EBSS Committee Meeting Highlights ALA Annual 2002
Listen to the EBSS "Games Academics Play" Program
Advisory Council
Conference Planning 2002
Curriculum Materials Committee
Distinguished EBSS Librarian Award
Executive Committee
Instruction for Educators
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Social Work/Social Welfare
Ad Hoc - Curriculum Materials Center Standards/Guidelines
Ad Hoc - Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
Committee: Advisory Council
Date: Sunday, June 16, 2002
Members present: Nancy O'Brien, Tammy Rabidean, Kate Corby, Brian Quinn [Chair], Kay Womack, Mary Jane Brustman, Lorna Lueck, Scott Walter, Sarah Beasley, Penny Beile, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Gary Lare, Roland Person, Darlene Nichols, Ted Wygant, Trish Lenkowski, Ann Brownson, Doug Cook, Susan Ariew, and Karen Reiman-Sendi.
- Introducations and Greetings.
- The meeting was called to order at 9:25 AM by Brian Quinn.
- Approval of Agenda.
- Nancy moved and Kay seconded a motion to approve the agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
- Approval of Midwinter Minutes.
- Susan moved and Ted seconded a motion to approve the midwinter minutes as corrected. Motion passed unanimously. Corrections were mainly spelling errors.
- Action Items from Executive Meeting
- Newsletter in electronic format.
- This spring Doug experimented and distributed the newsletter electronically via the EBSS List. It worked well. The Executive committee agreed to pursue the matter further and try to move completely to an electronic newsletter. This will save money.
- Judy going will create an electronic mailing list. The project will be review at Toronto.
- Training Librarians to Assist Educators in Digital Equity and Information Literacy
- Brian discussed the e-mail memo from Mary Ellen Davis about this project. ACRL wants to know if we want to be involved in the project.
- Sarah wanted to know what are we suppose to do? How are we to respond to the email?
- Scott gave an example of what Mary Ellen might be referring to and clarified some details about the meeting. Many members of EBSS are already doing this.
- In principle the committee felt EBSS should be involved but are not sure what we are suppose to do.
- Brian will get more details and clarify what Mary Ellen wants. He will post his findings to the EBSS list.
- New committees
- Via the EBSS List Brian identified areas that are not being addressed by the section. There were a number of good suggestions.
- As a result of this discussion the executive board decided to form two new committees - Communications/Mass Communications and Higher Education.
- Lisa Romero came to the executive meeting with a proposal to form a Mass Communications Committee and is willing to chair the committee. The proposal was distributed to the advisory committee. [Copy of proposal attached.]
- Scott suggested that communication disabilities be included in the description. However, Nancy indicated 'communication disabilities' is not part of Mass Communications at her institution. Kay suggested that maybe we need a disabilities studies committee.
- Roland expressed a concern about too many committees and not enough people to serve on them. Brian indicated this committee would bring new people into the section who are not currently part of EBSS.
- Scott also submitted a proposal for a Higher Education committee. This committee will not pull in as many new folks as the Mass Communications committee but there is still a need for it. We are lacking a chair for the committee. Ann Brownson expressed an interest.
- The question of 'Why committee not discussion group?' was brought up by Nancy. A committee is more attractive because of funding and tenure procedures/policies.
- Doug expressed a concern about the consolidated meeting time - too many committees meeting at the same time.
- At the executive meeting Lorna also introduced the idea of creating a Review and Planning Committee. Vice Chair and Chair very busy with daily details of running the section and there is little time for planning.
- Judy suggested that we transform the Advisory Council into this type of committee. Electronic communications has made it easier to distribute report information to the membership we don't need constantly repeat ourselves.
- Nancy suggested that the Past chair take on this responsibility.
- As part of the planning process it was suggested that we survey the members both informally and formally.
- Discussion of consolidation of meetings ensued again.
- Nancy reminded us that we need to make sure the membership meeting is at the time it should be.
- Kate indicated that the consolidated meeting does draw in new people.
- Leslie definitely need to shorten reports and make sure there is more time for planning and review.
- Nancy recommended that the executive committee be charged to come up with a plan for the advisory council.
- ACRL 11th Charlotte, 2003 Update
- Judy reported that at least three programs were submitted to the ACRL conference program committee with EBSS sponsorship. One program will deal with accreditation. Another was a teaching collaboration between faculty and librarian in the field of Social Work. The third was a joint project with ACRL and AASL.
- Scott confirmed that he also submitted a program with EBSS as a sponsor.
- Newsletter in electronic format.
- Standing Committee Reports:
- Conference Program 2003: Kate Corby
- Theme: Outreach [community engagement]
- Speakers include a Canadian woman talking about librarians and outreach. How they are using libraries to promote health service/information. The second speaker will be a Wayne State woman working with at risk patrons. Still need another speaker.
- Curriculum Materials Committee: Trish Lenkowski
- Discussed webliography update and are planning to update Curriculum Mateirals Collection Development Policy.
- Distinguished Librarian: Tammy Rabidean
- The committee reviewed suggestions from the advisory committee from midwinter concerning issues of getting nominations and increasing nominations by pressing the committee and officers. Because the suggestions would mean a substantial change in the policy and/or procedures Charlie will come back to Advisory at midwinter to discuss the issues in more detail.
- Ellie will talk with ACRL about how to get sponsorship for a monetary component.
- As to renaming award they fell there needs to be more discussion as to the purpose of the award.
- Concerns were heard but will stay the same this year because of where we are in cycle.
- Doug wants to feature Barbara in newsletter. Doug will remind Tammy to write article.
- Gerontology: Kay Womack
- The committee talked about changing their name but postponed that discussion.
- They are planning a midwinter discussion group on long-term care with a speaker on Sunday afternoon to avoid EBSS current topics. The hope this will broaden audience beyond EBSS.
- Instruction for Educators: Sarah Beasley
- The committee looked at revising the 1992 article, Library Instruction for Education Students, but have decided instead to create an article that deals with information literacy's relationship to standards advance by educational organizations. The audience would teachers and teacher educators.
- A second article on how librarians can be involved in the process is also being created.
- They hope to have final drafts by midwinter.
- Membership and Orientation: Susan Ariew [filling in for Laverna Saunders]
- The committee is working on funding for new brochure. They hope it will be ready for ACRL in Charlotte. She passed around prototype. The brochure lists disciplines within the section.
- They are also working on letters to send new members and those who do not renew their membership.
- Scott commented that there is problem because EBSS is subject based and people who move on to new positions not within the disciplines the leave the section. So we need to think bigger and more broadly.
- Nominating 2003: Brian Quinn
- Do we have a committee?
- Deadline for nominations is September.
- Question - by-laws say the appointment to a committee is for two years. There appears to be an inconsistency in the by-laws. However, the by-laws does indicate that the Executive Board can make exceptions. The Executive Board will make the exception at their midwinter meeting.
- Past chair does not need to be chair.
- Psychology/Psychiatry: Darlene Nichols
- The committee met with Carolyn Gosling form APA for an update/discussion of what was going on at APA.
- The rest of the time was spent discussion their website.
- Publications: Ted Wygant
- The committee discussed electronic newsletter and web page.
- They also discussed the issue of electronic meetings and virtual members. They suggested we create survey on this issue that could be put on-line or be included in membership survey.
- Nancy not sure if we need approval for internal survey - probably not.
- A discussion ensued about this and virtual members.
- Ted is willing to do the survey. The results could be sent to ALA as a response to their questions about virtual meetings. Okayed for informally.
- Kate suggested that all new websites be housed at Michigan State.
- Reference Sources and Services: Roland Person
- The committee is still working with ERIC about peer review field. ERIC is supportive it but nothing has happened yet.
- Social Work/Social Welfare: Karen Reiman-Sendi
- The committee is investigating a joint project working with accreditation group.
- They are also reworking their information literacy page.
- Conference Program 2003: Kate Corby
- Ad Hoc Committee Reports
- Curriculum Materials Centers Standards/Guidelines Committee: Gary Lare and Ann Brownson
- The guidelines were publicized for in C&L News for the open hearing at 1 PM Sunday.
- The committee will review comments and continue process.
- Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory Committee: Nancy O'Brien
- The committee conducted a trail run for the survey and made changes to the survey based on comments they received.
- They have established a timeline for final distribution.
- They also suggested an idea for a future program on educational artifacts.
- Curriculum Materials Centers Standards/Guidelines Committee: Gary Lare and Ann Brownson
- Officer reports:
- Chair: Brian Quinn
- Thanked the 2002 Program committee for the Standing Room Only program they put together.
- He attended the long Leadership council meeting.
- Maureen Sullivan has been appointed head of a task force to find ways to make ACRL more responsive to their membership and better managed. They will be conducting focus groups and are soliciting names of faculty member who might be interested in participating. The folks attending the meeting were divided into brainstorming groups to generate ideas of how ACRL might be improved.
- Pat Wand, President of ACRL Council talked about electronic/virtual meetings. The ACRL Council has asked ALA to do a feasibility study.
- ALA has formed a new organization - ALA Allied Professional Association which will certify library professionals and address salary and legal issues within the profession.
- Emily Sheatoff from the Washington office mentioned the following issues they are working on and we should be aware of -
- LSTA - Library Services Technology Act has $300 million on the table. We need to contact our congress people.
- UCITA - has to do with changing computer licensing into a civil contract. We need to oppose this legislation. Contact Carol Ashworth for more information.
- E-books technical specifications need to be developed with libraries in mind.
- Copyright issues - librarians are not doing enough to educate the public about copyright. ALA has received a grant to create a website with tools to help librarians educate the public.
- GATS - working to make sure there will be no harm to libraries. It may be possible to read this treaty in such a way that it would appear that libraries, which are supported with tax dollars, could be considered barriers to trade for foreign bookstores.
- Mentioned ACRL program on Monday afternoon - Transformational Learning Communities.
- Vice Chair: Kate Corby
- Kate indicated that the membership may be smaller but the number of people wanting to active is growing.
- Past Chair: Lorna Lueck
- She thanked all those who were willing to be nominated.
- Election results - Scott Walter, Vice-chair/Chair-elect and Julie Tharp, Member-at-large.
- Secretary: Judy Walker
- Highlights and minutes need to be her by July 1st.
- If you have made major corrections to your midwinter meeting minutes please resubmit them to Judy.
- Member-at-large: Mary Jane Brustman
- Encouraged us to start thinking about topics for the current discussion group.
- ACRL: Leslie
- Bjorncrantz - no report because ACRL Board has not met yet.
- Newsletter Editor: Doug Cook
- Everything need to be to ACRL by September 15th so Doug will start reminding folks about articles the last part of July.
- Chair: Brian Quinn
- Old Business
- Penny Beile asked about the EBSS representative to IFLA. Brian indicated there were a lot of names submitted.
- We also talked about representatives to other organizations like AERA.
- Kate indicated that ACRL wants us to be more proactive in the area of liaisons to other organizations.
- Need to look at what groups we have liaison. Make reports to EBSSL.
- New Business
- Judy mentioned the need to be more aware of the all of the disciplines covered by EBSS.
- Kay suggested perhaps the section needs to look at creating more interdisciplinary committees.
- Scott put out a call for program ideas and committee nominations.
Meeting was adjourned at 12.17 PM.
- Nancy moved and Kay seconded a motion to approve the agenda. The motion passed unanimously. [II A]
- Susan moved and Ted seconded a motion to approve the midwinter minutes as corrected. Motion passed unanimously. Corrections were mainly spelling errors. Revised minutes will be sent to ACRL. [III A]
Action Items:
- Brian will get more details and clarify what Mary Ellen Davis wants EBSS to do. He will post his findings to the EBSS list. [III B5]
- Doug will remind Tammy to write article on Barbara Kemp for the Newsletter. [IV C5]
- The Executive Board will make the exception concerning the Nominating committee at their midwinter meeting. [IV G6]
- Ted is willing to do a survey concerning the electronic/virtual meetings. The results will be sent to ALA as a response to their questions about virtual meetings. Okayed for informally. [IV I5]
- Highlights and minutes from committee meetings need to be to Judy by July 1st. [VI D1]
- If you have made major corrections to your midwinter meeting minutes please resubmit them to Judy.[VI D2]
Respectfully submitted by Judy Walker, July 2, 2002
Attachments: E-mail Memo From Mary Ellen Davis
- [III B] From: Mary Ellen Davis [mdavis@ala.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 6:49 PM
To: kirkto@earlham.edu; libaq@LIB.TTU.EDU; beasleys@pdx.edu; corby@msu.edu
Cc: Mary Jane Petrowski; Shannon Cary
Subject: Meeting Regarding Training Librarians to Assist Educators
To: ACRL EBSS/Instruction for Educators Committee ACRL/Institute for Information Literacy
From: Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL Executive Director
Re: Next steps: Meeting Regarding Training Librarians to Assist Educators in Digital Equity and Information Literacy
On April 18, 2002, I attended a meeting at the ALA Washington Office with a number of other organizations concerned with education, information, and digital equity. The notes from this meeting are attached. The organizations represented were interested in collaborating on a pilot project linking teacher educators, academic librarians, school librarians, and teachers. I brought this meeting to the attention of the ACRL Board and at their spring meeting the Executive Committee suggested that I query your groups to see if you have interest in working on such a project as described in the minutes. The group was particularly interested in a pilot project in the Hartford area as one of the meeting participants was a school principal there. however, the group s open to other parts of the country where we might have the appropriate local expertise and enthusiasm. I would appreciate it if you would put this on your agendas for the summer conference and let me know what you think. Let me know if you have any questions. I appreciate your consideration of this project.
