Stonewall Book Awards
The first and most enduring award for lesbigay books is the Stonewall Book Awards, sponsored by the American Library Association's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table. Since Isabel Miller's Patience and Sarah received the first award in 1971, a total of forty-eight books have been honored for exceptional merit relating to the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered experience.
Stonewall Book Award-Barbara Gittings Literature Award and the Stonewall Book Award-Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award are presented to English language works published the year prior to the announcement date. The award, which consists of a commemorative plaque and a cash stipend, is announced in January and presented to the winning authors or editors at the American Library Association Annual Conference in June.
Nominations for the Book Award may be made by any individual not affiliated with the publisher of the book being nominated. A short statement describing why a book is being nominated must accompany the nomination, which must be submitted to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Book Award Committee Chair by October 31 of each year. Mail must be postmarked by the nomination deadline. Nominations will be accepted by regular and electronic mail as well as through facsimile transmission (fax).
Nominations may be sent to the current Chair:
Richard DiRusso
Manager, Collection Development Office
Pima County Public Library
101 N. Stone Avenue
Tuscon, Arizona 85701
Winners for: 1971 , 1972 , 1973 , 1974 , 1975 , 1976 , 1977 , 1978 , 1979 , 1980 , 1981 , 1982 , 1983 , 1984 , 1985 , 1986 , 1987 , 1988 , 1989 , 1990 , 1991 , 1992 , 1993 , 1994 , 1995 , 1996 , 1997 , 1998 , 1999 , 2000 , 2001 , 2002 , 2003 , 2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007
History of the Stonewall Book Awards
The history of the Book Award mirrors the growth of the lesbigay publishing industry. Although in the first years of the award the committee had only a handful of books from which to choose, by 1995 they had to select the winners from a list of over 800 eligible titles.
Originally a grassroots acknowledgment honoring hallmark works in lesbigay publishing, the Gay Book Award (as it was originally known) became an official American Library Association award in 1986. The next year, its name was changed to the Gay and Lesbian Book Award. Beginning in 1990, the Book Award expanded into two categories: nonfiction and literature. In 1994, the name changed once more to the Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Book Award. In 1999, when the Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Task Force became the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table, the name changed yet again to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Book Award. In 2002, the name changed to the Stonewall Book Award: Barbara Gittings Literature Award for Fiction and the Stonewall Book Award: Israel Fishman Award for Non-Fiction.
The committee that surveys these multitudes of lesbian, gay, and bisexual publications is made up of equal numbers of women and men from various types of libraries across the United States. Ultimately, the committee must review the nominees and select five finalists each in the categories of nonfiction and literature. The winners are chosen from among these five finalists.
Please consider financial support to allow us to continue the tradition of honoring the finest in GLBT literature. For more information, visit the making donations page. Thank you.

Stonewall Book Awards - Barbara Gittings Literature Award: Andrew Holleran, "Grief" (Hyperion)
Stonewall Book Awards - Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award: Alison Bechdel, "Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic" (Houghton Mifflin)
