Carroll Preston Baber Research Grant
The Carroll Preston Baber Research Grant is given annually to one or more librarians or library educators who will conduct innovative research that could lead to an improvement in services to any specified group(s) of people. The project should aim to answer a question that is of vital importance to the library community and the researchers should plan to provide documentation of the results of their work. The Jury would welcome proposals that involve innovative uses of technology and proposals that involve cooperation between libraries, between libraries and other agencies, or between librarians and persons in other disciplines.
Any ALA member may apply. The Jury would welcome projects that involve both a practicing librarian and a researcher.
The Baber Grant Jury will evaluate applications on the basis of the following criteria:
- The research problem is clearly defined, with a specific question or questions that can be answered by collecting data. The applicant(s) clearly describe a strategy for data collection whose methods are appropriate to the research question(s). A review of the literature, methodologies, etc. is not considered research (e.g., methodology review rather than application of a methodology) for purposes of the award, except where the literature review is the primary method of collecting data.
- The research has the potential to address a currently important issue in library service that is national in scope. The research question should focus on benefits to library users and should be applied and have practical value as opposed to theoretical.
- The applicant(s) demonstrate ability to undertake and successfully complete the project. The application provides evidence that sufficient time and resources have been allocated to the effort. Appropriate institutional commitment to the project has been secured.
- The applicant(s) demonstrate commitment to a reasonable dissemination plan.
This grant consists of an amount up to $3,000. Half of the amount will be paid within one month of the ALA Annual Conference. The remaining half will be provided approximately six months later upon the receipt of a satisfactory progress report as determined by the Carroll Preston Baber Research Grant Jury Chair and the ALA staff liaison to the Carroll Preston Baber Research Grant Jury.
How to Apply
Please send via email one completed application cover sheet and proposal with budget to the ALA Staff Liaison listed below. Email subject line should read “2017 Baber Award Proposal”. File formats accepted are PDF (preferred) or MS Word 2003 or newer. Please do not fax or mail.
If you are interested in applying for this award, please read the following for more information:
- Schedule and Procedures
- Proposal Requirements and Application Cover Sheet
- 6-Month Report
- Final Report
Submission Deadline
February 12, 2019
Jury Chair and Members
Staff Liaison
Kathy Rosa, EdD, MSLS
Director, Library & Research center
American Library Association
Telephone: 312-280-4273
Send submissions to: