Committee Meeting Highlights ALA Annual 2000

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Advisory Council
Executive Committee
Curriculum Materials Committee
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Social Work/Social Welfare
Ad Hoc - Management of Curriculum Materials Centers
Ad Hoc - Committee to Revise the CMC Directory
Ad Hoc - Test Collection Directory


Advisory Council

Sunday, July 9,2000 9:30-11:00am
Annual Conference, Chicago

Advisory Council Attendance
Name Role Institution
Lorene Sisson Section Secretary San Jose State University
Kate Corby Web Manager Michigan State
Julie Tharp Chair-Reference Sources & Services Arizona State
Francine DeFranco Chair-Publication & Comm. U of CT
Mary Lee Sweat ACRL Board-liaison to EBSS Loyola U. New Orleans
Leslie Bjorncrantz EBSS Liaison to ACRL Board Northwestern
Kay Womack Member-at-Large University of Oklahoma
Charles Thurston Chair-Membership & Orientation UT San Antonio
Jan Wilson Past Chair Retired
Judy Walker Listserve moderator UNC Charlotte
Ann Brownson Co-chair, Ad Hoc Comm. CMC Standards/Guidelines Eastern Illinois U.
Fred Olive Chair, Ad Hoc Comm. CMC Directory Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham
Mary Jane Brustman New Member-at-Large University at Albany
Sally Lawler Social Work Social Welfare, Chair Wayne State University
Jeannie Kamerman CMC; Chair Univ. of West Florida
Doug Cook Instruct For Educators Shippensburg Univ.
Brian Quinn Incoming Vice Chair Texas Tech University
Lorna Lueck EBSS Vice-Chair UCSB
Ellen Gilbert EBSS Chair Rutgers
  1. Intro & Greetings
    Ellen Gilbert, Chair, convened the meeting at 9:30 am. Members and guests introduced themselves. Mary Lee Sweat was welcomed as ACRL Board Liaison.
  2. Approval & Additions to the Agenda
    Action items from Executive Committee Meeting Review charge for an Ad Hoc Committee for Digital Publication of the CMC Management Guide
    Sunset of Government Policy Committee
    Creation of new Standing Committee on Gerontology
    Creation of Ad Hoc Committee on the Directory of Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Approval of Midwinter 2000 Minutes will be postponed until Midwinter 2001 meeting
  4. Announcements and action items
    1. Sunset Government Policy Committee
      Action -Moved, seconded, approved.
    2. Creation of Ad Hoc Committee on the Directory of Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections.
      Charge: To plan and produce a directory of historical curriculum collections in libraries and special collections. This directory will facilitate the identification, retrieval and access to historical curriculum resources for students, faculty and researchers. Recommended term of two years: 2000-20002.
      Action- Moved, seconded, approved.
    3. New Standing Committee -Gerontology
      Charge: To provide a forum for librarians who serve gerontology researchers, practitioners, and students in academic settings; to sponsor discussions to explore the application of social gerontology research and services in library settings; to sponsor programs and outreach to librarians who serve older adults; to provide publications to meet the needs of these clientele; and to undertake liaison activities with other professional organizations as appropriate.
      Action -Moved, seconded, approved
    4. Ad Hoc Committee on Curriculum Materials Centers Standards & Guidelines
      Gary Lare and Ann Brownson will co-chair
      Term is 2 years -2000-2002
    5. Ad Hoc Committee for Digital Publication of the Curriculum Materials Centers Management Guide
      Charge is... To extend the work of the Management of Curriculum Materials Centers Committee by developing a parallel Internet based publication. This publication should include the content of the print title and supplement it with case studies of CMC's and other related organizations and supplementary narrative. This committee should work with the Ad Hoc Committee on the CMC Directory to develop an Internet based version of the Directory complete with searchable statistical tables.
      Members and chair Alison Kaplan & JoAnn Carr will continue.
      Action --Motion to create the committee contingent upon location of 4 members and chair.
      Moved, seconded, approved.
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. A. Conference Program 2001
      Lorna Lueck -"Old friends New partners K-12 Outreach"
      There will be 1 keynote speaker, 3 speakers doing outreach poster sessions at end of program
      ACRL meets Tuesday to approve programs for Annual 2001 in San Francisco. September 1 we will be notified day and time. ALA is making every attempt to schedule sessions on similar topics geographically near one another.
      AASL -Joint Task Force with ACRL is forming, contact Janet Nicholls for additional information.
      The ACRL theme is "The Teaching Role of Libraries"
    2. Curriculum Materials Committee
      J. Kammerman, Chair
      Committee members acknowledged previous and current committee members who have contributed to the support of their fellow curriculum librarians through email and the EBSS LISTSERV.
      Web pages have been assigned or reassigned. The deadline of Aug. 15 th for new pages and updates was set. New topics were approved, in particular a site for Curriculum Materials Centers will be established. The committee explored new topics for the future. -
      Ad Hoc Committees are finishing their work.
    3. Distinguished Librarian
      Adele Dendy, Chair -reported by Ellen Gilbert
      The committee is looking for corporate sponsorship.
      Incoming Chair, Tammy Rabideau requests nominations and ideas for sponsorship.
      Members mentioned the need for contact with ACRL regarding funding. The list of past Distuingushed Librarians is on the EBSS Web Page.
    4. Newsletter Editor
      Helga Vischer --Doug Cook reported for Helga, requesting newsletter articles from each Committee Chair. Lorene will forward highlights if chairs give them to her today.
    5. Instruct for Ed
      Doug Cook, Chair
      The book is completed and will be published by ACRL.
      The Committee is developing an Educational Statistics web site review article. Scott Walter will chair. The site will have 10 subcategories. Evaluative criteria will be included. It will be pitched towards journals with educational research preferred. Draft deadline is Midwinter 2001.
    6. Membership and Orientation
      Charles Thurston, Chair. Reported by Lorna Lueck.
      The committee is finishing up details for the New Chair Orientation manual.
      Barbara Kemp, incoming chair, noted that ACRL titles their manual, New Leaders Orientation-
      New Chair Orientation will include section officers.
      JoAnn Carr noted ACRL bylaws are more general, and the orientation manual includes sample "suggested" bylaws.
    7. Nomination Committee
      Roster of Candidates has been modified.
      Vice-chair/chair-elect nomination is Kate Corby.
      Secretary nominations are Jeannie Kammerman and Linda Samataro.
    8. Psych/Psych Committee
      Brian Quinn, Chair
      Brian gave a report on the Society for the Teaching of Psychology/ALA Joint Interest Task Force Carolyn Gosling shared news from the American Psychological Association. APA has developed new pricing system which will be based on the number of users rather than by medium. APA is creating a full text articles database, 20,000 articles and adding fields to Psyclnfo. A new source, E-Psyche, will emphasize experimental rather than clinical articles and include reference to article. Website is The committee set up a LISTSERV, posted a copy of competency standards on the web site. A school librarian and high school teacher were added to the task force.
    9. Publications & Communications Committee
      Francine DeFranco, Chair
      The Committee discussed projects in progress and proposed. Ted Wygand will be the new chair. Julie Cunningham is liaison to the Instruction for Educators Committee. Ted Wygant will be liaison for Ad Hoc Committee on Management of Curriculum Materials Centers.
      Reminder to all committees that ACRL has the Right of Refusal to all publications produced by the Section.
      Helga Vischer will work with 2 volunteers, Doug Cook and Deborah Kane, on reporting for the section newsletter. Judy Walker, EBSS-L moderator, is working on LISTSERV guidelines.

      * Web Guidelines should now be available in the EBSS Orientation Manual.
      *Reminder, all publication products need to go through Publications & Communications Committee.
      Major changes to Webliographies, (e.g. new titles), need to go through the committee, minor changes do not.

    10. Reference Sources & Services Committee
      Julie Tharp, Chair
      Article has been published in C & R L.News.
      The committee is working currently on a project to work with ERIC to develop a "peer reviewed" field to the database. Ted Branthurst, ERIC representative is amenable to the suggestion. Many databases now use Ulrich's as the source for this information. The committee will work to detennine if Ulrich's is a satisfactory source to use for this purpose.
      The University of Wisconsin, Madison CIMC's List of annotated education periodicals uses Ulrich's.
    11. Social Work/Social Welfare Committee
      Sally Lawler, Chair
      Members continuing are 4. Members new to the committee are 3.
      The committee continued work on the web page. Current topics discussion group revitalized the project of expanding the web page. Good advice came from Kate Corby of the Publications Committee.
      Selected sites were identified and are now looking for "exemplary sites". The committee discussed the audience for this web page.
      Some of the web pages will be "Information Competencies", "Tips and Best Practices for the Accreditation Process" and "Human Service Organizations".
      The Committee reviewed CSWC standards focusing on library instruction.
  6. Ad Hoc Committee Reports

    Management of Curriculum Materials Centers
    Jo Ann Carr, Chair
    The committee received a report on the progress of the CMC directory.
    A draft manuscript was distributed to members for review.
    The draft charge was reviewed for the Committee for Digital Publication of the CMC Management Guide. The print version Committee will meet in conjunction with the Digital Publication Committee if needed.

    Test Collection Directory
    Nancy O'Brian, Paul Fehnnan Co-Chairs
    Lorna reported for the co-chairs. The data has been collated and analyzed. The directory includes 75 test collections, a descriptive introduction, background, bibliography and list of sources, indexes and is about lOO pages. August 15th is the deadline for corrections and additions. By Sept. 15, the committee will receive a revised copy. The final draft will be forwarded to the Publications Committee by Oct. 15.

