The Small but Powerful Guide to Winning Big Support for Your Rural Library

The newly-updated Small but Powerful Guide to Winning Big Support for Your Rural Library provides tips and tools you can use from the ALA Committee on Rural, Native and Tribal Libraries of All Kinds, the Association for Rural & Small Libraries and the ALA Office for Literacy and Outreach Services.

Powerful Tools for Rural Libraries

The newly-updated (Spring 2017) Small but Powerful Guide to Winning Big Support for Your Rural Library provides tips and tools you can use from the ALA Committee on Rural, Native and Tribal Libraries of All Kinds, the American Indian Library Association, the Association for Rural & Small Libraries, and the ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services.

Small but powerful guide to building support for your rural library title page

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For more information on this toolkit and other resources from ALA about rural libraries, please contact:

ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services

50 East Huron Street

Chicago, IL 60611-2798

800-545-2433, ext. 4294