Mary Ellen Davis Executive Director
Association of College & Research Libraries ACRL/ALA
50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611
voice: 312-280-3248
fax: 312-280-2520
Charges for New Committees
[III C] Mass Communications Librarians Committee [Lisa Romero] The purpose of this committee is to provide a base of operations for the Mass Communications community of librarians who serve the communications/mass communications fields [including the areas of communications, media studies, advertising, speech communications, broadcasting, journalism and public relations]. Goals for the committee include identifying best practices and resources useful to those in the community as well as addressing current issues that are salient to the advancement of the field. Activities of the committee would include: evaluation and discussion of resources and services, developing activities and programs to improve skills among librarians, and the coordination of liaison activities with other professional organizations as appropriate. An important project for the committee involves the maintenance of a living resource [web site] that will benefit librarians throughout the field on a continuous basis, populated with materials identified by the committee.
Higher Education Committee [Scott Walter] The purpose of this committee is to provide a forum for librarians who serve as liaisons either to academic programs with a focus on higher education [e.g., Higher Education Administration, College Student Personnel Administration, etc.], or to researchers or practitioners working in the area of higher education [e.g., Student Services, Institutional Research, etc.]; to sponsor discussions or programs that discus collection development resources for higher education, or public service programs aimed at serving the special needs of researchers and practitioners in the area of higher education.
Committee: EBSS Executive Committee Meeting
Date: June 14, 2002
Members Present: Lorna Lueck, Mary Jane Brustman, Lois Cherepon (ACRL Representative), Doug Cook, Ted Wygant, Brian Quinn (Chair), Mary Jane Petrowski, Kate Corby, Judy Walker, Lisa Romero (Guest), Laverna Saunders, Marcia Keyser(Guest)
- Introductions & Greetings
Brian Quinn opened the meeting at 7:15 PM. Those present introduced themselves and indicated their position within EBSS. - Approval of Executive Committee Agenda
Doug moved and Mary Jane seconded approval of the Agenda as distributed. Motion passed unanimously. - Approval of Executive Committee Minutes from Midwinter Conference, January 18, 2002
Lorna moved and Mary Jane seconded approval of the minutes from the January 18, 2002 meeting at Midwinter. Motion passed unanimously. - Announcements
- EBSS Meetings/gatherings at Annual
- Laverna reminded folks that the EBSS Social will be held at the Latitudes Bar in the Omni CNN Center from 4:30 to 6 PM.
- EBSS Program – Games Academics Play. The committee has put together a really good panel of speakers. The program will be taped and be available via the EBSS website. Questions were solicted from the listserv and given to the speakers ahead of time. The speakers are really looking forward to the session.
- Leslie Bjorncrantz is once again hosting a dinner Sunday night at the Tamarin Thai restraunt.
- Elections
- Brian announced the results of the spring elections: Scott Walter is the new Vice-chair/Chair-elect and Julie Tharp will be our new Member-at-large.
- ACRL Leadership Council
- Brian reported on the Leadership Council meeting he attended earlier in the day. Highlights included:
- Maureen Sullivan has been appointed head of a task force to find ways to make ACRL more responsive to their membership and better managed. They will be conducting focus groups and are soliciting names of faculty member who might be interested in participating. The folks attending the meeting were divided into brainstorming groups to generate ideas of how ACRL might be improved.
- Pat Wand, President of ACRL Council talked about electronic/virtual meetings. The ACRL Council has asked ALA to do a feasibility study.
- ALA has formed a new organization – ALA Allied Professional Association which will certify library professionals and address salary and legal issues within the profession.
- Emily Sheatoff from the Washington office mentioned the following issues they are working on and we should be aware of –
- LSTA – Library Services Technology Act has $300 million on the table. We need to contact our congress people.
- UCITA – has to do with changing computer licensing into a civil contract. We need to oppose this legislation. Contact Carol Ashworth for more information.
- E-books technical specifications need to be developed with libraries in mind.
- Copyright issues – librarians are not doing enough to educate the public about copyright. ALA has received a grant to create a website with tools to help librarians educate the public.
- GATS – working to make sure there will be no harm to libraries. It may be possible to read this treaty in such a way that it would appear that libraries, which are supported with tax dollars, could be considered barriers to trade for foreign bookstores.
- Brian reported on the Leadership Council meeting he attended earlier in the day. Highlights included:
- EBSS Meetings/gatherings at Annual
- Action Items:
- EBSS Newsletter in Digital Format
- Doug led a discussion about distributing the newsletter electronically. He did distribute the last issue electronically to the EBSS List but that only reaches about 1/3 of the membership. We need to get a list of the membership with e-mail addresses.
- Mary Jane indicated that all we needed to do is request is from her and she will have Hugh Thompson run it. We need to indicate what electronic format we want it in.
- Judy will contact Mary Jane about getting the list electronically and creating a distribution list.
- Training Librarians to Assist Educators in Digital Equity and Information Literacy
- Brian had distributed with the agenda an e-mail from Mary Ellen Davis which discussed a meeting that took place in Washington, DC about training librarians to assist educators in bridging the digital divide with schools.
- Essentially they are concerned about digital equity and are wanting to create [or support] projects in this area. What Mary Ellen wants to know is if EBSS wants to be involved. There was some discussion trying to clarify what exactly they want us to do.
- The group felt we needed to take this to the Advisory group.
- Creation of New Committees/Discussion Groups to Strengthen Membership
- Brian had queried the EBSS list about additional areas that are not being addressed by the section via committees or discussion groups. He started the discussion in hopes to find some areas not being address that might bring new members to the section. Areas suggested by the members of the list included communications, human development, higher education and health and physical education.
- Lisa Romero was specifically interested communications. She indicated that Mass Communications has no real place to network. She polled a number of other mass communications librarians and they thought it was a good idea. Many of them are not currently members of EBSS or ACRL but would be willing to join to be apart of the group. Lisa brought with her a proposal to create a new committee – Mass Communications Librarians Committee [see attached proposal]. Lisa has expressed an interest in being the chair of the committee.
- Scott Walter also submitted a proposal to form a committee for Higher Education [see attached proposal]. Several folks have expressed an interest in being on this committee. We would need to find a chair.
- The discussion that ensued revolved around two main points –
- Discussion group vs committee. Lorna suggested that we create discussion groups instead of committees since we have so many committees and ACRL is trying to consolidating committees and eliminate duplications. Brian pointed out committees may be more attractive because of tenure, funding, etc.
- Is there a problem with the section's name? The section has lost members. Does the name really reflect what we want it to? It was suggested that we might want to think about a name change but it will take some time. According to Mary Jane, who has been through the process with another section, it is a long and arduous process. Something to think about.
- Ted moved and Judy seconded a motion to approve the committees on an experimental basis. The motion passed unanimously.
- Since we were on the topic of committees Lorna pointed out that ANSS has a review and planning committee. The executive committee is so busy 'running' the section there is little time for planning. Judy suggested instead of creating a new committee why not revamp the advisory committee so that it would take on the role of planning. Everyone thought it was a relatively good idea and should be discussed at the Advisory Committee meeting on Sunday.
- ACRL 11th National Conference Charlotte 2003
- Judy reported that at least three programs were submitted to the ACRL conference program committee with EBSS sponsorship. One program will deal with accreditation. Another was a teaching collaboration between faculty and librarian in the field of Social Work. The third was a joint project with ACRL and AASL. She wasn't sure but she thought Scott also submitted another program with EBSS as a sponsor.
- EBSS Newsletter in Digital Format
- Officer Reports
- ACRL Board Liaison [Lois Cherepon]
- A Task Force on Supplemental funding has been created to investigate ways sections can request funding for projects and programs. Right now the funding is done by three criteria and is not very equitable.
- Electronic meetings – ALA doesn't like the idea of electronic meetings because they say it does not meet the requirement that all ALA meetings been open meetings? This is a very hot topic. We need to discuss it among sections and committees. ACRL will probably make some specific recommendations. If we want more information there are documents at the ACRL office that discuss the issue.
- Kate moved and Ted seconded a motion to defer the remaining officer reports to Sunday's Advisory meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
- ACRL Board Liaison [Lois Cherepon]
- Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 PM.
- Doug moved and Mary Jane seconded approval of the Agenda as distributed. Motion passed unanimously. [II]
- Lorna moved and Mary Jane seconded approval of the minutes from the January 18, 2002 meeting at Midwinter. Motion passed unanimously. [III]
- Ted moved and Judy seconded a motion to approve the committees on an experimental basis. The motion passed unanimously. [V C5]
- Kate moved and Ted seconded a motion to defer the remaining officer reports to Sunday's Advisory meeting. The motion passed unanimously. [VI B]
Action Items:
Judy will contact Mary Jane about getting the list electronically and creating a distribution list. [V A3]
Respectfully submitted by Judy Walker, July 1, 2002
Attachments: E-mail Memo From Mary Ellen Davis [V B]
From: Mary Ellen Davis [mdavis@ala.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 6:49 PM
To: kirkto@earlham.edu; libaq@LIB.TTU.EDU; beasleys@pdx.edu; corby@msu.edu
Cc: Mary Jane Petrowski; Shannon Cary
Subject: Meeting Regarding Training Librarians to Assist Educators
To: ACRL EBSS/Instruction for Educators Committee ACRL/Institute for Information Literacy
From: Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL Executive Director
Re: Next steps: Meeting Regarding Training Librarians to Assist Educators in Digital Equity and Information Literacy
On April 18, 2002, I attended a meting at the ALA Washington Office with a number of other organizations concerned with education, information, and digital equity. The notes from this meeting are attached. The organizations represented were interested in collaborating on a pilot project linking teacher educators, academic librarians, school librarians, and teachers.
I brought this meeting to the attention of the ACRL Board and at their spring meeting the Executive Committee suggested that I query your groups to see if you have interest in working on such a project as described in the minutes.
The group was particularly interested in a pilot project in the Hartford area as one of the meeting participants was a school principal there. however, the group s open to other parts of the country where we might have the appropriate local expertise and enthusiasm.
I would appreciate it if you would put this on your agendas for the summer conference and let me know what you think. Let me know if you have any questions.
I appreciate your consideration of this project.
Mary Ellen Davis
Executive Director
Association of College & Research Libraries
50 E. Huron St.,
Chicago, IL 60611
voice: 312-280-3248
fax: 312-280-2520
Charges for New Committees [V C]
Mass Communications Librarians Committee [Lisa Romero]
The purpose of this committee is to provide a base of operations for the Mass Communications community of librarians who serve the communications/mass communications fields [including the areas of communications, media studies, advertising, speech communications, broadcasting, journalism and public relations]. Goals for the committee include identifying best practices and resources useful to those in the community as well as addressing current issues that are salient to the advancement of the field. Activities of the committee would include: evaluation and discussion of resources and services, developing activities and programs to improve skills among librarians, and the coordination of liaison activities with other professional organizations as appropriate. An important project for the committee involves the maintenance of a living resource [web site] that will benefit librarians throughout the field on a continuous basis, populated with materials identified by the committee.
Higher Education Committee [Scott Walter]
The purpose of this committee is to provide a forum for librarians who serve as liaisons either to academic programs with a focus on higher education [e.g., Higher Education Administration, College Student Personnel Administration, etc.], or to researchers or practitioners working in the area of higher education [e.g., Student Services, Institutional Research, etc.]; to sponsor discussions or programs that discus collection development resources for higher education, or public service programs aimed at serving the special needs of researchers and practitioners in the area of higher education.
Committee: Distinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award Committee
Date: June 15, 2002
Members Present: Tammy Raibideaux (Chair), Charles Thurston, Julie Tharp.
Guests: Francine DeFranco.
Agenda items:
- . 2002 Awards ceremony
- Methods of generating nominations
- Nomination form
- Charge/award criteria
- Monetary sponsorship
- Awards ceremony. Charley will get Brian Quinn's signature on the certificate. Brian will present the award to Barbara Kemp Saturday afternoon at the section program.
- Methods of generating nominations. Tammy said that quantity has not generally been a problem. Fran suggested that the committee ask previous EBSS section chairs for nominations. Charley said that previous award recipients might be know- illegable nominators. The committee will also pursue the regular methods of securing nominations, namely, via EBSS-L, ACRL News, and the EBSS Newsletter.
- Nomination form The committee will know more about the efficacy of the current form after using it this Fall. There was a discussion about changing the process to ask the nominators for a paragraph-long statement touching upon one or more of the four criterions for the award, and asking the nominees to submit their vitas. As it stands, nominators submit all material.
- Charge/Award Criteria The committee agreed that 2004 Annual Conference is a reasonable target date if the charge needs to be amended or the nomination form (which is approved by the ALA Awards Committee) needs changes. Charley will ask Stephanie Sherrod at ACRL for information on how to proceed within ACRL policy.
- Monetary Sponsorship Tammy distributed a list of corporate contributors to the EBSS 25th anniversary celebration. Charley asked the visitors, who are incoming committee members, to send him names of other possible contributors.
Time Adjourned: 9:30 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Charles Thurston
Committee: Curriculum Materials Committee
Date: June 15, 2002
Present: Jeannie Kamerman; Marcia Keyser; Trish Lenkowski; Venta Silins
Excused: Melba Tomeo
Absent: Judy Druse
Guests: Stephanie Neely Aude; Ann Brownson, Beth Broyles, Gary Lare, Yvonne Roux, Judy Walker, Roslyn Wylie
- Call to order The meeting was called to order at 9:40 am. The following items were distributed: agenda, minutes of the New Orleans mid-winter meeting 1/19/02, sign-in sheets for members and visitors.
- Introduction and greeting Members and guests introduced themselves, stating institutional affiliation, current position, and member and term expiration or guest status.
- Announcements: EBSS Program: Games Academics Play will be held this afternoon at 1:30 EBSS Social is this evening
- Approved minutes from the mid-winter meeting of January 19, 2002 held in New Orleans, LA.
- Current Projects
- Webliography - reviewed assignments for current sections and developed ideas for new sections. Trish will check with Judy Druse and Jeneen LaSee Willemssen to be sure they are no longer interested in updating sections, if not the sections will be reassigned.
The assignments (with current or newly assigned selectors/updaters) are as follows:
Webliography Assignments Task Assignee Assessment/Educational Tests Judy Walker Educational Associations & Agencies Yvonne Roux Children's & YA Literature Ann Brownson Early Childhood Education Beth Broyles Educational Administration Judy Walker Educational Foundations Dorothy Schleicher Educational Statistics Venta Silins ESL/ESOL Jeannie Kamerman Electronic Journals Marcia Keyser General Education Dorothy Schleicher Instructional Technology Jeannie Kamerman Lesson Plans & Teaching Activities Ann Brownson Multicultural Resources Venta Silins National Standards Gary Lare School Counseling Trish Lenkowski New sections
New Section Webliography Assignments Task Assignee Free Resources for Educators Roslyn Wylie Textbook Publishers Stephanie Neely Aude Electronic Discussion Groups Ann Brownson Research Methodology Trish Lenkowski & Venta Silins Judy will send a reminder for updates mid-July and would like to receive all of them by August 1st.
There was additional discussion concerned linking to other web sites i.e. ASLCA for links to web sites for children, and deep linking. Marcia volunteered to look into these issues. - Article on Preparing for NCATE - Judy Walker is going to pursue this on her own since the Committee do not move on this in a timely manner.
- CMC Collection Development Policy - At mid-winter we will begin the process of updating, as last edition was done in 1992/1993. All members should bring a copy of the Policy and samples if possible. Some ideas for revision/updating include access v ownership, technology and the bibliography. Is it on the web? [ http://www.lib.msu.edu/corby/ebss/cmcpolicy.htm]
- CMC Management Guide - We are still unclear on the digital version link checking of this publication. Judy Walker will check with Joann Carr about this.
- Webliography - reviewed assignments for current sections and developed ideas for new sections. Trish will check with Judy Druse and Jeneen LaSee Willemssen to be sure they are no longer interested in updating sections, if not the sections will be reassigned.
- New Business
- Judy Walker reported on a letter from Mary Ellen Davis concerning digital equity (information literacy and technology literacy) being an issue for teachers, academic librarians, school librarians and teacher educators. It was mentioned that AASL has a task force addressing the k-12 to college transition: Your student will be mine.
- Electronic meetings are in the development phase. The College Library Section (ACRL) is going to try this at Mid-winter 2003. The issues vary: open meetings v being invited, costs v current registration requirements, limits to virtual attendance.
- Judy discussed ALA's non-profit status and issues relating to certification and accreditation
- Reports
- CMC Standards/Guidelines - Gary Lare and Ann Brownson announced that the open hearing will be held tomorrow at 1:00 PM at the Hyatt. The Committee will meet afterwards to discuss input.
- Historical Textbook & Curriculum Collections Directory - Judy Walker reported that the pilot survey is done and they will be moving on the next phase. They have completed the definitions section.
- Discussion
General discussion of CMCs managed by para-professionals when located in the school of education - Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 11:25 AM
Respectfully submitted Trish Lenkowski
Committee: Gerontology Committee
Date: June 12, 2002
Attendance: Mary Jane Brustman, Sally Lawler, Deborah Schaeffer, Kay Womack, chair. Patricia Libutti attended as an incoming member. Ellie Marsh was absent. There were no visitors.
Mary Jane Brustman is the incoming chair of this committee.
Committee members announced other conference programs and speakers. Sally Lawler mentioned that the state of Michigan gives a certification in gerontology with only three courses. Exploring such certification in other states was discussed.
The committee considered recommending a name change but decided against that at this time. The rationale was to have a name parallel to the Psychology/Psychiatry Committee in hopes of attracting additional members.
Most of the meeting focused on the committee's recommendation for a discussion group to be held at the Midwinter Meeting 2003 on the topic of long term care. The committee decided to try scheduling two speakers. One speaker will be sought who can discuss financing of long term care and who will not represent a specific financial institution. The other speaker will be asked to discuss long term care housing alternatives. Committee members volunteered to contact different individuals or organizations to identify speakers. A tentative title suggested is Long Term Care: Myths and Realities. The committee recommended holding the discussion group on Sunday afternoon.
Kay Womack planned to attend the Sunday afternoon meeting of the RUSA MOUSS Services to an Aging Population Committee to ask the committee to cosponsor the discussion group and assist with advertising. Other ways to advertise were discussed.
The committee questioned the need for a committee meeting at Midwinter if it is sponsoring the discussion group on long-term care issues. Possibly a shorter meeting will be held to finalize any last minute details.
The committee is interested in sponsoring future midwinter meeting discussion groups related to gerontology topics. One idea was co-existence at work between generations. How to appreciate the differences and skills was mentioned. Tricia noted a program at this conference that was on this topic.
Submitted by: Kay Womack Chair
Committee: Psychology/Psychiatry Committee [Darlene Nichols]
Date: June 15, 2002
Chair: Darlene Nichols
Members Present: Laurel Haycock, Alice Perez, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Monica Hagan, Steve Witt, Leanne Lauer, Allison Sutton, Peg White, Karen Bacsanyi, Darlene Nichols.
Members Excused: Maggie Ressel, Marian Shemberg, Lyn Thaxton, Juanita Benedicto, Karen Hartman.
Guests: Susan Macicak, Carolyn Gosling, Diana Ramirez
Summary · Carolyn Gosling provided updates on new development in PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES. PsycINFO now includes expanded historical sources including book chapters from older Psychological Abstract and 1600 books from the Harvard book list among other things. Cited references are now available in PsycINFO. PsycARTICLES now has PDF files for most articles. · Only four of the 12 people at the meeting have subscribed to PsycARTICLES. Many are finding the cost to be prohibitive.
The committee approved a plan for completing a first draft of a web site and assigned responsibility to individuals to lead on specific pages.
Major Topics of Discussion: · Update on changes in PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES. · Discussion of members' experiences with PsycARTICLES. · Committee website.
Major Decisions: · Identified core areas to cover for the web site. · Designated individuals to lead on creating content for web pages. · Set deadline for draft of core web pages.
Committee: Publications and Communications Committee [Ted Wygant]
Date: 6/15/02
Chair: Ted Wygant
Members Present: Ted Wygant [chair], Kate Corby, Doug Cook, Judy Walker Kay Womack
Members Excused: Sharon Naylor
Guests: Marcia Keyser [incoming chair], Peg White
- Membership issues: getting new members for the committee and discussing members who do not attend but are not virtual.·
- Electronic Newsletter - Doug Cook is working on publishing it entirely electronically.
