School Library Research (SLR)
School Library Research (ISSN: 2165-1019) is the scholarly refereed research journal of the American Association of School Librarians. It is the successor to School Library Media Research (ISSN: 1523-4320) and School Library Media Quarterly Online.
The purpose of School Library Research is to promote and publish high quality original research concerning the management, implementation, and evaluation of school library programs. The journal will also emphasize research on instructional theory, teaching methods, and critical issues relevant to school libraries and school librarians.
SLR seeks to distribute major research findings worldwide through both electronic publication and linkages to substantive documents on the Internet. The primary audience for SLR includes academic scholars, school librarians, instructional specialists and other educators who strive to provide a constructive learning environment for all students and teachers.
SLR is indexed by The Education Full Text Database by EBSCO/Wilson and by the The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC).
All material in SLR is subject to copyright by ALA and may be reproduced only for the noncommercial purpose of educational or scientific advancement.
New research for Volume 27 is now available.
- Wright, K. E., Koz, O., & Moore, J. (2024). The Evolving Roles of School Librarians during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study. School Library Research, 27.
- Colvin, K., & Croft, M. (2024). Indicators of Successful School Librarian and Teacher Collaboration: A Phenomenology. School Library Research, 27.
- Bowman, R. (2024). Good Intentions and Poor Collections: The Attitudes of School Librarians in One Southeastern State on Trans Material and Library Holdings. School Library Research, 27.
- Moore, J. & Tudor A. (2024). To Add or Not to Add: An Examination of Self-Censoring Behaviors Among School Librarians. School Library Research, 27.