation to Lori
- Merinda works on bibliography
- Group resumes work on all sections of web site
The meeting closed with general announcements and news to share:
- Deborah Schaffer announced an information literacy position opening;
- Louise Greenfield described a children's literature class and learning outcomes model;
- Ada Woods inquired about lesson plans, and Deborah described California's SCORE project.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:15, prior to the Membership Meeting.
Thanks to all who attended.
Respectfully submitted by Tasha Cooper.
Committee: Membership and Orientation
Chairperson: Melissa Cast
Members present: Melissa Cast, Cynthia Crosser, Kay Womack Members coming on present: Benita Strnad
Introductions Announcements:
- The EBSS program Pedagogy and Online Learning is Saturday from 1:3-3:30.
- The EBSS social is at the Tu Tu Tango from 4-6 on Saturday Membership Reports
- ACRL Survey for dropped members indicates that the most common reason for leaving EBSS is because of job changes. The cost of fees was also listed as a common reason.
- The number of EBSS members is below 1000. Getting our numbers back to 1000 will double our budget from $500 to $1000.
Current Activities
- The promotional letter to library schools will be mailed to correspond with the beginning of the fall semester. · We will continue using email to communicate and do business between meetings.
- The new leader orientation was discussed.
New Business
- The suggestion was made to promote membership in EBSS through the EBSS listserv. Benita is going to write a letter to EBSS about our latest meeting to promote interest.
- The suggestion was made to promote EBSS through library school listservs. Melissa is going to contact student ACRL chapters at library schools.
- The suggestion was made to promote EBSS when visiting library schools. Melissa and Kay will be able to do this. Other EBSS members will be contacted to assist.
- The suggestion was made to promote EBSS for library student interns.
- The suggestion was made to promote interest in attending ALA for regional and local libraries. Cynthia is going to promote the Boston mid-winter ALA through listserv postings to NELA (New England Library Association) and NEC (New England Chapter of ACRL). Kay is going to contact state library associations in New England (and New York).
Committee: Psychology Psychiatry
Chairperson: Paula McMillen
Major Topics of Discussion:
- Review of web pages to be linked from committee pages. List of core psychology journals final revisions by Alice Perez and Bruce Stoffel. Activities / Presentations: correct typo, Given to Peg White for Publication Committee. Resources for Psychology Librarians - Paula will collate all recommendations and work with M. Ressell to get publications by end of July.
- Select new chair.
- Program ideas for Midwinter and Annual.
- Guest speakers form APA.
Major Decisions:
- See # I, above.
- Alice Perez volunteered and approved. Allison Sutton Agreed to be chair-elect.
- Submit proposal to Program Committee for Annual 2005 on Tests & Measures. Darlene and Sola to coordinate proposal preparation.
Committee: Publications & Communications
Chairperson: Marcia Keyser
Members Present: Marcia Keyser, Anne Fields, Kate Corby, Doug Cook, Christine King.
Visiting: Jim Blansett.
Introduction of incoming Chair, Tricia Libutti. Note that Tricia will also be chair of the SLA (Special Libraries Assn) Education Division.
Newsletter Editor search: Steps to take. - Announce at the Membership meeting, possibly at the afternoon program. Doug will create the September issue, and mentor the new editor. Most work for this position is during Feb/Mar and Oct/Nov. Post on EBSS-L. Process: Interested persons should apply to Tricia Libutti or Marcia Keyser, and discuss any questions they have with Doug Cook.
Review of Publications in process in EBSS
- Communications Committee Web Page - In process; ready for review soon.
- Social Work Committee: Remaking older web pages. No liaison assigned; Doug will contact them about this project.
- Instruction for Educators: Has 2 projects in the works: Surveying people (topic uncertain), and writing one article.
- Gerontology: The committee is folding, but the page may continue due to the dedication of former members. Or, it may be taken over by the Social Work Committee.
- Historical Collections: Will have a book manuscript to the P&C Committee within a month.
- Curriculum Materials Centers: Revising collection development policy and will change its focus and title. Still deciding whether to plan for a web or a print publication, and whether or not it is a "new" publication.
Other Newsletter issues discussed:
- Including Reports from Committees in the newsletter
- Need for a report by the ACRL Board from our liaison, Leslie Bjorncrantz.
- We may possibly need reports from our other liaisons, to NCATE (Judy Walker), and IFLA (Doug Cook).
- Review of committee activities by Executive; possible report to be included in the Newsletter.
Liaison Reviews: Liaison positions were not reviewed at this meeting. Listed are the roles as existed before Annual 2004:
- Doug is the liaison to Communication Studies Cmte.
- Marcia is the liaison to the Higher Ed. & the Curriculum Materials Center Cmtes.
