ALA Scholarship Program
List of Available Scholarships
- ALA General Scholarships
- Marshall Cavendish Scholarship
- David H. Clift Scholarship
- Christopher Hoy/ERT Scholarship
- ALA Scholarships for Library Support Staff
- Tom and Roberta Drewes Scholarship
- Miriam L. Hornback Scholarship
- Tony B. Leisner Scholarship
- ALA Scholarship for Library Youth Services
- Mary V. Gaver Scholarship
- Scholarships for Children's Librarianship
Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) Scholarships
- Bound to Stay Bound Books Scholarship
- Frederic G. Melcher Scholarship
Scholarship for Federal Librarianship
Federal and Armed Forces Round Table (FAFLRT) Scholarship-
Cicely Phippen Marks Scholarship
- Scholarship for School Library Media Specialists
American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Scholarship
- School Librarian's Workshop Scholarship
- Scholarship for Library Automation
Library Information and Technology Association (LITA) Scholarship
- LITA/Christian (Chris) Larew Memorial Scholarship
- Scholarship for Underrepresented Groups
Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) Scholarship
- Century Scholarship (for persons with disabilities)
Office for Diversity Scholarships
- Spectrum Scholarships (for American Indian/Alaskan Native, Black/African American, Latino/Hispanic, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander)
- Spectrum PhD Fellowship Program (for American Indian/Alaskan Native, Black/African American, Latino/Hispanic, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander)
Library Information and Technology Association (LITA) Scholarships- LITA/LSSI Minority Scholarship in Library and Information Technolgy
- LITA/OCLC Minority Scholarship in Library and Information Technology