Committee Meeting Highlights ALA Midwinter 2001
Advisory Council
Conference Planning 2002
Curriculum Materials Committee
Executive Committee
Instruction for Educators
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Social Work/Social Welfare
Ad Hoc - Curriculum Materials Center Standards/Guidelines
Ad Hoc - Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
Ad Hoc - Committee to Revise the CMC Directory
Committee: Advisory Council
Members Present: Lorna Lueck - Chair, Brian Quinn - Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Lorene Sisson - Secretary, Mary Jane Brustman – Member At Large, Jeannie Kamerman – Curriculum Materials, Doug Cook – Instruction For Educators, Barbara Kemp – Membership & Orientation, Darlene Nichols –Psych/Psych, Ted Wygant – Publications, Julie Tharp – Reference Services & Sources, Sally Lawler – Social Work/Soc Welfare, Nancy O'Brien – Ad Hoc Historical Textbook, Fred Olive – Ad Hoc Curriculum Materials Directory, Anne Brownson – Ad Hoc Curriculum Materials Centers Standards, Leslie Bjorncrantz – ACRL Liaison.
Date: January 14, 2001
- Introduction and Greetings -- Lorna Lueck, Chair convened the meeting at 9:30 am. Members and guests introduced themselves.
- Approval of the Agenda -- It was moved, seconded, and approved.
- Approval of Minutes -- It was moved, seconded and approved with corrections.
- Announcements
- Events -- Thank you from Chair to:
- JoAnn Carr for the excellent National Library of Education Tour
- Mary Jane Brustman and Kay Womack for the Current topics discussion group session
- Barbara Kemp for the Happy Hour and the great flyers.
- Leslie Bjorncrantz who arranged the EBSS Dutch Treat dinner.
- ACRL Funding -- $1500 is available for sections to use in promoting the ACRL Strategic Plan. Continuing Education efforts would be good match for these funds. The funds should be spent by August 2001- can be postponed to next year- Ideas included:
- teleconferencing/video taping the program - Professional Education – "Core Competencies for Education Librarians"
- Webcasting or burn a CD of a program.
- NASA will have chatroom events--
- One way video out or online course
- Scott and JoAnn may be interested
- Lorna will look for volunteers on the listserv
- ACRL might extend funding of a project that could be continued
- Events -- Thank you from Chair to:
- Standing Committee Reports
- Conference Program Committee 2001-Lorna Lueck, chair.
The program will be titled: "Old friends, New Partners: Academic Libraries Redefine K-12 Outreach"
Program is Sunday 2-4pm—ALA programs will be in tracks, same topic, same place, different times. Poster sessions follow the program - Conference 2002- Penny Beile, chair
There are six members- Program will be titled: "Learning Community for Excellence" - Curriculum Materials – Jeannie Kamerman, chair.
- Pondered how CMC relates to Ad Hoc Committees
- Worked on topics for webliography
- Future projects: NCATE visitation preparation assistance
- How to get free or reduced cost textbooks
- "Educational Research" web page or "Research Methodology" web page
- Distinguished Librarian-Tammy Rabideau, chair. absent.
- Gerontology- Kay Womack, chair. Reported by M. J. Brustman
Discussed what to do next
Participate in Discussion Group
Recommendations for new members - Instruction for Educators- Doug Cook, chair.
Past Book "Collaborative Imperative" is published. Dane Ward will be doing a workshop related to the book at ACRL in Denver. Proposed article which reviews education web sites. Deadline March 1, drafts due to Scott Walter. May send it to Choice or Reference reviews. Pinpointing all Education statistics sites and more. By next meeting, annual, hope to be finished.
Information Retrieval, 1992 needs a rewrite for Education students. - Membership & Orientation- Barbara Kemp
Discussed – New Leader Oriention as a title due to need for including all persons in new leadership positions. Officers need to make themselves available for the orientation. L. Saunders will add this information to the packet. Will try to get materials to new leaders in advance of meeting. Do we archive these materials?
Should we archive the manual? Orientation Vs. Policies. Procedures a more proper description of the manual. Web version of the EBSS Orientation Manual is official version. Kate Corby has kept old versions. Bylaws or history of changes. **Lorene to find out what ALA/ACRL archives, Melissa may know. Bring up again at annual.
Laverna interested in loss of membership, Committee has need of new members 5-6
Looking for a Favorite watering hole in S.F. - Nominating 2001 The new slate of candidates follows:
- Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Kate Corby & Allison Kaplan
- Secretary: Jeannie Kamerman & Judy Walker
- Members at Large: Doug Cook & Jennie Ver Steeg
- Psychology/ Psychiatryb- Darlene Nichols
Discussed electronic products such as APA- PsychInfo, E-psyche, ProQuest, the American Psychiatric Association's Free Web products, practice guides. - Publications- Ted Wygant, chair.
Current liaisons to committees are assigned. Web guidelines are ok. Need a new member for liaison to Gerontology.
Newletter editor- Doug Cook will be the new editor for the section newsletter upon approval.
Need a person to work with Ad Hoc Com for Standards and Guidelines.
Discussion of Financial issues related to attending conference. ACRL Sections council brought up the possible use of Virtual Meetings. Some discussion about the amount of time and money spent. Can it be made more efficient? - Reference Services and Sources- Julie Tharp, chair.
Committee is continuing the pursuit of the peer reviewed field with Don Frank, Director ERIC. ERIC visitors explained policies and procedures, what they need for this was a definition and paragraph about need. Need anecdotes: Put on LISTERV; Get syllabi that state need for field; Send web or e-mail. Question: What to do with the field if peer reviewed status not known? Don does not want the field blank. - Social Work- Sally Lawler
Six committee members in all attended. Hosted a guest speaker at meeting from Social Work Abstracts. Discussed the display screens and areas of interest. Members now have a better idea of their restraints. Members suggested their coverage needs expansion. Although the speaker was interested in joining the committee the role is limited to guest as a non-member.
Members discussed housekeeping for web-page. Web page has moved to U of M - where S. Lawler is located.
Human Services Organization has a Social work directories link that is very useful to librarians.
- Conference Program Committee 2001-Lorna Lueck, chair.
- Ad Hoc Committee Reports
- Ad Hoc Committee for the Digital Publication of the CMC Management Guide- Jo Ann Carr, chair.
Hugh Thompson is excited regarding the digital version of the management guide, which will appeal to CMC directors and managers. It will help promote sales of the print version. It will have links between and among chapters, still images, and perhaps video content. The committee will meet virtually. - Ad Hoc Committee for the Test Collection Directory- Reported by Nancy O'Brien
Paul Ferhmann indicates the directory will come to publications by Feb. - Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the Curriculum Materials Centers Directory-Fred Olive, chair.
Penny reported a smaller response of 200 vs. 270 last time. Fred has been talking to Hugh Thompson re: a digital version. Members discussed whether this directory is static or will be changeable. Judy Walker reported they expect to be done this spring. - Ad Hoc Curriculum Materials Centers Standards/ Guidelines -- Anne Brownson, chair.
Entire committee attended the meeting. Members are developing categories for standards, wrote statements, finalized categories, discussed and decided on format. Each member was assigned an area. Members will use "chalkboard", etc. to discuss before annual. Will discuss the project with ACRL. - Ad Hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Materials Directory Committee - Nancy O'Brien, chair.
The committee has five members but would like more.
Members have begun the process. Meeting will take place this (Saturday) afternoon.
- Ad Hoc Committee for the Digital Publication of the CMC Management Guide- Jo Ann Carr, chair.
- Officer's Reports
- Chair – Lorna Lueck
Section membership had a decrease of 9.7%, which is less loss than some sections. In the early 90's- EBSS had 1500 members. Distance Learning Section has increased membership. ACRL members are now allowed to join only two sections, instead of three without extra charges.
New committees and chairs:- Kay Womack-Gerontology
- JoAnn Carr- Digital Publication
- Gary, Ann – Standards & Guidelines
- Nancy OBrien- Historical Textbook & Curriculum Directory
Some committees need members, please volunteer or seek volunteers. Volunteer forms are on the web.
- Vice Chair Report – Brian Quinn
From ACRL leadership meeting- Presidential Candidates Forum, 12-2pm today, Sunday 14th
- "Building Community at your Library" Betsy Wilson's program
- "Learning Community for Excellence in Academic Libraries" Mary Reichel's theme
- Environmental Scan Report of ACRL- Tracks Trends 24/7 ref.
- Membership Survey- 47.3% response. Measured satisfaction with activities, issues members face
- Brainstormed about membership retention: Sending letters, Thank you's, to volunteers, how to recognize runnersup. Brian requests chair to think about committee membership
- Past Chair - Ellen Gilbert, absent- No report
- Secretary - Lorene Sisson.
Highlights due at the end of this meeting. - Members at Large - Excellent Current Topics Discussion Group meeting. Thank you notes should be sent to presenters.
- ACRL Liaison ACRL Board would welcome comments from EBSS regarding membership. "Open Mike" period at ACRL Board Meeting Sunday, 2pm. ACRL National conference in March will be in Denver
- Chair – Lorna Lueck
Adjourned 10:26am
Submitted by Lorene Sisson
Committee: Conference Planning 2002
Co-Chairs: Lyn Thaxton, Penny Beile
Date: January 13, 2001
Members Present: Brian Quinn (EBSS Chair-elect), Lyn Thaxton (co-chair), Penny Beile (co-chair), Kate Corby, Monica Hagan, Marilyn Hicks, Scott Walter.
- Welcome and Introductions
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. A sign-up sheet was routed around and members introduced themselves to the group. - Charge and Timeline
The charge was stated and logistical information, such as the committee deadlines and responsibilities was disseminated (list of possible speakers due by February, ALA and ACRL program forms due May 1). The main goal of the meeting, to generate an idea for the 2002 conference program, was articulated. - Discussion of Program Theme
Attendees (Quinn, Thaxton, and Beile) to the ACRL Program Planning session relayed the ACRL Presidential Focus (the Learning Community for Excellence in Academic Libraries) and ACRL President-elect Mary Reichel's request that programs be fresh and lively, demonstrate creative leadership, and have wide appeal. The ACRL President's program of dealing with new realities and envisioning the future was presented as a general guide for the section programs.
A number of exciting possibilities were presented, and subsequently narrowed to three topics: understanding the learning psychology of diverse groups, mastering the social psychology of faculty/librarian relationships, and revisioning librarianship by using the native vision quest tradition
. Although the committee appeared to be very supportive of the vision quest idea several members expressed concern about the length of time it would take to adequately cover the topic. Quinn offered to discuss with the Anthropology and Sociology Section (ANSS) if a three-hour slot provided sufficient time for the program. (Recorders note: ANSS had previously expressed interest in co-sponsorship of the program.)
A final decision on the topic by committee members was deferred until more information was forthcoming. - Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Beile, Co-chair
EBSS Conference Program Planning Committee 2002
Committee: Curriculum Materials Committee
Chair: Jeannie Kamerman
Date: January 13, 2001
We discussed how the CMC relates to the many ad hoc committees that spin off from it. Is it that the CMC is a think tank/brainstorming session for the working spin-off ad hoc committees?
We worked on the assignment of topics and updates for the webliography.
We also entertained possible topics for potential future projects. Some of which were NCATE visitations and how to prepare your CMC Library Center. We revisited the perennial questions of how CMC's can get free or reduced cost textbooks for our libraries.
We are considering an Educational Research/ Research Methodology webpage, if this is within mission or is it more appropriate elsewhere. We wanted to know whether we should proceed in this area of Educational Research, or if we might be encroaching or poaching on anyone's territory.
Committee:Executive Committee
Date of Meeting: January12, 2001
- Introductions and greetings
Members introduced themselves. Lorna Lueck, Chair, Brian Quinn, ViceChair-Chair Elect, Lorene Sisson, Secretary, Kay Womack, Member At Large, Ted Wygant, Publications, Leslie Bjorncrantz, ACRL Liaison. - Agenda approved
- Minutes - Executive Committee Minutes Midwinter approved
- Announcements
- EBSS Meetings and Gatherings at Annual were announced – The tour of the National Library of Education was very successful on Friday. Current Topics Discussion Group is Saturday 2-4pm, the first hour about ERIC and E*Subscribe, the second hour about E-Psyche and PsychINFO. Happy Hour will be 4:30pm to 6 pm at the Dubliner Sat evening. EBSS no-host dinner will be Sunday night led by Leslie Bjorncrantz.
- Slate of Candidates
- Vice Chair/Chair Elect - Allison Kaplan, Kate Corby
- Secretary - Jeanie Kamerman, Judy Walker
- Member-at-Large - Doug Cook, Jennifer Ver Steeg
- ACRL Leadership Council The President focus is on "Community and Collaboration", theme for ACRL. Althea spoke of 24/7 reference, academic libraries becoming more like business, issues and environment which might affect ACRL. She also spoke of the survey of members. There was a 47% response rate. It queried what is valued about ACRL, what is needed for professional development, public collaborations, web resources, etc. The second hour was group discussion of important issues.
- Action Items
A. Updates to Orientation Manual Kate Corby will work on the Orientation Manual with Barbara Kemp. Description and guidelines for the EBSS web page have been created. Lorna will ask Judy about the LISTSERV guidelines. Kate will update the web pages after the conference. - Discussion Items
A. ACRL offers $1500 as a one time offer to sections to support the ACRL strategic plan. Continuing education is a primary target for the funds. Ideas were discussed such as: Outreach with regional organizations that are related, How to get published, Kate mentioned archiving the listserv discussions, Barbara Celone mentioned a possible tour of Stanford at ALA annual, Lorna will find out if ALA supports videotaping of events such as programs offered by sections. Deadline is March 31, although it will carry over to next year. - Officers Reports
- Chair – Lorna Lueck
ACRL members number 1,044 down 100 from last year, but doing better than some other sections. Sections Council discussed virtual meetings – chat rooms not email. Lorna will ask about videoconferencing. Several committees were established at annual. New standing committee is Gerontology – Kay Womack, Chair. New Ad Hoc committees are Curriculum Materials Centers Standards and Guidelines - Gary Lare and Ann Brownson, Co-chairs, Committee for the Digital Publication of Curriculum Materials Center Management Guide- JoAnn Carr, Chair, Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory – Nancy O'Brien, Chair. - Vice Chair/Chair Elect – Brian Quinn
2002 Conference Programming Committee has 6 people with Penny Beile and Lyn Thaxton Co-chairing. Annual will be in Atlanta. - Past Chair - Ellen Gilbert - no report
- Secretary - Lorene Sisson
Meeting highlights will be collected at the end of Advisory Council Sunday. - Member-at-Large - Kay Womack
Planning for the Current Topics Discussion Group is proceeding. - Publications &Communications Committee – Ted Wygant
Chair is catching up on the publications in progress. The Test Collection Directory is finished. The committee will add two members. Helga Visscher, Newsletter Editor- term expires this year. - ACRL Board Liaison -- Leslie Bjorncrantz
Will attend meetings Sunday and Tuesday. Items of pertinence will be forwarded to officers and to the EBSS listserv as appropriate. - New Business None
- Chair – Lorna Lueck
Adjourned 8:20pm
Submitted by Lorene Sisson, Section Secretary
Committee: Gerontology
Chairperson: Kay Womack
Date of Meeting: 1/13/01
Committee Members Present: Mary Jane Brustman, Sally Lawler, Ellie Marsh, Deborah Schaeffer
Guest: Theresa Arney from the National Aging Institute Library
Absent: Kay Womack, Chair
- Attendees mentioned resources available to identify gerontology programs and organizations. Among those mentioned were Association for Gerontology in Higher Education's Directory of Educational Programs in Gerontology and Geriatrics and resources from the Gerontological Society of America.
- Theresa Arney mentioned the Administration on Aging web site ( which has many Internet links and a resource directory. She also noted that there is a Library Service to Aging Population group in ALA RUSA MOUSS and that we might want to connect with them.
- Sally Lawler handed out a web site with a survey from Council on Social Work Education on Social Work Gerontological Competencies
- A number of possible projects were discussed. Members agreed that we should try to develop a topic for EBSS Current Topics Discussions for January 2002. Ellie Marsh suggested a topic of how research on aging might inform user services in libraries. This would need to be ready by early Fall 2001 and given to Mary Jane Brustman as EBSS Member-at-Large. Sally Lawler mentioned exploring oral history and autobiographical writing for seniors and the archiving of such material. Mary Jane Brustman is interested in developing collection development tools for the field, such as a core list of journals.
- Mary Jane Brustman will report to the EBSS Advisory Council on the committee meeting and announce that the committee is looking for recommendations for new members to begin terms in July 2001.
Committee: Instruction for Educators
Chairperson: Doug Cook, Chair –
Date: January 13, 2001- 9:30 am - 11:30
Committee members present: Doug Cook, Chair –; Susan Ariew –; Sarah Beasley –; Tobeylynn Birch –; Gail Gradowski –; Linda Geller –; Gary Lare –; Janeen LaSee-Willemssen –; Lori Mestre –; Scott Walter –
Committee members absent but accounted for: Jennie Ver Steeg –
Guests: Julie Cunningham – – representing the EBSS Publications Committee; Kathlene Hanson –; Carol Wright –
Announcements from EBSS Advisory Committee
- As of August 2000, EBSS has 1044 members
- EBSS Gerontology Committee is looking for members
- Doug Cook will be appointed the EBSS Newsletter editor after Annual 2001.
- Make sure that you have Linda and Tobeylynn on your routing lists. They have been missing messages. Also Scott has a new email address.
- The following people's terms expire after Annual. If these members or any guests would like to be reappointed or appointed to the committee it is important that you fill out and submit a volunteer form now. Appointments will be made soon. Forms are on the web at
- Doug Cook
- Susan Ariew
- Scott Walter
- Doug will be rotating off the committee after annual. Let Doug or Brian Quinn libaq@lib.ttu.eduknow if you are interested in chairing the committee. (I talked to several of you personally and have passed your names on to Brian.)
- The Collaborative Imperative: Librarians and Faculty Working Together in the Information Universe by Dick Raspa and Dane Ward. (2000) Chicago: ACRL a book written by our committee is the basis of a workshop at ACRL in Denver. The workshop will be held on Saturday, March 17 from 8:00 am to 12 noon - Creating Successful Librarian-Faculty Collaborations: The State of the Art
- Scott Walter announced that Education Libraries" is looking for contributors.
- Scott Walter successfully defended his dissertation proposal in December. Congratulations!
Discussion of Future Projects
- Revision of the October 1992 article "Information retrieval and evaluation skills for education students " in C & R L News, p583-588. This project had the most support on the committee and is at the heart of our charge as an "Instruction for Educators Committee." This project could also foster collaboration between AASL and ACRL. Read the article and come with ideas to Annual. This article would lend itself well as a Discussion Topic at Midwinter.
- Compile a list of journals in the field of education that would accept articles about libraries. This task has partially been completed by LIRT.
- Compile a "Core List" of education periodicals.
Current Project
- Assignments
Part One
- Introduction – Scott Walter
- NCES - Scott Walter
- CIS Statistical Universe – Gail Gradowski
- Meta-sites – Gary Lare
- Webliographies – Tobeylynn Birch
Part Two
- Opportunities and Challenges of Statistical Web Sites – Susan Ariew
- Summary of Evaluatory Criteria – Sarah Beasley
- Data Sets - Susan Ariew
- Fast Facts – Jennie Ver Steeg
- State and regional K-12 sites – Lori Mestre
- Practioner Sites – Linda Geller
- International Comparative – Janeen LaSee-Willemssen
- Advocacy – Doug Cook
- Higher Ed – Doug Cook
- Tasks
- Finish writing your pieces. (Thanks to those who have them done!!) Send them to Scott in a Word 97 Attachment before March 1.
- Scott will put it all together by March 30 and will email it to the committee for review. (Scott if it is too long it may need to go on your web site.)
- Final draft should go to the Publications Committee by May 1. (Julie will give us the details of submission to the Pub Committee. I am sure that there is paper work to be filled out.)
- Approved article will be submitted to one of the following journals
- Choice
- Reference Services Review
- Reference and Users Services Quarterly
- Internet Reference Services Quarterly
- A URL with links will be set up to become available when the article is published.
Committee: Membership & Orientation
Chair: Barbara Kemp
Date: January 13, 2001
Members present: Barbara Kemp, Laverna Saunders
Guests: Nancy O'Brien, Helga Visscher
Introductions: Each person at the table introduced herself.
EBSS Membership Social: Barbara Kemp announced that the Midwinter social hour would be held at The Dubliner, 520 N. Capitol St., from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. She distributed flyers to each committee at the Consolidated meeting.
New Leader Orientation Plans for Annual Conference, San Francisco: We discussed the session and feedback from evaluation forms from the last orientation. The session will be held on Sunday, June 17, from 8-9 a.m. at the Annual Conference in San Francisco. Laverna offered to start a list of Who's Who in ACRL and EBSS and a list of relevant Web resources of value to EBSS leaders. All new EBSS officers and committee chairs should attend this session. The current Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and the Chairs of the Publications and Communications and Membership and Orientation Committees will conduct the meeting. Other Section officers are also encouraged to attend.
Update of Orientation Manual: Barbara Kemp sent the digital file for the Orientation Manual to Kate Corby. This document will be loaded onto the EBSS web site as the official version. We need to know the EBSS policy for archiving documents such as this, including the timetable.
Promoting Membership: We discussed the importance of connecting with ACRL Chapters Council to promote EBSS Section membership. Laverna Saunders volunteered to attend the ACRL Membership Committee and add notes to these minutes. On behalf of the committee she was also to ask about graduated membership prices for ACRL and a discount for new professionals. We also discussed the idea of sending EBSS membership brochures to the ALCTS CMDS group for the purpose of reaching collection development officers.
Other: Additional members are needed for the Membership and Orientation Committee. Barbara Kemp will ask Brian Quinn to appoint them. Laverna Saunders said she is willing to serve as chair following Annual Conference because Barbara Kemp is no longer eligible for reappointment. Barbara will report this to Brian Quinn.
