Report of visit to ACURIL XXXI and its host country, Cuba, May 23 - May 30, 2001
Dated 6/11/2001 Revised 7/13/2001
ALA Visitors: John W. Berry, ALA President-elect; Barbara Ford, former ALA President and member of the International Relations Committee; Alice Calabrese, member, ALA Executive Board, Executive Board liaison to the IRC and former member of the IRC; Nancy John, member of the International Relations Committee and incoming chair; Patricia Wand, chair of the IRC Subcommittee on Latin America and the Caribbean.
IFLA Visitors: Ross Shimmon, Secretary General of IFLA; Susanne Seidelin, Director of IFLA FAIFE.
Others participating in some of the library visits: Winston Tabb, Deputy Librarian of Congress (IRC member); Stuart Hamilton, student, Brighton, England, researching a paper on "independent libraries"; Lucero Arboleda de Roa, ACURIL president (2000-2001).
See the Appendix for the schedule of activities and a list of some of the Cubans we met.
The idea for a visit came out of the midwinter meetings of the International Relations Committee. The primary impetus was the emerging action plan of the IRC, which includes ambitious goals for forming partnerships especially with neighboring professional associations. In addition, the discussion of "independent libraries" in Cuba during the midwinter meeting also made Cuba a logical starting point as cooperation with ASCUBI was mentioned several times in that discussion as a goal the IRC should embrace. The opportunity to visit and start negotiations with ASCUBI arose out of an invitation to John Berry to give a paper in the plenary session of ACURIL XXXI in Havana. Knowing of IRC's interests, Mr. Berry decided to invite a group of IRC colleagues to join him. In consultation with Jordan Scepanski, two Spanish-speaking IRC colleagues, the incoming IRC chair and IRC's Executive Board liaison, were identified as likely individuals to join in an ad hoc ALA-IRC mission to Cuba. The selected individuals were invited to participate at their own expense.
The purposes of visit were:
· To Attend annual conference of the Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) held in Havana, 2001
· To Establish a working relationship with ASCUBI, the Cuban counterpart to ALA
· To Learn about libraries and librarianship in Cuba, including
· visits to libraries and "Bibliotecas Independientes"
· improving our understanding of library selection policies regarding the writings of Cuban exiles
This report is divided into five sections recommendations to the IRC forming a sixth section.
Part One: ACURIL XXXI: A Report by Barbara Ford
The Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) originated as part of a movement for Caribbean cooperation at the university level, initiated in the late 1960's by the Association of Caribbean Universities (UNICA). UNICA recognized the need for close cooperation among university and research libraries in the region. It sponsored, along with the University of Puerto Rico, the first conference of librarians in university and research libraries of the region in Puerto Rico in 1969. At that conference, an independent Association of Caribbean University and Research Libraries (ACURIL) was voted into existence.
The Association soon recognized that it should embrace all kinds of libraries that traditionally functioned as research libraries. Public libraries, in particular, were effectively base providers of information in many of the small Caribbean countries. There were also a growing number of special libraries in government and other institutions that should be included in the Association. In 1976 the organization was renamed Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries, providing ample space for all information units in the Caribbean.
The objectives of ACURIL are
1) to facilitate development and use of libraries, archives, and information services, and the identification, collection and preservation of information resources in support of the whole range of intellectual and educational endeavors throughout the Caribbean area
2) to strengthen the archival, library and information professions; and
3) to unite information workers and to promote cooperative activities in pursuit of these objectives.
ACURIL has six special interest groups that focus on academic libraries; public and national libraries; school libraries; special libraries; information technologies; and research in the information field.
