EBSS Commitee Agendas ALA Annual 2012

ALA Annual Conference: EBSS Committee Agendas

Saturday, June 23

New Leader Orientation: 8 am – 9 am (Table 1)

Consolidated Meeting: Disneyland Hotel Magic Kingdom Ballroom 2

9 am – 12 noon, (see details below)

Bring your own beverages, pastries and fruit will be provided.

Communication Studies Committee: 9-11am (Table 15)

  1. Promotion of the Information Literacy for Journalism Students standards
  2. 2013 Annual Media Tour in Chicago
  3. Future Projects
  4. Other Business

Curriculum Materials Committee: 9-11am (Table 2)

  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
  3. Approval of minutes from 2012 Midwinter Vitual Meeting
  4. Current project—Curriculum Materials Webliography
    1. Current Status
    2. Contributors/Unassigned Sections
    3. Inclusion Criteria/Scope Notes
    4. Next Steps
    5. Timeline
  5. CMC Directory
  6. Curriculum Materials Collections and Centers: Legacies from the Past, Visions of the Future Edited by Rita Kohrman See:http://www.acrl.ala.org/acrlinsider/archives/4604
    1. Possible sponsorship by the CMC committee at future ALA/ACRL conferences
    2. Panel Discussions
  7. Other projects/ future ideas
  8. Next Meeting
  9. Welcome to the New Chair
  10. Adjournment

Distinguished Librarian Award Committee: [CLOSED MEETING]

  1. Welcome
  2. Discussion of award committee communications
  3. New items?

Electronic Resources in Communication Studies: 9:30-11am (Table 12)

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of agenda
  3. Announcements
  4. Progress report on subject guides and indexes/abstracts page of LRCS site
  5. Plans for committee in coming year
  6. Wrap up and thank you to outgoing members

ERIC Users Committee: 9:30- 10:30 (Table 3)

  1. Approval of agenda
  2. Approval of Mid-Winter minutes
  3. ERIC Users Forum details/preparation
  4. ERIC updates
  5. Questions from the committee
  6. Committee changes for the coming year
  7. Other business

Higher Education Committee: (Table 4)

Instruction for Educators Committee: 9-11am (Table 5)

  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Approval of agenda
  3. Current project – Rubric for assessment of Information Literacy Standards for Teacher Education
    1. Review each others’ work and give feedback and suggestions
    2. Discuss next steps and timeline
  4. Potential projects (suggested at past meetings)
    1. Update Connecting the Standards: The Intersection of Education and ACRL Information Literacy Standards Wiki - http://wikis.ala.org/acrl/index.php/Connecting_the_Standards
    2. How to educate pre-service teachers about OA education journals and about how to assess their quality
    3. Connecting ACRL standards with NCATE
  5. New ideas for projects – suggestions from committee members
    1. Update Webliography of Selected Websites of Importance to College/University Education Librarians Wiki - http://wikis.ala.org/acrl/index.php/Webliography_of_Selected_Websites_of_Importance_to_College/University_Education_Librarians
    2. Other ideas?
  6. Questions/Concerns
  7. Committee roster for next year
  8. Next meeting
  9. Adjourn

Membership & Orientation Committee: 9:30-11am (Table 13)

  1. Welcome and Introductions (5 mins)
  2. Minute taker assigned
  3. Updates and housekeeping: (10 mins)
    1. Social tonight 5:30pm:

      Anaheim Marriott

      Degrees Wine and Patio Bar

      700 W. Convention Way

      Anaheim, CA 92802
    2. Brochure
  4. Membership updates (15 mins)
    1. Statistics
    2. Letters
    3. Surveys
  5. Outreach updates and discussion (20 mins)
    1. Colleague to colleague program
    2. NMRT 101 meeting – responses, thoughts (Dottie and Hazel)
    3. ACRL 101 meeting – responses, thoughts (Ann and Nancy)
  6. EBSS Level of Engagement brainstorming
    1. Opportunities to leverage EBSS/ relatively high levels of engagement
    2. Can we play to strengths?
  7. Membership area on the website (45 mins – with Sara, web editor)
    1. What would a membership page look like?
    2. What content would be there?
    3. How does it relate to the brochure?
  8. Other business and meeting review (5 mins)
    1. Process and content of meeting
    2. Reporting out

Online Learning Research Committee: 10:00am - 11:00am (Table 6)

  1. Corrections and/or additions to the last meeting minutes—11 April 2012
  2. Update on the OLRC Toolkit regarding the collection of statistics
  3. Preliminary discussion on the continued existence and maintenance of the OLRC Toolkit
  4. Update on the electronic library/subject guide survey bibliography
  5. Continue discussion on the electronic library/subject guides survey
    1. Survey questions
    2. Review board approval (IRB)
    3. Distribution of the survey
      1. Which listservs?
      2. Other means of distribution
      3. Dates of distribution
  6. Committee rooster for next year
    1. Mary Cassner will be leaving to serve on the ERIC Users Committee
    2. Marilyn Ochoa was elected to the ACRL Board and will be leaving
    3. Josh Becker’s term has expired
    4. New members
  7. Other

Psychology Committee: 8-9:30am (Table 7)

  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. American Psychological Association (APA PsycINFO) News & Updates 30 minutes
    1. Guest Speakers: Linda Beebe and Susan Hillson
  3. Committee Charge – Discuss edits and approve 10 minutes
  4. Committee Web Resources Pages 15 minutes
  5. Discussion and approval of introductory paragraphs
  6. Volunteers to update sections
  7. Update on Core Psychology Journals Database Project 10 minutes
  8. Announcements / New business 10 minutes
  9. Action Items / Adjourn 5 minutes

Publications & Communications Committee: 9:30-11am (Table 8)