    Curriculum Materials Center Directory
    Fred Olive, Chair
    The Directory will be available as a database, the print not available. Hugh Thompson at ACRL is enthusiastic about placing it on the web and purchased for the life of the edition; (subscription). The paper edition is to be available as PDF to print out at site.
    Jan 1,200 is the goal date, but not too likely. It is expected that Centers in Canada will participate and the committee would like to expand to world wide coverage in the directory.

  7. VII. Officers Reports

    Ellen Gilbert
    Incoming ACRL theme is, "Libraries: Cornerstones of Democracies" The idea of advocacy is the central notion.
    Thanks to all for help during this past year.

    Vice Chair
    Lorna Lueck
    Committee appointments numbered 28. Of these appointments, 1/2 are new to the section and 7 are new chairs. It was a very successful but time eating effort.

    Past Chair
    Jan Wilson
    Nominations are very good folks. Thanks to all for helping with the slate of candidates.

    Lorene Sisson
    Meeting Highlights are due at the end of this meeting. Committee minutes are due soon. Please send as soon as you can.

    Members At Large
    Kay Womack
    Announcement was made regarding ideas for Current Topics Discussion Group at Midwinter. Ideas are being discussed such as, APA & ERIC persons to talk. There is a new director of ERIC.

    ACRL Board Liaison
    Leslie Bjorncrantz
    No Report as the board has not met yet.

    ACRL Board Liaison to EBSS
    Mary Lee Sweat
    At the Board Meeting members discussed:
    TLT -Teaching & Learning with Technology, Partnering to develop web site more in C&RL News, A statement on professional development for the ACRL Web site

Adjourned 11:00am
Submitted by Lorene Sisson

Executive Committee
Annual Conference, Chicago
July 7,2000
Hyatt Mc Cormick

  1. Agenda approved
  2. Executive Committee Minutes Midwinter approved
  3. Announcements
    EBSS Meetings and Gatherings at Annual were announced
    Elections -Brian Quin is Vice Chair/Chair Elect
    Member-at-Large is Mary Jane Brustman
    There is a complete slate of candidates:
    Vice Chair/Chair Elect -Alison, Kate Corby
    Secretary -Jeanie Kammerman, Linda Samataro
    Member-at-Large -Doug Cook
  4. Action Items
    Status of Ad Hoc Committee for Curriculum Materials Center Guidelines: Gary Lare, Ann Brownson will co-chair. Members will be appointed for 2000-02
    Ad Hoc Committee for Test Collection Directory: will finish by Midwinter.
    Ad Hoc Committee for Management of Curriculum Materials Centers Guide: JoAnn Carr will work with the Committee to present a draft charge for the Digital Publication of the Guide.
  5. Discussion Items
    Change the request for space and time for Current Topics Discussion Topic to Sunday afternoon at 2-4 pm as Current Topics is officially offered just at Midwinter.
    *New Chair Orientation -new chair orientation includes new officers.
    "New leader orientation" is possible new name.
  6. Officers Reports
    1. Chair -Ellen Gilbert
      Incoming president's theme will be "Libraries: Cornerstones ofDemocracy", with a subtheme: Advocacy.
      Nominate folks for ACRL Librarian, forms on the web
      Program is set tomorrow excellence in Libraries
    2. Vice Chair/Chair Elect -Lorna Lueck
      Made lots of appointments of people to committees.
      Several committees were losing everyone due to various reasons.
      Reference Sources and Services -lots of volunteers and Julie Tharp will stay on as chair.
      Membership and Orientation -Barbara Kemp will chair and has only 2 members.
      Psych/Psych is still without a chair. Hope to appoint one soon.
      Volunteer forms and announcements are on the EBSS Web site.
      Lorna suggested "how to get volunteers" as topic for the Current Topics Discussion Group.
      2001 Annual Conference in San Francisco topic will be: "Old friends, new partners: K-12 outreach"
      Lots of speakers were suggestions from LISTSERV
      Poster session will be part of EBSS program
      Lorna is conference program chair due to changes in the Program Committee.
    3. Secretary -Lorene Sisson
      Meeting highlights will be collected at the end of Advisory Council Sunday.
    4. Member-at-Large Kay Womack
      No report.
    5. Publications &Communications Committee -Francine DeFranco
      Collected information from committees about their projects.
      Instruction for Educators has completed their project.
      Helga has recruited reporters for the newsletter.
      Ted Wygant will be chair of P&C
      Should charge of P&C be modified?
    6. ACRL Board Liaison
      Leslie Bjorncrantz- will attend 2nd meeting, Tuesday.
    7. New Business

    Adjourned 7:31pm
    Submitted by Lorene Sisson

    Committee: Curriculum Materials
    Chairperson: Jeannie Kamerman
    Date(s) of Meetings(s): 7/8/00
    For Committees:
    Members present: Jeannie Kamerman (Chair), Penny Beile, Ann Brownson, Judy Druse, John Hickok, Trish Lenkowski, Dorothy Schleicher, and Judy Walker.
    Members excused or resigned: Jeneen LaSee Willemssen, Betty Ann Porter
    Members absent: Stephen Fitt
    Visitors: Dennis Kreps, Gary Lare, Patricia Libutti, Elizabeth B. Nibley, Nancy O'Brien, Fred Olive, Yvonne Roux, and Venta Silins.
    Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan:

