Committee Meeting Highlights ALA Annual 2003

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Bibliography of Related Readings for EBSS Program "What's Trump?" Making Decisions about Professionalism and Ethics in a New Century.

Committee: Executive Committee
Date: June 20, 2003
Members Present: Kate Corby, Chair; Doug Cook, Newsletter editor, Brian Quinn, Past-Chair; Jeannie Kamerman, Member-at-Large; Julie Tharp, Member-at-Large, Mary Jane Petrowski, ACRL staff.
Members Excused: : Leslie Bjorncrantz, Section Liaison to ACRL; Lois Cherepon, ACRL Liaison to EBSS; Marcia Keyser, Chair Publications and Communications; Judy Walker, Secretary; Scott Walter, Vice-Chair.

  1. Introductions & Greetings: Kate Corby opened the meeting at 7 PM
  2. Approval of Agenda: The Agenda was approved by acclamation with the addition of two items at section VI., b) Resolution regarding ERIC; c) EBSS brochure.
  3. Approval of Executive Committee Minutes from Midwinter Conference, January 24, 2003. Minutes were approved with one minor typo correction.
  4. Announcements
    1. EBSS meetings and gatherings in Toronto:
      Kate announced times and places for our program, two tours that Communications Studies Committee had arranged, a session with EBSCO also arranged by Communication Studies, and the EBSS Social. Department of Education. It seems the Department of Education is committed to the ERIC database but not to the clearinghouses.
    2. ACRL Leadership/Sections Council. Kate summarized information from ACRL leadership and section meeting activities.

      ACRL Leadership session was a brainstorming type of session intended to generate input and ideas for ACRL as they move forward to revise their strategic plan. Kate has the brochure, or information and forms are available from ACRL. They welcome other groups who would like to gather, go through the activities and forward the results to ACRL for consideration.

      Sections Council:

      1. Announcement that ALA will go to electronic ballots for 2004 election. ACRL will delay preparing their ballot to allow ALA time to get the system working properly.
      2. ACRL has asked the Council of Liaisons to look at the current status of liaison activity and make recommendations (this would include our request for a formal AERA liaison.). Unfortunately, like many groups, this one will not meet at Toronto and so their work will be delayed.
      3. ALA is working on virtual meetings policies and ACRL has established a task force to make sure ACRL stays in compliance with ALA and provides appropriate information and assistance to members. So things will change vis-a-vis virtual meetings over the course of the year. Right now, if you wish to have a formal meeting virtually, you must post a notice on the ALA web site that the meeting is scheduled at least 10 days prior to the meeting. The notice must include the agenda and contact information. Minutes (or a link to them) must be posted within 30 days following. Informal discussions of an issue before the committee discussed over email are not considered meetings. Even if the group votes on a course of action it is okay, but they should reconfirm the vote at their next in-person meeting.
      4. ACRL is creating a members only section of their web pages that will include official documents.
      5. Remember that ACRL/ALA maintain an archive. As chairs change and committee papers change hands be sure things get sent to Mary Jane Petrowski rather than discarded.
      6. Sections will now get monthly details of membership changes (new, drop, reinstate) sent electronically.
      7. ALA is attempting to "fix" the problems with the new web site. Rhoda Channing is the ACRL representative in this effort. They have already gotten good input and now are implementing solutions. ACRL welcomes suggestions for newsy items to highlight on the ACRL home page.
      8. The EBSS effort to impact the redesign of ERIC was noted with appreciation. ACRL would welcome the opportunity to do more of this type of advocacy. Sections are encouraged to bring issues to ACRL.
  5. Old Business:
    1. Funding for the section/budget report. Kate verified that we didn't get over 1,000 members this year, so our budget will be cut from $1,000. to $500 (or some other figure, ACRL is considering changes). We have spend none of this allotment, because possible uses are severely restricted, so the change should not have a big impact on the section. (Later in the conference Kate learned that some of the incoming officers/chairs do not enjoy the institutional support we've had with current officers. So some money will be needed next year for postagel reimbursements)
    2. EBSS Web site location (pros and cons of moving to the ALA server). Those present supported moving toward putting our Section web pages on the ALA server. Kate and Doug will try to sign up for training at Midwinter and then will begin to work together to get our pages moved. MSU will maintain redirects for us indefinitely, so the long URL's at the ALA site might not be a negative factor).
    3. Publications Committee review of EBSS Manual. Publications Committee members reviewed the manual. Noted that pages needed to be added for the new Ad Hoc Committee on Access to Government Sponsored Education Research, and if approved at annual, the Listserv Moderator Guidelines.
    4. Nominations Committee proposals. *(email discussion prior to conference is appended) This was a lengthy and complex discussion. Eventually Mary Jane Petrowski pointed out that our current practice of preferring to ask the Past-Chair to also chair the Nominating Committee was not strictly allowable under ACRL rules. Current officers are not to have leadership positions in groups selecting future officers. So we decided to follow Scott's suggestion. This means we will have only one, ongoing Nominating Committee. Usually we will ask the Past Chair to accept appointment to the Nominating Committee for a two-year term. The second year of that term, we will usually ask that person to Chair the committee. (that would be the year after they serve as Past Chair). This means that agreeing to run for EBSS chair is a long-term commitment (4 years) but the service on the Nominating Committee is not in the bylaws, just recorded in the EBSS Manual as customary. It would not be required.
  6. New Business
    1. Meeting request procedures, new automated ALA procedure has resulted in less possibility of co-location (having related meetings in the same hotel). We discussed the possible solutions to this problem and decided to try block scheduling. This means we would reserve one room for all EBSS meetings on a given day and ask to keep it for the entire time. Then our individual meetings would happen in that room at times we decide. Plus-no need to run across town between meetings. Minus-no individual listings for separate meetings in the ALA Conference Schedule. This should be done for Saturday and Sunday meetings at Annual 2004 and for Saturday meetings at Midwinter 2004.
    2. ERIC Resolution. A quorum was present and the Executive Committee voted to "endorse in principle" a resolution on ERIC being drafted by a number of councilors led by the GODORT Legislation Committee. We did recommend a couple of minor changes.
    3. EBSS Brochure. Copies of the new EBSS brochure were distributed. Mary Jane Petrowski recommended we change the phone contact number to her extension rather than the general ALA number. Otherwise the brochure was accepted and an additional supply (about 3 years worth) will be produced.
  7. Adjournment: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