The Stonewall honor books in literature are:
“The Manny Files” by Christian Burch (Atheneum Books for Young Readers)
“The Night Watch” by Sarah Waters (Riverhead Books)
“Rose of No Man's Land: A Novel” by Michelle Tea (MacAdam/Cage Publishing)
“A Scarecrow's Bible” by Martin Hyatt (Suspect Thoughts Press)
The Stonewall honor books in non-fiction are:
“Covering: The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights” by Kenji Yoshino (Random House)
“Gay Power: An American Revolution” by David Eisenbach (Carroll & Graf)
“Male-Male Intimacy in Early America: Beyond Romantic Friendships” by William Benemann (Harrington Park Press)
“Mama's Boy, Preacher's Son: A Memoir” by Kevin Jennings (Beacon Press)
Stonewall Book Awards- Barbara Gittings Literature Award: Abha Dawesar, "Babyji: a novel" (Anchor Books)
Stonewall Book Awards- Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award: Joshua Gamson, "The fabulous Sylvester: the legend, the music, the seventies in San Francisco" (H. Holt)
The Stonewall honor books in literature are:
"Acqua calda" by Keith McDermott (Carroll & Graf Publishers)
"The first verse: a novel" by Barry McCrea (Carroll & Graf Publishers)
"Mother of sorrows" by Richard McCann (Pantheon Books)
"The wild creatures: collected stories of Sam D'Allesandro" by Sam D'Allesandro; edited by Kevin Killian (Suspect Thoughts Press)
The Stonewall honor books in non-fiction are:
"My one-night stand with cancer" by Tania Katan (Alyson Books)
"Queer London: perils and pleasures in the sexual metropolis, 1918-1957" by Matt Houlbrook (University of Chicago Press)
"The secret life of Oscar Wilde" by Neil McKenna (Basic Books)
"The tragedy of today's gays" by Larry Kramer (Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin)
Stonewall Book Awards- Barbara Gittings Literature Award: Colm Tóibín, "The Master: Novel" (Scribner)
Stonewall Book Awards- Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award: Joan Roughgarden, "Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and in People" (University of California Press)
The Stonewall honor books in literature are:
"I Am My Own Wife: a Play" by Doug Wright (Faber & Faber)
"The Line of Beauty" by Alan Hollinghurst (Bloomsbury)
"Luna: a Novel" by Julie Anne Peters (Megan Tingley Books, an imprint of Little, Brown and Company)
"A Seahorse Year" by Stacey D'Erasmo (Houghton Mifflin)
The Stonewall honor books in non-fiction are:
"Beyond Shame: Reclaiming the Abandoned History of Radical Gay Sexuality" by Patrick Moore (Beacon Press)
"Both: a Portrait in Two Parts" by Douglas Crase (Pantheon)
"Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim" by David Sedaris (Little, Brown and Company)
"Warrior Poet: a Biography of Audre Lorde" by Alexis De Veaux (W. W. Norton)
Stonewall Book Awards- Barbara Gittings Literature Award: Monique Truong, "The Book of Salt" (Houghton Mifflin Company)
Stonewall Book Awards- Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award: John D'Emilio, "Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin" (Free Press)
The Stonewall honor books in literature are:
"Cutting Room" by Louise Welsh (Canongate)
"Keeping you a Secret" by Julie Ann Peters (Little, Brown & Co.)
"Lives of the Circus Animals: a Novel" by Christopher Bram (William Morrow)
"Southland" by Nina Revoyr (Akashic Books)
The Stonewall honor books in non-fiction are:
"Beautiful Shadow: A Life of Patricia Highsmith" by Andrew Wilson (Bloomsbury)
Before Stonewall: Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context edited by Vern L. Bullough, R.N., Ph.D. (Harrington Park Press)
Intertwined Lives: Margaret Mead,Ruth Benedict, and their Circle by Lois W. Banner(Knopf)
"Ridiculous!: The Theatrical Life and Times of Charles Ludlam by David Kaufman (Applause Books)
