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2006 Notable Books Announced
Contact: Laura Schulte-Cooper
For Immediate Release
February 6, 2006

2006 Notable Children's Books announced

CHICAGO - The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), has selected its 2006 list of Notable Children's Books.

The list of titles includes fiction and nonfiction, poetry and picture books of special interest, quality, creativity and value to children from preschool through age 14.

The list follows:

Younger Readers

Agee, Jon. “Terrific.” Illus. Hyperion/Michael di Capua.

Arnold, Katya. “Elephants Can Paint Too!” Illus. Simon & Schuster/Anne Schwartz.

Arnold, Tedd. “Hi! Fly Guy.” Illus. Scholastic/Cartwheel.

Beaumont, Karen. “I Ain't Gonna Paint No More!” Illus. by David Catrow. Harcourt.

Bloom, Suzanne. “A Splendid Friend, Indeed.” Illus. Boyds Mills Press.

Del Negro, Janice. “Willa and the Wind.” Illus. by Heather Solomon. Marshall Cavendish.

DiCamillo, Kate. “Mercy Watson to the Rescue.” Illus. by Chris Van Dusen. Candlewick.

Ehlert, Lois. “Leaf Man.” Illus. Harcourt.

Graham, Bob. “Oscar's Half Birthday.” Illus. Candlewick.

Grey, Mini. “Traction Man Is Here!” Illus. Knopf.  

Guy, Ginger Foglesong. “Siesta.” Illus. by René King Moreno. HarperCollins/Greenwillow.

Hicks, Barbara Jean. “Jitterbug Jam: A Monster Tale.” Illus. by Alexis Deacon. Farrar.  

Juster, Norton. “The Hello, Goodbye Window.” Illus. by Chris Raschka. Hyperion/Michael di Capua.

Karas, G. Brian. “On Earth.” Illus. Putnam.  

Kerley, Barbara. “You and Me Together: Moms, Dads, and Kids Around the World.” Illus. National Geographic.

Mora, Pat. “Doña Flor: A Tall Tale about a Giant Woman with a Great Big Heart.” Illus. by Raúl Colón. Knopf.

Muth, Jon J.  “Zen Shorts.” Illus. Scholastic.  

Park, Linda Sue and Julia Durango. “Yum! Yuck! A Foldout Book of People Sounds.”  Illus. by Sue Ramá. Charlesbridge.  

Priceman, Marjorie. “Hot Air: The (Mostly) True Story of the First Hot-Air Balloon Ride.” Illus. Simon & Schuster/Anne Schwartz.

Richardson, Justin and Peter Parnell. “And Tango Makes Three.” Illus. by Henry Cole. Simon & Schuster.  

Rohmann, Eric. Clara and Asha. Illus. Roaring Brook.

Rylant, Cynthia. “Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas.” Illus. by Suçie Stevenson. Simon & Schuster.

Sayre, April Pulley. “Stars Beneath Your Bed: The Surprising Story of Dust.” Illus. by Ann Jonas. HarperCollins/Greenwillow.    

Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. “Walter Was Worried.” Illus. Roaring Brook.

Shannon, George. “White is for Blueberry.” Illus. by Laura Dronzek. HarperCollins/Greenwillow. 

Silverman, Erica. “Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa.” Illus. by Betsy Lewin. Harcourt.

Van Leeuwen, Jean. “Amanda Pig and the Really Hot Day.” Illus. by Ann Schweninger. Dial.

Willems, Mo. “Leonardo the Terrible Monster.” Illus. Hyperion.

Winthrop, Elizabeth. “Squashed in the Middle.” Illus. by Pat Cummings. Henry Holt

Middle Readers

Alarcón, Francisco X. “Poems to Dream Together/Poemas para soñar juntos.” Illus. by Paula Barragán. Lee & Low.

Anderson, M.T. “Whales on Stilts.” Illus. by Kurt Cyrus. Harcourt.

Armstrong, Alan. “Whittington.” Illus. by S.D. Schindler. Random House.

Birdsall, Jeanne. “The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy.” Knopf. 

Borden, Louise. “The Journey that Saved Curious George: The True Wartime Escape of Margret and H.A. Rey.” Illus. by Allan Drummond. Houghton.