* -----Original Message-----
From: Scott Walter []
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: EBSS Nominations Committee

Those darned Nominating Committees!
As you know, there has been some confusion about these since we determined that people should be appointed to a 2-year cycle (as in Program Committees). I think the present confusion stems from the fact that Brian was already into his Chair cycle when we made this decision, and from the way in which the committees were named. The way I think it should probably be is: Brian Quinn, Chair, Nominating Committee 2004 (2002-2004) (rather than 2003, which is the way his committee is currently named, which would put things so that the NC was named with the final year of its appointment). Kate Corby, Chair, Nominating Committee 2005 (2003-2005), with her appointment beginning in conjunction with her movement into the Past Chair position. This puts an added burden on Brian, whose term bridges the change from a single-year to a two-year appointment, but I think it will work, after that. I am copying Kate and Brian for their comments, and so that the issue can be discussed at Executive Committee, if needed (as you know, I will not be at ALA). Two questions. The first for you, and the second for Kate for possible discussion at Annual: 1) does the position of Past Chair count toward the 3 ALA positions which one can hold at any one time? I ask because it seems like it could be a problem if someone had to count Past Chair and NC Chair as individual positions. 2) should we just have a single nominating committee? In that model, people would still be appointed for two-year terms, but there would be 2 Past Chairs at any given time, with one as a committee member, and the other as NC Chair. So, for example, under that scenario: *Kate would begin her term on Nominating Committee this year as a member of a committee which Brian chaired (as he concluded the second year of his 2002-2004 appointment). *Kate would become Nominating Committee Chair a year from now, and I would join the committee as a member as my year as Chair concluded. *I would become Nominating Committee Chair two years from now (at the end of a 2004-2006 appointment cycle), with Judy Walker joining the committee as her year as Chair concluded. This strikes me as a much simpler model than what we have now, it meets the guidelines of the 2-year appointment, and it requires us to populate only one Nominating Committee at a time (with 2 guaranteed members in the form of the 2 Past Chairs).