The main feature of the annual conference is the development of a theme of interest to library and information services in the Caribbean. The XXXI annual ACURIL conference took place in Havana, Cuba with the topic of "The Science of Information in the Face of the Paradigms of the New Millennium: the Revolution of Knowledge and Information Technologies." It was held in commemoration of the centennial of the "Jose Marti" National Library. Papers were presented, workshops were held and provision was made for the discussion of various topics. Two hundred and fifty-five librarians attended the conference from 25 countries (Puerto Rico 67, Cuba 48, Jamaica 21, Martinique 17, United States 17, Guadeloupe 12, Haiti 12, Republica Dominicana 10, Barbados 9, Mexico 8, Trinidad and Tobago 7, Venezuela 6, Bahamas 3, Grenada 2, Holland 2, St. Lucia 2, 1 Aruba 1, Canada 1, Colombia 1, Great Britain 1, Guatemala 1, St. Kitts 1, St. Maarten 1, St. Vincent 1, Spain 1) and during six days of meetings facilitated communication, exchange of information, and cooperative projects.
Simultaneous translations into Spanish, English and French were provided at most of the sessions. The opening sessions featured Lucero Arboleda de Roa, ACURIL's president; Eliades Acosta, director of the Jose Marti National Library; Ross Shimmon, IFLA's secretary general; and John W. Berry, ALA president-elect. The special interest groups met and coordinated workshops at the conference. The annual general meeting provided the opportunity to conduct ACURIL business. Visits to libraries at a number of institutions were also provided for conference participants. The social culture program provided the opportunity to talk informally with other librarians and enjoy a sampling Cuban culture. The conference next year will be held in Jamaica in late May.
ACURIL is the most important library association for libraries in the Caribbean. ACURIL has retained its affiliation with UNICA. It is also affiliated with IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) and has representation on the standing committee for the regional Latin America and Caribbean Division and the International Center for Institutional Research, Exchange and Cooperation in the Caribbean and Latin America (CIRECCA), with which it agrees to collaborate toward the objective of realizing common aims, and to assist in all areas of research and cultural exchange in the Caribbean.
The only source of funding received by the Association is its membership dues. A special income is derived from the conference fee, but the total income is inadequate to meet the cost of organizing annual conference. The local organizing committee must secure external funding and support to hold the conference. The Association depends on the governments and other agencies in host countries to help defray the conference expenses. International funding agencies have assisted and supported the publication of proceedings.
Part Two: ASCUBI, SOCICT and library education: A Report by Nancy John
The Library Association of Cuba (ASCUBI) was founded in 1981. It has been a member of IFLA since 1982. Its current president is Prof. Marta Terry. As of April 2000, ASCUBI had approximately 1100 members from all over Cuba. Members pay an initiation fee of 5-10 pesos (depending on whether they are library technical assistants or professional librarians) and a one peso per month membership fee.
At this time, ASCUBI is organized into chapters for each province and there are no subgroups by type of library or by activity. Before 1994 and the IFLA congress, they had such groups, but since then it has been too difficult to maintain such a complex organization on ASCUBI's limited resources. The leaders would like to establish some subject and library interest groups again.
ASCUBI's executive board is comprised of the President, 2 vice-presidents, 2 speakers and 2 substitutes elected for 4-year terms at the ASCIBU congress. The executive board also serves on the National Council. The chapters each have one representative to the National Council of ASCUBI, the governing board of the association. The representatives of the provinces are selected in provincial pre-congress meetings. The National Council meets twice a year, and ASCUBI has an annual meeting of all its members.
ASCUBI has an active program of social, cultural and professional projects supported primarily by in-kind contributions from organizations such as the National Library and the Cuban Book Institute. They are very proud of Librarian's Day (June 7). The congresses are usually held in Havana. This is because the association has more supporters in Havana to assist them in hosting the meetings.
ASCUBI lacks many of the documents that older professional associations have. They are busy with the work of the association. There is interest in creating a Library Users Proclamation or a Code of Ethics, but the amount of work to keep the organization functioning has kept them from completing these efforts. They also feel that they would have made the effort if they had absolutely needed to have them for some specific purpose. So while they see the value, it just hasn't gotten done.
ASCUBI is very interested in pursuing closer ties to the American Library Association. In particular they believe that ALA can help to support their education programs by providing journal and textbook literature. Their bibliographies are not up-to-date and they would like our help. They are interested in receiving Spanish language editions of any professional materials. They would also be interested in trading translation services for publications and other support.
