ACRL Professional Development Committee


To advise ACRL staff on matters related to professional development needs assessment, program development and evaluation, and eLearning. Responsible for selecting and allocating funding to annual conference programs and Annual Conference preconferences, and awarding scholarships.


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  • A minimum of five members (i.e. a chair, vice-chair, and three members). Suggested 10-12 members (including chair, vice-chair).
  • Chair serves as ex-officio representative to ALA Conference Committee.
  • ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect serves as Board liaison.
  • Additional appointments at the discretion of the Vice-President/President-Elect and Appointments Committee
  • Since it is important that the vice-chair/chair be knowledgeable about the responsibilities and concerns of the committee, it is suggested that the committee vice-chair/chair be selected from the existing committee membership.

At the ALA Annual Conference in 2005, the Professional Development Committee was transitioned into the Professional Development Coordinating Committee, an umbrella committee charged with coordinating the efforts of ACRL's professional development activities. In 2009, the committee charge was revised and new component committees established, including the Annual Conference Programs Committee, Midwinter Workshops and Annual Preconferences Committee, Scholarships Committee, and Virtual Institutes Committee. The Board also ended the Effective Practices Review Committee. As of June 30, 2012, the Board dissolved the component committee umbrella structure and changed the name to the Professional Development Committee.

Staff Liaison

Margot Sutton Conahan

Manager of Professional Development

Association of College & Research Libraries

American Library Association

225 N. Michigan Ave., Ste 1300

Chicago, IL 60601-7616

Work: 312-280-2522


Get Involved

Volunteers will need to complete the volunteer form. Committee service that begins July 1. More information, including volunteer deadlines and requirements, can be found on the ACRL volunteer site.