At 05:08 PM 6/17/03 -0400, Corby, Kate wrote:
Scott, I think it is too confusing not to name a Nominating Committee for the year they prepare the slate. Brian did the slate for 2003, so his committee is the 2003 committee. When the Committee begins and ends its work is of less concern to me as long as we put forward a slate each year in a timely fashion. We got off track and so Brian's committee's terms won't end until after they're long done. But if we do as you suggest in the future folks won't have much to do for a long time after they've been appointed, and the Past Chair won't actually be chair of nominating a slate until a year after their Past Chair service. Maybe it would be easier if Judy could appoint herself to be chair of the Nominating committee for 2006 this coming February, so her term would start in 2004 and end in 2006. Then we'd be on track, but we'd always be in the situation of having a Vice Chair appointing themselves Chair of a future committee. Does this help or just make matters worse?

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Walter []
Kate - I agree that naming a committee for a specific year in a 2-year appointment cycle is confusing. That's why my proposal is to simply have a single nominating committee whose job it is, every year, to put together a good slate of candidates. But, yes, the plan I suggested would mean that one would become Chair of the Nominating Committee the year after one was Past Chair. Personally, I don't see a problem with that, but others may disagree. This way, the NC would always have 2 core members in the previous 2 Chairs. That would also make it easier to fill the remaining committee slots. So, under my proposal, a single Nominating Committee would have: 2003-2004 (Brian Quinn, Chair; Kate Corby, member) 2004-2005 (Kate Corby, Chair; Scott Walter, member) 2005-2006 (Scott Walter, Chair; Judy Walker, member) Every Chair would still have a 2-year stint on Nominating Committee after the end of the Chair term, but would only have to serve as Nominating Committee Chair for one year (something Brian thought would be workable). Mind you, there would be other Nominating Committee members besides the 2 former Chairs, but I believe having those 2 people as steady members would make filling that Committee much easier. So, that's my proposal. I think it addresses the bureaucratic concerns of ACRL, while streamlining things for the section. The other option, of course, would simply be to amend EBSS by-laws so that the Nominating Committee appointments were for one year only, but I think that would be both more difficult in terms of the paperwork and would make for a lot of hard work re-constituting that committee each year. I'll look forward to hearing how the discussion goes at Annual

. ----Original Message-----
From: Quinn, Brian []
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:00 PM
Folks, There is an aspect to this issue that I don't believe has been mentioned yet that makes me a bit uncomfortable. Committees or individuals that are in positions that are responsible for giving out things-- be they appointments, nominations, or distinguished librarian awards-- shouldn't be in those positions very long. It would make me uneasy to have the same people doing those things for more than a brief period. It starts to feel, for want of a better word, "political." Thanks for considering this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Walter []
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:18 PM
Good counter-point, Brian. I don't really see a single 2-year term as being problematic in this way, but it's worth considering. Mind you, I think the only way truly out of that aspect of the dilemma is to go the route of revising the by-laws to specify that Nominations Committee appointments are for one-year only. Is that something that can be done for a single committee? Otherwise, we can continue with these committees named by year (as soon as we clear up the confusion Kate noted), although it seems to me that filling 2 Nominating Committees is a real chore, too. Another question - you compared this work with that of the Award Committee. Do you really think they are the same? It seems to me that getting an award is great, and people are happy to get it, which could lead to the kind of political problems about which you are concerned. Seems to me that Nominating Committee faces the exact opposite problem - not enough people chomping at the bit to get their names on a ballot.

Committee: EBSS Advisory Council
Date: Sunday, June 22, 2003
Members Present: Ann Brownson, Mary Jane Brustman, Doug Cook, Tasha Cooper (for Sarah Beasley), Kate Corby, Jeannie Kamerman, Sally Lawler, Trish Lenkowski, Paula McMillen, Roland Person, Brian Quinn, Maggie Ressel, Lisa Romero, Laverna Saunders, Julie Tharp, Charley Thurston.
Members Absent: Sarah Beasley, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Marcia Keyser, Gary Lare, Nancy O'Brien, Helga Visscher, Judy Walker, and Scott Walter.
Guests: Paula McMillan

