AASL Policies
The AASL Policies is currently under review and revision. Completed policies will be posted as they are finalized and approved. The AASL policies have been developed over an extended period of time and formatting is inconsistent. The content of the policies will not change but all policies will be reviewed and re-formatted to ensure consistency at a later date.
Section A: Administration
A-1: Policy Formulation and/or Revision *
A-2: Board Meetings/Reports of Action
A-5: Testimony by AASL Members
A-6: Limitations of Executive Committee (Sunsetted)
A-7: Executive Director’s Authority to Sign Contracts
A-8: Advertising and Sponsorships *
A-9: Voting Between AASL Board Meetings *
A-10: Guidelines for Writing Position Statements *
A-11: Official AASL Correspondence *
A-14: Publication of Educational Events (Sunsetted)
A-17: AASL Partnerships & Collaborations *
A-19: Annual Performance Evaluation of AASL Executive Director
Section B: Board of Directors
B-3: Committee/Task Force Summary Reports
B-4: Contracted Services/Personnel (Sunsetted)
B-5: Evaluation of Contracted Personnel (Sunsetted)
B-6: Installation of AASL President (Sunsetted)
B-7: Removal of Committee Members (Sunsetted)
Section C: Awards, Grants and Scholarships
C-1: Policy and Procedure for Creation/Dissolution of Award, Grant or Scholarship
C-2: Collaborative School Library Award
C-3: Distinguished School Administrator Award
C-4: Distinguished Service Award
C-6: National School Library of the Year Award
C-7: Roald Dahl’s Miss Honey Social Justice Award
C-8: ABC-CLIO Leadership Grant
C-10: Innovative Reading Grant
C-11: AASL President’s Crystal Apple
Section D: Finances
D-3: Reimbursement Eligibility
D-4: Expense Reimbursement Guidelines for Volunteers
D-8: Expense Reimbursement for Technology
Section E: Nominations and Elections
E-3: Campaigning for Elected Office
Section F: Government
F-2: Protocol for Writing Position Statements for Education Policy Issues
Section G: Professional Development
G-3: Continuing Education/Clock Hours
G-7: Vendor Affiliated Presenters
G-8: Certificates of Completion
G-9: Sale of Books/Merchandise at AASL Events
G-11: Complimentary Booth Space
G-14: Approval of Non-AASL Material for Distribution
Section H: AASL Chapters
H-1: AASL Chapter Affiliation Process and Maintenance
H-4: AASL State Chapter Communication
H-6: AASL Chapter of the Year Award
Section I: Editorial
I-1: Role of Knowledge Quest Editor
I-2: Knowledge Quest Editorial Board
I-4: Review of Article Submissions
I-5: Role of School Library Research Editors
I-6: School Library Research Article Submission Process
I-7: Role of Newsletter Editor
I-8: School Library Research Editorial Board
Section J: Committee Commissions
J-1: All Committees: Omnibus Section
J-2: Bylaws & Organization Committee
J-3: Budget & Finance Committee
J-4: Leadership Development Committee
J-5: Award/Sub-Award Committees
J-8: Best Digital Tools for Teaching & Learning
J-11: School Library Event Promotion
J-14: Association of American University Presses Book Selection
J-15: CAEP Coordinating (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation)
Section K: AASL Chapter Assembly
K-1: AASL Chapters Coordinating Team Election Process
K-2: AASL Chapters Resolution Process
Section L: Sections
L-5: ESLS Community of Scholars
Section M: Special Interest Groups (Retired)
M-1: Special Interest Group - Omnibus
Section N: Social Media
N-1: Social Media Policies and Guidelines
N-2: Social Media Editorial Board
Section O: Website
O-1: Non-AASL/ALA Information and Resources
Section P: Task Forces
Section Q: Communities of Practice
Q-1: Communities of Practice - Omnibus
Sunsetted Policies - The following are retired/inactive policies and are intended for historical reference only.
A-6: Limitations of Executive Committee
A-14: Publication of Educational Events
B-4: Contracted Services/Personnel
B-5: Evaluation of Contracted Personnel
B-6: Installation of AASL President
B-7: Removal of Committee Members
* Policy Name Changes
A-1: Policy and Procedure Formulation and/or Revision (policy subject title change 11/17/22)
A-8: Advertising by Outside Vendors (policy subject title change 3/16/23)
A-9: Guidelines for Conducting an Electronic Vote (policy subject title change 3/16/23)
A-10: Guidelines for Writing Position Statements, Standards and Guidelines (policy subject title change [date])
A-11: Use of AASL Letterhead (policy subject title change 3/16/23)
A-17: Partnerships & Collaborative Agreements (policy subject title change [date])
A-18: Commercial Use of AASL Communities (policy subject title change [date])