- Web site - Kate Corby has been doing a great job of getting things updated. She suggested that all new websites be housed a Michigan State.
- Possibility of a survey for the web page and/or EBSS list on the issue of on-line midwinter meetings. Need to discuss with Advisory Committee
Major Topics of Discussion · Membership issues: getting new members for the committee and discussing members who do not attend but are not virtual. Electronic Newsletter - Doug Cook is working on publishing it entirely electronically. Web site - Kate Corby has been doing a great job of getting things updated. She suggested that all new websites be housed at Michigan State. Possibility of a survey for the web page and/or EBSS list on the issue of on-line midwinter meetings.
Major Decisions: · Discuss with the Advisory Committee the possibilities of a survey about on-line midwinter.
Committee: Membership and Orientation Committee [Laverna Saunders]
Date: June 16, 2002
Members Present: Nancy Koller, Laverna Saunders (chair), Melissa Cast, Carrie Cooper, Vanette Schwartz, Susan Ariew, Susan Silver, Julie Cunningham. Name of Person submitting minutes: Julie Cunningham
1. Introductions and Announcements
Committee members introduced themselves. Laverna Saunders reported that EBSS lost 50 members this year and that membership was down throughout ACRL. The focus of this meeting will be on recruitment efforts using a revised EBSS brochure, completing welcome letters to new members and letters of invitation to renew to lapsed members.
2. Volunteers
Volunteers were solicited and appointed as follows: ·
- Susan Ariew volunteered to be meeting recorder and report action items to the EBSS Advisory Committee. ·
- Melissa Cast volunteered to be a reporter to the ACRL Membership Committee which coordinates membership activities throughout the division. Saunders noted that the ACRL committee was targeting Library schools and encouraging virtual membership ·
- Julie Cunningham volunteered to take minutes of the meeting.
3. Minutes
The minutes were reviewed and approved with one change: "Melissa Cast of ACRL" was changed to "Melissa Cast, formerly from ACRL."
4. New Chair Orientation Update
Laverna Saunders distributed updated information packets that will be available at the EBSS New Leader orientation on Sunday. This was for our information only since most of the information is on the EBSS web site. She expected fewer than 10 to attend this meeting since most of the leaders were experienced (there were only 2 new chairs).
5. Progress Report on Membership Brochure.
Nancy Koller distributed several mock-ups of a revised EBSS membership brochure. She noted that a brochure becomes outdated almost immediately if too much detailed information is provided. Committee members selected one of the designs and recommended several changes and additions.
- Add to cover: a division of the American Library Association on flip or just ALA
- Suggest moving EBSS to left to permit greater visibility when the brochure is displayed on tables.
- Under Committees: Add: How to volunteer To volunteer see: "http..." and refer reader to EBSS web pages. Kate Corby confirmed the continuance of maintaining the EBSS web site. Committee members would like to keep it in its present location rather than move the pages to the ALA site
- Add copyright date date.
- Change "Behavior" to "Behavioral"
- Modify first sentence to include "discipline-based linking"
- Brochure should be printed in official colors with logo in corners.
- Add credit for designer, if necessary.
- Add: "social sciences/behavioral sciences, broadly defined"
Nancy noted the need to keep the design cost to $100 or less. She will see if designers will make the revisions without additional charge. Laverna recommended that Nancy speak with Mary Jane Petrowski once our suggestions are incorporated into the mockup. Laverna advised Nancy to send the design invoice to Brian Quinn. Melissa Cast noted that we cannot fund brochures from section money. That funding comes from ACRL and $750 is the most provided for brochures. Committee members discussed brochure funding with Kate Corby and Scott Walter. Kate indicated that brochure funding was allocated on a "first come first served" by ACRL. However, since several sections had revised their brochures recently and ours had not been updated in a long time, she was hopeful that EBSS would receive funding for this brochure. She also reported that the Section budget was cut in half to $500 because membership had dropped below 1000 members.
Laverna emphasized our April production goal and the desirability of having the brochure ready for the ACRL Conference in Charlotte. The initial print run will be 2000 copies on card stock. ACRL will handle printing. Nancy should send a "camera-ready" file with the final mock-up. The brochure should be sent to Publications Committee Chair, Marcia Keyser, for committee review prior to publication. Kate Corby will get the copy to Marcia. The brochure should also be sent to the Executive Committee for review. Laverna will work out any additional design costs, if necessary. Susan Ariew will formally seek ACRL funding for brochure at the Advisory Committee meeting on Sunday. Nancy will get the revised copy to Laverna by the end of week.
6. Progress Report on Drop/Add Letters.
Committee reviewed letters drafted by Vanette Schwartz and Julie Cunningham and made several suggestions: Welcome to new members: 1. Include phrase of apology for not communicating earlier in the year. 2. Add URL to bullet on committee opportunities 3. Add URL for EBSS Newsletter. 4. Laverna will send beginning August 1 with her signature. Kate Corby asked about methods of monitoring the effectiveness of the letter. Laverna and Kate will speak further on this at a later date.
"Drop" letters: Committee members suggested the same items as above, but also in first paragraph after bulleted list add, "You can do this (renew) online @ . . ." There was also further discussion on developing a more personal approach to members whose membership had lapsed. Suggestions included circulating the drop list to committee members for potential follow-up on a more personal level. Several committee members noted valid reasons such as retirement or job change that were factors. Also recommended was follow-up and coordination with ALA to determine if the person had also dropped ACRL, ALA memberships. It was recommended that the letters be personalized where possible. Laverna will work with Kate to verify drop names for circulation and letter sending.
A suggestion was made to offer a prize for the 1000th member (e.g. tote bag) Kate will ask Mary Jane Petrowski about this and also list the new member's name in the newsletter. Kate is also planning to send a membership reminder on the listserv.
7. New Member Recruitment
Susan Silver reported on a market research approach to recruiting members. She noted that it was easy to identify our target categories, but difficult to indentify individuals. For example: Who are the LIS folks? What area does a potential member work in? In larger organizations, this can identified by titles but often can't be done in smaller institutions. She suggested using a national data form to obtain this information and suggested asking a a publisher to help pay for this survey.
Other ideas were suggested and discussed including: · Use CMG: provides labels for one time use or disk for 1 year use · Use reference tools that identify programs at colleges and universities. Once the institutional names are identified, check the web for individuals. This was noted as being not difficult but very time consuming. · Work with ACRL since we are not in this alone, e.g. ACRL is looking at library schools and for ways of increasing contact with chapter councils. Liaison with ACRL chapters council to discover opportunities at local level. At the local level, consider regional conferences, sending the new brochures to education librarians in each state.
Laverna will look into possible use of LMS (Library Marketing Survey). The Committee agreed to follow up on the recruitment issue at Mid-Winter and to table discussion of the Role of Virtual Members until then also.
8. Member Social Hour, Philadelphia
The EBSS Social Hour will take today at the Latitudes Bar and Bistro at the Omni CNN Hotel, at 4:30-6:00 PM. Laverna volunteered to make arrangements for the Social Hour at Mid-Winter in Philadelphia.
