IFLA-Cape Town Book Project


Gift a Book and Change a Life

IFLA Delegates

Share the joy of reading and discovery through books with Cape Town’s children and youth! Support the Cape Town Book Project that will culminate at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) annual conference in August 2015.
The ALA-IRC Africa Subcommittee in partnership with the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA) and the IFLA Section Libraries for Children and Young Adults, call for books to be gifted to Cape Town’s children and youth.  We are asking each delegate to either: 


  • bring along a book
  • purchase a book upon arrival at a local book store
  • or make an advance online purchase


The Book Donations Box will be at the LIASA stand in the South African Hub at the exhibition, stand number G110, for the duration of the exhibition: Sunday afternoon, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday until 13:00 hrs when we will have a ceremony to hand over our collection to LIASA for distribution to the public library service, schools and community centers in the Cape Town area. The ceremony will be held at the LIASA stand. We are looking forward to seeing you there.


Thank you for your participation!

For comments or queries:

Laverne Page
Chair, ALA IRC Africa Subcommittee
Email:  mpag@loc.gov  or mspage2219@yahoo.com