Call for ALA Representative to U.S. National Commission of UNESCO


The ALA representative to U.S. National Commission of UNESCO will serve a two-year term (eligible for one term reappointment). The service term will be from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2020. Deadline: September 1, 2018.

U.S. National Commission of UNESCO

The U.S. National Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization is a Federal Advisory Committee to the Department of State that supports worldwide humanitarian development and values by coordinating efforts and delivering expert advice from the federal, state, and local governments and from non-governmental organizations on issues of education, science, communications, and culture.

The National Commission is comprised of up to 100 members appointed by the Secretary of State. The membership will include up to 60 representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 10 United States government officials, 15 representatives of the interests of state and local governments, and up to 15 individuals at large.

In 2004 the United States, after a twenty year absence, rejoined as a member of UNESCO. Each member state of UNESCO creates a national advisory commission. Before 1984, ALA had always been a member of the U.S. National Commission of UNESCO. ALA was not initially invited back as member, but in spring 2010, ALA was again invited back as a member. The International Relations Committee is seeking qualified individuals to serve in this critical role.


UNESCO focuses, on a number of overarching objectives:

Criteria for Representative

1. Representative has demonstrated active participation in the American Library Association.

2. Representative should have had broad library experience and substantial knowledge of the profession.

3. Representative should have knowledge in and experience with U.S. library issues and international library issues.

4. Representative should have strong interpersonal skills and have broad contacts in the library community.

5. Representative must be able to attend the annual meeting of the Commission in Washington, D.C. (late spring or early summer).

6. Representative must actively participate on Commission business throughout the year, which is primarily via email with an occasional conference calls

7. Representative does not receive travel or other financial assistance from ALA.

8. Representative must be able not only to attend sessions, but also have the skills to articulate and promote the value of libraries to fellow representatives.

9. Representative must provide biannual reports to ALA through the International Relations Committee and the International Relations Office.

Selection Process

Review and Recommendation by ALA International Relations Committee to ALA Executive Board.


Submit a letter of Interest and résumé/CV to the International Relations Office no later than September 1, 2018.


Mail to:

International Relations Office

American Library Association

50 East Huron Street

Chicago, IL 60611