Chapter Management
Chapters share with each other how they address this issue. The discussion is sorted alphabetically by state library association (Chapter).
For other issues and links to other Chapter resources, visit Chapter Issues.
See also The ALA and Chapters Partnership, descriptions about how the ALA and ALA Chapters partnership works and Chapter Answers.
State Chapters
| AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY | Mountain Plains | Pacific Northwest | New England | Southeastern | Guam | Virgin Islands |
Alabama Library Association
Alaska Library Association
The Alaska Library Association has only a part-time executive administrator, contracted for handling membership, online elections, and producing our membership directory. She recently switched us over from RegOnline to Avectra. We only have a couple hundred members and membership is moderately stable.
This year we also hired a part-time bookkeeper to assist our treasurer. Once we hired an event planner to help us with our conference; otherwise the conference coordinator is an elected position that produces great little conferences with herculean effort from a local arrangements committee.
All of these contracts do not amount to a full-time employee. They are project-driven so there are no regular hours. The executive position works primarily with the Executive Council, particularly the President, and the bookkeeper works with the treasurer.
Arizona Library Association
Arkansas Library Association
California Library Association
Colorado Association of Libraries
The Colorado Association of Libraries had a full-time business manager from 2002-January 8, 2010. During 2009, we went through the RFP process for an association management company, and they began for us in February, 2010. We just signed the contract for our fourth year with them, and they are responsible for broad areas of our association management, like:
-Membership Services;
-General Administration and Leadership Support;
-Meeting and Event Management;
-Financial Operations and Management (though we do have an appointed Treasurer on the Board); and
-General Events Support.
Connecticut Library Association
Delaware Library Association
District of Columbia Library Association
Florida Library Association
Georgia Library Association
Hawaii Library Association
Idaho Library Association
Illinois Library Association
Indiana Library Federation
Iowa Library Association
Kansas Library Association
Kentucky Library Association
Kentucky also contracts with a management association and we have been very pleased with the company, the executive secretary and the services they provide. I don't know how we would do all we do without them.
Louisiana Library Association
Maine Library Association
Maryland Library Association
Massachusetts Library Association
Michigan Library Association
Minnesota Library Association
The Minnesota Library Association also contracts with a management association and have found it very worth the cost. We get a broader and deeper range of skills and resources, provided by multiple people and licenses in their organization, while still having a primary contact (who is called our Executive Director).
Mississippi Library Association
Missouri Library Association
Montana Library Association
Nebraska Library Association
Nevada Library Association
New Hampshire Library Association
New Jersey Library Association
New Mexico Library Association
New York Library Association
North Carolina Library Association
Our Executive Assistant is full time although we allow a bit of flex time as we depend upon her so much for our biennial conference and her hours can really pile up in the months just prior to that while they can wain a bit in the "off" year.
She maintains the office and the membership database as well as member services. She assumes the bulk of the pre registration load for our biennial conference and assists with the off-year workshops and events hosted by our various divisions and subcommittees. She coordinates the quarterly Executive Board meetings for the President, assists with the off-conference year Leadership Institute and is a critical member of the Conference Planning Committee, from site selection, through planning and execution, all the way to evaluation. She makes deposits on behalf of the association but the Treasurer is the only person who can issue and sign checks. The Executive Assistant also has use of the Association's credit card, under the oversight of the Treasurer and the Operations Committee Chair. The EA reports directly to the Chair of the Operations Committee who has a non voting seat on the Board and the EA is the right hand for both the sitting President and the President Elect (who is also conference chair prior to assuming the Presidency).
North Dakota Library Association
Ohio Library Council
Oklahoma Library Association
Oregon Library Association
Oregon contracts with an individual to provide the following:
1) financial support (makes deposits and writes checks on a weekly basis, provides monthly financial reports using Quickbooks, works closely with association treasurer on financial activities),
2) assists with conference/workshops registrations (using Memberclicks),
3) web page support (using Memberclicks software),
4) membership/database management (again using Memberclicks software) and
5) receives all association mail and email for response or re-routing to approproiate association officer, etc..
Annual conference is planned and managed by a Conference Committee made up of OLA members (site selection, speaker(s), programming, etc. done by committee).
A personal services contract was established in place of hiring an employee. Reduces payroll tax obligations, etc.
If you would like to speak with our OLA President, Michele Burke (, regarding the effectiveness of this arrangement.
Pennsylvania Library Association
Rhode Island Library Association
In Rhode Island we have a secretary and treasurer who take care of bills and maintain our membership database. We have no paid staff.
South Carolina Library Association
South Dakota Library Association
Tennessee Library Association
Texas Library Association
Utah Library Association
Vermont Library Association
Virginia Library Association
Washington Library Association
West Virginia Library Association
Wisconsin Library Association
Wyoming Library Association
Regional chapters, Guam, and Virgin Islands
| Mountain Plains | Pacific Northwest | New England | Southeastern |
| Guam | Virgin Islands |