Connecting Content to Standards
Book Links July 2008 (vol. 17, no. 6)
In an effort to help
Book Links readers integrate the magazine’s content into the curriculum, below is a list of standards related to selected articles in this issue. This list is intended to serve as a general guideline for relating article features to standards; other standards may also apply to a particular article’s content. The standards below are taken from the Web site of
Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning. —
Bringing History to Life: Hitler Youth by Susan Campbell Bartoletti (p.9)
World History: (Gr. 5–12) Understands the causes and global consequences of World War II
Historical Understanding: (Gr. 5–12) Understands the historical perspective
Language Arts: Reading: (Gr. 6–12) Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process
Language Arts: Writing: (Gr. 6–12) Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process
Reading Is Thinking, Part II: Modeling Reading Comprehension Strategies with Picture Books (p.20)
Language Arts: Reading: (K–Gr. 5) Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process
Language Arts: Reading: (K–Gr. 5) Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts
Extending the Spell: Fairy Tales in Novel Form (p.30)
Language Arts: Reading: (Gr. 3–12) Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts
Alpha-Best Bets for the Preschool Set (p.48)
Language Arts: Reading: (Preschool–K) Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process
The Infectious Nature of Fantasy (p.56)
Language Arts: Reading: (Gr. 3–8) Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts