Committee Meeting Highlights ALA Midwinter 2003
Executive Committee
Advisory Council
Communication Studies
Conference Planning 2003
Curriculum Materials Committee
Distinguished EBSS Librarian Award
Higher Education
Instruction for Educators
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Ad Hoc - Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
Committee: Executive Committee
Date: January 24, 2003
Members Present: Leslie Bjorncrantz, Lois Cherepon, Doug Cook, Kate Corby (Chair), Jeannie Kamerman, Marcia Keyser, Mary Jane Petrowski, Brian Quinn, Julie Tharp, Helga Visscher, Judy Walker, and Scott Walter.
Guests: Ray English
- Introductions & Greetings: Kate Corby opened the meeting at 7 PM and had folks present go around and introduce themselves.
- Approval of Agenda: Scott Walter moved to approve the Agenda and Brian Quinn seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.
- Approval of Executive Committee Minutes from Annual Conference, June 14, 2002: Scott Walter moved to approve the minutes from June 14, 2002 and Helga Visscher seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Announcements
- ACRL Scholarly Communications Task Force:
- Ray English from the task force updated us on the committee's activities. The task force is working with other organizations in the fields of librarianship and higher education to work for change in scholarly communications. Issues they are trying to address are: costs/pricing; control of scholarly communications; open access; peer review; copyright and fair use; licensing; and access to government information. There is a great deal of concern over the privatization of government information. Sue Martin is ALA's point person on this issue. The task force is trying to create better liaisons between ACRL and disciplinary associations.
- Ray's remarks about access to government information sparked a discussion about the future of ERIC. The Clearinghouses are up for renewal in 2004 and there are rumors that they will not be refunded. OREI has been replaced by the Academy of Education Sciences. The Education Sciences Reform Bill [HR 3801] will revamp the research arm of the Department of Education. It seems the Department of Education is committed to the ERIC database but not to the clearinghouses.
- EBSS Meetings/gatherings at Midwinter
- The Social will be Saturday night from 4:30-6 PM.
- Current Topics discussions
- EBSS Current Topics will be on Saturday at 2 PM and will feature a discussion on how ISI selects journals to be indexed.
- Communications Studies committee is hosting a discussion at 10:30 AM Saturday with a representative from Sage Publishers.
- Gerontology Committee is hosting a discussion group at 4 PM on Sunday.
- Elections - Brian Quinn announced the slate of officers from the spring election:
- Secretary - Helga Visscher and Celicia Maciulis
- Member-at-large - Penny Beile and Trish Libutti
- Vice Chair/Chair Elect - Lisa Romero and Judy Walker.
- ACRL Leadership Council Report [Kate Corby]
- The @Your Library campaign has now been expanded to include academic libraries.
- ACRL is developing a new strategic plan and asks for input by next fall. They want to know what direction they should be going.
- Up-coming Opportunities: Early registration for ACRL Conference in Charlotte is February 7th; Harvard Leadership Institute will be in August; and CACUL and ACRL will have a joint program at the Toronto meeting.
- ACRL is still looking for reports for the Charlotte conference.
- ACRL Representative [Mary Jane Petrowski]: There will be an ACRL Membership meeting for all chairs of section membership committees on Saturday at 4:30 PM. Laverna Saunders is planning on attending. The reason this meeting is to develop better interdivisional communications about membership efforts. ACRL doesn't know how members are being contacted. ACRL is planning on surveying all non-renewing members.
- ACRL Board Liaison [Lois Cherepon]
- The Task Force on Supplemental Funding has given their report but no action has been taken yet. As a result of this report there may be money for the sections. The task force recommended increasing the funding for programs from $1,500 to $2,500 and to increase the base funding to sections by 50%. However, this pot of money is highly restricted as to what it can be spent on.
- Lois also mentioned that she propose that sections who fall below one of the membership cut offs be given a year's grace to get their membership back up.
- Vice Chair [Scott Walter]
- Reminded folks of upcoming appointments. Committee chairs should check their rosters and make recommendations to him.
- The theme for Annual 2004 will be 'Partnerships and Connections: Learning Communities as Knowledge Builders'.
- ACRL Scholarly Communications Task Force:
- Action Items:
- Membership and Orientation Committee
- Make a Standing Committee: Listings in the ALA Handbook of Organization routinely lists this committee as Ad Hoc. This should be a standing committee. Helga Visscher moved to make the Membership and Orientation Committee a standing committee and Doug Cook seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Kate Corby will look into making sure this is corrected in the Handbook.