  1. Introductions and Greetings: Kate Corby presided. The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM. Kate thanked the group for all their help. Members introduced themselves.
  2. Approval of Agenda: Ann Browson moved and Brian Quinn seconded a motion to approve the agenda as distributed. Motion passed unanimously.
  3. Approval of Minutes from Midwinter Conference, January 26, 2003: Approved as circulated. Charley Thurston moved and Laverna Saunders seconded a motion to approve. Motion was approved unanimously.
  4. Action Items from Executive Meeting
    1. Attendance was down at Executive Committee but a quorum was present.. A resolution (partially written by Kate) in support of ERIC was approved. The resolution will be presented to ALA Council.
    2. There is a problem with ALA scheduling of our meetings. We have not been able to get meetings that follow each other scheduled into the same building. We will move to "block scheduling," which requests one room for all meetings in a sequence. This means that our individual meetings will not be listed in the ALA schedule. Members were concerned about this and decided to consider "block scheduling" an experiment for the coming year. Kate promised to ask questions of ALA and try to get some type of accommodation on the listing.
  5. Old Business
    1. Ann Brownson moved to dissolve the AdHoc CMC Standards and Guideline Committee. The Standards are on the ACRL Web pages and in line for publication. Roland Person seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Ann mentioned special thanks to Gary Lare for his assistance.
    2. Kate reported that the Executive Committee is suggesting that we move the EBSS web pages to the ALA server. The group suggested that we take a full year to make the move to give ALA time to fix problems with the new web server. Links to Committee web publications will be done in a second wave after primary web pages have been moved. Doug Cook has volunteer to be assistant Web Manager for this potentially tedious project.
    3. ALA/ACRL has begun to set guideline for virtual meetings. Policies are still being solidified. If an EBSS committee would like to hold a virtual meeting they should check with the EBSS chair to get current information on procedures.
    4. Guidelines for the Listserv moderator will be included in the EBSS Manual.
  6. New Business (Committee or officer reports welcome)
    1. Committee meeting times are a potential problem. Some committees like to have a guest speaker. They are unable to do this in the same room with the rest of the consolidated meetings. Other EBSS members might be particularly interested in visiting another committee's meeting if they knew a guest would be making a presentation, so having the meeting at the same time as consolidated has not worked out well either. Communications Studies has scheduled separate "sessions" (not meetings or programs) to allow others to attend. They are experimenting with doing this on Monday. Will report on attendance.
      Membership meeting is a one hour spot, mandated once a year at annual, that could potentially be better used. Rather than go around the room and report out committee discussions, we might have a guest speaker at this time. Another idea -- perhaps EBSS should explore the possibility of have poster sessions or some other type of "research in progress" presentations to make the meeting more valuable and attract new members. It might also be helpful for presenting members, allowing them to get funding for conference travel from their home institutions.
      Another suggestion is to move the membership meeting to after the Program. We typically have our program on Saturday afternoon and then have an hour before the Social. That time could be our membership meeting, held in the same room as the program, immediately following. (Some giddy folks even suggested having the membership meeting at the social.)
      Committee chairs will survey their members to see if they have strong preferences or additional suggestions. We agreed that for next midwinter and next annual, Psychology/Psychiatry committee will meet in consolidated, but the time from 9:00 to 9:30 in the new "block room" will be reserved for Psyc/Psyc only, so that they can have their usual meeting with representatives of APA at a no-conflict with consolidated time. All EBSS members will be welcome to attend. We will have to keep working on this scheduling issue since we can't just give our attention and advice to one vendor.
    2. General Annoucements
      1. Doug Cook needs Newsletter items by September 1st to meet a September 15th deadline..
      2. Sally Lawler has evaluations of the "What's Trump?" program. It was generally well received. She will provide follow-up information to the presenters.
      3. Roland Person announced that ISI continues to be interested in our input about journal coverage. Reference Sources and Services is beginning to work on a project that will pull this information together.
      4. Mary Jane Burstman reported on Gerontology Committee's plans for a midwinter discussion on services to an aging population. She also announced the program proposal for EBSS for 2004.
      5. Kate Corby has the section brochures. Contact her if you anticipate an opportunity to use some.
  7. Adjournment: Laverna Saunders moved to adjourn the meeting, Jeannie Kamerman seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45

Committee: Communication Studies
Chairperson: Lisa Romero
Date: Saturday, June 21, 2003
Members Present: Lisa Romero (Chair), University of Illinois; Patrick Reakes, University of Florida; Jessica Albano, University of Washington; Elliot Kanter, University of California at San Diego; Jenifer Flaxbart, University of Texas at Austin
Members Excused: Sharon Ladenson, Vickie Lebbin, Felice Maciejewski, Heidi Senior, Annmarie Singh
Guests: Judith Harris, University of Houston

Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and Introductions: All members and guests present introduced themselves and indicated what organization/institution they were affiliated with
  2. Review and approval of Agenda: Agenda reviewed and approved without changes by all members present.
  3. Membership: The committee was started one year ago with five initial members. With the addition of five new members (Jenifer Flaxbart, Sharon Ladenson, Felice Maciejewski, Elliot Kanter, Heidi Senior) all ten committee positions are now filled. The two primary underlying goals related to membership are:
    1. To attract new members to the EBSS section of ACRL.
    2. To raise awareness about the activities/interests of the Communication Research Committee among librarians and other interested parties both within and outside of the communications field. Discussion included ways to reach those people that aren't aware of the existence of the committee and who aren't on the COM-LIB listserv. Other listservs/groups that might possibly be used to disseminate information about the committee include: Special Library Association ALA Newspaper Users Discussion Group RUSA ACRL Instruction Section MARS-L
  4. Projects/plans for the upcoming year: Discussion centered on what the emphasis of the committee should be. Since the committee is so new the general consensus was that the initial project to work on should be the development/expansion of the committee's web site. The current "home page" for the committee is a very basic page made available through the EBSS site. The members spoke with Doug Cook while at the meeting to get feedback about how to progress. Jessica Albano volunteered to be the web developer and liaison to EBSS to make sure proper procedures are followed. The discussion included a number of ideas regarding what to include and the decision was made to attempt to make the site a useful tool for communications librarians and others in the communications field. Some of the possibilities for inclusion on the site include:
    • Development of "pathfinders" or research guides in specific communications topic areas. Some areas discussed included Media Ratings, News Sources, Communication Disorders, Media Law, Political Communications, and International Advertising and Speech Communications.
    • A "tool-kit" with information about various collection development issues and resources available in the various broad areas of communications.
    • Compiled list of groups/associations/organizations associated with mass communications.
    • Links to various academic journalism/communications library websites.
    • Links to various useful general informational sites such as Gary Price's Resource Shelf, Librarians Index to the Internet, First Monday, etc.
    • Links to specific communication related special collections (such as the Vanderbilt Television Archives, Duke University Advertising Collections, etc.)
    • The development of an electronic newsletter following the general guidelines/design of the Academic BRASS Newsletter

    Additional discussion will be held among the committee to develop a process for defining topics to include on the site, development of the guides, posting to the site, etc.

  5. Planning for upcoming meetings in San Diego and Orlando: The committee meeting will be held the same time/day at all annual and mid-winter conferences as part of the EBSS joint committee meeting. Elliot Kanter volunteered to coordinate a tour of the San Diego News/Tribune during the mid-winter conference in San Diego. Pat Reakes volunteered to coordinate a tour of the Orlando Sentinel during the annual conference in Orlando in 2004.
  6. Other events: The committee organized two tours during the meeting in Toronto which were open to any interested parties attending the conference. On Monday morning there was a tour of the Toronto Star newspaper followed by a tour of the Canadian Broadcasting Company Archives. The committee hosted an information session on Monday afternoon so librarians could meet with Tim Collins from EBSCO Publishing to discuss the new EBSCO full-text CommSearch database. Jim Gaudino of the National Communication Association was also invited, but was unable to attend due to a schedule conflict. The session included background on the development of the database, content/coverage/indexing issues, the EBSCO/NCA relationship, and a question and discussion session.
  7. New Business: The Communication Institute for Online Scholarship (CIOS) had approached the committee about drafting a response to the proposed development by CIOS of a new full-text database in the area of human communication research. The general views of the committee regarding the situation were discussed and a decision was made to work out the details of a response via e-mail. A draft of the response letter will be composed and sent to all committee members for approval and a letter will be sent to Tim Stephen, president of CIOS.
  8. Adjournment Time adjourned: 11:30 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Patrick Reakes

Committee: Curriculum Materials
Chairperson: Trish Lenkowski

Major Topics of Discussion:

  1. Revision of Curriculum Development Policy for Curriculum Materials Centers.
  2. Discussion of budget reductions on materials and staffing. Most universities/colleges are experiencing 5% - 15% budget cuts.

