Harmony with Voice III - 2011 Jaffarian Award Winner
Harmony with Voice III - Our Poems Go Trans-Pacific
School: Harmony Middle School, Overland Park, KS
Applicant: Ronda Hassig, School Librarian
Read the full application narrative here
How to replicate this program
Program Summary:
Featuring collaboration among a team of library staff, teachers, administrators, parents, a poet, and a community organization, “Harmony with Voice III” involved 7th graders working with local poet Bonnie Lynn Tolson to create poetry and art around the theme of homelessness. Blending 21st century technologies such as Skype and Google Docs with more traditional humanities subjects, the program captured the spirit of the Jaffarian Award, while also giving back to the community with an auction of the student-created artwork, benefiting a local women’s homeless shelter.
Program Images
Poet Bonnie Lynn Tolson Skypes with students Harmony Middle School students present check to local women's shelter
Completed student artwork, inspired by student poetry Student reciting poetry
Award Presentation Images
Ronda Hassig and Jaffarian Committee Chair Robbie Nickel Ronda Hassig receives Jaffarian plaque