Respectfully submitted, Julie Cunningham
Major Topics of Discussion · New/revised EBSS membership brochure. · New leader orientation. · Letters to new members and to members who do not renew their membership.
Major Decisions · Seek funding from ACRL for EBSS brochures.
Committee: Reference Sources and Services
Date: June 15, 2002
Present: Francine DeFranco, Cecile Maciulis, Dottie Marcinko, Sarah Sheehan, Wanda Weinberg, and Roland Person.
We welcomed Lee Ann Lannom and Bee Gallegos whose terms begin after this meeting, and three guests: Brian Schoolar (Temple), Stephen Persho (Princeton) and Cheryl Ghosh (Cincinnati).
Roland reported that Christina Bauer from ERIC says ERIC continues to investigate the possibility of tagging peer-reviewed journal articles, as we have been encouraging, but there is no decision or timetable as yet. This led to a general discussion of E*Subscribe. Sarah has done a comparison of ERIC, Higher Education Abstracts, and some other databases and will send the results to Committee members. We discussed the education components of several databases and Dottie volunteered to compare the Professional Development Collection in Ebsco to Education Abstracts and report the results to the Committee.
Members reported on developments and concerns at their home institutions. Kate Corby joined us briefly and described her study of core education journals. She noted that Education Abstracts will not index any wholly electronic journal, but that it and ERIC are the only indexes really trying to index education as a discipline. Francine, Katherine Dexter, Christine King, and Dottie all have terms expiring at this meeting. We are grateful for their service to the Committee and to EBSS. Respectfully submitted, Roland Person
Major Topics of Discussion · Encouraging and supporting ERIC in adding a tag for peer reviewed journals. · Other areas of discussion included: E-subscribe, PsycARTICLES, use or lack of use of reference collections and other reference sources, textbook collections and problems of acquisition, comparison of journal coverage in various databases.
Major Decisions · Continue to work with ERIC on peer review tag. Upcoming Activities · Solicting topics for midwinter discussion.
Committee: Conference Program Planning Committee 2002 [Penny Beile]
Date: June 14, 2002
Chairs: Penny Beile, Lyn Thaxton
Members Present: Penny Beile [co-chair], Kate Corby, Monica Hagan, Marilyn Hicks, and Lyn Thaxton [co-chair]
Members Excused: Brian Quinn, Scott Walter
Summary: · Last minute details for program - Games Academic's Play: Mastering the Social Psychology of Faculty/Librarian Relations. · Program was video taped and will be available via the EBSS web site. · Program was a rousing success with standing room only attendance. · Reorder Note: The program was successfully held and all committee charges completed .
Committee: Instruction for Educators
Date: June 15, 2002
Chair: Sarah Beasley
Members Present: Beasley, Beile, Birch, Cooper, Geller, Gradowski, Janke, Koltutsky, Mestre, Wright
Members Excused: Ver Steeg, Libutti
Guests: Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Natalia Taylor
Agenda Items:
Welcome new members: Louise Greenfield (6/30/04); Laura Klotutsky (6/30/04); Katherine Ott (6/30/04); Karen Janke (6/30/04)
Farewell and huge thanks to Gail, Jennie, Gary, Jeneen and Tricia
Welcome guests
Information Literacy for Preservice Teachers/Information Skills for Educators
- -Review drafts and project work thus
--Review project "outline"; revise tasks as necessary
--Develop working name for project ….
- -Discuss timeline
Training Librarians to Assist Educators in Digital Equity and Information Literacy - national initiative. -Ideas for IE participation/ contribution
New Developments in the field - issues, trends, concerns arising in our daily practice -informal discussion
Summary: Discussion and clarification of direction of information literacy and teacher education article. Decision to separate content into two publications:
--one to address philosophical issues of librarians participation with teacher educators especially around areas of information literacy and nationally articulated standards for proficiency in technology, inquiry learning and reflective practitioner capabilities. Desire to place article in teacher education publication. Tobeylynn Birch will draft initial vision for this article
--other article to be placed in library publication articulating teacher organization standards related to technology, inquiry and research skills. Article will focus on commonalities of standards from various organizations and their relationships with information literacy standards. Rubrics for information literacy tasks and proficiencies of teacher educators, education students and K12 students will be included. Lori Mestre will take the lead on developing structure for this article.
Action Items: Drafters will submit content to other committee members by mid July; rough drafts due in Novemenber. Sarah Beasley will submit proposal to EBSS publications committee to start process.
Major Topics of Discussion · Planned publication of article on information literacy's relationships to standards advanced by educational organizations of particular importance to teacher educators and teachers. · Most of the time was spent editing/drafting/outling sections and grappling with scope and direction of publication.
Major Decisions · Aim for two publications: 1) an article to be placed in a teacher education publication outlining/revealing/advocating assistance from education librarian can provide in developing their programs especially around the areas of inquiry and life long learning specified in various organization's standards; and 2) an article dealing with educational organizational standards and reconciling them with information literacy standards. The second article could include sample learning objectives, competencies and activities that teachers and students would be able to use.
Upcoming activities · Writing the draft and lots of e-mailing.
Committee: Social Work/Social Welfare
Date: June 14, 2002
Minutes Submitted by: Karen Reiman-Sendi [Chair]
Members Present: Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Deborah Schaeffer, Nonny Schlotzhauer, Karen Reiman-Sendi [Chair]
Members Excused: Stephen Fowlkes, Katharine Downton
Guests: Vanette Schwartz, Susan Macicak, Kate Silfen, Allison Sutton, Barbara J. Wittkopf
After individual introductions the chair passed along information on other committees and discussion groups at Annual of interest to social welfare librarians. The information from a survey conducted by the University of Michigan regarding instructional efforts of social work librarians was presented. Attendees were reminded about the CSWE librarians' web site [http://www.cswe.org/swlibrarians/], the CSWE annual meeting next year and its tentative agenda, and the possibility of collaborating with CSWE librarians on a project [e.g. collection development related project].
The next agenda item was the web page project on information competencies. The committee decided to revise all the pages to match the University of Michigan information literacy competencies handout [from Midwinter]. Each committee member was assigned a part of the competency hierarchy, for which they will seek out examples that meet each competency objective. The 'best web sites' proposal will be delayed until we can get the existing project up to standard.
The committee then discussed the future of this committee and how to best meet the needs of ACRL librarians support social work/social welfare. There was much discussion on whether it was necessary to meet twice a year, when technology exists that easily facilitates communication.
Committee: EBSS Ad hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
Date: Sunday, June 16, 2002
Present: Carrie Cooper, Nancy O'Brien (Chair), Venta Silins, Judy Walker
Absent (excused): Barbara Celone, Lorene Sisson, Scott Walter
Summary: Members were welcomed to the fourth meeting of this Ad hoc Committee. The agenda was reviewed and approved without changes. Minutes from the January 2002 meeting had been approved via email during spring 2002.
