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Don’t Miss These Upcoming PLA Continuing Education Events!

ALA Annual Conference

PLA holds educational programming and preconference programming, as well as committee and Board meetings, during the ALA Annual Conference. In addition, the gala PLA President's Program and Awards Reception is held each year during Annual Conference.

ALA 2007 Annual Conference - June 21-27, Washington, DC

PLA Spring Symposium

Each year that PLA does not hold a National Conference it hosts a meeting of concurrent workshops, called the Spring Symposium. The PLA Executive Committee sits as advisory committee for this project. Workshop organizers/presenters may either volunteer or be invited to serve. The PLA Executive Director and staff are responsible for local arrangements, contracts with presenters and organizers, promotion, registration, and financial management. Financial goal is to net 10% to cover up-front costs for succeeding sessions. If you have suggestions for programs, please contact the PLA Office (800-545-2433, ext. 5PLA).

PLA 2007 Spring Symposium, March 1-3, San Jose, California

The Best Conference for the Public Library World - the PLA National Conference

Every other year, PLA members from across the country—and across the globe—come together in ALA’s largest conference devoted strictly to public librarianship. The PLA National Conferences have developed a reputation for excellence. Each offers you more than 100 top-quality continuing education programs from which to choose, several social events, and a bustling exhibits hall, providing you with an excellent opportunity to see the latest in products and services. Upcoming PLA Conferences include:

PLA 2010 - PLA's 13th National Conference - March 23-27, 2010, Portland, Oregon

PLA 2008 - PLA's 12th National Conference - March 25-29, 2008, Minneapolis, Minnesota

PLA 2006 - PLA's 11th National Conference - March 20-25, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts

PLA Programing For Results Train-The-Trainer Program

The New Planning for Results: A Streamlined Approach provides the foundation for the books in the Results series. PLA and Sandra Nelson—a consultant, speaker, and trainer in public library planning and management issues and the publication’s author—are presenting a training program designed to help library managers and consultants learn to train library staff to use The New Planning for Results.

Midwinter Meetings

PLA holds Board and committee meeting during the ALA Midwinter Meeting.

Midwinter 2008 - January 11-16, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Midwinter 2007 - January 19-24, Seattle, Washington

PLA Wants YOU to Get Involved! Do you have an idea for an educational program at a PLA or ALA meeting? A model program you’d like to share? Speakers you think the PLA membership needs to hear? Submit a proposal to PLA! Speaking at a PLA or ALA meeting is an excellent way to share your expertise, meet other members, and help shape the future of your organization and profession. This is your opportunity to make sure PLA’s educational offerings cover topics librarians need to know while gaining valuable volunteer experience. Click here for more information on organizing a PLA Program.

Be sure to put these dates on your calendar and in your budget plans! PLA members receive information about PLA events automatically; if you’re not a PLA member, just call the PLA office at 1-800-545-2433, ext. 5PLA, to be placed on the mailing list for the event you are interested in. Continuing education leads to career advancement. Whether you’re new to the field or a seasoned veteran, the Public Library Association can provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to take on the future.

As a PLA member you’ll save money on our dynamic continuing education programs, the PLA Spring Symposium, the PLA National Conference—the world’s largest conference devoted exclusively to the needs of public librarians, and programs and preconferences at ALA Annual Conferences. PLA always needs fresh topics and new presenters for programs at conferences and workshops; you’ll gain increased professional exposure through our myriad program planning opportunities!