- Ideas for increasing membership: Helga Visscher mentioned that a brochure was in its final stages and should be ready for the ACRL conference. Additional ideas for building membership were discussed and Helga will take them to the committee meeting on Saturday.
- Updating the Orientation Manual: The Board asked the Membership and Orientation Committee to review the manual. Also will ask all committee chairs to look at it to see anything needs to added or deleted.
- Nominations Committee: There was a discussion about whether this committee should be a one or two year appointment. Mary Jane Petrowski pointed out that although the bulk of the work of the committee really only takes about a year it does not coincide with the appointment calendar. So it would be better to appoint members for two years. Members would be appointed after annual to meet at midwinter to begin to get their 'ducks in a row', at the next annual they would start their work in earnest, complete their work at the second midwinter and not meet at the last annual. The executive committee agreed with Mary Jane and agreed to leave it a two-year appointment.
- Membership and Orientation Committee
- Old Business
- Virtual meetings for EBSS? The College Library Section of ACRL as a pilot program conducted virtual Midwinter meetings between November and January. The response was positive. They will be issuing a full report after Midwinter. Kate Corby will forward that report when she receives it. We can discuss that report in more detail at Annual and whether we want to implement a similar program.
- Electronic Newsletter: Doug will be meeting with the ACRL folks on Sunday.
- Games Academics Play: The tape from the program at Annual is good although the question and answer section is not usable. There have been some problems in getting the project completed. It is done but ALA has to review it before we can put it up on our web site.
- New Business (Committee or officer reports welcome)
- Electronic Discussion List Moderator Description and Guidelines. Judy Walker passed out a draft copy of this document. It will be discussed at the Publications Committee and then brought to the Advisory Council.
- Website: ALA is designing a new web site. Kate has been asked if she wants to be trained in the software, which would indicate ALA/ACRL is will to host the EBSS web site [we think]. They are demonstrating the new site and software on Sunday in Convention Center room 303B. Kate and Judy Walker will try to make some time to look at it.
- Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 9:03 PM.
- Scott Walter moved to approve the Agenda and Brian Quinn seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.
- Scott Walter moved to approve the minutes from June 14, 2002 and Hegal Visscher seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Helga Visscher moved to make the Membership and Orientation Committee a standing committee. Doug Cook seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- The executive committee agreed with Mary Jane and agreed to leave it a two-year appointment.
Committee: EBSS Advisory Council
Date: Sunday, January 26, 2003
Members Present: Sarah Beasley, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Ann Brownson, Mary Jane Brustman, Doug Cook, Kate Corby, Jeannie Kamerman, Marcia Keyser, Gary Lare, Sally Lawler, Trish Lenkowski, Nancy O'Brien, Brian Quinn, Lisa Romero, Laverna Saunders, Julie Tharp, Charley Thurston, Helga Visscher, Judy Walker, and Scott Walter.
- Introductions and Greetings: Kate Corby opened the meeting at 8:30 AM. She had everyone introduce themselves and indicate what committee or office they were representing.
- Approval of Agenda: Nancy O'Brien moved and Charlie Thurston seconded a motion to approve the agenda as distributed. Motion passed unanimously.
- Approval of Minutes from Annual Conference, June 15, 2002: Nancy O'Brien moved that we accept the minutes with typographical changes given to the Secretary. Helga Visscher seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.
- Action Items from Executive Meeting
- Membership and Orientation Committee meeting. The Kate discovered that the Membership and Orientation Committee was not a standing committee. The Executive board rectified the problem by approving a motion to make it a standing committee. This announcement led to a general discussion about how to recruit new members and serve our membership better. Some suggestions included: Create programs of broad appeal. Web content helpful in letting people know what we are doing. List of publications created by the section committees. Encourage committees to develop activities, programs, and projects with broad appeal. Judy will work with Helga Visscher to target those on the EBSS-L but not members. A discussion about the Membership/Orientation Manual also ensued. Helga Visscher indicated the document is not really very old. Marcia Keyser, chair of the Publications Committee, volunteered the Publication Committee to review the publication. Laverna Saunders reflected that the Orientation part of the manual was really for new officers and not the membership. However, the information in the document is useful to the entire membership. Doug Cook would like to see it changed because it's not just for new members and/or officers. Consensus was that we would drop the word 'Orientation' from the name of the EBSS Orientation Manual and have the Publications Committee and section chairs review the information for accuracy.
- Nominating Committee: There was some confusion concerning the term of this committee. The problem is the committee's work doesn't really coincide with election pattern. After a discussion with Mary Jane Petrowski at the Executive Board meeting the Board decided to leave the term length 2 years. From now on there will be two nomination committees. One will be actively working while the other is waiting in the wings. Scott recommended the committees should be called by year such as Nominating Committee 2003. This would be like the Program Planning Committees. [See the minutes of the January 24, 2003 Executive Board meeting for a more detailed discussion of the subject.]