A discussion of the project focused on several issues, including the following. -
N. O'Brien announced that the preliminary publication form had received approval from ACRL. One question was raised regarding the use of the term "historical" in relation to the directory. Committee members agreed that the use of historical in regard to curriculum materials and textbooks could be explained in the introduction. Since these materials have a short shelf-life in working collections, historical materials really may be as recent as 20 years old.
The Committee discussed responses to the pilot survey that was sent out. Five surveys were returned, while comments were received from some institutions indicating that their collections did not include historical materials. Members agreed that there should be a very obvious question at the beginning indicating that respondents should reply if they do not have a collection of historical materials. In response to one recommendation to include definitions for the terms 'textbooks,' 'readers' and 'primers,' it was agreed to eliminate the term readers and primers since these were subcategories of textbooks. That would make it unnecessary to define 'textbooks.' A recommendation to include a separate question about subject areas and years of coverage will generate additional work, but was an excellent suggestion. Judy Walker will develop an additional question asking for information regarding whether collections include the following categories, and the years covered.
- Foreign languages
- Health and physical education
- Home economics
- Industrial arts/vocational education
- Mathematics
- Music/art
- Reading/Language arts
- Science
- Social Studies
- Civics/citizenship
- Geography
- History
- Other -
It was agreed that it was important to include indexes generated from the database of responses that would indicate which institutions had strengths in various areas, for example.
It was agreed that the committee needed to review the letter to make sure it was clear to recipients. When sending the letter (which will include the survey URL: http://www.uncc.edu/cimc/intro.htm), the email header should read: Historical textbook and curriculum survey.
As previously discussed, the primary mechanism for survey distribution will be an email announcement that directs the recipient to the address for the Web survey. Each committee member will be responsible for distributing email announcements to various listservs and other recipients. Assignments were reviewed, as indicated below. In addition, it was agreed that only major subject area education organizations such as IRA, NCTM, NEA, and so on should be contacted by Nancy O'Brien. These are the most likely organizations to have collections of actual curriculum materials. A partial list of textbook and curriculum publishers (OpenCourt, Harcourt Brace, SRA, Harper, National Textbook Company, Silver Burdett & Ginn, Sunburst, Weston Woods, Scott Foresman, Houghton Mifflin, Holt Rinehart, and Brittanica) was suggested for Venta Silins to contact. It was recognized that many of these publishers have since merged with other companies.
- Barbara Celone - state libraries
- Carrie Cooper - state departments of education
- Nancy O'Brien - Education organizations and mailing list for curriculum materials centers from the committee that developed the Directory of Curriculum Materials Centers
- Venta Silins - Textbook publishers
- Lorene Sisson - Departments of special collections in research or academic libraries (possibly via the ACRL RBMS listserv)
- Judy Walker - EBSS listserv
- Scott Walter - SLA Education libraries listserv
Venta Silins volunteered to follow up non-responses from institutions listed in the 1988 Directory of Historical Curriculum Collections when necessary.
The time frame for distribution of the survey follows:
- July 15 -Judy Walker will make suggested revisions to the Web
- August 15 - All committee members will have sent out email surveys
- September 15 - Due date for responses to survey
The Ad hoc Committee adjourned at 9:30 a.m.
Major Topics of Discussion · Review of the responses to the pilot survey of historical collections and modifications resulting from those responses · Status of preliminary publication form, · Survey distribution assignments · Timeline for survey distribution.
Major Decisions · It was decided to revise the survey by July 15; distribute it by August 15; and have a deadline for responses of September 15, 2002. · Categories of places to distribute the survey were reviewed, clarified and assigned to individual committee members.
Upcoming Activities · Future activities include revision of the survey based on responses from the pilot survey, distribution of the final survey, and beginning compilation of the data.
Committee: EBSS Ad hoc Curriculum Materials Centers Standards/Guidelines Committee
Date: June 16, 2002
Name of person submitting Minutes: Ann Brownson
Members Present: Gary Lare, Ann Brownson, Beth Broyles, Elizabeth Raum, Yvonne Roux, John Hickok
Members Excused: Dorothy Schleicher
Guests: Donna Gilliland, Venta Silins, Roslyn Wylie, Estela Radovancev, Judy Walker, John Mess
Agenda Items:
A public hearing was held during the first hour of the meeting and comments were solicited from guests, committee members, and John Mess, a representative from the Standards and Accreditation Committee of ACRL about the draft CMC Guidelines Document. Concerns raised included a few questions about definitions, including something in the introduction about the document being applicable to all types of institutions, and qualitative vs. quantitative guidelines, particularly relating to budget, personnel, facilities, and collection. It was also suggested that a stronger statement be made regarding information literacy.
After the hearing was concluded, we continued to meet with John Mess and he offered SAC's view of the document. His major concerns involved collection of documentation and the offering of examples of kinds of documentation that should be collected to show that a CMC is meeting the guidelines listed. Examples of this documentation include user statistics, usage statistics, schedules, calendars, web site urls, floor plans, policies and procedures, reference statistics, budget reports, inventories, collection development policies, publication examples (handouts, bibliographies, pathfinders). Mess also stated that a list of resources should be included-items that a CMC director would find useful in organizing and maintaining a CMC. These might include the Directory of Curriculum Materials Centers edited by Fred Olive's Ad Hoc Committee; the Collection Development Policy book published by the CMC committee; the new Guide to the Management of Curriculum Materials Centers for the 21st Century edited by Jo Ann Carr; and Gary Lare's Acquiring and Organizing Curriculum Materials.
It was agreed that Ann Brownson would take all the feedback and incorporate it into the present document (in a different color) so that it could be shared with the committee. Plans were then made to complete the document during the next several months, send it to SAC, and be prepared to go forward with the completed document at Midwinter.
Time adjourned. 4:00 p.m.
- Motions: None
- Action Items: Ann Brownson will incorporate changes discussed into the draft document, which will then be shared with the committee, and reworked into a final document.
- Major Topics of Discussion: · During first hour of meeting, open hearing to discuss draft of CMC Guidelines document. John Mess of SAC had numerous comments about the document that ordered our conversation during the next two hours of the meeting. · During those two hours, we focused on the continuing debate on quantitative versus qualitative guidelines, and making the guidelines more quantitative by describing ways in which documentation can be gathered to show that the guidelines are being met. For example, adding a section that notes ways documentation might be gathered-user statistics, usage statistics, schedules, calendars, web sites, floor plans, policies and procedures, reference information, budget reports, inventories, collection development policy, publication examples (handouts, bibs, pathfinders).
We also will add a bibliography of sorts to the document---important materials for a CMC director to be familiar with. - Major Decisions: · We plan to gather back at Midwinter with a revamped document to be ready at that time to meet with SAC.
- Upcoming activities: · Before Midwinter we will work with the proposed changes to the document and prepare it for SAC to examine at that time.