2021 Sharjah International Library Conference-Recordings

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Recorded opening session and keynote speaker: https://vimeo.com/event/1481092

Please click on the list of videos on the right-hand side to see Welcoming Session-Ahmed Al Ameri, Chairman, Sharjah Book Authority,Opening Keynote, Dr. Carla Hayden, Librarian of Congress, Library of Congress, and Keynote speaker Patty Wong, ALA President.

Recordings (recordings will be uploaded as received by presenters)

Session A (concurrent programs)

Libraries in the MENA Region During Covid and Beyond (begins at 1:49 minutes)

AFLI President Alsereihy provides a review of the AFLI survey of how libraries in the MENA Region have responded during the pandemic, and his analysis on what it means for the libraries and library associations in the region moving forward.

Presenter: Dr. Hassan A. Alsereihy, Department of Information Science King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and President of the Arab Federation for Libraries & Information (AFLI)

Helping Students Cope and Recover through Bibliotherapy

The pandemic has been especially hard on students at all levels. Bibliotherapy can be used in school libraries as educational institutions in helping students overcome their educational and personal difficulties. The presentation defines bibliotherapy; what it is, and through examples its importance and benefits.

Presenter: Dr. Huda Abbas, Director of Library and Research, King's Academy,Madaba – Manja, Jordan

Session B (concurrent programs)

“..Go Together!” — The Critical Role of Libraries in Fostering Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and Closing the Information and Digital Divide (begins at hour 2:38)

Presenter: Tracie Hall, Executive Director, American Library Association

School Librarians of the Year: Sharing Stories, Lessons, and Keys to Successes

This year’s recipients of the School Librarian of the Year Awards*, organized by the Emirates Literature Foundation, will show you how they created successful school library programs.

Presenters: Hind Salem Alateeqi,School Librarian, Khalifa City School, Abu Dhabi; Sonia Alnahawi, School Librarian, Aspen Heights British School, Abu Dhabi

Session C (concurrent programs)

Libraries and Skill Audits

The pandemic and adaptions to library services has highlighted the need for performing a skills audit to identify the gaps in knowledge in the organization. Learn from about the steps and benefits of a skills audit and how it sets out a road map for the organization and individual staff.

Presenter: Stuart Hamilton, Head of Libraries Development at the Local Government Management Agency, Ireland

Serving the Visually Impaired

Presenter: Dr. Fatma Elzahraa Mohamed Abdo, Library and Assistive Technology consultant, American University in Cairo. Egypt

Session D (concurrent programs)

Cataloging in Arabic with the new RDA

Catalogers in the MENA region and around the world have been waiting for the Arabic translation of RDA. It’s now available as part of the new RDA Toolkit. Learn how it will change your abilities to catalog. This presentation will also provide updates on changes coming to the Arabic DDC. A must program for catalogers and others.

Presenter: Rania Osman, Head of Library of the Future Section, Innovation, Research, and Technology Directorate, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt

Library as Place and Space: Adjusting during Covid and Beyond

Hear how the American University of Sharjah (AUS) Library has utilized LibQUAL+ Lite from the Association of Research Libraries that helps libraries assess and improve library services, change organizational culture, and market the library during COVID and plans for beyond.

Presenter: Kara Jones, University Librarian, American University of Sharjah

Public Engagement During the Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities

The Qatar National Library rapidly modified and developed its service to meet the needs of its community during the pandemic. Many of these services will continue after the pandemic. Learn how to be successful in engaging a wider community.

Presenter: Abeer Al Kuwari, Director, Research & Learning Services, Qatar National Library

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Session E (concurrent programs)

Faculty-Librarian Collaborations: Integrating the Information Literacy Framework into Disciplinary Courses

Librarians and faculty need to work together now more than ever to help prepare students for success in the classroom and beyond. Building off ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education, Stöpel provides effective approaches to reach, convince, and partner with faculty to develop curriculum that integrates information literacy into the disciplines.

Presenter: Michael Stöpel, User Services Librarian for the American University of Paris.

Creating Globally Aware Students to Face the Challenges Ahead

Presenter: Kadijah Ali Al-Saeed, School Librarian, Nadeen International School, Bahrain

Public e-Library Challenges and Initiatives: Ithra Library Practical Experience

Ebooks are a great option for many users in your community. But as a newer service how do you make it a successful addition to your collection offerings. Learn from the experiences of the Ithra Library at Saudi Aramco in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Presenter: Mohamed Farghaly, Technical Services, King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture, Ithra Library, Saudi Aramco, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Keynote- Patty Wong, ALA President Director, Santa Clara City Library

Telling the Technical Services Story: Communicating Value

Technical Services isn’t the hidden discipline it once was. Despite some cross-departmental interaction, misconceptions about the work are all too common. It’s incumbent on technical services staff to take a proactive approach by communicating to others their value to the library and institutional mission. This session spotlights successful initiatives and gives you the guidance to bolster communication within departments, across the library, and campus-wide.

Presenter: Rebecca L. Mugridge, Dean of University Libraries, University at Albany, New York

Strategic Partnerships Move Libraries Forward

Libraries need to continue to expand their partnerships to succeed in their mission. Learn how the Library Department of Department of Culture and Tourism in Abu Dhabi has partnered with local and federal entities, community groups, NGO’s to respond collaboratively during the Covid19 health crisis with both sides benefiting from the partnership. The Library Department’s proactive approach to partnership has increased awareness of the value of libraries during the pandemic. The main strategies can be adapted for all types of libraries within their communities.

Presenters : Salma Alrezaiqi, Branch Libraries Manager, Abu Dhabi Department for Culture and Tourism;

Juma Al Dhaheri, Manager Zayed Central Library in Al Ain, Department of Culture and Tourism

Government Libraries- Vital Resources

Government agency libraries of all types have always been important for providing research, data, and report to government officials to make sound decisions, and to provide government information to the public. This has been even more vital during the pandemic. How are government libraries responding and how can they work collaborative with others in the library community.

Presenter: Julius Jefferson, Jr., Immediate Past-President, ALA.

Digitizing Your Valuable Collections for the World: Creating, Teaching, and Promoting Heritage and Community Collections (two presentations)

During the crisis many libraries are transforming important physical collections into dynamic digital ones to share beyond the library walls. Learn from the Kurdish Heritage Archival Project in Kurdistan, Iraq and The American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR) in Jordan procedures and tools, and also insights into engaging new audiences through innovative outreach. And how partnerships with museums and others can assist in training staff new skills, and how staff can train the public and others (students, faculty) for their projects.

Presenters: Amed Demirhan, General Manager/Director Barzani National Memorial Erbil, Kurdistan Federal Region, Iraq;

Ryder Kouba, Librarian and Archivist, American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR), Amman, Jordan.