- Virtual Meetings for Midwinter: The College Libraries Section of ACRL conducted virtual midwinter meetings this year. Kate will distribute information about how it worked when she receives the final report. Kate indicated if some of the committees wanted try this they need to let executive committee know.
- Scholarly Communications Committee: Ray English came to the Executive Board Meeting as a representative of ACRL's Task Force on Scholarly Communications to let us know what they are doing. How they might help us with ERIC issues. Someone from ERIC clearinghouse indicated there was going to be a lot of activity this spring. We need to keep up-to-date on this issue. Judy Walker suggested creating a task force to act as focal point for our membership on the problem. Nancy agreed and suggested the name Ad hoc Committee on Access to Government Sponsored Education Research. Nancy O'Brien quickly wrote a charge for the committee. [See below.] Sarah Beasley moved that we establish the committee immediately so that it could begin work before Annual with the charge as written. Ann Brownson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Scott Walter will the committee together ASAP.
- New Standing Committee Reports:
- Communication Studies Committee Lisa Romero reported on the first Communications Studies Committee meeting. There was a discussion of committee's name but the consensus was to keep it as Communication Studies. Then they talked about their goals. They decided their major goal was creating a network for folks in Communications Studies. An additional goal is to meet with vendors and establish a liaison with them. Also discussed were some official programs they might sponsor. They already have an electronic discussion group. Kate Corby had some questions about the separate electronic discussion group. Comlib, an electronic discussion group for communications librarians, was in place before the committee was formed. Do we want to advertise this list? Kate will put it on the EBSS web page. Lisa also has annotated book list that we need to advertise as well. Another concern Kate had was about the discussion group that occurred during consolidated meeting. Perhaps we need to move this discussion group at another time. Doug Cook did get to the meeting and highly praised Lisa on this first effort.
- Higher Education Committee Ann Brownson reported on the Higher Education Committee's first meeting. Members immediately started discussing future projects, programs, etc. They finally decided they wanted to develop a core list of resources in broad subject areas such as Higher Education finance etc.
- Kate Corby discovered that other sections give more direction to committees. She asked for feedback particularly from Ann and Lisa since these are the newest committees. The general consensus was that there was things were fine in regards to the oversight of the committees.
- Ad Hoc Committee Reports
- Ad Hoc CMC Standards and Guidelines Committee Gary Lare reported on the status of the Curriculum Materials Center Guidelines. They met Saturday with Standards committee of ACRL and were asked to make a few minor changes. The guidelines will go forward to the ALA committee tomorrow. Looks they will be approved and become official. Gary was very proud of the committee members' work. We will need to officially disband this committee after annual. [Put on agenda for the annual meeting.]
- Old Business
- Training Librarians to Assist Educators in Digital Equity and Information Literacy project - Brian hasn't heard anything else.
- New Business (Committee or officer reports welcome)
- Julie Tharp wondered if we wanted to do any follow-up with ISI [Discussion Group topic] such as recommending titles collectively. Jeannie is going to follow-up with the woman from ISI with additional questions. Jeannie will post the answers to EBSS-L. Folks wondered if Reference Committee would be interested in working on this. Julie will contact Roland to see if they are interested. They could act as coordinator.
- Distinguished EBSS Librarian Award: Charlie Thurston had a couple of issues relating to the Distinguished EBSS Librarian Award. The committee has in the past destroyed nominee packets each year. The committee wants to know if they shouldn't keep them for a longer period of time because many folks are re-nominated. Marcia suggested keeping everything them for a three-five year period. The committee would need to contact nominees to let them know that folks can be re-nominated. Charlie also asked if EBSS had any money to donate to the award. Kate Corby and Brian Quinn were not sure but Kate will look into it. The committee is looking of a sponsor.
- General Annoucements
- Kate Corby announced the meeting times for annual are set in stone. If you need equipment need to let her know ASAP.
- Scott Walter asked for recommendations for new committee chairs.
- Doug Cook needs newsletter articles/information by February 15th.
- Mary Jane Burstman Program planning for 2004 is looking for ideas.
- Judy Walker needs highlights/minutes by Feb. 15th
- The April ACRL Conference in Charlotte has several education/behavior science programs. Susan Ariew will be the point person for the membership committee at ACRL. If you are going to the conference, contact her to see how you can help.
- Kate Corby would like feedback about new format for the Advisory committee meeting.