Major Decisions: committee member selected sectionsof the Collection Development Policy. Much of the work will be done electronically between now and Midwinter.

Committee: Higher Education
Chairperson: Ann Brownson
Members Present: Ann Brownson, Jeff Luzius, Barbara Wales
Members Excused: Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Sharon Naylor, Lynn Lampert
Guests: Jan Fryer, Laurel Haycock (both will become members after Annual)

Summary: Reports from members present about work accomplished since Midwinter in developing a core list of books and materials for Higher Education; Assignment of previously unassigned topic areas; Addition of one topic area to be developed (Standards/Assessment).

Topic areas and people assigned to them are:

  • Diversity-Lynn, Stephanie
  • Law-Sharon, Barbara
  • Student Affairs-Sharon, Ann
  • Instructional Technology-Barbara, Lea
  • Higher Education Educational Programs-put on hold
  • Higher Education Information Literacy Competencies-Sharon, Lynn, Stephanie
  • History of Higher Education-Barbara, Jeff
  • Finance-Jeff, Ann
  • Leadership/Administration (including ethics)-Jan
  • International/Comparative Higher Education-Laurel
  • Collection Development (including Publishers of HE materials)-Ann, Jan
  • Standards/Assessment-Laurel General-on hold until midwinter to see if we are missing anything.

Lists of core materials from all areas should be shared via email attachments with all members of the committee by November 15. In the topic areas, if there are prominent organizations that should be included (e.g. NASPA and ACPA in Student Affairs), make sure to include them.

Ann will contact Marcia Keyser prior to midwinter concerning our publication plans.

Time adjourned: 10:45 a.m.

Committee: Membership and Orientation
Chairperson: Laverna Saunders & Helga Visscher
Members present: Melissa Cast, Laverna Saunders, Kay Womack
Members absent/excused: Susan Ariew, Carrie Cooper, Julie Cunningham, Adele Dendy, Nancy Koller, Soraya Magalhaes-Willson, Vanette Schwartz, Susan Silver, Helga Visscher

For the record, this meeting was highly unusual due to the large number of members excused or absent because of the SARS threat. Consequently, the meeting was very informal and served primarily as an opportunity for outgoing chair Laverna Saunders to brief incoming chair Melissa Cast on the status of Membership & Orientation Committee projects. Kay Womack was at the table but participating in another group.

The primary accomplishment of the year was revising the membership brochure and producing a limited number for recruitment at the ACRL Conference in Charlotte, NC. Due to other priorities in the ACRL office, the final editing, layout and production was handled by EBSS Chair Kate Corby and her institution. We formally acknowledged the contribution that Kate made to this effort and agreed that the brochure is acceptable for reprinting in a quantity sufficient for 1-2 years. Given the need to update URLs periodically, the brochure should stay in a desktop publishing format so changes can be made if warranted. We recommended that Michigan State University produce the brochure and file for reimbursement by ACRL by August 15.

We summarized the Committee's membership promotion activities. Helga Visscher compared lists of EBSS members with listserv subscribers and identified individuals who use the list but are not members. She contacted these persons with an invitation to join. The results were disappointing because some individuals claimed that they were members and were not pleased with the insinuation that they were not. Susan Ariew attended the ACRL new member reception at the ACRL Conference and distributed the new brochures. Judy Walker, EBSS Secretary, spoke to the group about joining EBSS. Laverna received lists of new members, dropped members, and reinstated members from ACRL and sent out a total of 263 letters customized by individual and category. These included 104 members, 37 reinstated, and 122 dropped members. [Note: since the meeting an additional 35 letters were completed.]

