The CSK-Virginia Hamilton Award for Lifetime Achievement Jury consists of five members who serve two years, selected by election and appointment. Terms run summer-to-summer, beginning at the end of the Annual Conference year of the election/appointment.
Greetings and welcome to the “Archives & History” page of the Coretta Scott King Book Awards Round Table. The Archives and History Committee’s charge is to maintain the historical records of the Coretta Scott King Book Awards. We collaborate with the
The Coretta Scott King Book Awards Round Table (CSKBART) Executive Board, consisting of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Standing Committee Chairs, oversees the election and
The Coretta Scott King Book Awards Jury consists of seven members serving staggered terms to ensure continuity; three of which are appointed by the CSK Committee Chair in odd years (2015, 17...); the remaining four members are elected by the CSK Committee
Book Grant Standing Committee Establish eligibility and selection criteria for the grant. Develop the selection process and determine the recipients Develop a publicity plan to promote the program and the recipients. The Chair of the Committee shall
Be responsible for implementing the duties needed to prepare for the breakfast program. Secure local committee members to execute duties of this committee Work with the Anniversary Committee during the anniversary celebration year Work with the Marketing
Work with PR/Fundraising Committee to devise ways for increasing the visibility and awareness of the CSK Book Awards and programs through advertisements in appropriate magazines, association newsletters, and other media. Steward the CSK Book Awards brand
(The Membership Committee Chair) serves as one of the contact persons on the CSK Book Awards website. (The Membership Committee Chair or designee) sends a welcome letter to each new CSK member. Maintain a current membership list inclusive of name, address
Develop the slate of officers as outlined in Article IV of bylaws Work closely with the CSK Book Awards Executive Board Chair Work closely with the EMIERT staff liaison Review the membership list to offer opportunities for involvement by interested and
Plan CSK Book Awards program activities excluding the CSK breakfast program. Work with the Breakfast Committee Chair on possible community programs during ALA Annual. Shall coordinate program implementation with the ALA staff liaison (Coretta Scott King