    1. Call to order.
      The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.. The following items were distributed: agenda, minutes of the San Antonio mid-winter meeting, roster, sign-in sheets, and volunteer sheets were announced as being available.
    2. Introductions and greetings.
      Members and guests introduced themselves, stating institutional affiliation, current position, and member and term expiration or guest status.
    3. Announcements.
      There was an announcement concerning the resignations of Betty Porter and Jeneen LaSee-Willemssen.
    4. Approval of minutes.
      The minutes of the mid-winter meeting of January 14, 2000, held in San Antonio, TX were approved as written.
    5. Current Projects

      1. Webliography
        It was decided to create a Web page of Curriculum Library Web sites useful to CMC librarians. Those who visit will find exemplary pages offering operational hints, listing of services, organizational structure, and useful links.
      2. Current Webliography assignments:

        Assigned Tasks & Responsible Parties
        Task Assignee
        Assessment /Educational Tests Judy Walker
        Associations, Agencies and Organizations Yvonne Roux
        Children's and Young Adult Literature Ann Brownson
        Early Childhood Education Judy Druse
        Education Administration Judy Walker
        Educational Foundations Dorothy Schleicher
        Educational Statistics (National and International) Judy Druse
        ESL/Binlingual Education Jeannie Kamerman and John Hickok
        Electronic Journals Penny Beile
        Instructional Technology Jeannie Kamerman
        Lesson Plans and Teaching Activities Ann Brownson
        Multicultural Education Venta Silins
        National Standards Judy Walker
        School Counseling and Psychology Trish Lenkowski
        Special Education Dennis Kreps

        Deadline for newly assigned Web sites are October 16. Updates for Web sites are due August 15, 2000.

    6. New Business
    7. Reports and Guests

      1. Ad Hoc Committees
        1. Test Collections Directory -- Nancy O'Brien – to date there are 75 institutions listed and the directory is to be sent to the publication committee in mid October. An electronic version is being discussed.
        2. CMC, Management of Committee – Gary Lare
        3. CMC Directory Committee –Fred Olive
        4. CMC Standards and Guidelines -- Ann Brownson
        5. Pat Libutti, Cybrarian with ThinkQuest – explored how electronic resources work and are integrated in CMC collections.
    8. Open Forum
      Before concluding the meeting, a far-reaching discussion was held. Topics were offered for brief exchanges by all attendees. Some of the topics may become future projects.
    9. Adjournment.
      The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 p.m. After the meeting seven committee members and two other interested persons dined on famous Chicago style stuffed pizza and discussed textbook vendors and relations with CMC librarians.

    Recommendations for Division Board action:

    Committee: Membership & Orientation
    Chairperson: Nancy O'Brien (Chair pro tem)
    Date(s) of Meetings(s): 7/8/00
    For Committees:
    Members present: Joan Fiscella, Barbara Kemp, Lorna Lueck, Nancy O'Brien (Chair pro tem)
    Members absent: Charles Thurston (excused)
    Visitors: Ellen Gilbert
    Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan:

    1. The meeting was called to order at 9:45 a.m. The minutes of the January 15, 2000 meeting were approved.
    2. A discussion of the New Chair Orientation scheduled for July 9, 2000 included the following points:
      • N. O'Brien suggested that a model agenda be developed that listed each speaker by role.
      • L. Lueck recommended that in future this session be called the "EBSS New Leader Orientation" to indicate that new committee chairs and officers should attend.
      • N. O'Brien volunteered to compile results of the evaluation forms, but was unable to attend the orientation session. L. Lueck indicated that she would send the completed evaluation forms to N. O'Brien for compilation.
      • It was suggested that a tally of participants be made to compare to the number of completed evaluation forms.
      • In March of each year a reminder of the new leader orientation session should be sent to speakers and Membership and Orientation Committee members. The session should also be announced via the EBSS listserv.
      • Procedures outlining the arrangements for the new leader orientation session should be placed in the EBSS Orientation Manual on the Web.
    3. L. Lueck agreed to announce the EBSS Social Hour at the membership meeting. The Social Hour had been previously announced on the EBSS listserv by C. Thurston, who also made arrangements for the event to be held on Saturday, July 8, 2000, beginning at 5 p.m. at Miller's Pub, 134 S. Wabash.
    4. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

    Recommendations for Division Board action:

    Committee: Psychology & Psychiatry
    Chairperson: Brian Quinn
    Date(s) of Meetings(s): 7/8/00
    For Committees:
    Members present: : Monica Hagan, Brian Quinn, Nancy Schafer, Marian Shemberg, Jim Shetler, Betsy Simpson
    Members absent: Lisa Beall (excused), Juanita Benedicto (excused), Dan Burgard, Christine Harrington (excused), Donna Pontau, Margaret White
    Guests: Kelly Boone, Carolyn Gosling, Arlene Krizanic, Gary McMillan, Darlene Nichols, Lyn Thaxton
    Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan:
    The meeting began at 8:30. The minutes from the January meeting were approved. The chair asked for a volunteer to serve as incoming chair of the committee.

