EBSS: Education and Behavioral Sciences Section

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The Education and Behavioral Sciences Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries (a division of the American Library Association) exists to serve the common interests of education and behavioral sciences librarians. Formed in 1968, EBSS now boasts about 1,000 members who are concerned with a host of issues in the areas of library instruction, applications of technology, collection development, library management, and communication of research findings in education and behavioral sciences librarianship.

Follow EBSS on Twitter and read the EBSS Newsletter.


Chair's Report from the Spring 2024 EBSS Newsletter

By YU-HUI CHEN, EBSS Chair, 2023-2024

Time flies in the blink of an eye. As I admire the beauty of cherry blossoms on campus, I realize that the spring semester is nearing its end, and my term as EBSS chair will conclude in a couple of months.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to know and work with so many dedicated and intelligent EBSS committee leaders. The numerous meaningful and impactful projects you undertake never cease to impress me. I am immensely proud of the strong commitment demonstrated by our committee members. Your devotion and enthusiasm are truly inspiring. Read more