Stonewall Book Awards- Barbara Gittings Literature Award: Noel Alumit, Letters to Montgomery Clift : a Novel, (MacAdam/Cage Pub) ISBN: 1931561028
Stonewall Book Awards- Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award: Joanne Meyerowitz, How Sex Changed: a History of Transsexuality in the United States, ( Harvard University Press) ISBN: 0674009258
Stonewall Book Awards Non-Fiction Honor Books:
- Howey, Noelle. Dress Codes: of three girlhoods-- My Mothers, My Father's and Mine (Picador USA) ISBN: 0312269218, ISBN:031242258X
- Miller, Neil. Sex Crime Panic: A Journey to the Paranoid Heart of the 1950's. (Alyson Books) ISBN: 1555836593
- Oliveria, Carmen L. Rare and Commonplace Flowers: The Story of Elizabeth Bishop and Lota de Macedo Soares; translated by Niel K. Besner (Rutgers University Press) ISBN: 0813530334
- Roscoe, Jerry. Glenway Wescott Personally: A Biography (Univ of Wisconsin Press) ISBN: 0299177300
Stonewall Book Awards Literature Honor Books:
- Eugenidies, Jeffrey. Middlesex (Farrar, Straus, Giroux) ISBN: 0374199698
- Frame, Ronald. Lantern Bearers: Novel (Counterpoint) ISBN: 1582431558
- O'Neil, Jamie. At Swim, Two Boys (Scribner) ISBN: 0743222946
- Waters, Sarah. Fingersmith (Riverhead Books) ISBN: 1573222038
Stonewall Book Awards- Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award: Werth, Barry. The Scarlet Professor: Newton Arvin, a Literary Life Shattered by Scandal. (Nan A. Talese) ISBN 0385494688
Stonewall Book Awards Non-Fiction Honor Books:
- Blum, Louise A. You're Not from Around Here, Are You? A Lesbian in Small-Town America. (University of Wisconsin Press) ISBN 029917090X; ISBN 0299170942
- Murdoch, Joyce, and Deb Price. Courting Justice: Gay Men and Lesbians v. the Supreme Court. (Basic Books) ISBN 0465015131
- Read, Kirk. How I Learned to Snap: A Small-Town Coming-Out and Coming-of-Age Story. (Hill Street Press) ISBN 1588180395
- Stein, Arlene. The Stranger Next Door: The Story of a Small Community's Battle over Sex, Faith, and Civil Rights. (Beacon Press) ISBN 0807079529
- White, Edmund, ed., with The Estate Project for Artists with AIDS. Loss within Loss: Artists in the Age of AIDS. (University of Wisconsin Press) ISBN 0299170705
Stonewall Book Awards Literature Honor Books:
- Brownrigg, Sylvia. Pages for You. (Farrar, Straus and Giroux) ISBN 0374228590
- Cooper, Bernard. Guess Again: Short Stories. (Simon & Schuster) ISBN 0684865866
- Jones, John Sam. Welsh Boys Too. (Parthian Books) ISBN 1902638115
- LeRoy, J.T. The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things. (Bloomsbury) ISBN 1582341427

Stonewall Book Award: Nonfiction
- Eskridge, William N. Gaylaw: Challenging the Apartheid of the Closet . (Harvard University Press) ISBN 0674341619
Stonewall Book Award: Literature
- Waters, Sarah. Affinity. (Riverhead Books) ISBN 1573221562
Stonewall Book Awards Non-Fiction Honor Books:
- Day, Frances Ann. Lesbian and Gay Voices: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Literature for Children and Young Adults. (Greenwood Press) ISBN 0313311625
- Loffreda, Beth. Losing Matt Shepard: Life and Politics in the Aftermath of Anti-gay Murder. (Columbia University Press) ISBN 0231118589
- Murray, William. Janet, My Mother, and Me: A Memoir of Growing Up with Janet Flanner and Natalia Danesi Murray. (Simon & Schuster) ISBN 0684809664
- Winick, Judd. Pedro and Me: Friendship, Loss, and What I Learned . (Henry Holt) ISBN 0805064036; ISBN 080506379X
Stonewall Book Awards Literature Honor Books:
- Downing, Michael. Breakfast with Scot: A Novel. (Counterpoint) ISBN 1582430276
- Ebershoff, David. The Danish Girl: A Novel. (Viking) ISBN 0670888087
- Lassell, Michael, and Elena Georgiou, eds. The World in Us: Lesbian and Gay Poetry of the Next Wave: An Anthology. (St. Martin's Press) ISBN 0312209436
