Committee Volunteer Information
You are invited to serve on one or more CLS committees, which is a great opportunity to meet colleagues who share your interests and concerns and to contribute to the profession. Prior ACRL or CLS experience is not necessary.
Your term of service on a committee begins after the ALA Annual Conference of the year in which you are appointed. Members of standing committees are appointed for two year terms and may be reappointed for a second, but not a third, consecutive term. Committee members must be members of ALA and CLS and are expected to attend the committee meetings at both the Annual and Midwinter conferences. CLS committees have the option to hold "virtual Midwinter" committee meetings instead of meeting physically. CLS Virtual Midwinter meetings follow these guidelines. The CLS Executive Committee will typically meet in person at Midwinter.
The CLS website includes a list of CLS committees and their current leadership.
To volunteer for a CLS committee:
We encourage you to submit the ACRL volunteer form (requires login). Volunteer forms received by March 1 will be considered for appointment beginning the following summer.