Organizational Overview
The Association consists of the following organizational entities:
- Council , the governing body of ALA comprised of no fewer than 177 members: 100 elected at large; 53 by chapters; 11 by divisions; and at least one round table councilor.
- Executive Board manages the affairs of ALA; comprised of the elected officers, the immediate past president, and eight (8) members elected by Council from among the members of that body.
- ALA and Council Committees , responsible for areas affecting all library and Association concerns. Number varies from year to year.
- Divisions , 8 units, each responsible for a specified area of concern; each with an elected board of directors, and such committees and sections as are required to accomplish the division's goals.
- Round Tables , 19 units, each with an elected governing body, composed of members of the Association interested in the same field of librarianship not within the scope of any division.
- Membership Initiative Groups (MIGs) are groups of ALA members that have identified a common concern or interest about librarianship which falls outside the delegated responsibility of a single division, roundtable, or unit, and wishes to establish a short-term mechanism to address this concern or interest.
- Chapters , 57 autonomous units, each with its own elective structure, responsible for the promotion of library service and librarianship within its geographic area.
- Affiliate Organizations , 25 autonomous national or international organizations having purposes similiar to ALA's and requesting affiliation.
- Headquarters Staff : approximately 270 employees, under the direction of an executive director who serves at the pleasure of the Executive Board.
The listing of the ALA Organizational Chart.