SOCICT (Sociedad Cubana de Ciencias de la Información / Cuban Society of Information Sciences) was founded in 1985. They have approximately 700 members (350 in Havana). SOCICT holds events, and has thematic subgroups (new technologies, infometrics, archives and information management) and working groups. They have provincial chapters in 5 of the 14 provinces of Cuba. They share some members in common with ASCUBI (and even one Board member) but the two Boards had never meet jointly until the planning for the ALA/IFLA visit. They use their Web page for communication. They have managed some support for members to travel internationally and have attracted international guests to their meetings. Their next major meeting will be held in April 22-26, 2002 (for details:
Library education
Education of librarians and library workers is important in Cuba. The University of Havana has a 5-year program that accepts high-school graduates from all over Cuba. Currently 300 students are enrolled. Students take specialty courses as well as general education. The specialty courses include information processing, services, information management, technology and theoretical studies. A practicum is required for the first 4 years. In the fifth year, the student writes a thesis. There is also a 2-year master's in information science program with 65 students enrolled. The PhD is achieved through research. Students are highly motivated and ASCUBI plays an active role in educating Cuba's librarians. Cuba is building many new libraries and there are not enough librarians to fill the demand, especially for public libraries.
Another program for library assistants is 40 years old. This program not only has students on site in Havana but also sends instructors out into the country to educate library workers in the love of librarianship and the core professional skills. The 2.5-year program has courses to educate archivists, booksellers, library assistants, binders, and typing clerk. All students are high school graduates and qualify through a recruitment exam. There are 70 graduates each year with about 400 students enrolled in the program at any given time. These students also participate in practicums and prepare theses. It also offers continuing education for workers to stay up on current practices.
Part Three: Library Visits to Cuban public libraries, a provincial library, a special library and the National Library Jose Marti: A Report by Alice Calabrese augmented by Patricia Wand
The visiting team had an opportunity to visit the Biblioteca Nacional Jose Marti, Cuba's National Library, and seven other public libraries located in the city of Havana. The libraries are:
Ruben Martinez Villena, en Havana Vieja municipality
Enrique Jose Varona, en Marianao
Maximo Gomez, en Havana Vieja
Rene Oreste Reine, en 10 de Octobre
Manual Cofino Lopez, en Arroyo Naranjo
Jose Marti, en Regla
Instituto Cubano del Libro, en Havana Vieja
The Biblioteca Nacional Jose Marti (Cuba's National Library) collection numbers approximately 3,000,000 items. A very new space for materials for the visually impaired funded by the Spanish was impressive. The library is open to the public.
There are 391 public libraries in Cuba, an average of one for every 26,000 people. The oldest public library was founded 160 years ago. The National Library, founded in 1901, is part of the Ministry of Culture and head of the public library system. The library network includes school, university and special libraries as well.
Each of the 14 provinces has a library that works closely with the National Library. Every municipality has a library, locally funded, and offering extension programs to serve its large population base. Municipal libraries could be likened to a county library with branches. Reciprocity exists among public libraries. Throughout the country, 12 new libraries are being built in four provinces and 16 public libraries are under renovation.
One such library, Maximo Gomez, is being renovated and is located in the busy downtown area of Havana. Founded in 1930, the collection totals 68,000 volumes, currently in a warehouse. Renovation plans include a laboratory for three computers. The staff of this facility is heavily involved in community work. The staff has waited three years for the renovation to be completed. The delegation was impressed that the government chose to keep the location in a vital part of the community and on a very busy thoroughfare.
The Manuel Cofino Lopez Library, with 17 employees, serves a population of 180,000. It was converted from a convent chapel to a municipal library in 1983. With 25,800 volumes and 11,499 titles they have 2,000 readers per month and provide 2,400 services to patrons a month. These services include book checkouts, reference requests, and visits for story hours, among others. The library provides a traveling collection that librarians take out into the community.
The Jose Marti Library, founded in 1959, was moved to its current location in 1995. The library has 15,000 volumes and 8,000 titles; and it is open Monday through Saturday, 8:30 AM to 9 PM. There are 2,000 registered borrowers; and 5,000-6,000 people use the library to study but do not have library cards. Its specialty is its African/Cuban collection because of the community it serves. The donations of construction and technology books from Spain and Portugal form a particular subject strength as well.
General services in each library include an adult reading room, a reference area, a children's room with a story hour area, young adult area, card catalog, reference desk, technical processing area, and staff room. Most of the collections are housed in a closed stack area. Patrons are required to request titles through library staff. Staff delivers the material requested to the patron within a 15-20 minute timeframe.
Staff in all libraries was available to help patrons. In several instances staff helped the delegates locate books that were allegedly banned from Cuban libraries. The works of several authors were researched and found in card catalogs. Several of the titles located in the catalogs were located in the circulation files and were on loan to borrowers. Delegates looked on the shelves for several titles, but they were not available.
Every library was busy when the delegation arrived. Patrons, young and old, were using the libraries and were hard at work on research. Children were reading and writing, using the collections on a Saturday afternoon and groups of school children were using the libraries during weekday visits.
Public Libraries were located in very convenient locations in what would be considered prime real estate. Some were located near a bus stop for public transportation. Facilities were in better condition comparatively than were the collections. Only one public library visited was completely air-conditioned. The infrastructure of the buildings needs upgrading for both air-conditioning and computers.
Internet connections are planned for each public library facility; however, a timeline for this plan was not available. Public access to computers in the libraries was not available but in most libraries staff have at least one computer. Libraries are dependent on the donation of computers from abroad and what they receive run the gamut of 286 through Pentium processors.
A new program, "The Minerva Club," began in 1997 and offers patrons an opportunity to participate in a program they themselves fund. A user fee of $.50 is charged on a yearly basis. Users then pay a fee of $.05 to check out at book and are charged overdue fines. The fees allow newer materials to be purchased for the collection. Of the 160,000 circulations to date in the Minerva Club at the National Library, only 2 books have not been returned. This relatively new program is now operating in 26 libraries and seems to be working well. If it is deemed successful, it may be offered in every public library in Cuba.
Many new public libraries were opened during the 1980's with construction and renovation stopping in 1991. The revival of public library building and renovations began two years ago. Comments from government officials indicated a support of public as well as school libraries. They repeatedly emphasized the importance of the library in a community as part of the national literacy efforts and for life-long learning.
Books in most libraries were in a most delicate state. Many books are older, heavily used, and reside in warm, humid conditions. Very little material has been purchased after 1991. Vertical file materials, frequently supplementing collections, are housed in boxes.
Paper, unavailable from the U.S. and previously purchased from the Soviet Union, now comes from Australia and is at a premium. There are four publishing houses in Cuba whose output has only recently increased to 5 million volumes per year since its drastic drop-off in the early 1990s. Copies of every title published are to be deposited in each of the provincial libraries.
Staff in the libraries visited is able to accomplish a great deal with limited resources. They pride themselves on programming and outreach. Every library has exhibits that include some or all of the following: a gallery of paintings by community members, toy centers, new book displays, Disney graphics on the walls in children's rooms, bibliographic displays of National Book Award winners, pianos, literature from many countries.
Part Four: Visits to "Bibliotecas Independientes": A report by Patricia Wand
One of the several reasons a delegation of ALA members traveled to Cuba was to visit several "Bibliotecas Independientes." The delegates believed that these visits were key to understanding the alleged cases of human rights abuses and censorship reported by Robert Kent and Friends of Cuban Libraries.
Process of visits to private collections:
Representatives of the delegation attempted to contact 9 different "Bibliotecas Independientes" either by phone or by personal visits or both. Listed on the CubaNet Web site and/or recommended by ALA member Robert Kent, all are located in Havana.
Two phone numbers were not connected to the persons listed. Through successful phone connections, the delegation learned that one person no longer had a collection and another had left the country. Upon a visit to one domicile listed as having a collection, the delegation learned that the collection owner had left the country two months before. Delegates visited 4 collections and met with their owners.
Each visit consisted of 4 - 5 delegates, including at least one Spanish-speaking librarian. After introducing themselves as librarians from the U.S. and being invited into the apartments, ALA delegates asked if they could see the collection and talk about the operation of the library. They asked permission to take notes, photograph the collections, videotape, and possibly use the owners' names with quotes. In all cases they were assured that they could.
Delegates pursued answers to the following issues: Collection: Origin, size, condition, and organization? Is the collection classified? Cataloged? Users: Number of readers and borrowers; how are they registered; who are they? Hours of service? How do readers learn of the collection? Signs? Publicity? Are the owners trained librarians? Are the owners users of a local public library? Do owners receive financial compensation for maintaining the collection?
What delegates saw and learned:
In all cases the collection owners were gracious and willing to speak frankly. In one case the owner and her two colleagues, also owners of independent collections and visiting from Las Tunas, said they had heard an ALA delegation was in Havana and would likely be visiting them.
The collections range in size from 200 - 2000 volumes. Most books are older, in Spanish, published in Cuba and comparable to what delegates saw in the Cuban public libraries. The books are not classified or cataloged. They are shelved in modest bookcases in private homes.
New books are arriving as gifts from groups or individuals who bring or ship them from the U.S., Mexico, the Bahamas, and other countries. There is financial support by the U.S. government and by political centers in Miami and other parts of the U.S. Some books are delivered by personnel in the U.S. Interest Section. (Because the U.S. government does not have official diplomatic relations with Cuba, this is the name of the U.S. government presence in the country.) The visitors reviewed a recent shipment of books. It included Spanish translations of U.S. publications such as a pamphlet on the U.S. constitution and works in English such as a university press book entitled Privatization and the welfare state and a copy of the League of Women Voters guide to the 2000 U.S. presidential election. A group called the Centro del Proyecto Bibliotecas Independientes is located in Miami and supports the movement.
All collection owners are self-described "dissidents," "counter-revolutionaries," or members of the "opposition movement." Most have been detained by the Cuban government for several hours or up to several months because of their political activities. When asked, they said that they have been detained because of political activities, not because of their collections. Because the dissidents are part of the opposition movement and all jobs are available through the government, they are unemployed. None of the collectors claim to receive financial compensation for their work with the collections.
The collectors with whom the delegates spoke are not trained librarians nor have they worked in libraries previously. Two of the four collections seen were loosely arranged by Dewey classification, the system used by Cuban public libraries, with the Dewey numbers attached to the shelves. Two other owners apologized for the books being so unorganized and stated that they intend to organize them as soon as possible. One collection owner said she expects to learn more about librarianship in the future.
Two collection owners reported having received notices from customs that books shipped to them were being detained because the content was of questionable value to the country. In both cases, the books were eventually given to them.
When asked if they meet with other "independientes" to discuss the collections, most said that they meet with other dissidents to discuss political activities primarily and only occasionally do they discuss the collections or how to manage them.
In various ways, they explained that they wanted to provide access to information that would be independent of the government. Several said that they sometimes used a public library. One said that she would not give the books to the public library because she thought she would never be able to see or read them again.
People learn about the collections through word-of-mouth, the Internet and Radio Marti. None of the independent collections has a sign on the street and none of them has announced hours of service.
One collector said he has a list of books that was being circulated by friends to prospective readers. He has between 200 and 300 readers and over 300 volumes plus some recent copies of the Washington Post and Time magazine. Another owner said her neighbors will not use the collection, which numbers approximately 2000 volumes, because they are afraid to be associated with her or seen coming into her home. Another collection had 289 volumes with 27 books on loan.
Part Five: Reflections of the Group (written by Patricia Wand)
Cuba is a nation of readers. The literacy rate is said to be about 98% and delegates saw Cubans reading everywhere. Books are cherished and eagerly sought after. Hundreds of public libraries operate throughout the country and books are available for sale on the streets in open-air stalls and in bookstores.
The library profession in Cuba encompasses a highly evolved set of standards, services and expectations that deals with more than the acquisitions of books. Basic components of a library include trained librarians, a catalog of a classified collection, selection of titles based on the library's mission, reference service, announced hours of service, and an outdoor sign announcing its presence. These characteristics of a library assure the widest possible use of a collection.
The public library system in Cuba received a major impetus in the 1980s and has grown significantly. In each of the 14 provinces there are provincial libraries that work with the National Library, although they are not in its direct control. Each municipality maintains a municipal library. Extension services, for example, rotating collections and programs to hospitals, community centers, and the like, are active in most municipal libraries.
Numerous Cuban librarians assured the delegates that their selection policy is not censured and that only financial resources limit access to books. They also asserted that the U.S. embargo prohibits many books, as well as the money to acquire them, from reaching their shores. They emphasized that they were free to put any title into their libraries that they received or could afford to buy. Upon our return to the U.S., members of the delegation did further research on the embargo and discovered, in Sec. 515.206 Exempt transactions, that:
(a) Information and informational materials. (1) The importation from any country and the exportation to any country of information or informational materials as defined in Sec. 515.332, whether commercial or otherwise, regardless of format or medium of transmission, are exempt from the prohibitions and regulations of this part except for payments owed to Cuba for telecommunications services between Cuba and the United States, which are subject to the provisions of Sec. 515.542.
[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 31, Volume 2, Parts 200 to END] [Revised as of July 1, 1999] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 31CFR515.542]
As in most countries, Cuban libraries shelve their unique titles in closed stacks. When they own duplicate copies, they put them out into the open shelves where readers can browse. This practice may be considered by some readers as a form of censorship even though it is routinely practiced in thousands of libraries around the world.
Delegates checked card catalogs for the work of several writers whose books are allegedly "banned" in Cuba. Several of them were found listed in the card catalogs of different libraries and in one case, a reader had checked out the book only a few days earlier.
Because 'the U.S. embargo' impedes access to books published in the U.S. and elsewhere, Cuba has re-developed an active publishing industry. It supports 4 publishing houses that publish the work of Cuban writers and researchers as well as that of international writers whose work they can secure copyright permission to publish.
The private collections are being developed in an effort to establish non-government sponsored collections so that Cuban readers will have alternative access to information. Because dissidents are maintaining the independent collections, the effort is seen as a political movement working against the government and the public libraries.
Considering the small readership of the private collections and the lack of trained librarians, if the U.S. government wishes to get information into the hands of the Cuban people, the most effective way is to deliver books directly to the extensive and active public library system.
By the same token, if the Cuban government wishes to make information available without censorship, it will allow the independent collections to operate without interference.
Part Six: Recommendations
The ALA visiting team has developed the following recommendations for the ALA International Relations Committee to consider.
1) That the ALA International Relations Committee prepares a memorandum of agreement for ALA and ASCUBI to cooperate
a) To share professional publications and expertise;
b) To report information about the other's association;
c) To identify ways to share Cuban and U.S. publications to strengthen collections in both countries.
2) That the ALA encourages ASCUBI and offers assistance in preparing a variety of professional policies that reflect the professional values of the Cuban library community, e.g. a code of ethics, a reader's rights statement, an open selection policy.
3) That the ALA Library Information and Technology Association (LITA) International Relations Committee prepares a memorandum of agreement for LITA and SOCICT to cooperate and to identify specific goals of cooperation.
4) That ALA and ASCUBI jointly prepare a resolution for the IFLA 2001 Council meeting opposing all government policies that restrict access to information, including the U.S. economic embargo/blockade and laws in either country that contribute to censorship.
5) That the ALA IRO provides information for ALA members on legal ways to travel to Cuba on ALA's Web site and collect information about existing U.S.-Cuba information exchange activities.
6) That ALA encourages its members to send books and journals to the libraries of Cuba, especially those in the Spanish language.
Schedule of the visit:
Wednesday, May 23 - Recibimiento en el Aeropuerto Internacional "José Martí"
Thursday, May 24
9:30 a.m. - Visita a la Biblioteca Nacional José Martí. Encuentro de trabajo con su colectivo de dirección.