- Adjournment: Helga moved to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40
- Nancy O'Brien moved and Charlie Thurston seconded a motion to approve the agenda as distributed. Motion passed unanimously.
- Nancy O'Brien moved that we accept the minutes with typographical changes given to the Secretary. Helga Visscher seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.
- It was decided by consensus to drop the word 'Orientation' from the EBSS Orientation Manual.
- Sarah Beasley moved that we establish the committee immediately so that it could begin work before Annual with the charge as written. Ann Brownson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Action Items:
- Judy will work with Helga to target those on the EBSS-L but not members.
- Publications Committee and section chairs review the information for accuracy.
- Scott Walter will put the Ad hoc Committee on Access to Government Sponsored Education Research together ASAP so they can begin work before Annual.
- Kate Corby will include information about ComLib [an electronic discussion list for communications studies librarians] and Lisa Romera's annotated Communications Studies book list on the EBSS web site.
- Put an item on the Advisory Committee Agenda for it meeting at Annual to dissolve the Ad Hoc CMC Standards and Guidelines committee. Ad hoc Committee on Access to Government Sponsored Education Research CHARGE: To explore issues related to ongoing access to government-sponsored education resources, including best practices, censorship, timeliness, and relevancy. This committee will address current federal policy changes that restrict access to selected material and may affect the ERIC Clearinghouse network. The committee will keep sections members informed, recommend advocacy efforts and interact with appropriate ACRL and ALA offices. RECOMMENDED TERM OF TWO YEARS: 2003-2005
Committee: Communication Studies
Chairperson: Lisa Romero
Date: Saturday, January 25, 2003
Committee members present: Lisa Romero, Chair; Vicky Lebbin; Jessica Albano; Annmarie Singh.
Members Excused: Patrick Reakes
Guests: Alan Mattlage, Jenifer Flaxbart; Marsha A. Tate, Felice Maciejewski; Mark Emmons; Sharon Ladenson, Douglas Cook, Executive Committee member of the ACRL, EBSS. Presenters from SAGE Publications and Cambridge Scientific Abstracts.
- Introductions and Greetings - All members introduced themselves. Lisa Romero, committee chair, welcomed everyone and thanked him or her for attending the first meeting of the Communication Studies Committee. She also spoke briefly about how and why the new Committee was formed.
- New Business -
- Committee's Name - It was decided that the Committee's name would remain Communication Studies Committee and that the committee description in the ACRL listing would be assessed as to its comprehensiveness and edited by the Committee if necessary.
- Identifying goals for Committee - In an effort to identify best practices and useful resources to those who are active in the field of Communication Studies librarianship, the Committee established and discussed the following goals:
- Evaluation and discussion of resources and services
- Working to improve bibliographic tools in the area of Communication Studies by
- working with vendors; improving and expanding relationships with them; giving them feedback on and endorsements of information products
- working more closely amongst ourselves to share knowledge of resources and how we apply them
- conducting studies and surveys of faculty and users to ascertain how they use information and the nature of their information needs. Annmarie Singh related that she had done a survey of 1908 faculty teaching in programs accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC) ( on their perception of their students' information literacy skills. She is currently compiling the data from the 426 completed surveys received and will share her findings with the Committee in the near future.
- Working to improve bibliographic tools in the area of Communication Studies by
- Development of activities and programs to improve skills among librarians, and the coordination of liaison activities with other professional organizations
- It was suggested that this could be accomplished by learning and sharing experiences about how to be an effective liaison librarian to Communication faculty by
- contacting some of the premier Communication librarians such as Pat Timberlake, Journalism Librarian, University of Missouri-Columbia; Eleanor Block, Head, Journalism Library, Ohio State University; Kathleen Hansen, Director, Minnesota Journalism Center, and School of Journalism and Mass Communication faculty at the University of Minnesota and soliciting their input on the topic and perhaps have them do presentations to the Committee.
- having faculty from Communication programs in areas where meetings are held do presentations to the Committee about what faculty need from library liaisons in Communications. It was suggested that a program could be sponsored for Communication Liaisons based on all of these efforts for ALA Orlando, 2004. L. Romero stated she would approach EBSS with the idea. It was also suggested that we try to get other groups involved such as the International Communication Association (ICA) and the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication with the Committee presenting information at either organization's annual meeting.
- finding out what other college and university librarians are doing as far as programming to their faculty and students.
- It was discussed that once we accomplish these goals, we present a program on how to promote yourself as a liaison.
