Library Paraprofessional Job Classifications, Wage Information, and Employment Statistics

library support staff resource center

Listings are by country:



United States



Occupational Outlooks

Working in Canada from Human Resources Development Canada:

United States

Occupational Outlooks

Bureau of Labor Statistics

America's Career InfoNet

Reports of Aging of the Library Profession

Salary Information

  • ALA-APA Salary Survey

  • State Salary Comparisons: Librarians, Library Technicians, and Library Assistants, 2000 data, compiled by Martha Parsons. PDF | Excel

American Library Association Policy Statement

In 1970, ALA adopted the policy statement known as "Library Education and Personnel Utilization." Its purpose is "to recommend categories of library personnel, and levels of training and education appropriate to the preparation of personnel for these categories." This statement offers a consistent terminology for library staff and a sketching of appropriate duties and education for different categories.

Academic Libraries Job Classifications

Federal Libraries Job Classifications

Public Libraries Job Classifications

School Libraries