Contact: Laura Schulte-Cooper
ALSC Program Officer
(312) 280-2165
For Immediate Release
January 27, 2005
ALSC names 2005 Notable Children’s Recordings
CHICAGO - Each year the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), compiles Notable lists that identify the best of the best in children's books, recordings, videos, and computer software. The ALSC has selected its 2005 list of Notable Children's Recordings.
The recordings selected are:
"Al Capone Does My Shirts," Recorded Books.
"Beethoven's Wig 2: More Sing-Along Symphonies," Rounder Kids.
"Bucking the Sarge," Listening Library.
"Dragon Rider," Listening Library.
"Duck for President," Weston Woods.
"Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey," Live Oak Media.
"Flipped," Recorded Books.
"Heartbeat," Harper Children's Audio.
"A House of Tailors," Listening Library.
"I Lost My Bear," Weston Woods.
"I Stink!" Weston Woods.
"Ida B. . . .and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World," Listening Library.
"The Last Holiday Concert," Listening Library.
"Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel: A New Work for Narrator and Symphony Orchestra," Simon & Simon.
"More Perfect Than the Moon," Harper Children's Audio.
"Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!" Live Oak Media.
"No More Nasty," Recorded Books.
"Pincus and the Pig: A Klezmer Tale," Tzadik.
"The Pot That Juan Built," Weston Woods.
"Princess in Pink; The Princess Diaries, Volume V," Listening Library.
"Rhinoceros Tap," Workman Publishing.
"The Ruby in the Smoke," Listening Library.
"Sing Along with Putumayo," Putumayo Kids/Putumayo World Music.
"The Teacher's Funeral," Listening Library.
"When Marian Sang," Live Oak Media.
For an annotated list of the above recordings, also including recommended grade levels and running times, visit the ALSC Web site at
More information about all of ALSC's Children's Notable Lists is available on the Web site at, click on "Awards & Scholarships" and "Children's Notable Lists."
Members of the 2005 Notable Children's Recordings Committee are: Virginia Gustin, Chair, Sonoma County Library System, Santa Rosa, Calif.; Teresa Beck, Stratford (Conn.) Library Association; Mary Burkey, Olentangy Local School District, Columbus, Ohio; Adrienne Furness, Webster (N.Y.) Public Library; Linda Lewis, Free Library of Philadelphia; Amy Lilien-Harper, Harry Bennett Branch, Ferguson Library, Stamford, Conn.; Louise L. Sherman, Leonia, N.J.; Glenna Sloan, Queens College, School of Education, Flushing, N.Y.; and Ellen R. Spring, Rockland District (Maine) Middle School.
ALSC is a network of over 3,700 children's and youth librarians, children's literature experts, and publishers committed to improving and ensuring the future of the nation through exemplary library service to children, their families, and others who work with children.