Treasurer’s Financial Page

ALA Financial Information by Treasurer and Budget Analysis Review Committtee (BARC)

ALA Treasurer Peter Hepburn

Dr. Peter Hepburn
ALA Treasurer (2022-2025)
College of the Canyons
Santa Clarita, CA

Contact the Treasurer or Executive Board

An Update from the Treasurer

As I write this near the end of November, we have almost completed the first quarter of FY25, but it was only in October that the Executive Board approved the final budget. There is a budgeted deficit of $9.8M, which, if we remove expenses from grants and awards, is actually a surplus of around a half million. But our budget is all one budget, not a grants budget versus an operational budget, and so we have a large deficit to contend with. In short, the association needs to continue to explore how to grow revenue and nurture that growth. It also needs to continue to look at where efficiencies can be realized. The 150th Anniversary Campaign will help our finances, but we cannot rely on contributed revenue like that alone.

Click here to read Peter's column in American Libraries magazine.

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Key documents

In general, the financial documents that such bodies as the Executive Board, Council, the Finance and Audit Subcommittee, and the Budget Analysis and Review Committee discuss are available to all ALA members. A number of key documents are linked below.

All non-confidential Council and Executive Board documents are available on the ALA site.

ALA Endowment

The ALA Endowment Fund is a long-term measure designed to support the mission and programs of the association. The ALA Treasurer serves on the board of the Endowment Trustees in an ex officio capacity. Use the links below to learn more about or give to the Endowment.

Financial Orientation & Learning

ALA offers orientation to and education regarding its finances. The links below provide members with access to the various resources.

Upcoming meetings

Joint BARC/F&A meeting to be held on Wednesday, January 22 11:00-2:00 CST

Use this form to contact the Treasurer or Executive Board