

Compass; Logo of ALA Chapter Relations Office

“Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation.”―Walter Cronkite

| Advocacy for Chapters | Answers | See Also: Subscriptions and Social Media to Learn More about Chapters, ALA, and Events |

Advocacy for Chapters

The Chapter Relations Office supports ALA's library advocacy efforts by tracking state and federal legislation affecting libraries and by working with the Office for Library Advocacy, the Communications and Marketing Office, the ALA Washington Office, Office of Government Relations, I Love Libraries, other ALA units, and other groups. See also other ALA Offices, units that also address broad interests and issues of concern to ALA members, libraries, and the general public. Below are select advocacy resources created by the Chapter Relations Office, by another office specifically for the Chapters, or of interest to advocacy and Chapters..

Advocacy Resources for Chapters

Find out ways to support your libraries and ALA's and Chapter's library advocacy efforts.

Chapter Advocacy Exchange

Free webinars presented by the ALA Chapter Relations Office and the ALA Office for Library Advocacy, primarily designed to assist Chapters.

Engage, advocacy software ALA provides to Chapters

Each ALA Chapter has a website that includes how to advocate and take action for libraries.

Find Your Answers

Of the numerous pages to access information about the ALA and Chapters partnership and resources, and answers related to Chapters, this is the page to bookmark and refer to first.

Fund Libraries

Contact your members of Congress today and urge them to protect library funding. Let them know how important these centers of literacy, access, lifelong education and learning are to your community.

Get Involved

Visit this page to get involved in Chapters (aka state library associations) in a professional capacity (e.g., librarian, library worker, or library student), as the press, or as the general public.

Helping United States Libraries After Disasters

If you think the ALA can help libraries affected by natural disasters in any way toward recovery, please contact the CRO.

Libraries Transform. Designed to increase public awareness of the value, impact and services provided by libraries and library professionals, the Libraries Transform campaign will ensure there is one clear, energetic voice for our profession. Showcasing the transformative nature of today’s libraries and elevating the critical role libraries play in the digital age. See also the Libraries Transform Toolkit, specifically the State Chapters Toolkit, free Libraries Transform public awareness tools specifically for ALA state chapters in order to facilitate library advocates’ vital work at the state level.

Save Libraries in Your State

Links to websites, blogs, pages on Facebook, etc., dedicated to advocating for libraries or saving libraries in a state, and more.

State and Local Resources

State and local advocacy resources throughout ALA.

State Chapters Toolkit

Free Libraries Transform public awareness tools specifically for ALA state chapters in order to facilitate library advocates’ vital work at the state level.

Take Action for Libraries

Links to where you can take action for the libraries in your state, as well as to take action on federal legislation affecting libraries, and more.

Webinars and Other Presentations Sponsored by the Chapter Relations Office

Free webinars on advocacy and other topics, conducted by the ALA Chapter Relations Office..


CRO Answers

Information and resources related to the Chapter Relations Office.

Chapter Answers

Information and resources for and about Chapters.

Chapter Councilor Answers

Information and resources for and about ALA Chapter Councilors.

Student Chapter Answers

Information and resources for and about ALA Student Chapters.

See Also: Subscriptions and Social Media to Learn More about Chapters, ALA, and Events


An e-newsletter from the ALA Washington Office for the purpose of keeping library advocates up to date on major legislative issues in the Nation's Capital that affect libraries and librarians.

District Dispatch

The District Dispatch blogs about library policy news from the American Library Association Washington Office.

Money Smart Week

CRO encourages libraries nationwide to offer financial literacy programming to help patrons better manage personal finances.

Social Networking, Membership Blogs, ALA Connect, and ALA Electronic Discussion Lists

Links for following CRO on Facebook and Twitter, subscribing to ALA e-lists, ALA Connect, and ALA member and ALA student member blogs.

Subscribe to the ALA Action Center

When it comes to moving Congress, there's strength in numbers. Make sure to share this opportunity with your friends!