    Ad Hoc Committee on the Directory of Test Collections Update

    Betsy Simpson reported that the committee hopes to send the directory to the EBSS Publications and Communications Committee by mid-October. It includes 75 entries that are indexed by collection strength, collection size, and use, as well as an annotated bibliography. The committee hopes that the Publications and Communications Committee will turn it over to ACRL before the Midwinter meeting, with publication expected early next year. Betsy mentioned that ACRL is not ready to publish an electronic version yet.

    Update on the Society for the Teaching of Psychology

    Juanita Benedicto, the committee's liaison to Division Two of the American Psychological Association, was unable to attend. In her absence, Brian Quinn circulated a brief report on the activities of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology/ALA Joint Interest Task Force. The Task Force has set up a listserv, and has posted a copy of the Information Literacy Competency Standards on its web site, along with a call for input. The members of the Task Force continue to solicit feedback from psychologists regarding ways of refining standards for psychology students. They eventually hope to publish a book about ways of incorporating library assignments into psychology course work. The Task Force is also working on developing strategies for assessing teaching outcomes. They plan on adding a school librarian and high school teacher to the Task Force in hopes of involving more high school teachers of psychology.

    American Psychological Association Report

    Carolyn Gosling distributed copies of new pricing for the PsycINFO database that will become effective October 1, 2000. The APA felt the old pricing system was confusing, so they decided to revise it completely. They are no longer charging for backfiles, or for different media (CD-ROM vs web). Pricing will now be determined by the total number of potential users, including students, faculty, staff, and distance learners. The PsycLIT database will be merged into PsycINFO and the PsycLIT name will be retired.
    The APA has created an APA Full-Text Article Database that will be in beta test this summer at three universities, with a launch scheduled for winter of 2000. The database indexes 37 APA journals, and includes 20,000 articles dating back to 1989. APA plans to expand retrospective coverage in the future. The pricing will be similar to PsycINFO.
    Carolyn also talked about the migration of paper products to electronic format. Psychological Abstracts is down to approximately 1,000 subscriptions, as customers realize that PsycINFO is not ephemeral. The APA currently has one exclusively electronic journal called Prevention and Treatment. Carolyn mentioned that the new 8 volume Encyclopedia of Psychology was published March 8th.
    The PsycINFO database will be enhanced in 2001 by adding new fields to PsycINFO records. Publisher names and their URL's will be included in the records. Also included will be country of publication. Clinical trials will be identified in the form/content field. The email address of authors will be another new element that will be added to records. A further enhancement will be more frequent updates. PsycINFO will be updated weekly instead of monthly. The APA is also in the process of updating its online thesaurus and welcomes suggestions for new or revised terms. Carolyn also mentioned that 350-450 of the 1500 journals indexed in PsycINFO are now available for electronic linking through various vendors.
    The subject of E-Psyche came up. This new psychology database is still under construction, and is being produced by a company called Database Access Group in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The company plans to index 4200 psychology journals, compared with PsycINFO's current coverage of 1500. This new database will place more emphasis on experimental psychology to serve as a counterpoint to what the producers feel is PsycINFO's clinical psychology emphasis. Records in E-Psyche will include not only citations and abstracts but also references. More information can be obtained at the E-Psyche web site at
    Gary Mcmillan, director of the library at the American Psychiatric Association, spoke briefly about his institution. He said that he has been working to put American Psychiatric Association resources on the web. Gary has been urging the Association to offer institutional subscriptions to the full text of its book and journal publications. A newly revised version of DSM-IV will be appearing in bookstores shortly, which does not include diagnostic criteria, but does include supporting documentation. Gary also talked a bit about DSM-V, which is currently in preparation and which will hopefully bridge the international classification scheme to make it easier to conduct cross-national comparisons. The URL for the American Psychiatric Association web site is
    Jim Shetler talked about a project he is working on at Yale. Utilizing web sites from his psychology subject guide, he is creating cataloging entries for the web sites with the help of CORC (OCLC Cooperative Online Resource Catalog) technology so that users can locate them in Yale's online catalog. By using a link checker, Jim can monitor whether cataloging web sites increases their usage. Jim also talked briefly about using JAKE (Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment) to help users locate newspaper information more readily. The chair concluded the meeting by asking committee members if they would be interested in having a member of the American Psychological Society attend the next meeting, and members were supportive of the idea. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 am.
    Recommendations for Division Board action:

    Committee: Publications & Communication
    Chairperson: Francine DeFranco
    Date(s) of Meetings(s): 7/8/00
    For Committees:
    Members present: Julie Cunningham, Judy Walker, Kate Corby, Laverna Saunders, Francine DeFranco (chair)
    Members absent: Ted Wygant (chair notified), Helga Visscher (chair notified)
    Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan:

    • The chair updated the committee on information and issues shared at the Executive Board meeting of July 7, 2000.
    • Committee members reported updates on publication projects for liaison responsibilities. New liaisons for outgoing committee members were decided. Julie Cunningham will serve as liaison to Instruction for Educators and Ted Wygant will serve as liaison to the Ad Hoc Management of Curriculum Materials Centers. The committee discussed various EBSS committee publication projects. Liaisons will share suggestions regarding publication projects with committees for review and discussion.
    • Newsletter Editor Update: Helga Visscher will work with two volunteers interested in the Newsletter position. Judy Walker will assist in this effort. Further discussion will continue at MidWinter.
    • Judy Walker has developed Listserv guidelines. This document will be shared with committee members in early Fall. Further discussion and finalization of draft will be accomplished at MidWinter.

    Recommendations for Division Board action:

    Committee: Reference Service & Resources
    Chairperson: Julie Tharp
    Date(s) of Meetings(s): 7/8/00
    For Committees:
    Members presentJulie Tharp (Chair), Arizona State University; Kay Womac, University of Oklahoma; Barbara Wales, Central Missouri State University; Kate Corby, Michigan State University; Sharon Naylor (recording), Illinois State University.
    Members absent:
    Visitors: Janice Houck, George Washington University; Dottie Mareinko, Auburn University; Roland Person, Southern Illinois University at Carbondate; Glenda Neidecker, Texas Tech University.
    Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan:


    Julie opened the meeting and welcomed guests.

    New Project

    At our Midwinter meeting, we had discussed a possible project that involves identifying education journals falling into the categories of "peer reviewed," "juried," or "refereed." The committee had decided that requesting a searchable field in ERIC citations for this information would be the best approach. Since our last meeting, Janice has contacted Ted Brandhorst at the ERIC Processing and Reference Facility about the feasibility of adding such a field and has shared his correspondence with the rest of the group.
    Brandhorst assured the group that our suggestion would receive "due consideration," but he did have some questions. Brandhorst asked if there was a problem in the consistent interpretation of terms like "peer-reviewed" and "scholarly." He indicated that should such a plan be implemented, ERIC planned to use the information provided in Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory rather than "reinvent the wheel." He also pointed out that adding a new data field is a lengthy process and suggested that this information could possibly be included in the "source Journal Index/Database" until a more integrated system could be implemented.
    The group discussed the issue of consistent definitions. Establishing definitions remains an issue, and we will make inquiries on our various campuses about how our colleagues use these terms. The general consensus, however, was that the terms "peer reviewed." "refereed," and "juried" are used interchangeably. It was also noted that "scholarly" is generally used when distinguishing among scholarly, trade, and popular periodicals.
    The reliability of Ulrich's was discussed. It is our understanding that Ulrich's uses the information received on surveys mailed to the publishers when creating their records. There was general agreement that this approach could lead to different interpretations and could result in inconsistencies. But we also recognize that Ulrich's is generally a well-respected, standard reference source.
    Kay will have student workers check the CIJE list to see how many journals on that list are designated as "refereed serials" in Ulrich's. She will do spot checking of the students' work. After a list is compiled, we must decide whether we accept Ulrich's designations.
    Kate will check to see if she has information about the percentage of journals in CIJE also found in Ulrich's.
    Julie will check the definitions used in Ulrich's. We must decide whether we are comfortable with Ulrich's definitions. Questions were also raised about how often Ulrich's sends out surveys and how long it takes before a journal gets included in ERIC.
    Although there was some discussion of creating a list of peer-reviewed titles separate from Ulrich's, concerns were raised about the maintenance and general acceptance of such a list. The consensus was that we should continue to pursue having ERIC add this information.
    We hope to bring in someone from ERIC for the Midwinter meeting. Ted Brandhorst seems a logical choice.
    Recommendations for Division Board action:

    Committee: Social Work/Social Welfare
    Chairperson: Sally Lawler
    Date(s) of Meetings(s): 7/7/00
    For Committees:
    Members present: Cynthia Pierard, Deborah Schaeffer, Gary McMillan, James Williams, Karen Reiman-Sendi, Katherine Downton, Linda Sammataro, Stephen Fowlkes, Vanette Schwartz, Sally Lawler .
    Members absent:
    Visitors: Kate Corby, Ellen DeMarinis
    Combined Business Meeting and Current Topics Discussion:

    Business Meeting
    Kate Corby helped us critique our Web page. We were encouraged to use EBSS listserv and CSWE Newsletter to promote it, to post changes, and to recruit other library instructional web pages. We discussed moving from initial "selected web sites" to having more criteria and definition of scope and purpose (exemplary sites?). We decided that each page needs to be revised and updated by a member of the committee. The collection development policy needs to be related more specifically to competencies. We recognized that we have some internal conflicts: Bachelors v Masters level competencies and institutional v internet resources. We discussed whether we should expand the scope of the web page

    1. to include tips and best practices for participating with the faculty accreditation process to integrate information competencies into the curriculum.
    2. to create a ready reference resource that social work librarians would use at the reference desk. Decided that the new Human Service Organization page would belong here, as would links to libraries that support Social Work programs.

    Current Topics Discussion
    Cindy Pierard shared trends going on at the University of Kansas with the need for new types of skills in the profession. She shared the results of a survey she did that confirmed professors are reluctant to use class time for computer skills. Consequently, UK decided to have required workshops during Orientation Week, including a computing center presentation on logging in remotely. Cindy recognized that Distance Education is being oversold as "Education at your convenience", but at the cost of being delivered in a very confusing environment with too many variables for the librarian to incorporate them all into library instruction.
    The committee shared other strategies that work:

    • survey incoming students re computer skills then team students with less computer skills with students who are more skilled
    • have the librarian correct exercises
    • have skills tied to an assignment
    • assess and evaluate what we do in library instruction

    We decided to add tips for assessment and measuring outcomes to our web page. Some members volunteered to give Cindy's survey to their own faculty.
    We made specific assignments for improving and developing the web page.

    Committee: Ad Hoc Management of Curriculum Materials Centers
    Chairperson: Jo Ann Carr
    Date(s) of Meetings(s): 7/8/00
    For Committees:
    Members present: Jo Ann Carr, Chair; Allison Kaplan, Gary Lare, Michael Tillman
    Members excused: Jeneen LaSee Willemmsen
    Visitors: Ann Brownson, Fred Olive, Dorothy Schleicher, Judy Walker, Yvonne Roux, Grant Kayler.
    Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in
    the ACRL Strategic Plan:

    1. Chair Jo Ann Carr called the meeting to order at 2:10.
    2. Committee members and guests introduced themselves.
    3. Announcements: Jo Ann invited all in attendance to participate in the EBSS Social Hour at Miller's Pub.
    4. The minutes of January 15, 2000 meeting were approved with the addition of Ann Brownson to the list of guests attending.
    5. Report of Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the Curriculum Materials Center Directory: Fred Olive reported that the survey for the Directory had been approved. Hugh Thompson of ACRL publication will post on the Web Site after details for another ACRL E-project have been finalized. Fred expects the survey will be available at the beginning of the Fall Term. He requested that Committee members send him lists of curriculum materials centers.
    6. Reviews of Draft Manuscript: Jo Ann distributed the draft manuscript and asked committee members to review for overlaps in coverage, identification of additional material to be addressed, identification of authors of additional information and style and format considerations. This review should be completed and results sent to Jo Ann by August 15. Allison will send a revision of her and Lorene's chapter to Jo Ann for distribution. The abstracts for each chapter should be 2-3 sentences for inclusion in the Table of Contents. Two areas for additional information identified by committee members are the Assessment of Collection Development Policy and Inclusion of e-curriculum. Judy will also be sending her chapter to Jo Ann for distribution to the committee.
    7. Ad Hoc Committee for Digital Publication of the CMC Management Guide.
      1. The suggested charge was reviewed and revised:

        To extend the work of the Management of Curriculum Materials Centers Committee by developing a parallel Internet based publication. This publication should include the content of the print title and supplement it with case studies of CMC's, links among the articles in the management guide, links to CMC's and other related organizations and supplementary materials. This committee should work with the Ad Hoc Committee on the CMC Directory to develop an Internet based version of the Directory complete with seachable statistical tables.

      2. Membership of Ad Hoc Committee for Digital Publication should be comprised of 4-6 individuals including a Committee Chair. Jo Ann will request that the Advisory Council approve the establishment of this Ad Hoc Committee and that this new Ad Hoc Committee begin its work at the 2001 Midwinter Meeting.
    8. New business: There was no new business.
    9. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:10.

    Committee: Ad Hoc - Committee to Revise the CMC Directory
    Chairperson: Fred Olive
    Date(s) of Meetings(s): 7/8/00
    For Committees:
    Members present: Penny Beile, Fred Olive (chair), John Hickok, Michael Tillman, and Melba J. Tomeo
    Members absent:
    Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan:

    1. Introductions
    2. Approval of the Agenda: done
    3. Report from Chair on preparation of the CMC Directory: The chair presented the information from Hugh Thompson and the status of the draft survey.
    4. Report from others regarding the CMC DirectoryThe chair reported on the comments from the Publications & Communications Committee, Chair, Francine DeFranco and the Ad Hoc Committee on Management of Curriculum Materials Centers, Chair, Jo Ann Carr.
    5. Discussion of the CMC Directory progressThe committee "signed off" on the draft after a few editorial type changes.
    6. New businessThe committee also discussed the next steps in the process. The 4 th edition was used as a basis to divide the work of solicitation of participants. John Hickok volunteered his student assistants to check other sources for additional CMCs. The chair is compiling a web page of those CMCs that have web pages to broaden the scope of the Directory. The chair will draft an "call for participation" for the 5 th edition of the Directory. The committee will then send these to their list of participants when the input web site is ready. Hugh Thompson said that he would contact us when the site is ready.
    7. Adjournment:2 p.m.

