ACRL Diversity Alliance Committee


The Diversity Alliance Committee oversees the ACRL Diversity Alliance program and works closely with ACRL staff to regularly evaluate program goals and materials; cultivates community and development among residency coordinators; fosters engagement and support for residents in conjunction with the ACRL Residency Interest Group (RIG). Oversees and ensures accountability to Diversity Residents and for host institutions, their leaders, and their residency coordinators. Provides a reservoir of expertise and a knowledge base for diversity residents and institutions on relevant issues. Leverages a resident-centered frame in its work.


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Displaying active committee roster as of 07/01/2019. Last retrieved on 02/15/2025. Refresh now.


ACRL Diversity Alliance Committee List
Official members of this committee are automatically added to the committee’s Connect space and subscribed to the email list.

You can post to the list by sending an email to or by creating a new post directly in the Connect community.

  • Specific Requirements of Membership Composition:
    • 1 Chair
    • 1 Vice-Chair
    • 2 members from the ACRL Residency Interest Group, who also act as Liaisons to RIG; will be made in consultation with RIG
    • 1 ex-officio member who is a current member of the ACRL EDI Committee
    • 1 Board liaison
    • 1 Staff liaison
  • Additional appointments at the discretion of the Vice-President/President-Elect and Appointments Committee.
  • It is desirable when feasible that a variety of institution types are represented on the committee, such as:
    • 1 R1 Diversity Alliance member
    • 1 non-R1 medium or large library Diversity Alliance member
    • 1 non-R1 small library
    • Representation from The National Associations of Librarians of Color (NALCo)

The ACRL Board of Directors approved the ACRL Diversity Alliance Committee at their ACRL Board Virtual Meeting (make-up for Annual) on August 1, 2022.

  1. Regularly reviews program goals, objectives and materials (including the Letter of Commitment, toolkit).
  2. Provides and recommends up-to-date content and resources for residency coordinators. Works with staff to distribute new information through ALA Connect and/or the ACRL Diversity Alliance LibGuide.
  3. Assists staff in identifying current diversity residents to be shared with RIG for the purpose of outreach, sharing of resources, and to offer support
  4. Develops a process and works with staff to implement program assessment.
  5. Develops a process and works with staff to implement a plan of action for members who break their signed Letter of Commitment.
  6. Provides a reservoir of expertise and a knowledge base for diversity residents and institutions on issues such as best practices, inclusive hiring, onboarding, retention, inclusive leadership, and inclusive meeting facilitation.
  7. Develops and delivers professional development related to issues such as best practices, inclusive hiring, onboarding, retention, inclusive leadership, and inclusive meeting facilitation.
  8. Liaises with the ACRL Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee.
Staff Liaison

Allison Payne
Interim Executive Director
Association of College & Research Libraries
American Library Association
225 N. Michigan Ave., Ste 1300
Chicago, IL 60601-7616
Work: 312-280-2519

Get Involved

Volunteers will need to complete the volunteer form. Committee service that begins July 1. More information, including volunteer deadlines and requirements, can be found on the ACRL volunteer site.