11:30 a.m. - Reunión con el ejecutivo de la Asociación Cubana de Bibliotecarios (ASCUBI)
3:00 p.m. - Visita al Instituto de Documentación e Información Científico-Técnica (IDICT). Encuentro de trabajo con su colectivo de dirección.
4:30 p.m. - Reunión con el ejecutivo de la Sociedad Cubana de Información Científico-Técnica (SOCIT)
Friday, May 25
9:30 a.m. - Visita al Museo de la Alfabetización. Ciudad Escolar Libertad
11:30 a.m. Encuentro con el consejo de editores de la Unión Nacional de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (UNEAC)
3:00 p.m. - Visita al Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA). Encuentro con representantes de los centros de formación profesional (Escuela de Técnicos en Bibliotecología y Facultad de Comunicación Social, Universidad de La Habana)
5:00 p.m. Visita al Ministerio de Cultura
Saturday May 26
10:00 a.m. - Sábado del Libro. Recorrido por el Casco Histórico de La Habana Vieja. Visita a la Biblioteca Provincial Rubén Martínez Villena Independent libraries visits
9:00 p.m. - Encuentro con intelectuales representantes de la Sociedad Cubana de Amigos del Libro (SCAL) y otras ONSs que promueven la literatura cubana.
Sunday May 27
10:00 a.m. - Visita al Museo Hemingway, Finca La Vigía. San Francisco de Paula.
7:00 p.m. - opening of ACURIL
Monday May 28
Independent libraries visits
4:30 p.m. Visit with Presidente Ricardo Alarcon de Quesada, Asamblea nacional del poder popular
Tuesday, May 29
Visits to public libraries
Independent libraries visits
Some of the Cuban individuals with whom we met:
Presidente Ricardo Alarcon de Quesada, Asamblea nacional del poder popular
Asesor Presidente Miguel Alvarez Sanchez, Asamblea nacional del poder popular
Lic. Rita Pages Hernandez, Directora, Biblioteca y Centro de Documentacion, Republica de Cuba, Asamblea nacional del poder popular
Ministry of culture
Viceministro Ismael Gonzalez, Ministerio de Cultura
Dir. Departmento Norte Americano, Jorge Gonzalez
Lic. Estrella S. Morejon Leyva, J. Colaboracion, Union de Escritores y Artisitas de Cuba (UNEAC)
Olga Marta Perez, Subdirectora, Ediciones UNION, Union de Escritores y Artisitas de Cuba (UNEAC)
Instituto Superior de Arte:
Dra. Ana Maria Gonzalez Mafud, Rectora, Instituto Superior de Arte:
Lic. Eliades Acosta Matos, Director, Biblioteca nacional Jose Marti
Lic. Marcia Medina Cruzata, Subdirectora, Biblioteca nacional Jose Marti
Lic. Maria Elena Gutierrez Delgado, Information Exchange Specialist, Biblioteca nacional Jose Marti
Lic. Marta Terry, former Director, Biblioteca nacional Jose Marti and Director, Library, Camara Cubana del Libro
Lic. Nicolas Garriga Mednez, Director, IDICT
Lic. Enrique Suarz Zarabozo, Director Desarrollo Organizacional, IDICT
Lic. Elia Matos Garcia, IDICT and Secretary, SOCICT
Lic. Pedro Luis Suarez Sosa, J. Dpto de Informacion Cientifico-tecnica, Instituto de Literatura y Linguistica "Jose Antonio Portundo Valdor", and Treasurer, SOCICT
Porf. Gloria Pomjuan Dante, Faculty of Communication, University of Havana
Lic. Margarita Hung Fernandez, Especialista, Camara Cubana del Libro
Owners of "Bibliotecas Independientes":
Rogelio Travieso Perez
Leonardo Miguel Bruzo
Estrella Garcia
Gisella Delgado Sablon
Ramon Colas
Berta Mexidor
Lic. Michael Rodriguez, Interpreter