- Kate is the liaison to the Instruction for Educators Cmte.
- Peg White is the liaison to the Psych-Psych Cmte.
- Anne is the liaison to the Reference & Gerontology Cmtes.
Committee: Reference Sources and Services
Chairperson: Laura Lillard
Major Topics of Discussion:
- Discussed development of Educator's Toolbox. Kate shared information regarding how to work with the Publications Committee. We assigned members categories for which they'll add content.
- ISI Project. We discussed how to proceed with getting more education journals into ISI. Kate made a suggestion on the course of action.
Major Decisions:
- Content for Educator's Toolbox due September 1 to Brian. Shoot for January roll-out.
- Look in ISI for current education subject areas to see if something is missing. If so, we will make recommendations to add it.
- See how publishers break out. Send 5 letters to big publishers and 5 to small publishers to test ground.
Committee: Social Work/Social Welfare
Chair:Brian Quinn
Date: Saturday, June 26, 2004
Members present: Arif Jamal, Brian Quinn, Deborah Schaeffer, Kate Silfen, Vanette Schwartz
Members Excused: Ellen DeMarinis, Karen Hartman, Frada Mozenter
Guest: Mary Hartung
The committee compared and contrasted the advantages and disadvantages of Social Work Abstracts via Silver Platter versus Social Services Abstracts via Cambridge Scientific. Social Services Abstracts is updated more frequently, has a thesaurus, and better journal coverage, but Social Work Abstracts is also valuable. One database should not be substituted for another. They should both be used.
The next item for discussion was the meeting time. The committee decided to leave the meeting time the same rather than move it to Friday afternoon, which would require members to fly in early. Some members asked if the EBSS Social Hour could be moved to a later time (e.g. 6:00 pm) so that they could attend.
There followed a discussion about the Human Services Organizations list. All members have submitted their revised sections of the list. Brian will send these to Kate Corby to post on the Social Work web pages.
Deborah Schaeffer presented a Gerontology Web Sites webliography that she had compiled. Brian said he would ask Kate about posting it on the Social Work web pages.
Arif Jamal gave a report on collaboration between EBSS and the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Arif was ill and unable to attend the CSWE conference in this year. He has been in contact with Lynn Tabola from CSWE and she has expressed an interest in collaborating. Arif plans to attend the next CSWE conference in February and will investigate collaboration possibilities further.
The committee discussed the idea of sponsoring an EBSS Current Topics Discussion on evidence-based practice at Midwinter in Boston in January. Kate Silfen will contact Sally Lawler about working on this. Mary Kay Hartung, a guest at the meeting and who completed her master's thesis on evidence-based practice for grief counseling, also expressed an interest in working on a presentation of this topic.
The final topic of discussion concerned possible projects that the committee could undertake next. The suggestion was made to create a social work librarian selector's toolbox, which would consist of a group of collection development resources for social work, including sources you would consult to locate reference titles. The last core list was completed in 1992, so it is time for an updated resource on this topic. Committee members thought this would be a good project to work on next.
Time adjourned. 5:45 pm
Committee: Ad Hoc Access to Government Sponsored Education Research
Chair: Kate Corby
Members present: John Collins, Jen Stevens, Sharon Weiner, Venta Silins
Guest: Matt Paris (incoming member), Doug Cook (incoming Vice Chair of EBSS)
- Introductions were done. We agreed to end the meeting at 9:00 am so that all had time to travel to the EDRS sponsored program on ERIC at the Convention Center at 9:30.
- Review of Status of ERIC effort. Kate described a meeting she and Doug attended with Luna Levinson, Head of ERIC; Christina Dunn, Head of the National Library of Education; Judy Walker, EBSS incoming chair; and Doug Cook, EBSS incoming Vice-Chair. EBSS concerns about the redesign of the ERIC database were aired. We received assurances that the database would continue to contain gray literature, might actually be a larger database that ERIC has been, and would continue to use the Thesaurus as a basis for indexing. EBSS representatives expressed dismay at the Department of Education's decision to move forward with redesign, without visible user input, especially from the library community. Dr. Levinson indicated that the database would be in a period of development for some time. She feels that suggestions for database improvement that have been gathered from the library community at large, discussed in detail, and prioritized, might be useful for the Department. User groups serve a similar function for commercial database vendors. The Department of Education does not have the resources to respond to individual comments. But it would be helpful if EBSS or another library related group could gather comments and convey them to the Department. There are some questions the Department already knows it has an interest in solving, among them: measuring the use level of ERIC materials, the best way to provide links to library holdings from the new ERIC database. The EBSS representatives brought this idea to the Executive Committee of EBSS. A decision has been made to pursue this initiative, probably through naming a Committee, ad hoc at first, but potentially a standing committee, to gather information both in person and through email, and present it to Dr. Levinson, or her representative at ALA. Doug Cook visited our meeting to share information about this proposed committee and solicit support/volunteers. He read the following proposed charge: Ad Hoc ERIC Interest Group Charge: To investigate avenues of open communication with the US Department of Education regarding the impact of the ERIC database and its implementation in educational institutions, To create an open national forum for discussion at ALA Midwinter to gather input from the larger educational community regarding ERIC To foster open collaboration with other education related professional organizations regarding ERIC's impact on their constituencies. The Committee discussed this proposal and decided to support it in theory. We will need to see who steps forward to help (Kate has some concerns that her voice might not be appropriate for leadership in this new role). We need to decide whether to take on this new role ourselves or work with a new committee in this role. We decided we needed to hear the EDRS presentation and have some time to think about the issue before making a decision.