  1. Welcome and introductions (5 minutes)
  2. Announcements (5 minutes)
  3. Liaisons from Pub committee to other EBSS committees (15 minutes)
    1. Updates from each member
    2. Assign new committee liaisons as needed (new list should be posted to webpage)
  4. Updates (15 minutes)
    1. Newsletter editor
    2. Web managers
    3. Listserv moderator
  5. Discuss newsletter guidelines for contributors (20 minutes)
  6. Discuss use of ALA Connect (10 minutes)
  7. Approve revised documents (5 minutes)
  8. Next steps and any other business (15 minutes)

Reference Sources & Services Committee: 9-11am (Table 9)

  1. Introductions/Greetings
  2. Approval of Agenda (Based on 2012 Midwinter Minutes)
  3. Brief Announcements
  4. Discussion : Current Projects - Statistical Directory for Education & Social Science Librarians
    • General US Statistics – Erica Nicol
    • Education Statistics – Maud Mundava
    • Criminal Justice Statistics -- Kati Tvaruzka
    • Gerontology Statistics -- JoAnn Mulvihill (rotated off)
    • Psychology Statistics – Krista McDonald
    • Social Work Statistics -- Krista McDonald
    • Demographics – Suzan Parker(rotated off)
    • New categories
      • Women & Gender Studies – Erica Nicol
      • Childhood & Family Studies – JoAnn Mulvihill (rotated off)
      • Sociology & Anthropology – Carrie Pirmann
  5. Education Librarian’s Toolbox. The Current list of Education Librarian’s Toolbox volunteers is as follows:
    • Subject Primer Tools – Kati Tvaruzka
    • Collection Management Tools – Krista McDonald and Suzan Parker (rotated off)
    • Reference/Research Tools – Carrie Pirmann
    • User Education/Info. Literacy Tools -- Kati Tvaruzka
    • Peer Support Tools – Erica Nicol
    • Program Review Tools – Maude Mundava
    • News /Current Awareness Tools – Carrie Pirmann
  6. Possible New Projects as discussed at 2012 Midwinter Virtual Meeting
    • A brownbag session or roundtable for an upcoming ALA conference
    • Identifying free multimedia resources related to education and the social sciences,
    • New ideas
  7. New Business
  8. Adjourn

Research Committee: 9:30-11am (Table 10)

  1. Committee membership Introductions
    1. Welcome to new Committee members
    2. Appreciations and fond farewells to leaving committee members
  2. Last minute readiness check on Research Forum later that afternoon
  3. Discussion on possible improvements for next year's Research Forum

Scholarly Communications Committee: 9:30-11 (Table 11)

  1. Introduction of members and guests
  2. “Instruction Connections Brainstorm" –discussion of how we might integrate scholarly communication information in instruction (K. Zoellner)
  3. Brief follow up on Spring 2012 Current Topics online discussion forum (All)
  4. Bibliography progress (L. Mullen)
  5. (10:30) Visit from Sage OPEN representative for discussion on new open access publication model for social science disciplines
  6. Announcements, Future Plans, Adjourn

All Members Meeting: 11 am – 12 noon

Sunday, June 24

Executive Committee: 8 am – 10 am Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel (Sequoia North Ballroom G)

This meeting is open to guests and visitors

Chair: Sally Neal

I. Introductions/Greetings

II. Approval of Agenda (based on 2012 MidWinter Exec. Committee Minutes)
IV. Officer Reports
  1. Members-at-Large
  2. Publications and Communications
  3. Web Manager
  4. Newsletter Editor
  5. Secretary
  6. Past-Chair
  7. Vice-Chair
  8. Chair
  • EBSS Distinguished Librarian – funding request submitted
  • IFLA candidate recommendation submitted
  • EBSS Budget
V. Discussion Items
  1. Funding support for Psychology Committee’s Core Psychology Journals Database tool
  2. Any edits to Cheat Sheets: Disseminating Agendas and Compiling Minutes for EBSS Committee Meetings (author: Bruce Stoffel) and EBSS Leadership Transition Guide (author: Past-Chair)
VII. Old Business
  1. Social Work and Information Literacy Standards – Approved? (Check status of)
VIII. New Business
IX. ACRL and Board Representatives (9:00 am)
  1. Recognition of Linda Kopecky’s service as our Section’s ACRL Board Rep.
X. Adjourn

ERIC users forum: 10:30 -- 12:00 Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel (Santa Monica)

Social Work Social Welfare Committee: 10:30 -- 12:00 Disneyland Hotel (Explorer)

  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. New chair for 2012-2013
  3. Old Business: update on removing EBSS SW/SW web pages/content
  4. Discuss meeting at Jane Addams Museum in Chicago in 2013
  5. New Ideas for projects
  6. Social Work Librarian discussion (discuss pertinent topics in the field)

Virtual Meeting

Program Planning Committee - Date and Time TBA

  1. Greetings, introductions and technology troubleshooting (5 minutes)
  2. Review agenda (2 minutes)
  3. Review program proposal document, shared via email on 6/11 (15 minutes)

    Action: Comment on document; note improvements or edits, which can be submitted in July 2012 after ALA Anaheim.
  4. Discuss logistics/directions/speaker suggestions (25 minutes)

    Action: Brainstorm and discuss potential speakers with locality in mind. Discuss ALA rules for honoraria, programs.
  5. Consider possible assignments (10 minutes)

    Actions: Discuss committee assignments and determine volunteers for the following roles:
    • Contact suggested speakers
    • Plan publicity/liaisons to membership
    • Assure room assignments
    • Create bibliography/handouts
    • Provide speaker “care”
    • Develop tools “lasting impression” beyond 2013
    • Select moderator(s) and reporter(s)
    • Make an evaluation Form
    • Develop a calendar of assignment actions
  6. Recap/Adjourn (3 minutes)