Select Chapter Leaders Forum Documents and Links

The Chapter Leaders Forum, presented by the ALA Chapter Relations Committee at each ALA Midwinter and Annual, provides a great opportunity for Chapter Leaders (especially incoming leaders) to meet together and prepares them to lead their associations. The program presents topics of interest to chapter leaders, including association management, conference planning, social media, advocacy, and membership development and retention.

Chapter Relations Office

| ALA Chapter Relations Office: Resources | Conference Planning | ALA and Chapters | Effective Management | Financial Planning | Events and Events Planning | Membership Recruitment and Retention | Conducting a Meeting | Advocacy | Media Training | Diversity | Strategic Planning | Social Media | Chapter Leaders Forum |

ALA Chapter Relations Office: Resources

Events and Events Planning (see also Conference Planning)

New Jersey Makers Day: Building Community and Celebrating the STEM Experience (PPT)

Strategic Planning

2013 ALA Midwinter Meeting

These documents were part of the presentation "Strategic Planning….It’s Called Doing Things" by Dana Murphy-Love, executive director, Washington Library Association.

This document was part of the presentation "Moving Libraries in PA Forward" by Glenn Miller, executive director, Pennsylvania Library Association.

Past Forums

Conference Planning (see also Events and Events Planning)

ALA and Chapters

Effective Management

Financial Planning

Membership Recruitment and Retention

Conducting a Meeting


2014 Annual Conference

Engage: The New Capwiz, and What Your Chapter Needs to Do (PPT)

Past documents

Media Training

Social Media