- It was suggested that this could be accomplished by learning and sharing experiences about how to be an effective liaison librarian to Communication faculty by
- Evaluation and discussion of resources and services
- Membership - Doug Cook, Executive Committee member of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Education and Behavioral Science Section (EBSS) and editor of the EBSS Newsletter, informed the Committee about membership requirements (all professional librarians interested in joining our Committee must join ALA, ACRL, and EBSS before they can join the Communication Studies Committee). He told the Committee about the availability of the EBSS listserv (To join, send a message to LISTSERV@EMAIL.UNCC.EDU. Leave the subject field blank and in the body of the message enter SUBSCRIBE EBSS-L [your name] .) Various ways of promoting the Committee were discussed such as the EBSS listserv, the COMLIB-L listserv (To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UIUC.EDU with the command SUBSCRIBE COMLIB-L), booklist advertisements, and mass mailings to professional librarians.
- Planning for Annual meeting in Toronto - Lisa Romero stated that Tim Stephen of Communication Institute for Online Scholarships (CIOS), the administrator of CommAbstracts and ComIndex, would like to meet with communication librarians to discuss the enhancement of CommAbstracts. Other members of the Committee agreed to the possibility of scheduling a meeting with Tim at the Annual ALA conference in Toronto.
- Other possible upcoming events -
- Adjournment - Time adjourned: the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Name of person submitting Minutes: Annmarie B. Singh
SAGE Publications/Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Presentation
(Sage has made their file from this presentation available too: Presentation.pdf)
Background on SAGE Full Text Collections - SAGE Publications recently pulled their journals from the indexes of several popular electronic databases in response to a progressive decline in their print subscriptions due to the availability of the full text of these journals online. SAGE Full Text Collections were created to provide full text access to these SAGE journals while preserving the economic interests of the publisher.
The following information is verbatim text from the FAQ on the SAGE Full Text Collections web site ( All questions that were raised by participants in the SAGE Publications/Cambridge Scientific Abstracts presentation during the ACRL-EBSS Communication Studies Committee are covered here, with additional information added as necessary. Additional information appears in italics and is underlined.
Q. What are the SAGE Full-Text Collections? The SAGE Full-Text Collections offer full-text access to the most popular peer-reviewed journals in Communication Studies, Criminology, Politics and International Relations, and Sociology published by SAGE and participating societies. The SAGE Full-Text Collections include more than 75 journals, 20,000 articles, book reviews, and editorials, with all the original graphics and tables.
The SAGE Full-Text Collections provide researchers and students with a rich research environment by offering the most current issues and up to 20 years of backfiles. Access is provided through any standard web browser, and the powerful searching features, reference linking, and the ability to browse by title make it easy to retrieve and store information.
Communication Studies: A SAGE Full-Text Collection- covers such subjects as Journalism, Public Opinion, Political Communication, Mass Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Intercultural Communication, Cultural Studies, Discourse Studies, Television/Film Studies, Media Studies, Business Communication, Organizational/Management Communication, Written Communication, Rhetoric, and Literacy Studies.
The Collection includes the full text of 16 journals published by SAGE and participating societies, some journals going back up to 20 years, encompassing over 3,200 articles. The following journals are included:
- Communication Research, 1982- Ranked in the ISI® 2001 Journal Citation Reports®
- Discourse & Society, 1990- Ranked in the ISI® 2001 Journal Citation Reports®
- Discourse Studies, 1999-
- European Journal of Communication, 1986- Ranked in the ISI® 2001 Journal Citation Reports®
- Gazette, 1997-
- Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 1996- Ranked in the ISI® 2001 Journal Citation Reports®
- Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 1991- Ranked in the ISI® 2001 Journal Citation Reports®
- Journal of Communication Inquiry, 1998-
- Journalism, 2000-
- Management Communication Quarterly, 1987-
- Media, Culture & Society, 1985- Ranked in the ISI® 2001 Journal Citation Reports®
- New Media & Society, 1999-
- Science Communication, 1982- Ranked in the ISI® 2001 Journal Citation Reports®
- Television & New Media, 2000-
- Visual Communication, 2002-
- Written Communication, 1984- Ranked in the ISI® 2001 Journal Citation Reports®
Q. How do I subscribe? To subscribe or to arrange a trial subscription, contact:
CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
7200 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 601
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Tel: +1 301 961-6700
Fax: +1 301 961-6720
Q. How do the subscriptions work? You can subscribe to one or more of the Collections. Each is designed as a comprehensive, discipline-specific package. Your annual subscription includes access to the current year's issues as well as all included back issues from the journals within that Collection.
A subscription to a SAGE Full-Text Collection gives users:
- full-text retrieval of articles
- basic and advanced search options links from references within a SAGE Full-Text Collection to other SAGE full-text articles within that Collection, as well as links from CSA Sociological Abstracts or CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, and other popular CSA databases to the SAGE full-text articles. ( NOTE: Only if "you have a subscription to a CSA abstracts database…as well as a subscription to a SAGE Full-Text Collection.").
- up to 20 years of back issues
- ability to browse table of contents and articles of individual journals
- current awareness service
- usage reports
Q. What are the permitted uses of electronic materials? The customer may use the SAGE Full-Text Collections for search and retrieval purposes in the internal operation of its organization only. Or, if the customer is an individual, for his personal use only. The customer may also print and download selected records for research and scholarly purposes. The site license allows for access by a single entity (school, business, or public agency) located either in a single building or in a cluster of related buildings situated within a compact geographic area such as a single campus. The Collections may be networked throughout the geographic area and may also be made available remotely through secure access procedures that the customer establishes.
Q. Who is allowed to access the SAGE Full-Text Collections if we subscribe? Our current site license allows any member of an institution to access our collections. With a site-wide license, the SAGE Full-Text Collections are available to all campus students, faculty and researchers. Full campus subscriptions provide access from home or the office via the network. However, each campus within a subscribing institution must pay for separate access.
Q. Do I need special software to access the SAGE Full-Text Collections? No special software is needed to access the SAGE Full-Text Collections, which are all web-based records in HTML and PDF formats. The system requirements are
- (a) full access to the Internet (TCPIP) and
- (b) a World Wide Web browser; either Netscape (version 4.0 or higher) or Microsoft Internet Explorer (Version 4.0 or higher) will allow access to any of the subscribed collections. NOTE: It was also stated that the database is SFX compliant, enabling enhanced features and access to materials.
Q. What is the lag time between the publication of new journal issues and the uploading of articles to the databases? NOTE: It was stated that there would be no 'embargo' time, and all updates would be immediate upon publication of new issues.
Q. Is the online version of the print article exactly the same? Each online article is a PDF version of the print article, so it is exactly the same. Researchers will be able to view, print or download the full-text article along with the accompanying graphics, tables and cited references that appear in the printed version. However, the online record is enhanced with keywords from subject-specific thesauri to enhance retrievability.
Q. How do hyperlinked references work? The cited references within any article from a SAGE Full-Text Collection will be hyperlinked to other SAGE full-text articles within that Collection. In addition, if a particular reference is cited by other articles in the Collection, the user can view the article with a single click. If you have a subscription to a CSA abstracts database (such as CSA Sociological Abstracts or CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts) as well as a subscription to a SAGE Full-Text Collection, then you can link from the abstracts in the database directly to the SAGE full-text article.
Q. Can users search across the Collections? Yes, the user can search or browse all the selected Collections at once and, if they subscribe to other databases available through CSA's Internet Database Service (IDS), they can search all selected IDS databases and the SAGE Full-Text Collections at once. Search results are presented for each database or Collection separately.
NOTE: Searchable interface includes these options:
- Basic - Features: default is keyword search of title, abstract, identifiers or descriptors fields; phrase search and Boolean operators AND and OR enabled; option restrict to keyword search of just the title, author, or journal name; can limit to fulltext search, most recent articles, journal articles only, English language only; can restrict to specified date range; results can be sorted by publication date, relevancy rank (based on frequency and position of your search terms in the record); display formats available are citation (title, author, source), citation and abstract, full record.
- Advanced - Features: "Build your search strategy" screen with drop-down menus to specify fields in which words or phrases should appear; relationships using AND, OR, and NOT; limits for most recently added records, only journal articles and only English language records; publication date range; result sorting based on publication date and relevancy; display format options of citation (title, author, source), citation and abstract, or full record.
- Thesaurus - Features: Terms can be browsed alphabetically or by the relationships between terms; Boolean operators OR or AND are options; EXPLODE option available that will include all narrower terms related to the chosen terms in the search.
- Special search commands enable truncation of terms(*), compensating for spelling variations(?).
- In addition to the Boolean AND, OR, and NOT, other special search commands include: WITHIN "X" (X = number of words term should be within; NEAR (fewer than 10 words between); Nesting ( ) to combine only and show relational order in which nested searches should executed
- All articles are hyperlinked to other articles in the SAGE Collections that cite them (access depends on subscription). § Results can be marked and saved, printed or e-mailed.
- Searches can be modified or corrected, combined and repeated, saved and combined and repeated, deleted, and multiple modes can be executed alternatively. The default save period of 6 months can be extended.
- A Browse Journals option is available.
- E-mail notification of additions of new issues is available by e-mail subscription to the 'New Issues Alert' service (free to subscription users by clicking a button and entering an e-mail address).
Q. What usage reports are available? You will be able to track aggregated usage of the SAGE Full-Text Collections, see how many searches were done and how many documents were retrieved by date, and through which Collection. SAGE and its technology partner, CSA, strive to provide usage reports that follow the guidelines set forth by the International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC).
Q. What level of technical support is offered? Technical support is available through CSA's technical support department. Simply email with any questions or problems, or call 1-800-843-7751 (+1 301-961-6700 outside U.S. & Canada).
Q. How much does a subscription to a SAGE Full-Text Collection cost? The price varies for each collection. Please contact CSA ( for more information. NOTE: The price quoted at the ALA Midwinter Meeting was $6,000.00 per year fixed for three years, to charter subscribers only. This price is good until March 31st, 2003. This price is based on the aggregate subscription cost of the sixteen journals in the database.
Q. Are trial subscriptions available? Yes, all SAGE Full-Text Collections are available for complimentary 30-day access to those who qualify.
Q. Will access to backfiles be available if I cancel my subscription? No, you will not have access to the backfiles but you will have perpetual rights to the years for which you subscribed. For instance, if you subscribed for 2003 and 2004 and cancelled in 2005, you can receive the data for just those two years, 2003 and 2004.
Committee: Conference Program Planning 2003
Chairperson: Sally Lawler & Karen Bacsanyi
Name of person submitting highlights: Sally Lawler
Major Topics of Discussion: Conference Program Title: "What's Trump? Making Decisions about Professionalism and Ethics in a New Century" Description: Trump changes with every hand, and the "right thing to do" may vary with the situation. Using individual judgment and professional ethics can be increasingly difficult as new technologies make detailed specialized information available. Does our Code of Ethics accommodate customizing information for special-needs populations? Join our panel of experts, Roma Harris, Thomas J. Froehlich, and LaVentra Ellis-Danquah, for a discussion using medical information as an example to illustrate the issue.
Assignment of duties to be done before Annual:
- Modify Evaluation Form
- Gather Brief Bios of speakers
- Create a flyer for ACRL and Annual
- Add AV equipment if needed by March 28, 2003
- Distribute flyers at ACRL
Upcoming Activities: EBSS Annual Conference Program Toronto, Saturday 1:30-3:30, June 21, 2003.
Committee: Curriculum Materials
Chairperson: Trish Lenkowski
Major Topics of Discussion: Reviewed webliography assignment, one new section was added and some were reassigned. Discussed and developed a plan of action for revising the CMC Collection Development Policy.
Major Decisions: Webliography will move to a new server at Michigan State, and Judy Walker will continue to maintain it. Committee will recommend Jennifer Fabbi for CMC chair for 2003-05 to Scott Walter. Drafted an action plan for revising the CMC Collection Development Policy and will need more meeting time at annual.
Upcoming Activities: Request sample Collection Development Policies from folks on the EBSS-L.
Committee: Distinguished Librarian Award
Chairperson: Charlie Thurston
Major Topics of Discussion: The committee discussed potential monetary award donors. Julie Tharp will continue to solicit funds from Erlbaum, while the other committee members targeted other publishers to contact. We discussed whether we needed to retain nomination packets for a set period of time [i.e. 1-2 years].
Major Decisions: Committee selected the 2003 award recipient.
Upcoming Activities: Charles Thurston will work on P.R. with Stephanie Sherrod for the award ceremony.
Name of Committee: Gerontology
Chairperson: Mary Jane Brustman
Major Topics of Discussion:
- We made final preparations for the Gerontology Discussion Group on Long Term Care on 1/26/03.
- We discussed whether our goals as a committee included discussions and projects to serve both gerontology librarians and aging librarians.
- For next ALA Midwinter (2004) we would like to plan another discussion group.
- We discussed developing a core list of resources for gerontology.
Major Decisions:
- We concluded that we do want to move forward on two tracks-activities which serve both gerontology librarians and aging librarians.
- Our topic for a discussion group at ALA Midwinter 2004 is "Living and Aging Well for Librarians."
- We will move forward with a core list of resources, starting with reference and journal resources for gerontology, tentatively based loosely on the model of the EBSS Core List for Educators.
Upcoming Activities:
- Determining which topics to include under "Living and Aging Well for Librarians."
- Outlining core list project.
Committee: Higher Education
Chairperson: Ann Brownson
Major Topics of Discussion: Possible Projects/Programs: Advocacy for Librarians in Higher Education Higher Education and Teacher Recruitment Higher Education and Financial Crisis Librarians in the Higher Education Environment A core list of resources
Major Decisions: Going to focus on a core list article. Areas we will focus on: General, Diversity, Student Affairs, Finance, Leadership/Administration, Instructional Technology, and History.
Upcoming Activities: Members will choose categories to work on by Mar. 31. Primary draft due by Toronto.
Committee: Instruction for Educators
Chairperson: Sarah Beasley
Date: Saturday, January 25, 2003
Committee members present: Sarah Beasley, Chair (06/30/2003); Penny Beile (06/30/2003); Tobeylynn Birch (06/30/2002); Natasha Cooper (06/30/2003); Linda Geller (06/30/2004); Louise Greenfield (06/30/2004); Karen Janke (06/30/2004); Laura Koltutsky (06/30/2004); Katherine Ott (06/30/2004); Carol Wright ( 06/30/2003)
Members absent: Lori Mestre's absense was noted with chair prior to the meeting.
Welcome New Members: Louise, Laura and Katherine
Hello to Guests: Veronica Bielat of Wayne State University was a guest
After preliminary greetings and administrative details, the balance of the meeting was spent in subgroups working on the in-process publications. Overview/outlines drafts were finalized and writing of article sections was assigned. Both groups expect to have a finished draft by mid April. Standards articulation group (Natasha Cooper facilitator) Carol Wright, Katherine Ott, Natasha Cooper, Lori Mestre, Sarah Beasley Information Literacy/Technology Standards and Librarian Collaboration group (Tobeylynn Birch facilitator) Penny Biele, Karen Janke, Louise Greenfield, Linda Geller.
Committee: Membership and Orientation
Chairperson: Laverna Saunders & Helga Visscher
Name of person submitting highlights: Laverna Saunders
Major Topics of Discussion: Finalized text of the new membership brochure. Membership promotion at ACRL Conference in Charlotte, NC Planned new officer orientation for Annual. Update on letters sent for July-November drops, adds, and reinstates. Discussed ACRL membership booth duty. Reviewed membership statistics. New directions for recruitment and ACRL membership business plan.
Major Decisions: Critique text of brochure with final review after conference with goal of sending to ACRL for design on Feb. 3rd. Will retain same folder [updated] for new officer orientation. Invite chair of Publications Committee to explain flow sheet. Investigate sending letters to listserv subscribers who aren't members. Develop relationship with ACRL Membership Committee to participate in association wide recruitment, especially with library school students.
Upcoming Activities: Distribute new membership brochure at ACRL Conference. Susan Silver volunteered to work at ACRL membership booth at ACRL. Investigate effectiveness/improvements of virtual membership.
Committee: Psychiatry/Psychology
Chairperson: Maggie Ressel,
Major Topics of Discussion: PsycInfo and PsycArticles databases, Psychology Librarians' Web page, new reference works.
Major Decisions: Committee will compile List of core reference titles. The Web site will progress, to be hosted at Nevada Upcoming Activities: Committee will compile e-journal URLs and list of core reference works via email, and continue work on the Web site.
Committee: Publications & Communications
Chairperson: Marcia Keyser
Major Topics of Discussion: Reviewed Liaison assignments. Discussed Electronic Discussion List Moderator description which led to a discussion of the possibility of ALA hosting the list. Discussed content for the up-coming newsletter.
Major Decisions: Recommended that the word 'orientation' be dropped from the EBSS Orientation Manual.
Committee: Reference Sources and Services
Chairperson: Roland Person
Name of the person submitting the highlights: Marian Shemberg
Major Topics of Discussion: Major philosophical discussion about reference services. Where is reference going? Are we relevant? Trends in reference - chat, e-mail reference. Is reference becoming more service and less sources? Does this committee need to exist? Competition from the Internet.
Major Decisions: Decided the committee does have relevance and should continue. Reference is a viable, vital service. We have great challenges ahead in terms of competition from the Internet, for-pay services, such as Google Answers[?], as well as budget cuts and the need to reach out to remote users. We need to market ourselves better.
Committee: Ad hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
Chairperson: Nancy P. O'Brien
Major Topics of Discussion: The committee addressed the following topics: Review of responses to the survey of historical collections, follow-up to non-responding institutions, development of a prototype entry for the directory, discussion of directory format (introduction, bibliography, and indexes), and tasks for individual committee members.
Major Decisions: Non-responding institutions will be identified by mid-February and assigned to committee members for further contact. By March 1 a prototype directory entry will be developed for committee review. Index categories will be identified by committee members and assignments given to develop the bibliography and write the introduction will be made.
Upcoming Activities: Future activities include soliciting additional survey responses, compilation of the data, and formatting of directory and its contents.