Action Summary - ALA Executive Board
During the ALA
2008 Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, the ALA Executive Board took the following actions:
By consent, approved the agenda for the 2007 Midwinter ALA Executive Board Meeting (2007-2008 EBD #9.2). Consent
By consent, accepted the following reports: President’s Report, 2007-2008 EBD #7.1; President-elect’s Report, 2007-2008 EBD #7.5; Executive Director’s Report, 2007-2008 EBD #12.6; Office for Research & Statistics Report, 2007-2008 EBD #12.22; Advocacy Report, 2007-2008 EBD #12.10; Campaign for America’s Libraries Report, 2007-2008 EBD #12.14; and Media Relations Report, 2007-2008 EBD #12.18. Consent Agenda
By consent, approved the 2007 ALA Executive Board Fall Meeting minutes, and the corresponding Vote Tally (2007-2008 EBD #2.1.1 and EBD #1.5). Consent
Voted that the Executive Board approve the socially responsible list of companies as listed in Board document EBD 6.1. EBD #6.1
Voted, on the recommendation of the Finance & Audit committee, to approve the Ernst & Young audit as reflected in the 2007-2008 EBD #4.16. Audit Approval
Voted, on the recommendation of the Finance & Audit committee, to approve the revised ALA Investment Policy EBD #13.4 as approved by the Trustees on 1/4/08 with the deletion of a title change for the Senior Trustee. EBD #13.4
Voted to approve the Skeleton Schedules for the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference in 2009 as amended. EBD #12.35
Voted, on the recommendation of the Finance & Audit committee, to approve the ALA President-Elect (Jim Rettig’s) Proposed Budget for Presidential Initiatives, 2008-09, and recommend approval to the Executive Board. EBD #7.8
Voted that the President create a presidential Task Force to review the guidelines for endorsing candidates for office and present a status report at Annual Conference 2008 with the aim to provide guidance on the election process by the Fall, 2008 Executive Board meeting. Election Guidelines