Tip Sheet #25

Duties of the Section Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee

The nominating committee is responsible for soliciting nominations for section officers, selecting qualified candidates, and inviting candidates to stand for office. The committee is traditionally comprised of 3 members and is often chaired by a past chair of the section. Current section officers may not be members of the nominating committee (ALA Bylaws, Article II, Section 1.A)

Nominating Committee Protocol

  1. In March, ACRL emails each nominating chair a list of section offices to be filled in the upcoming election. Verify this information by checking the latest edition of your section bylaws and/or section manual.
  2. Solicit nominations for section officers (April-June) via section lists, newsletters, online nomination forms, or other channels.
  3. Optional: Request a section membership roster in order to verify that potential nominees are section members (all nominees must be section members).
  4. The nominating committee is responsible for developing a confidential ranked list of candidates for each office from the pool of nominees. Identify additional potential candidates for each office and rank them in priority order in the event that your first or second choices decline or withdraw before contacting any nominees. The nominating committee is charged with identifying no more than two candidates for each office to be filled.
  5. Potential candidates should be contacted only if they are being invited to stand for office. Contact potential nominees individually by phone in the order that the committee has agreed upon. The confidential nature of nominations is best handled by phone. Please share the list of duties, responsibilities, and meeting obligations with potential candidates. It is helpful for them to understand the time commitment required by the office. Please encourage potential candidates to contact past officers to learn more about the office. Negotiate a decision date if a potential candidate needs additional time to consider the nomination. Some candidates may need a week or more in order to consult with immediate supervisors and/or family members. Plan accordingly.
  6. After each phone conversation, provide the nominee with a position description from your section manual or the ACRL Tip Sheets. Offer to supply contact information for past officers who can answer additional questions.
  7. When a candidate accepts a nomination, the nominating committee chair instructs the nominee in writing to submit a letter of consent indicating his/her willingness to stand for the office on the upcoming ballot. When all letters of consent have been received by the nominating committee chair, they are forwarded to Lauren Carlton (lcarlton@ala.org) , along with the complete section slate, no later than September 10th (date approximate).
  8. When a letter of consent is received, Lauren Carlton sends a letter of thanks to the candidate along with the Web address for the ALA online ballot form. The chair instructs each candidate to complete the online form by October 22nd (date approximate). NOTE: Candidates cannot complete the online form until they submit their letter of consent. Each section determines whether or not the statement of concern is optional or required.
  9. In January, Lauren Carlton (lcarlton@ala.org) will send a draft ballot to each nominating committee chair. Be sure to proof the ballot for correct candidate order (alphabetical or other arrangement), correct term of office, bylaws changes, offices, nominating committee members, etc.
  10. When your slate is official, it is reported to, but not approved by, the section Executive Committee. Lauren Carlton (lcarlton@ala.org) will notify nominating committee chairs in October regarding the status of each slate. A slate is official when ACRL has received the complete slate, letters of consent from each candidate, biographical statements, and required statements of concern.
  11. It is essential that all deadlines established by ACRL be met. Consult Nominating Committee Calendar for the schedule of deadlines and other important dates.

Requirements for Nomination or Appointment to Division Office, Boards, and Committees

A nominee or appointee to the ACRL Board, an office, or committee must:

  1. be a personal member of ALA;
  2. be a personal member of ACRL;
  3. be a personal member of the section;
  4. be willing and able to participate in the activities of the committee, support its mission or concern, and carry out assignments in a timely manner;
  5. anticipate being able to attend ALA Annual Conferences and Midwinter meetings and all committee meetings during term of office (see ALA Policy 4.5 below).

ALA Bylaws, Article VII, Section 3, Standing Committees (a)

Members of standing committees shall be appointed for terms of two years, and may be reappointed for a second but not a third consecutive term; but in no case shall a person serve on a committee for more than four consecutive years. Appointments shall be made in such manner as to provide continuity in membership.

ALA Policy 4.4. Member Service Policy

No person shall concurrently serve in more than three separate positions. Governing board, committee, liaison, subcommittee, and other responsibilities that require service in another position (e.g., service on a committee which entails assembly representation) are not in conflict with this policy. The Executive Director shall notify members when they exceed this limitation.

ALA Policy 4.5. Requirements for Committee Service

With exception of virtual members, members of all ALA and unit committees are expected to attend all meetings. Failure to attend two consecutive meetings or groups of meetings (defined as all meetings of a committee that take place at one Midwinter Meeting or Annual Conference) without an explanation acceptable to the committee chair constitutes grounds for removal upon request by the chair to and approval of the appropriate appointing official or governing board.