- Maupin, Armistead. The Night Listener: A Novel. (HarperCollins) ISBN 006017143X

Stonewall Book Award: Nonfiction
- Borich, Barrie Jean. My Lesbian Husband: Landscape of a Marriage . (Greywolf Press) ISBN 1555972926
Stonewall Book Award: Literature
- Blackman, Marci. Po Man's Child: A Novel. (Manic D Press) ISBN 0916397599
Other Non-Fiction Finalists:
- Andriote, John-Manuel. Victory Deferred: How AIDS Changed Gay Life in America. (University of Chicago Press) ISBN 0226020495
- Bagemihl, Bruce. Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity. (St. Martin's Press) ISBN 0312192398
- Doty, Mark. Firebird: A Memoir. (HarperCollins) ISBN 0060193743
- Stainton, Leslie. Lorca: A Dream of Life. (Farrar, Straus, Giroux) ISBN 0374190976
Other Literature Finalists :
- Grimsley, Jim. Comfort & Joy: A Novel. (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill) ISBN 156512250X
- Lippincott, Robin. Mr. Dalloway: A Novella. (Sarabande Books) ISBN 1889330280; ISBN 1889330299
- Lisicky, Paul. Lawnboy. (Turtle Point Press) ISBN 1885983409
- White, Marvin K. Last Rights: Poems. (Alyson Books) ISBN 1555835104
Stonewall Book Award: Nonfiction
- Schulman, Sarah. Stagestruck: Theater, AIDS, and the Marketing of Gay America. (Duke University Press) ISBN 0822321327; ISBN 0822322641
Stonewall Book Award: Literature
- Cunningham, Michael. The Hours. (Farrar, Strauss, Giroux) ISBN 0374172897
Other Non-Fiction Finalists:
- Griffin, Pat. Strong Women, Deep Closets: Lesbians and Homophobia in Sport. (Human Kinetics) ISBN 088011729X
- Loughery, John. The Other Side of Silence: Men's Lives and Gay Identities, a Twentieth Century History. (Henry Holt) ISBN 0805038965
- Nestle, Joan. A Fragile Union: New & Selected Writings . (Cleis Press) ISBN 157344040X
- Smith, Barbara. The Truth That Never Hurts: Writings on Race, Gender, and Freedom. (Rutgers University Press) ISBN 081352573X
Other Literature Finalists :
- Griffith, Nicola, and Stephen Pagel, eds. Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction. (Overlook Press) ISBN 0879518561
- Guess, Carol. Switch. (Calyx Books) ISBN 0934971617; ISBN 0934971609
- Merlis, Mark. An Arrow's Flight. (St. Martin's Press) ISBN 0312186754
- Sneed, Pamela. Imagine Being More Afraid of Freedom Than Slavery: Poems. (Henry Holt) ISBN 0805054731; ISBN 080505474X
Stonewall Book Award: Nonfiction
- Mastoon, Adam. The Shared Heart: Portraits and Stories Celebrating Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young People. (William Morrow and Co./Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books) ISBN 0688149316
Stonewall Book Award: Literature
- Bledsoe, Lucy Jane. Working Parts: A Novel. (Seal Press) ISBN 187806794X
Other Non-Fiction Finalists:
- Hoffman, Amy. Hospital Time. (Duke University Press) ISBN 0822319276; ISBN 0822319209
- Raffo, Susan, ed. Queerly Classed. (South End Press) ISBN 0896085627; ISBN 0896085619
- Sears, James T. Lonely Hunters: An Oral History of Lesbian and Gay Southern Life, 1948-1968. (Westview Press) ISBN 0813324742
- Stein, Arlene. Sex and Sensibility: Stories of a Lesbian Generation . (University of California Press) ISBN 0520202570; ISBN 0520206746
Other Literature Finalists
- Blackbridge, Persimmon. Prozac Highway: A Novel. (Press Gang Publishers) ISBN 088974078X
- Dykewomon, Elana. Beyond the Pale: A Novel. (Press Gang Publishers) ISBN 0889740747
- Heim, Scott. In Awe. (HarperCollins) ISBN 0060186879
- Katz, Judith. The Escape Artist: A Novel. (Firebrand Books) ISBN 1563410850; ISBN 1563410842
- Johnson, Fenton. Geography of the Heart: A Memoir. (Scribner) ISBN 068481417X
- Donoghue, Emma. Hood. (HarperCollins) ISBN 0060171103
Other Nonfiction Finalists
- Alwood, Edward. Straight News: Gays, Lesbians and the News Media . (Columbia University Press) ISBN 0231084366
- Bass, Ellen, and Kate Kaufman. Free Your Mind: The Book for Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Youth -- and Their Allies. (HarperPerennial) ISBN 0060951044
- Doty, Mark. Heaven's Coast: A Memoir. (HarperCollins) ISBN 006017210X
- Tuller, David. Cracks in the Iron Closet: Travels in Gay and Lesbian Russia. (Faber and Faber) ISBN 0571198902
Other Literature Finalists
- Holleran, Andrew. The Beauty of Men. (Morrow) ISBN 0688048579
- Selvadurai, Shyam. Funny Boy. (Morrow) ISBN 0688145957
- Van Arsdale, Sarah. Toward Amnesia. (Riverhead Books) ISBN 1573220175
- Wolverton, Terry. Bailey's Beads. (Faber and Faber) ISBN 0571198910
- Vaid, Urvashi. Virtual Equality: The Mainstreaming of Gay and Lesbian Liberation. (Anchor Books) ISBN 0385472986
- Grimsley, Jim. Dream Boy. (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill) ISBN 1565121066
Other Nonfiction Finalists
- Due, Linnea. Joining the Tribe: Growing Up Gay & Lesbian in the '90s. (Anchor Books) ISBN 0385475004
- Katz, Jonathan Ned. The Invention of Heterosexuality. (Dutton) ISBN 0525938451
- Pratt, Minnie Bruce. S/HE. (Firebrand Books) ISBN 1563410591
- Summers, Claude J., ed. The Gay and Lesbian Literary Heritage . (J. Holt) ISBN 0805027165
Other Literature Finalists
- Allison, Dorothy. Two or Three Things I Know for Sure. (Dutton) ISBN 0525939210
- Block, Francesca Lia. Baby Be-Bop. (HarperCollins) ISBN 0060248793
- Cruse, Howard. Stuck Rubber Baby. (Paradox Press) ISBN 1563892162
- Price, Reynolds. The Promise of Rest. (Scribner) ISBN 0684801493
- Allison, Dorothy. Skin: Talking About Sex, Class & Literature . (Firebrand Books) ISBN 1563410451; ISBN 1563410443
- Sherman, Phillip, and Samuel Bernstein. Uncommon Heroes: A Celebration of Heroes and Role Models for Gay and Lesbian Americans. (Fletcher Press) ISBN 0964177900
- Bauer, Marion Dane, ed. Am I Blue?: Coming Out from the Silence . (HarperCollins) ISBN 0060242531; ISBN 006024254X
Other Nonfiction Finalists
- Chauncey, George. Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Makings of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940. (Basic Books) ISBN 0465026338
- Murray, Raymond. Images in the Dark: An Encyclopedia of Gay and Lesbian Film and Video. (TLA Publications) ISBN 1880707012
- Nestle, Joan, and John Preston, eds. Sister and Brother: Lesbians and Gay Men Write about Their Lives Together. (HarperSanFrancisco) ISBN 006251055X; ISBN 0062510568
Other Literature Finalists
- Campo, Rafael. The Other Man Was Me: A Voyage to the New World . (Arte Publico Press) ISBN 1558851208; ISBN 1558851119
- Faderman, Lillian, ed. Chloe Plus Olivia: An Anthology of Lesbian and Bisexual Literature from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. (Viking Penguin) ISBN 0670846384
- Galford, Ellen. The Dyke and Dybbuk: A Novel. (Seal Press) ISBN 1878067516
- Hacker, Marilyn. Winter Numbers: Poems. (W.W. Norton) ISBN 039303674X
- Burke, Phyllis. Family Values: Two Moms and Their Son. (Random House) ISBN 0679421882
- Feinberg, Leslie. Stone Butch Blues. (Firebrand Books) ISBN 156341029X
Other Nonfiction Finalists
- Duberman, Martin B. Stonewall. (Dutton) ISBN 0525936025
- Penelope, Julia, and Susan J. Wolfe, eds. Lesbian Culture: An Anthology . (Crossing Press) ISBN 0895945916
- Martin, April. The Lesbian and Gay Parenting Handbook: Creating and Raising Our Families. (HarperPerennial) ISBN 0060969296
- Rubenstein, William B. Lesbians, Gay Men and the Law. (New Press) ISBN 1565840372
Other Literature Finalists
- Allen, Claudia. She's Always Liked the Girls Best. (Third Side Press) ISBN 1879427117
- Johnson, Fenton. Scissors, Paper, Rock. (Pocket Books) ISBN 0671795414
- Moraga, Cherrie. The Last Generation. (South End Press) ISBN 0896084663
- Singer, Bennett L., ed. Growing up Gay: A Literary Anthology . (New Press) ISBN 1565841026
- Marcus, Eric. Making History: The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights, 1945-1990. (HarperCollins) ISBN 0060167084