Laverna reviewed the contents of the New Leader Orientation packet. Melissa had sent out the invitation to new officers to attend the orientation that takes place on Sunday 8 a.m. at each Annual Conference. This year we asked for questions and added those contributed to the agenda to increase participant interaction. We agreed that Laverna would forward all Committee files to Melissa and that Melissa would critique the New Leader Orientation for possible enhancements next year. We did not act on the matter of virtual meetings or recruiting at library schools. Planning for the transition in Committee leadership and membership, we identified the following next steps: Melissa will poll the Committee for priorities. We need updated statistics from ACRL in order to assess the impact of the ACRL Conference on EBSS Membership. Melissa will represent EBSS on the ACRL Membership Committee which is exploring the issue of formalizing the relationship of section membership committees with the ACRL Membership Committee. Melissa is also involved with the ACRL Membership Committee in planning a program for the 2004 Annual Conference.

We distributed flyers and announced the Annual EBSS Social scheduled to take place after the EBSS President's Program, Saturday afternoon, 4:30-6:30 at the JJ Muggs Grille & Bar in the Eaton Centre. [Note: Approximately 20 members enjoyed the social time and networking in the outdoor patio of JJ Muggs.]

Meeting adjourned for reporting at the Consolidated Meeting. --reported by Laverna Saunders

Committee: Publications & Communications
Chairperson: Marcia Keyser (Doug Cook acting in her absence)

Major Topics of Discussion:

  1. Reviewed EBSS Manual
  2. Reviewed Listserv Moderator Guidelines
  3. Reviewed EBSS Brochure
  4. Discussed Decision to move Web site to new ALA format/server
  5. Discussed Newsletter

Major Decisions:

  1. Move web pages & listserv to take advantage of new functionalities
  2. Need to alert committees that web pages are treated as publications

Committee: Reference Sources and Services
Chairperson: Roland Person
Name of the person submitting the highlights: Roland Person

Major Topics of Discussion: Only two members present, at different times. No formal meeting. Major concern of recent years has been pressing ERIC to add rer-reviewed field for indexing. With ERIC in turmoil, this remains unresolved.

Upcoming Activities: Work with ISI on evaluating journals in Education toward adding more titles to their database. Investigating topics for discussion/publication, including information packet for new education librarians, changes in reference service configuration and collections, and possible shifts from subject librarians to general reference ones..

Committee: Social Work/Social Welfare
Name of person submitting the highlights: Brian Quinn
Members present: Brian Quinn, Judith Harris
Guest: Arif Jamal

Discussed recent history and problems with committee, strategies for getting back on track, possible projects to undertake. Will solicit project ideas via email and vote on most important to tackle first. Will assign a liaison to NASW. Reconsider our meeting time, maybe move into the consolidated meeting.

Committee: Ad Hoc Access to Government Sponsored Education Research
Chair: Kate Corby
Members present: Kate Corby, Paula McMillen, Venta Silins, Jen Stevens
Members excused: John Collins, Soraya Magalhaes-Willson, Karen Nordgren, Sharon Weiner
Guest: Tasha Cooper


  1. Introductions
    This was our first meeting, we went around and introduced ourselves.
  2. Minutes
    We agreed that Kate would put out minutes and participants would correct as necessary.
  3. Meeting
    We discussed potential venues for a meeting, since several members have voiced some frustration with our all-email format thus far. John Collins had previously offered to host a conference call meeting, someone else suggested that a Blackboard-like environment might facilitate a meeting. One member had explored video conferencing with voice and camera and found it too pricey. Venta has had some experience with conference call meetings and she recommended that format as likely to be satisfactory. So we resolved to pursue setting up a conference call once the Request for Proposals has been released.
  4. Next steps
    It is hard to plan when we don't know what will be proposed. Among the possibilities to be pursued:
    1. AERA's Communication of Research SIG has suggested trying to find a way to continue to make the gray literature that ERIC will no longer archive available. Members felt this was a good idea. We should contact this group and offer support and assistance with this project if the RFP makes it clear that there will be coverage gaps.
    2. We felt that we should be looking at this issue a little more broadly. Karen Nordgren had summarized some information from depository library council and we are aware that other librarians see this as a "domino effect" type of thing. First PubScience, then ERIC, what's next. We think the issues were quite different between PubScience and ERIC, but we should probably try to make a new directory on the web pages that documents what information is out there about potential threats to/changes in Agricola, PubMed, others?
    3. The Regional Education Labs are also on the chopping block. We might be well advised to also document this issue.
    4. It might be useful to document the increased reliance on gray literature in the sciences, given the Whitehurst statement that ERIC will cease to "focus on gray literature."
    5. We might want to keep tabs on what will disappear and look for ways to continue services. Some Clearinghouses are housed at non-profits that could potentially try to continue some important functions. We could divide up the Clearinghouses among ourselves, each one assigned specific Clearinghouses to contact, watch their web pages, keep track of what is happening to their services. JoAnn Carr has indicated that the NEN (National Education Network) will be embarking on some projects that might help fill gaps. We should be coordinating with them.
    6. The Statement of Work was not very specific about some aspects of the transfer. In particular, while it required that EDRS archives be turned over to a new contractor, it did not say that the archive contents would continue to be available to the public. We might want to coordinate an inventory project for ERIC fiche to be sure there is at least one complete collection at a library that will lend in every region of the country.

