ABC-CLIO Leadership Grant

The ABC-CLIO Leadership Grant is given to school library associations that are AASL Chapters for planning and implementing leadership programs at the state, regional, or local levels.

Sponsored by ABC-CLIO ABC CLIO Logo

Monetary Amount: up to $1,750

The current award cycle has ended. The award applications will open on September 1, 2026.


The ABC-CLIO Leadership Grant is given to school library associations that are AASL Chapters for planning and implementing leadership programs at the state, regional, or local levels.

Possibilities include programs that:

  1. Involve new members;
  2. Train on-going leaders;
  3. Prepare school librarians to be building or district level leaders;
  4. Encourage collaboration among organizations.

New ideas and approaches to leadership are encouraged.


Applicant must be a current AASL Chapter.


All applications for the grant will be judged against the following criteria:

  1. Program objectives are clear
  2. Nature and importance of desired leadership qualities are specified
  3. Intended participant group is well defined
  4. Plan of action and calendar are included
  5. Budget is well planned
  6. Evaluation plan is valid and follow-up activities are appropriate
  7. Program has merit for replication by other chapters

The recipient organization is responsible for providing a final written report, which will include an itemized statement of expenses, an evaluation of the results, and suggestions for improvement. The organization is also responsible for presenting a brief oral report at the AASL Chapter Assembly meeting following the completion of the project.

Download Criteria & Rating Sheets

Download Copy of Application

* Please note: This downloadable version is for informational purposes only. All applications must be submitted online, via the Apply Now button that will appear at the top of the page when the next award season opens in early September.


Allison Cline
Deputy Executive Director

2024 Recipient

Members of the Washington Library Association- School Library Division

Washington Library Association School Library Division

"Washington Library Association School Library Division is grateful to receive this grant from AASL and ABC-CLIO. We created the Olympic Library Leadership Incubator from a desire to grow leadership among current and pre-service Teacher-Librarians in Washington State. With this support, we are confident OLLI will develop leaders and advocates who strengthen school libraries and librarianship across Washington and the nation."

Past Recipients

Year Recipient
2024 Washington Library Association School Library Division
2023 South Carolina Association of School Librarians
2022 Louisiana Association of School Librarians (LASL)
2021 Oklahoma School Librarians, a division of the Oklahoma Library Association
2020 Maryland Association of School Librarians
2019 South Carolina Association of School Librarians
2018 Alabama School Library Association
2017 Ohio Educational Library Media Association
2016 no award given
2015 Advocacy for School Libraries Special Interest Group in New Mexico
2014 Kentucky Association of School Librarians
2013 North Carolina School Library Media Association
2012 Iowa Association of School Librarians
2011 Texas Association of School Librarians
2010 Alabama Instructional Media Association
2009 no award given
2008 Colorado Association of School Libraries
2007 Association for Indiana Media Educators
2006 no award given
2005 Wisconsin Educational Media Association
2004 Colorado Association of School Librarians
2003 Minnesota Educational Media Organization
2002 Nebraska Educational Media Association
2001 Educational Media Association of New Jersey
2000 Massachusetts School Library Media Association
1999 Hawaii Association of School Librarians
1998 Ohio Educational Library Media Association
1997 New England Educational Media Association
1996 Massachusetts School Library Media Association and
Massachusetts Library Association Children's Issues Section
1995 Wisconsin Educational Media Association
1994 Alaska Association of School Librarians
1993 Massachusetts School Library Media Association
1992 Colorado Educational Media Association
1991 South Dakota School Library Media Association
1990 no award given
1989 Kansas Association of School Librarians
1988 New York Library Association, School Library Media Section
1987 California Media and Educators Association