Information for AASL-CAEP Program Reviewers
WANTED! School library professionals who are interested in making a difference...
In an effort to promote excellence within non-ALA accredited school librarianship education programs, AASL has joined forces with the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), an agency that accredits teacher education units within colleges and universities. This collaborative effort provides AASL the opportunity to help teachers and administrators develop appropriate expectations for today's school librarians.
Your professional expertise and valuable input can make a difference in this process! If you are interested in contributing to the assurance of quality school librarianship education programs in the U.S., please take a moment to read further and complete the program reviewer application form.
Resources for Reviewers
- Scheduled AASL program reviewer training
- Program reviewer application form
- Reviewer selection criteria
- 2003 ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Programs for School Library Media Specialist Preparation
- 2010 ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians
- CAEP general information for program reviewers
- CAEP resources for program reviewers
- Confidentiality information
- AASL National Recognition Report
- Program evaluation guide for reviewers
- Reviewer comment language suggestions