About LHRT
The Library History Round Table of the American Library Association exists to facilitate communication among scholars and students of library history, to support research in library history, and to be active in issues, such as preservation, that concern library historians. The Round Table sponsors conferences, publishes a newsletter, and presents the Justin Winsor Prize and the Phyllis Dain Dissertation Award to promote excellence in library history research. In 1999, LHRT marked its 50th year of library history scholarship and activism.
Membership in LHRT is open to all members of ALA. General information on membership in ALA can be found through the ALA website, as well as an application for personal membership and a schedule of fees. When you fill out your ALA membership application, look under "Round Tables" for LHRT. You can join the Library History Round Table mailing in a paper application or joining online via the online form. If you are already a member of ALA, you can join by using a regular membership form to add the Round Table.
There are many opportunities for involvement in LHRT. If you are interested in library history, we hope you will join us!