2021 ACRL Award Recipients

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2021 awards. Made possible by generous corporate support, the annual presentation of ACRL’s awards and grants enables ACRL to honor the very best in academic and research librarianship.

Academic/Research Librarian of the Year

Sponsored by GOBI Library Solutions from EBSCO

Photo of Julia Gelfand

Julia M. Gelfand, Applied Sciences and Engineering Librarian at the University of California (UC)-Irvine

“Julia Gelfand, long-time applied science and engineering librarian at the University of California-Irvine, has spent more than four decades shaping research librarianship for the better. It is because of her transformative contributions to her university, the profession, and scientific inquiry itself that the committee named her as the 2021 Academic/Research Librarian of the Year.” - Dennis Clark, ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award Committee Chair.

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Excellence in Academic Libraries Awards

Sponsored by GOBI Library Solutions from EBSCO

Photo of Davidson College E.H. Little Library

Davidson College
Davidson, NC

“The E.H. Little Library has demonstrated how their expertise, programming, and resources support and enhance the strategic priorities of the college. Of particular note, the library staff has demonstrated that all library work contributes to social justice, providing a model for others to follow in engaging meaningfully with this work at a campus level. The library led and has been a key partner in helping transition instruction in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, developing training and ongoing learning opportunities to encourage further faculty development." - Lauren Pressley, Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Committee Chair.

Application available here.

Photo of Tulsa Community College Library

Community College
Tulsa Community College
Tulsa, OK

“The TCC Library demonstrated a strategic approach of developing strong partnerships with other offices across the institution to further TCC’s educational mission and student support. The library is notable for their use of different types of assessment to enable data-driven decision making. The staff were quick to adapt in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, moving services online and partnering with other units to expand technology lending for their community.” - Lauren Pressley, Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Committee Chair.

Application available here.

Photo of Loyola Marymount University William H. Hannon Library

Loyola Marymount University
Los Angeles, CA

“The William H. Hannon Library demonstrated a clear case of initiatives that bolster the institution’s mission, in particular encouraging learning, educating the whole person, and social justice. The library has embraced evidence-based practices and built a culture of assessment which is evident in the outcomes of their initiatives. Further, their leadership in the Institute for Research Design in Librarianship is far reaching in its impact for the field.” - Lauren Pressley, Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Committee Chair.

Application available here.

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Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award

Sponsored by ACRL and Core

Photo of Mark E. Phillips

Mark E. Phillips, Associate Dean for Digital Libraries, University of North Texas

“Mark has worked in libraries for more than 15 years. His work in the area of web archiving continues to provide access to government information long after the original websites are no longer available. As Mark has developed digital library infrastructure, he has continued to share the innovations through open-source software.” - Dale Poulter, Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award Committee Chair

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Collage of award recipients

Section Awards

Read the full announcement here.

CJCLS EBSCO Community College Learning Resources Leadership Award

Sponsored by EBSCO Information Services

Yumi Shin, Coordinator of Reference and Access Services, Lamar State College, Port Arthur

Photo of Yumi Shin

CJCLS EBSCO Community College Learning Resources Program Award

Sponsored by EBSCO Information Services

Anjali Parasnis-Samar and Alice Wilson, both of Monroe Community College

Anjali%20Parasnis-Samar%20squarePhoto of Anjali Parasnis-Samar

DOLS Routledge Distance Learning Librarianship Conference Sponsorship Award

Sponsored by Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group

Natalie Haber, Online Services Librarian, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Photo of Natalie Haber

EBSS Distinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award

Sponsored by the American Psychological Association

Kaya van Beynen, Associate Dean of Library Research & Instruction, University of South Florida

Photo of Kaya van Beynen

IS Ilene F. Rockman Instruction Publication of the Year Award

Sponsored by Carrick Enterprises

Alison J. Head, Barbara Fister, and Margy MacMillan, for their report “Information Literacy in the Age of Algorithms: Student Experiences with News and Information, and the Need for Change”

Photo of Alison J. HeadPhoto of Barbara FisterPhoto of Margy MacMillan

IS Innovation Award

Sponsored by EBSCO Information Services

Alexandria Chisholm and Sarah Hartman-Caverly, Reference and Instruction Librarians, Penn State Berks

Photo of Alexandria ChisholmPhoto of Sarah Hartman-Caverly

IS Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award

Sponsored by the ACRL Instruction Section

Nicole Pagowsky, Associate Research & Learning Librarian and Information Literacy Instruction Program Manager, University of Arizona

Photo of Nicole Pagowsky

PPIRS Marta Lange/SAGE-CQ Press Award

Sponsored by SAGE-CQ Press

Jill Severn, Archivist and Head of Access and Outreach, University of Georgia and Director, Russell Forum for Civic Life in Georgia

Photo of Jill Severn

RBMS Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Exhibition Catalogue Awards

Funded by by a generous endowment from Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab, editors of American Book Prices Current

Image of cover for "Käthe Kollwitz: Prints, Process, Politics"
Käthe Kollwitz: Prints, Process, Politics | The Getty Research Institute
Recipient, "Catalogs" category

Image of "Chart Your Own Voyage" brochures on a wall
Chart Your Own Voyage | The Rosenbach Museum
Recipient, "Brochures" category; Honorable Mention, "Innovation" category

Image of "Votes for Women a Success" exhibition piece with map of United States
Votes for Delaware Women | University of Delaware Library Special Collections
Recipient, "Digital" category

Image of cover for "Crossing Borders: From Slavery to Abolition, 1670-1865"
Crossing Borders: From Slavery to Abolition, 1670-1865 | Haverford College
Recipient, "Student" category

Image of cover for "Our 5 Senses" activity brochure
Our 5 Senses Activity Booklet and Seek & Find | Free Library of Philadelphia
Recipient, "Innovation" category

Image of cover for "Who Created the New and Copied the Old: Printed Books of the Fifteenth Century"
Who Created the New and Copied the Old: Printed Books of the Fifteenth Century | Haverford College
Honorable Mention, "Student" category

STS Oberly Award for Bibliography in the Agricultural or Natural Sciences

Funded by the Eunice Rockwood Oberly endowment

Jen Kirk, Government Information Librarian at Utah State University, and Helen F. Smith, Agricultural Sciences Librarian at Pennsylvania State University, for their work “An Inventory of Published Soil Surveys of the United States.”

Photo of Jen KirkPhoto of Helen Smith

ULS Outstanding Professional Development Award

Sponsored by Library Juice Academy

Nimisha Bhat, Hailley Fargo, Chelsea Heinbach, and Charissa Powell, members of the editorial team for LibParlor

Photo of LibParlor editorial team consisting of 4 women smiling

WGSS Award for Career Achievement in Women & Gender Studies Librarianship

Sponsored by Duke University Press

Jane Nichols, Associate Professor and Head of the Teaching and Engagement Department, Oregon State University

Photo of Jane Nichols

WGSS Award for Significant Achievement in Women & Gender Studies Librarianship

Sponsored by Duke University Press

Nicola Andrews, Instruction and First Year Experience Librarian, University of San Francisco

Photo of Nicola Andrews