Meet the ACRL Board of Directors

Contact information is listed on the ACRL Board roster. To view contact info on the roster page, login with your ALA member credentials and refresh the roster page.

Leo Lo photo

Leo Lo
President 2024-2025
Dean of the College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences
University of New Mexico

Brad Warren photo

Brad Warren
Vice-President/President-Elect 2024-2025
Dean of Libraries
Augusta University

Beth McNeil photo

Beth McNeil
Past President 2024-2025
Dean of Libraries
Purdue University

Kara Whatley Photo

Kara M. Whatley
ACRL Division Councilor 2022-2025
Vice Provost for Libraries and University Librarian
University of Missouri Libraries

Joe Mocnik photo

Joe Mocnik
Budget and Finance Chair 2024-2026
Dean and Professor
Kansas State University Libraries

Tarida Anantachai photo

Tarida Anantachai
Director-at-Large 2023-2027
Director, Inclusion & Talent Management
North Carolina State University

Walter Butler photo

Walter Butler
Director-at-Large 2022-2026
Library Chair
Pasadena City College

Amy Dye-Reeves photo

Amy Dye-Reeves
Director-at-Large 2023-2027
Head of LADC (Library of Architecture, Design, and Construction)
Auburn University

Carrie Forbes photo
Carrie Forbes
Director-at-Large 2024-2028
University Librarian and Director of the School of Undergraduate Studies and the University Library
Southern Oregon University
Mary Mallery photo

Mary Mallery
Director-at-Large 2021-2025
Chief Librarian and Executive Director of Academic Information Technology
Brooklyn College CUNY

Rachel M. Minkin photo
Rachel M. Minkin
Director-at-Large 2024-2028
Interim Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning
Michigan State University
Yasmeen Shorish photo

Yasmeen L. Shorish
Director-at-Large 2021-2025
Head of Scholarly Communications Strategies
James Madison University Libraries

Rebecca Miller Waltz photo

Rebecca Miller Waltz
Director-at large 2022-2026
Interim Associate Dean for Learning and Undergraduate Services
The Pennsylvania State University


Allison Payne
Interim Executive Director
Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL)