ALA Committee Information Update Report
Every ALA or Council Committee Chair should semiannually submit a report of its committee’s plans, activities, and accomplishments. Each committee will prepare a report in a form that most effectively conveys information that should be shared with and made available to elected leaders and members.
Reports should be submitted to Marsha Burgess, staff liaison to the ALA Committee on Organization (COO) ( (Make sure you also copy your staff liaison.)
Upon receipt, reports are posted to the ALA website.
Each committees report will vary, depending on the committee. Below are some possible things to include:
• Accomplishments
• Planned activities
• Issues that affect the committee’s work and their implications for the future
• Interactions with other units within ALA
• Relationship of the committee’s work to the ALA strategic plan
• Current level of committee members’ involvement (more substantive than an attendance roll)
• Committee self-check on its value and viability (update charge, discontinue committee, consolidate with another, change structure, other observations)
• Other issues of each committee’s own devising
Reports are due within a month of the close of the Midwinter Meetings and Annual Conferences. Reports to the ALA Council that present items for the Council's action fulfill this requirement and will be linked to from the Committee Reports page on the ALA website. Those reports, however, need not be limited to action items.
This page was created under the direction of the ALA Training, Orientation and Leadership Development Committee (TOLD). For additional assistance, comments or questions please contact the committee's staff liaison, Lorelle Swader.