ACRL Membership Committee: Meeting held on Sunday, January 14, 2001 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Preliminary results of the ACRL Membership Survey (Dec. 2000) were distributed. ACRL Membership Statistics as of August 31, 2000 show a decrease of 9.67% (from 1,145 to 1,044 personal members) for EBSS. Many other sections also had declines. ACRL offers a new member mentoring program for academic librarians who have been in the profession two years or less. Mentors must have been in the profession five or more years. This year there were ten mentors and about twenty mentees. Volunteers staffed the ACRL Membership Booth in the Exhibit Hall, and comments from visitors were positive. ACRL has a new staff member doing design work, and she designed the web site and promotional materials for the Denver conference. She also did two membership brochures. Discounts are not possible in the dues because ACRL journals actually cost more than membership dues to publish, and ACRL is still the least expensive ALA Division. New members receive a discount on ALA membership. ACRL has established a Friends of ACRL group for fundraising, and a list of support levels is on the ACRL web site.
Committee: Psychology & Psychiatry
Chairperson: Darlene Nichols
Date of Meeting: 1/13/01
Members Present:
The Committee heard a presentation on the American Psychological Association full text Articles Direct product. We then discussed this new database and other APA products such as PsycINFO, problems we had experienced, pricing and access issues. We talked about the new database, e-psyche, and its place in psychology research. Researchers in psychology are increasingly pressuring libraries for full text journals and we talked about the challenges of trying to respond to this growing demand. Finally, we heard an update on new resources that will be available through the American Psychiatric Association, including new free resources available at their web site (
Committee: Publications & Communication
Chairperson: Ted Wygant
Date of Meeting: 1/12/01
Members Present:Kate Corby, Julie Cunningham, Sharon Naylor, Helga Visscher, Judy Walker, and Ted Wygant (chair)
Absent: Kay Womack (chair notified), Bee Gallegos (chair notified)
- Ted Wygant (Chair) convened the meeting at 8:00.
- Julie Cunningham moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Judy Walker seconded the motion. The motion carried.
- Kate Corby reported that the Web guidelines are set and that they will be in the Orientation Manual. Guidelines are modeled after the Newsletter.
- A discussion followed about who will follow Helga Visscher as editor of the Newsletter. Doug Cook was recommended and has agreed to take on this duty. Ted will convey our choice to the EBSS Advisory Board.
- Committee liaison appointments were reviewed. Julie Cunningham will serve as liaison to Instruction for Educators. Ted Wygant will serve as liaison to the Ad Hoc Management of Curriculum Materials Centers. Judy Walker will serve as liaison to the Curriculum Materials Committee. Kate Corby will serve as liaison with the Social Work and Social Welfare and Reference committees. Sharon Naylor will serve as liaison with Gerontology. Bee Gallegos will work with the Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the CMC Directory.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00am. Motioned to adjourn and seconded.
Committee: Reference Sources and Services
Chairperson: Julie Tharp
Date of Meeting: January 13, 2001
Members Present: Julie Tharp; Kate Corby; Francine DeFranco; Christine King; Katherine Dexter; Dotty Marcinko; Roland Person
Member Absent: Janice Houck
Visitors: Don Frank, Director of the ERIC Processing and Reference Facility, and Christine Rowesome, Assistant Director for Database Building
- Announcements
- Julie will be rotating off the committee after annual. Let Julie or Brian Quinn know if you are interested in chairing the committee.
- Discussion of Current Project (adding a "peer-reviewed" field to the ERIC database)
- Overview of proposed field addition – Don asked the committee for specifics on the need for this additional field, benefits to the user, and examples of other databases that provide a peer-reviewed field. He also solicited the committee's input regarding the field definition, the level of detail the field should include, the level of review necessary, and whether peer-reviewed information can be effectively and completely captured. Don also explained the implications for ERIC including the administrative burden it would entail.
Don asked for any anecdotal evidence we could send to him that would indicate there is a demand for this type of information. These would include examples of assignments that require students to use peer-reviewed journal articles, or any reference or bibliographic encounters that indicate users would select a database other than ERIC because it does include peer-reviewed information. - Source Journal Index (SJI) – Chris explained what this index does and how it works. The SJI is the list of journals indexed by the ERIC database; it includes bibliographic and publication information for each title as well as the level of review (selective or comprehensive) and which Clearinghouse has responsibility for indexing. The SJI already includes peer-reviewed information, which has traditionally been garnered from Ulrich's. The ERIC Facility has recently taken over editorial responsibility for the compilation of data for the SJI, formerly compiled by Oryx Press. It is not yet accessible to the public although there are plans for it to be in the future. There was a discussion about whether the information for the peer-reviewed field could be electronically transferred from the SJI to the ERIC database.
- Recommendation – Overall, Don and Christine were supportive of the idea of and are willing to develop a recommendation to present to the ERIC Facility and to communicate with the Department of Education.