Burleigh, Robert. “Toulouse-Lautrec: The Moulin Rouge and the City of Light.” Illus. Abrams.

Collard, Sneed B. “The Prairie Builders: Reconstructing America's Lost Grasslands.” Photographs by Sneed B. Collard. Houghton.

Delano, Marfé Ferguson. “Genius: A Photobiography of Albert Einstein.” National Geographic. Erdrich, Louise. “The Game of Silence.” Illus. HarperCollins.

Giovanni, Nikki. “Rosa.” Illus. by Bryan Collier. Holt.

Goscinny, René. “Nicholas.” Tr. By Anthea Bell. Illus. by Jean-Jacques Sempé. Phaidon.

Greene, Stephanie. “Queen Sophie Hartley.” Clarion.

Himelblau, Linda. “The Trouble Begins.” Delacorte.

Holm, Jennifer L. and Matthew Holm. “Babymouse: Queen of the World!” Illus. by Matthew Holm. Random House.

Johnson-Davies, Denys. “Goha the Wise Fool.” Illus. by Hag Hamdy and Hany. Philomel.

Kerrin, Jessica Scott. “Martin Bridge, Ready for Takeoff!” Illus. by Joseph Kelly. Kids Can Press.

“A Kick in the Head: An Everyday Guide to Poetic Forms.” Ed. by Paul B. Janeczko. Illus. by Chris Raschka. Candlewick.

McKissack, Patricia C. and Onawumi Jean Moss. “Precious and the Boo Hag.” Illus. by Kyrsten Brooker. Simon & Schuster/Anne Schwartz.

Menchú, Rigoberta with Dante Liano. “The Girl from Chimel.” Illus. by Domi. Tr. by David Unger. Groundwood.

Napoli, Donna Jo. “The King of Mulberry Street.” Random House/Wendy Lamb.

Russo, Marisabina. “Always Remember Me: How One Family Survived World War II.” illus. Simon & Schuster/Anne Schwartz.

Sabuda, Robert and Matthew Reinhart. “Dinosaurs: Encyclopedia Prehistorica.” Illus. Candlewick.

Say, Allen. “Kamishibai Man.” Illus. Houghton/Walter Lorraine.

Sidman, Joyce. “Song of the Water Boatman and Other Pond Poems.” Illus. by Beckie Prange. Houghton.

Singer, Marilyn. “Central Heating: Poems about Fire and Warmth.” Illus. by Meilo So. Knopf. Taback, Simms. “Kibitzers and Fools: Tales My Zayda Told Me.” Illus. Viking.

Turner, Pamela S. “Gorilla Doctors: Saving Endangered Great Apes.” Illus. Houghton.

Williams, Mary. “Brothers in Hope: The Story of the Lost Boys of Sudan.” Illus. by R. Gregory Christie. Lee & Low.

Winter, Jeanette. “The Librarian of Basra: A True Story from Iraq.” Illus. Harcourt.

Winter, Jonah. “Roberto Clemente: Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates.” Illus. by Raúl Colón. Simon & Schuster/Anne Schwartz.

Woodson, Jacqueline. “Show Way.” Illus. by Hudson Talbott. Putnam.

Older Readers

Armstrong, Jennifer. “Photo by Brady: A Picture of the Civil War.” Illus. Simon & Schuster/Atheneum.

Bartoletti, Susan Campbell. “Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow.” Illus. Scholastic.

Blumenthal, Karen. “Let Me Play: The Story of Title IX, the Law That Changed the Future of Girls in Ameri ca.” Illus. Simon & Schuster/Atheneum.

Bolden, Tonya. “Maritcha: A Nineteenth-Century American Girl.” Illus. Abrams.

Broach, Elise. “Shakespeare's Secret.” Holt.

Bruchac, Joseph. “Code Talker: A Novel About the Navajo Marines of World War Two.” Dial.

Canales, Viola. “The Tequila Worm.” Random House/Wendy Lamb.

Carvell, Marlene. “Sweetgrass Basket.” Dutton.

Dowell, Frances O'Roark. “Chicken Boy.” Simon & Schuster/Atheneum.

Ellis, Deborah. “Our Stories, Our Songs: African Children Talk about AIDS.” Fitzhenry and Whiteside.

Fleming, Candace. “Our Eleanor: A Scrapbook Look at Eleanor Roosevelt's Remarkable Life.” Illus. Simon & Schuster/Anne Schwartz.

Frank, Mitch. “Understanding the Holy Land: Answering Questions about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” Illus. Viking.

Freedman, Russell. “Children of the Great Depress ion.” Illus. Clarion.

Funke, Cornelia. “Inkspell.” Tr. by Anthea Bell. Scholastic/Chicken House.

García, Laura Gallego. “The Legend of the Wandering King.” Tr. by Dan Bellm. Scholastic/Arthur A. Levine.  

Giblin, James Cross. “Good Brother, Bad Brother: The Story of Edwin Booth and John Wilkes Booth.” Illus. Clarion.

Gruber, Michael. “The Witch's Boy.” HarperTempest.

“Guys Write for Guys Read.” Ed. by Jon Scieszka. Illus. Viking.

Hale, Shannon. “Princess Academy.” Bloomsbury.

Hiaasen, Carl. “Flush.” Knopf.

Holub, Josef. “An Innocent Soldier.” Trans. by Michael Hofmann. Scholastic/Arthur A. Levine. Howe, James. “Totally Joe.” Simon & Schuster/Ginee Seo.

Jurmain, Suzanne. “The Forbidden Schoolhouse: The True and Dramatic Story of Prudence Crandall and Her Students.” Illus. Houghton.

Krull, Kathleen. “Leonardo da Vinci.” Illus. by Boris Kulikov. Viking.

Lester, Julius. “Day of Tears: A Novel in Dialogue.” Hyperion/Jump at the Sun.

Mwangi, Meja. “The Mzungu Boy.” Groundwood.

Nelson, Marilyn. “A Wreath for Emmett Till. ” Illus. by Philippe Lardy. Houghton.

Nye, Naomi Shihab. “A Maze Me: Poems for Girls.” Illus. by Terre Maher. HarperCollins/Greenwillow.

Perkins, Lynne Rae. “Criss Cross.” Illus. HarperCollins/Greenwillow.

Riordan, Rick. “The Lightning Thief.” Hyperion.

Salisbury, Graham. “Eyes of the Emperor.” Random House/Wendy Lamb.

Staples, Suzanne Fisher. “Under the Persimmon Tree.” Farrar/Frances Foster.

Stauffacher, Sue. “Harry Sue.” Knopf.

Varmer, Hjørdis. “Hans Christian Andersen: His Fairy Tale Life.” Tr. by Tiina Nunnally. Illus. by Lilian Brøgger. Groundwood.

Walker, Sally M. “Secrets of a Civil War Submarine: Solving the Mysteries of the H.L. Hunley.” Illus. Carolrhoda.

Wilson, Jacqueline. “The Illustrated Mum.” Delacorte.

Yee, Lisa. “Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time.” Scholastic/Arthur A. Levine.

Zenatti, Valérie. “When I Was a Soldier.” Tr. By Adriana Hunter. Bloomsbury.

Zevin, Gabrielle. “Elsewhere.” Farrar.

All Ages

“A Family of Poems: My Favorite Poetry for Children.” Ed. by Caroline Kennedy. Illus. by Jon J. Muth. Hyperion.

For the annotated 2006 list and past Notable Children's Book lists, please visit the ALSC Web site. More information about all of ALSC's Children's Notable Lists is available at, click on “Awards & Scholarships” and “Children's Notable Lists.”

Members of the 2006 Notable Children's Books Committee are: Rita Auerbach, chair, New York; Meaghan Battle, Farmington (Mich.) Community Library; Sharon Deeds, DeKalb County Public Library, Decatur, Ga.; Caitlin E. Dixon, Schoenbar Junior High School Library, Ketchikan, Alaska; Christina Dorr, Alton Darby Elementary School, Hilliard, Ohio; Carol Goldman, Queens Borough Public Library, Jamaica, N.Y.; Ginny Moore Kruse, Madison, Wis.; Katie O'Dell, Multnomah County Library, Portland, Ore.; Vicky Smith, McArthur Public Library, Biddeford, Maine; Karin Snelson, Seattle; and Lisa Von Drasek, Bank Street College of Education, New York.