    Committee: Ad Hoc - Test Collection Directory
    Chairperson: P. Fehrmann & N. O'Brien
    Date(s) of Meetings(s): 7/7/00
    For Committees:
    Members present: Paul Fehrmann (Co-Chair), Nancy O'Brien (Co-Chair), Bee Gallegos, Cheryl Grossman, Rolland McGiverin, Betsy Simpson
    Members absent: Dan Burgard (excused), Annette Curtis-Carroll, Ted Wygant (excused)
    Summary of discussion and action; indicate progress made on objectives in the ACRL Strategic Plan:

    1. Paul Fehrmann and Nancy O'Brien welcomed members to the sixth meeting of the Ad hoc committee.
    2. The minutes and agenda were reviewed and approved with no additions or changes.
    3. Committee members reviewed progress of the directory. Paul Fehrmann distributed copies of selected sections for review. Discussion about the content and layout of the Introduction included the following points:
      • The section of further sources of information should be annotated.
      • Annotations should include a scope note and purpose of the source. The following assignments to create annotations were made, with each individual responsible indicated in parentheses following the bibliographic reference:
        • Further Sources of Information
        • American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, National Council on Measurement in Education. Standards for educational and psychological testing. Washington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association, 1999. (Betsy)
        • Association of Test Publishers. (Betsy)
        • Buros Institute of Mental Measurements. (Betsy)
        • Directory of unpublished experimental mental measures. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1974-. (Rolland)
        • ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation. ERIC/AE Test Locator (Includes the ETS Test File, Buros Test Review Locator, Pro-Ed Test Review Locator, and Pro-Ed Test Publisher Locator). (Bee)
        • "FAQ/Finding information about psychological tests" (American Psychological Association Science Directorate). (Paul)
        • Fischer, Joel and Kevin Corcoran. Measures for clinical practice: a source book. 2nd ed. New York: Free Press, 1994. 2 vol. (Paul)
        • Health and psychosocial instruments [computer file]: (HAPI) CD. Pittsburgh, PA: Behavioral Measurement Database Services, 1983-. (Paul)
        • Innovations in clinical practice. Sarasota, Fla.: Professional Resource Exchange, 1982-. (Cheryl)
        • Joint Committee on Testing Practices, American Psychological Association. (Rolland)
        • Joint Committee on Testing Practices, American Psychological Association. "Code of fair testing practices in education." Washington, D.C.: Joint Committee on Testing Practices, 1988. (Rolland)
        • Maddox, Taddy. Tests: a comprehensive reference for assessments in psychology, education, and business. 4th ed. Austin, Tex.: Pro-Ed, 1997. (Bee)
        • Mental measurements yearbook. Lincoln, Neb.: The Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, The University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 1938-. (Cheryl)
        • Test critiques. Kansas City, Mo.: Test Corporation of America, c1984-1990. Austin, Tex.: Pro-Ed, 1991-. (Bee)
        • Tests in microfiche. Princeton, N.J.: Educational Testing Service, 1975-. (Nancy)
        • Tests in print. Lincoln, Neb.: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1961-. (Cheryl)
      • It was agreed that the bibliography could be expanded with additional materials from the 1980s.
      • Graphs and charts will be placed at the end of the directory in an appendix, rather than incorporated into the introductory pages.
      • A table of contents will be created by Cheryl.
      • A section of how to use the directory should be added. Nancy and Paul will work on that.
      • Specific changes to the wording in the introductory pages were recommended, and Nancy will make those changes and additions.
      • Question number 10 in the original survey needs to be corrected grammatically. Nancy will handle that.
      • Everyone agreed that the format of the entries was fine, but that "none reported" should be used rather than "no" in relation to the historical components data, when applicable.
      • Indexes will consist of an alphabetical listing by institution with the page number listed in parentheses after each.
      • The last four paragraphs of the current introductory pages will be labeled as the conclusion.
      • The listing of Committee members will include the preferred form of each individual's name as well as the most current e-mail address, in case of questions.
    4. The following timeframe was agreed upon to insure completion of the directory by early fall, with submission to the EBSS Publications and Communications Committee by October 15, 2000.
      • Send completed annotations to Nancy by July 15.
      • All corrections, annotations, and any additional information regarding directory entries will be sent to Cheryl by August 15.
      • Cheryl will distribute the revised directory to committee members by September 15.
      • Comments and corrections will be due to Cheryl by October 1.
      • The final version of the directory will be sent to the EBSS Publications and Communications Committee by October 15.
    5. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

    Recommendations for Division Board action: None at this time