- Hemphill, Essex. Ceremonies: Prose and Poetry. (Plume) ISBN 0452268176
Other Nonfiction Finalists
- Berzon, Betty. Positively Gay: New Approaches to Lesbian and Gay Life. (Celestial Arts) ISBN 0890876762
- DuPrau, Jeanne. The Earth House. (New Chapter Press) ISBN 0942257324
- Monette, Paul. Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story. (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich) ISBN 0151115192
- Norton, Rictor. Mother Clap's Molly House: The Gay Subculture in England, 1700-1830. (GMP) ISBN 0854491880
- Preston, John, ed. A Member of the Family: Gay Men Write about Their Families. (Dutton) ISBN 0525935495
Other Literature Finalists
- Bram, Christopher. Almost History. (Donald I. Fine) ISBN 1556112319
- McCauley, Stephen. The Easy Way Out. (Simon & Schuster) ISBN 0671708184
- Kringle, Karen. Vital Ties. (Spinsters) ISBN 0933216904
- Winterson, Jeanette. Written on the Body. (Jonathan Cape) ISBN 0224035878
- Faderman, Lillian. Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth Century America. (Columbia University Press) ISBN 0231074883
- Monette, Paul. Halfway Home. (Crown) ISBN 0517583291
Other Nonfiction Finalists
- Butler, Sandra, and Barbara Rosenblum. Cancer in Two Voices . (Spinsters) ISBN 093321684X
- Comstock, Gary David. Violence against Lesbians and Gay Men . (Columbia University Press) ISBN 0231073305
- Duberman, Martin. Cures: A Gay Man's Odyssey. (Dutton) ISBN 0525249559
- Roscoe, Will. The Zuni Man-Woman. (University of New Mexico Press) ISBN 0826312535
- Van Gelder, Lindsy and Pamela Robin Brandt. Are You Two ...Together?: A Gay and Lesbian Travel Guide to Europe. (Random House) ISBN 0679735992
Other Literature Finalists
- Calderon, Sara Levi. The Two Mujeres. (Aunt Lute) ISBN 187996001X
- Hemphill, Essex, ed. Brother to Brother: New Writings by Black Gay Men. (Alyson Publications) ISBN 155583146X
- Osborne, Karen Lee. Hawkwings. (Third Side Press) ISBN 1879427001
- Park, Jacquelyn Holt. A Stone Gone Mad. (Random House) ISBN 0394558618
- Rich, Adrienne. An Atlas of the Difficult World: Poems 1988-1991 . (W.W. Norton) ISBN 0393308316
- Saint, Assoto, ed. The Road Before Us: 100 Gay Black Poets . (Galiens Press) ISBN 0962167517
- Silvera, Makeda, ed. Piece of My Heart: A Lesbian of Colour Anthology . (Sister Vision Press) ISBN 0920813658
- Spanbauer, Tom. The Man Who Fell in Love with the Moon. (Atlantic Monthly Press) ISBN 0871134683
- Dynes, Wayne, ed. Encyclopedia of Homosexuality. (Garland) ISBN 0824065441
- Pratt, Minnie Bruce. Crime against Nature. (Firebrand Books) ISBN 0932379729
Other Nonfiction Finalists
- Berube, Allan. Coming Out under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War Two. (Free Press) ISBN 0029031001
- Gough, Cal, and Ellen Greenblatt, eds. Gay and Lesbian Library Service . (McFarland) ISBN 089950535X
- Hinch, Bret. Passions of the Cut Sleeve: The Male Homosexual Tradition in China. (University of California Press) ISBN 0520067207
- Humphrey, Mary Ann. My Country, My Right to Serve: Experiences of Gay Men and Women in the Military, World War II to the Present. (HarperCollins) ISBN 0060164468
- Rench, Janice E. Understanding Sexual Identity: A Book for Gay Teens and Their Friends. (Lerner Publications) ISBN 0822500442
- Timmons, Stuart. The Trouble with Harry Hay: Founder of the Modern Gay Movement. (Alyson Publications) ISBN 1555831753
- Zimmerman, Bonnie. The Safe Sea of Women: Lesbian Fiction 1969-1989 . (Beacon Press) ISBN 0807079049
Other Literature Finalists
- Cunningham, Michael. A Home at the End of the World. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux) ISBN 0374172501
- Gilgun, John. Music I Never Dreamed of. (Amethyst Press) ISBN 0927200023
- Leavitt, David. A Place I've Never Been. (Viking) ISBN 0670821969