- Other old business
- Grey literature is still a concern but the assurances from the Dept. of Ed at this meeting have been encouraging. We have not begun any in-depth study of coverage or coverage needs at this time, but as the new ERIC makes its debut we may want to revisit this aspect.
- Educators Reference Desk, anyone else. - The changes to the ERIC system, and the attention that has been drawn to it, have generated discussion relating to other programmatic aspects of the Department of Education; specifically, the role of National Library of Education and the National Education Network. John Collins brought us up-to-date on efforts regarding the NEN. There is still an effort underway to make the NEN a viable national education information resource. So far the support it has received has not allowed it to move forward as quickly as was hoped. There was a hope that many different education constituencies would come together to share online resources and provide a proactive service, creating a national network of education information providers. Jo Ann Carr convened a group of former NEN Advisory Board members in Orlando and her efforts, along with those of Christina Dunn at the National Library of Education, may rekindle efforts in these areas.
- New Business -- anything on the horizon that needs attention?
- Federal policies regarding education research - see Chronicle article "No Classroom Left Unstudied." This is an interest of Venta's and she will take the lead in pursuing it. She is interested in the current emphasis on quantitative research and sees a need for academe to advocate for the importance and utility of qualitative research. Would like to study what impact this quantitative emphasis has had on actual research efforts. Some see this as part of a larger shift in research agendas. Would like to have a better sense of what is happening.
- Adjournment. The committee did not adjourn. We rushed off to the EDRS presentation -many thanks to Doug and John for providing transportation - and decided to reconvene in the near future to finish business. John Collins will arrange the reconvened meeting as a conference call sponsored by his institution. Summary of the EDRS sponsored information meeting at ALA Annual 2004 is available as the July 12th open letter.
Committee: Ad Hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory Committee
Date: June 27, 2004
Present: Carrie Cooper, Nancy O'Brien (Chair), Venta Silins, Judy Walker
Absent: Lorene Sisson (excused)
Members were welcomed. The agenda was reviewed and approved without changes. Minutes from the January 2004 meeting were previously approved via email.
Judy Walker provided copies of the directory manuscript (approximately 190 pages) to each member. Nancy O'Brien will send a copy to Lorene Sisson who was unable to attend. The draft directory is quite impressive and nearly complete. A discussion of the directory and remaining tasks focused on the following issues.
- Judy Walker has done a global scan of the directory to identify personal pronouns that need to be deleted. Nancy O'Brien and Venta Silins volunteered to read through the entire directory for editing purposes. They will send any corrections or changes clearly marked in paper form to Judy. Because of recommended changes in the Table of Contents, Nancy will rewrite a portion of the Introduction to reflect changes.
- Three institutions (Penn State, Rutgers, and Whittier) that responded after the deadline will be included in the appendix of Additional Identified Collections. Judy will incorporate them as soon as she receives final data from Penn State via Venta.
- Additional indexes not yet included will contain a list of unique collections and a list of collections accepting donations. Carrie Cooper will identify unique collections embedded in the narrative sections of the directory and forward the list for review by the committee. Judy will pull the list of institutions accepting donations from the database she developed for this project.
- In reviewing the resource list and glossary, it was suggested that definitions for "Froebel Gifts" and "grammars" be included. Nancy will provide those.
- Judy volunteered to make sure that the format for listing times (e.g., 9 AM - 5 PM) was consistent. Venta and Nancy will look for that as well when reviewing the draft.
- Venta will send out the revised resource list for final review.
- Judy reported that she is waiting to hear from Hugh Thompson, ACRL, regarding final details about formatting of the directory.
Members agreed that all tasks should be completed by August 1, 2004. Once the final version is compiled, it will be sent to the EBSS Publications and Communications Committee for review.
The Ad hoc Committee adjourned at 9:00 a.m.