Committee: Social Work/Social Welfare
Chairperson: Sally Haines Lawler
Date of Meeting: 1/12/01
Members Present: Deborah Schaeffer, James Williams, Karen Reiman-Sendi Katherine Downton, Stephen Fowlkes , Vanette Schwartz Absent: Linda Sammataro
Visitors: Cindy Pierard, Ellen DeMarinis, Stephanie R. Davis, Gary McMillan Michael Miller, Kate Corby
Following a welcome and introductions, guest Alfredda Hunt Payne, Managing Editor, Abstracts NASW asked for suggestions to improve Social Work Abstracts. The following suggestions were made by the committee and visitors:
- Change the default display to include descriptors (to be implemented in March).
- Partner with another institution to expand coverage
- Build a thesaurus online (in the works) Provide full text for NASW articles (in the works)
- Provide document delivery
Alfredda will be formally invited to join ACRL and our committee in order to foster further communication between our two organizations.
Old Business:
Minutes from Annual Meeting were approved.
Report on Information Competencies for Social Work Students
New Web address:
Resources added: Human Service Organizations and Social Work Libraries Directory
Web Page recommendations
Front page will be reorganized for expansion of the site as a Reference Source
Basic Skills will incorporate a bibliography of reference tools
Advanced Research Skills will be reorganized along a grid to link to more indepth subject guides.
Accreditation resources will be added to the site
Accredited Social Work Schools may be listed
Links to major social work publishers will be added
Previous members names will be added to the Membership Page
Definition of Basic Skills will be expanded to include accessing journal literature
URLs to Human Service Organizations will be spelled out
New Business:
Proposed new members for 2001-2003 will be Ellen DeMarinis, Stephanie R. Davis, and Fredda Payne.
Committee: Ad Hoc Curriculum Materials Center Standards/Guidelines
Co-Chairs: Gary Lare, Ann Brownson
Date: January 13, 2001
Members Present: Gary Lare, Ann Brownson, Beth Broyles, Dorothy Schleicher, Betty Raum, Yvonne Roux, Bill Meloy, John Hickok
Guests: Jennifer Fabbi
Since this was the first face-to-face official meeting, introductions were made.
There was a brief discussion of the charge of the committee. As a recap of things we have completed prior to the meeting:
- Members came up with categories to be included in the document; one addition within the service area might be Outreach/Collaboration
- Divided into pairs to develop guidelines/standards in Collection Development and Services; developed draft statements of standards to be included in each category.
It will be important for us to address centralized or decentralized systems-the physical location of the CMC and under which administrative entity it is found (e.g. College of Ed or Library) Gary described next steps that include:
- making sure that all ideas/concepts brought out by Committee members for each of the categories are identified
- coming to agreement on what is to be included in the writing of the standards which will involve some philosophical thoughts on what is a CMC as well.
- decide on format to be used-like one of the standards/guidelines documents already developed or something different; standards vs. guidelines, commentaries vs. questions vs. bullets, etc.
- teams/individuals rewrite the standards or guidelines in same two categories
- run what we have by EBSS Publications Committee and/or ACRL Standards and Guidelines Committee
- revise as needed based on feedback
- repeat for remaining categories
There was a discussion of the format we want to follow: Examples used include "Guidelines for media resources in academic libraries" and "Standards for College Libraries". Was suggested that we go with commentary format or possibly bulleted.
Decided to look at Service: Instruction as first category standard and work it out together during this meeting to give us all an example to use when we work on our own category standards. Items to be covered under Service-Instruction include:
- Point of use instruction
- Outside resources workshops
- Instruction in use of various media -formats
- Instruction in use of equipment for formats available in collection
- Audience
- Introductory and Advanced instruction
- Use of Internet for instruction
- Homepage of CMC
- Consulting with faculty
Example: "The CMC shall have a program for instruction in the use of curriculum-related resources."
- COLLABORATION-The instruction program shall be developed in collaboration with education faculty, librarians and others as appropriate.
- SETTING-Instruction may take place within the CMC, in the classroom, or in a virtual environment.
- DELIVERY-Instruction shall include all appropriate techniques such as guides, lectures, web pages, tutorials, bibliographies, workshops, orientations, tours, and point of need instruction.
- CONTENT-Instruction shall include the use of the CMC collection and services, research strategies, selection and evaluation of resources, and where applicable, instruction in production skills and the use of equipment
- AUDIENCE-Instruction shall be provided to education faculty and students, and may also include preK-12 educators, students, and other community members.