Committee: Ad Hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory Committee
Minutes: Conference Call (Meeting held in lieu of Annual meeting 2003)
Date: Wednesday, June 4, 2003
Time: 11-noon Pacific time; 1-2 Central time; 2-3 Eastern time
Present: Carrie Cooper, Nancy O'Brien (Chair), Venta Silins, Lorene Sisson, Judy Walker, Scott Walter

  1. Welcome: Members were welcomed to the first meeting by conference call of the Ad hoc Committee.
  2. Review and approval of agenda: The agenda was reviewed and approved without changes. Minutes from the January 2003 meeting had been approved via email during early 2003. N. O'Brien noted that Barbara Celone had resigned from the committee due to health issues.
  3. Discussion of project
    1. Report on responses to survey · Judy Walker had previously distributed a list of survey respondents (49) having historical collections and 23 institutions that reported having no historical materials. Institutions known to have had historical collections at one time will be contacted about their current status. A list of these institutions developed by Venta Silins and distributed by Judy Walker was divided among committee members for further contact. Additional institutions were added to this list. Since Venta had already contacted all of these institutions by email, each committee member will follow-up with telephone contact.
    2. Review of prototype entry for the directory · The committee reviewed a prototype entry for the directory provided by Judy Walker. Format of directory entries as to whether the data in each category should be preceded by the survey question that elicited the response, or preceded by a statement. It was also suggested that different fonts be used to highlight the categories and questions. Another suggestion was to use a check rather than an X (x) for the chart sections. It was also recommended that alternate lines of charts be highlighted in order to make them easier to read. Judy Walker will contact Hugh Thompson at ACRL Publishing with questions about format. Of particular interest was whether ACRL could handle the PDF format that she is using for the directory.
    3. There was some question about deleting secondary questions in situations where the answer to the first question is "no" and the secondary question asks: "If yes, please describe."
    4. Lorene Sisson suggested that a glossary to describe formats would be very helpful and the committee agreed.
    5. Identification of relevant index categories:· The committee reviewed the suggested list of index categories and affirmed that these should be included: time periods; format; strengths; geographical location; content areas; and, size
    6. Developing a resource list/bibliography · Venta Silins had previously distributed a resource list and bibliography for review. Comments and suggestions should be sent to Venta for inclusion. Judy suggested that additional resources might be found in Question 23 which asks what tools are used to assist people in locating historical education materials.
    7. Writing an introduction: · Because of limited time, the committee only briefly discussed the introduction to the directory. The introduction should include a history of the project, how to find historical materials and related search strategies, and make reference to the glossary.
    8. Scott Walter indicated that he had proposed a column in History of Education Quarterly that would highlight collections of education history materials. He will keep the committee informed about this project.
  4. Confirmation of next conference call: July 1 · Committee members agreed to undertake the following tasks in preparation for the July 1 conference call meeting:
    • All committee members will follow-up contacts by telephone by July 15, 2003.
    • Nancy will develop a sample of entries using statements vs. questions for each category in an entry. This sample will be reviewed by the committee before making a final decision about format.
    • Venta will develop a glossary, calling upon Lorene for assistance as needed.
  5. Adjournment: The conference call ended promptly at the end of the hour.