Need to Know
• Are you a public librarian serving homeschoolers in your area? Do homeschooling parents come to you for help with the topics their children are studying?
Book Links can be a valuable resource for those developing their own curricula, including science, math, history, and geography studies as well as language arts. Complimentary back issues of
Book Links are available to you to share with these parents. To request complimentary issues, please email us at, or call 312-280-5713. Offer good while supplies last.
• Harcourt Children’s Books is offering a free classroom poetry kit to celebrate National Poetry Month and Young People’s Poetry Week in April 2005. Featured poets include Douglas Florian, Kristine O’Connell George, J. Patrick Lewis, and Kurt Cyrus. Appropriate for grades 1–4, the kit features a CD recording of Douglas Florian reading from his new book,
Zoo’s Who, along with posters, activities, and curriculum ideas for all of Harcourt’s new poetry titles. To request a free kit, send a self-addressed mailing label to: 2005 Classroom Poetry Kit,
Book Links Offer, Harcourt Children’s Books, 525 B St., Ste. 1900, San Diego, CA 92101. Allow 3–5 weeks for delivery. Offer good while supplies last.
Twenty Tellable Tales: Audience Participation Folktales for the Beginning Storyteller by Margaret Read MacDonald,
illustrated by Roxane Murphy, was recently published by ALA Editions. This new edition of the classic storytelling primer is filled with updated resources, favorite stories from around the globe, guidelines on how to tell them with gusto, and advice on finding, learning, and telling new tales. $28, $25.50 for ALA members. To order, contact: ALA
Order Fulfillment, P.O. Box 932501, Atlanta, GA 31193-2501; phone 866-746-7252; fax 770-280-4155; or visit
• The Center for Children’s Literature at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin, announces its first annual Summer hildren’s Literature Conference, to be held June 20–22, 2005. Nationally known authors, including Candace Fleming, Robert Burleigh, Toni Buzzeo, and Barbara Joosse, will offer presentations, storytelling, and book signings. Attendees will have an opportunity to mingle with the presenters over lunch. Registration is available for one, two, or all three days. Contact center director John Warren Stewig at the Center for Children’s Literature, Carthage College, Kenosha, WI 53140-1994, by phone at 262-552-5480, by fax at 262-551-6208, or by e-mail at
• The Third Annual Texas Poetry Festival, sponsored by the Irving Public Library, the Irving Independent School District, and Texas Women’s University, will take place at Nimitz High School, 100 W. Oakdale, in Irving, Texas, on April 2, 2005, during National Poetry Month. Events are scheduled for children, teens, educators, and families, including workshops on introducing poetry to young people, a keynote speech by Nikki Grimes, open mike sessions for teens, and storytelling. Featured speakers include Anastasia Suen, Katie Davis, Will Richey, and others. To register, visit