Knapp School Libraries Project begins, continuing to 1974.
"The Knapp School Libraries Project that was developed in the 1960s to create model libraries in elementary and secondary schools by upgrading their materials and qualified personnel. Visits from librarians, educators, students, and community members that helped disseminate the model libraries' characteristics are discussed." Read more from ERIC
"In 1963 the Knapp School Libraries Project was established to create model school library media centers across the country. The first priority was to upgrade school libraries to meet the 1960 standards focusing on professional staff and materials rather than on facilities. Funds were used to expand and renovate hundreds of school libraries.
Seeing the value of model school libraries, some states began establishing their own model school programs. In 1967, The School Library and the Instructional Program, A Report on Phase I of the Knapp School Libraries Project by Peggy Sullivan was published. She noted a high turnover in personnel that went on to establish their own exemplary libraries.
In 1968 the School Library Manpower project was established within the Knapp Foundation. It focused on the roles and job functions of school library personnel and provided recommendations for implementing experimental school library media education programs. The project continued until 1974." Read more from the History of Libraries
The results from the first phase were published by ALA in 1967. The second phase continued focusing on elementary school library programs adding more schools for demonstration. Phase three focused on secondary schools instead of the elementary schools of earlier focus. Read more from the Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science