- Martinac, Paula. Out of Time. (Seal Press) ISBN 0931188911
- Stadler, Matthew. Landscape: Memory. (Scribner's) ISBN 0684191857
- Miller, Neil. In Search of Gay America: Women and Men in a Time of Change. (Atlantic Monthly Press) ISBN 0871133040
- Feinberg, David B. Eighty-Sixed. (Viking) ISBN 0670823155
Other Nonfiction Finalists
- Cohen, Susan and Daniel. When Someone You Know is Gay. (M. Evans) ISBN 087131567X
- Duberman, Martin Bauml, Martha Vicinus, and George Chauncey, Jr., eds. Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past . (New American Library) ISBN 0453006892
- Lesbian History Group. Not a Passing Phase: Reclaiming Lesbians in History 1840-1985. (The Women's Press (London)) ISBN 0704341751
- Preston, John, ed. Personal Dispatches: Writers Confront AIDS . (St. Martin Press) ISBN 0312034121
Other Literature Finalists
- Bram, Christopher. In Memory of Angel Clare. (Donald I. Fine) ISBN 155611138X
- Konecky, Edith. A Place at the Table. (Random House) ISBN 0394575229
- Leavitt, David. Equal Affections. (Penguin) ISBN 0140109587
- Weathers, Carolyn, and Jenny Wrenn, eds. In a Different Light: An Anthology of Lesbian Writers. (Clothespin Fever Press) ISBN 0961657251
- Hollinghurst, Andrew. The Swimming-Pool Library (Random House) ISBN 0394570251
- Schulman, Sarah. After Delores. (Dutton) ISBN 052524641X
- Nestle, Joan. A Restricted Country. (Firebrand Books) ISBN 0932379370
- Shilts, Randy. And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic. (St. Martin's Press) ISBN 0312009941
- Williams, Walter. The Spirit and the Flesh: Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture. (Beacon Press) ISBN 0807046027
- Patton, Cindy. Sex and Germs: The Politics of AIDS. (South End Press) ISBN 0896082598
- Grahn, Judy. Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds. (Beacon Press) ISBN 0807067164
- D'Emilio, John. Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States, 1940-1970. (University of Chicago Press) ISBN 02226142655
No award given.
- Faderman, Lillian. Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship and Love Between Women from the Renaissance to the Present. (Morrow) ISBN 0688003966
- Roberts, J.R. Black Lesbians: An Annotated Bibliography. (Naiad Press) ISBN 0930044215
- Russo, Vito. The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies . (Harper & Row) ISBN 0060908718
- Boswell, John. Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century. (University of Chicago Press) ISBN 0226067106
- Leyland, Winston, ed. Now the Volcano: An Anthology of Latin American Gay Literature. (Gay Sunshine Press) ISBN 0917342674
- Fairchild, Betty, and Nancy Hayward. Now That You Know: What Every Parent Should Know About Homosexuality. (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich) ISBN 0151677077
- Vida, Ginny, ed. Our Right to Love: A Lesbian Resource Book . (Prentice-Hall) ISBN 0136444016
- Brown, Howard. Familiar Faces, Hidden Lives: The Story of Homosexual Men in America Today. (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich) ISBN 0156301202
No award given.
- Katz, Jonathan, ed. Homosexuality: Lesbians and Gay Men in Society, History, and Literature. (Ayer Publications) [Series of historically significant reprints]
- Foster, Jeannette. Sex Variant Women in Literature: A Historical and Quantitative Survey. (Vantage Press)
No award given.
- Fisher, Peter. The Gay Mystique: The Myth and Reality of Male Homosexuality . (Stein & Day) ISBN 0812814312
- Martin, Del, and Phyllis Lyon. Lesbian/Woman. (Gilda Publications)
- Miller, Isabel. Patience and Sarah. (McGraw-Hill)
For a list of other publications available from the American Library Association's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table, go to our publications/order form page.
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