Other general comments:
General statement of standards (as opposed to guidelines)
Bullets related to the standard
Items for introduction: definition of curriculum resources, audience, collaboration
Future steps:
Each individual will take a standard and will develop the standard with commentary/bullets
- Characteristics-Bill and Yvonne
- Development Policy and Circulation Policy-Dorothy
- Physical Access-Gary and John
- Bibliographic Access-Betty and John
- Outreach-Beth
- Reference and Faculty Liaison-Ann
Date to have your draft to the group-March 15.
Meeting adjourned with a group photo at about 10:30.
Submitted by Ann Brownson
Committee: Ad hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
Chairperson: Nancy O'Brien
Date of Meeting: Sunday, January 14, 2001
Present: Barbara Celone, Nancy O'Brien (Chair), Venta Silins, Judy Walker, Scott Walter
Members were welcomed and introductions made at the first meeting of this Ad Hoc Committee.
The agenda was reviewed and approved without changes.
A discussion of the project focused on several issues, including the following.
General guidelines. The committee agreed that a directory of historical textbooks and curriculum materials was needed to assist scholars in identifying collections relevant to their research. The directory will focus on collections in the United States.
Criteria for "historical" material needs to be defined. Those present were comfortable with the concept that historical in terms of textbooks and curriculum materials could reasonably be listed as pre-1980.
Types of material to be included. While there was recognition of the importance of listing collections of items such as college catalogs, school reports, and state department or ministry of education reports, it was agreed that those were outside the scope of the current project. At the conclusion of this project, further consideration of these other collections will be made in regard to future projects.
Format of the directory. The directory should include the following elements: an introduction that will include scope and purpose; contact information (address, FAX, email, URL, opac address/URL), accessibility to non-institutional affiliates; a descriptive entry that will include historical periods covered, finding aids available, availability of materials (on-site, interlibrary loan, borrowing privileges, hours of access), contents of collection (subject coverage, formats included, time periods); whether any collection materials are available in digital format; whether collection is being actively developed, and if donations of materials are accepted; size of collection; and, indication if there are related collections (juvenile literature, school reports, archival collections, manuscripts).
Identification of collections. Targeted for inclusion in a survey will be large public and research libraries, associations, state libraries and boards of education, and textbook publishers with collections.
Format of directory. Both print and electronic versions of a directory were seen as valuable to the scholarly and library community.
Format of survey. An electronic survey will be developed with follow-up through paper copies as needed. Follow-up will also include telephone calls and email.
The following assignments were made with a deadline of March 1 for completing tasks.
- Compile a draft survey - Venta Silins
- Explore electronic survey format and compilation methods - Judy Walker
- Identify types of libraries and organizations to contact - Barbara Celone
- Summarize meeting and submit minutes - Nancy O'Brien
Once the above tasks are completed and further discussed, Scott Walter will draft a cover letter.
The Ad hoc Committee adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Committee: Ad Hoc Committee to Revise CMC Directory
Chairperson: Fred Olive
Date of Meeting: 1/14/2001
Members Present: Penny Beile, Judy Druse, John Hickok, Melba Tomeo
Members Absent: Fred Olive, Mike Tillman
Attendees addressed issues presented by Fred Olive's email transmission..
- Search fields:
- John requested that, if possible, search page have pull down menu of fields to search in via keyword and clickable radio buttons to combine (with Boolean searching) search terms.
- A list of searchable fields includes:
- University or College, State, CMC supervisor's last name, Every question after that that is quantifiable and could be of interest for comparison purposes.
- Updating the directory:
- The committee felt that the directory should be a snapshot of CMC's in the year 2000 and that existing entries should not / do not need to be revised or updated. New respondents, however, should be allowed to add their CMC information for inclusion in the database.
- Final marketing:
- A discussion on marketing of the publication brought up the question of how the final product would appear. Would customers buy a print version and have pass-worded access to a searchable database? or would the pub be wholly electronic? The committee members in attendance requested clarification on this topic, but general consensus felt that a combined print/electronic product was preferable.
Committee members requested an update on the plan to publish the Directory with the Management Committee publication.
Marketing could consist of postings to EBSS and other listservs, advertisements in the ALA/ACRL publications catalog, and possible flyers to NCATE institutions.
- Other discussion:
- There was concern over the low number of responses to our call for submissions. Several members indicated they would continue to contact their original list of schools from the previous directory. Another suggestion consisted of contacting teacher education programs listed in a publication such as Peterson's. One suggestion that combined outreach and marketing consisted of posting to EBSS-L a list of all schools that had completed the survey, thus acting as an advertisement and a final reminder to institutions that have not yet submitted their information.
- Committee member terms:
- John and Penny will go off the committee when their terms expire. Melba will renew and Judy had another year before committing.
Recorded by Penny Beile