Reference Service Press Award
A plaque and $2,500 cash award (raised from $1,500 in 2001) presented to recognize the most outstanding article published in RUSQ (previously RQ) during the preceding two-volume year. The article is selected on the basis of originality, timeliness, relevance to RUSA areas of interest and concern, and quality of writing. Article is defined here to include any submitted or invited article or any invited column written by one or more individuals or by a committee, organization, or other group. Sponsor: Reference Service Press. (Established 1985)The jury is a committee of three RUSA members appointed by the RUSA Vice-President/President-Elect. Authors of articles published in the journal during the award period and members of the editorial board or assisting in the referee process during the three years preceding the award year (e.g., 1991–93 for the 1994 award) are not eligible to be on the committee. The jury is a committee of five RUSA members who serve two-year terms. Consecutive terms are not permitted. Nominees will be reviewed in a closed meeting of the committee during Midwinter.
You may read the articles by clicking on the date link.
1986 — "Learning Theory and the Self-reliant Library User," by Harold W. Tuckett and Carla J. Stoffle, RQ 24: 58–66 (Fall 1984)1987 — "College and University Rankings: An Annotated Bibliography of Analysis, Criticism, and Evaluation," by Lynn C. Hattendorf, RQ 25:332–47 (Spring 1986)
1988 — "Opinion Leadership, Poverty, and Information Sharing" by Elfreda A. Chatman, RQ 26: 341–53 (Spring 1987).
1989 — "Reference Collection Development in Academic Libraries," Mary Biggs and Victor Biggs, RQ 27: 67–79 (Fall 1987)
1990 — "Labor Education and Libraries: A Survey of Current Practices," by D. Michele Cash and Jerry Parr, RQ 27:112–26 (Fall 1987).
1991 — "In-house Databases: An Opportunity for Progressive Librarians," by A. Anneli Ahtola. RQ 29:36–47 (Fall 1989).
1992 — "Ensuring Quality Reference Desk Service: The Introduction of a Peer Process," by Jane P. Kleiner, RQ 30: 349–61 (Spring 1991).
1993 — "Mistakes and Failures at the Reference Desk," by Lydia Olszak, RQ 31: 39–49 (Fall 1991).
1994 — "Support Services for Remote Users of Online Public Access Catalogs," by Sally W. Kalin, RQ 31:197–213 (Winter 1991)
1995 — "Developing Behavioral Reference Desk Performance Standards," by Carole A. Larson and Laura K. Dickson, RQ 33:349–57 (Spring 94)
1996 — "Flying a Light Aircraft: Reference Service Evaluation from a User's Viewpoint," by Patricia Dewdney and Catherine Sheldrick Ross, RQ 34:217–30 (Winter 1994)
1997 — "Critical Thinking: Implications for Instruction," by Craig Gibson, RQ 35:27–35 (Fall 95)
1998 — "Oranges and Peaches: Understanding Communication Accidents in the Reference Interview," by Dr. Patrica Dewdney and Dr. Gillian Michell, RQ 35:520–36 (Summer 1996)
1999 — "Perspectives on Quality of Reference Service in an Academic Library: A Qualitative Study" by Jennifer Mendelsohn in RQ 36:544–57 (Summer 1997)
2000 — "Negative Closure: Strategies and Counter-Strategies in the Reference Transaction" Catherine Sheldrick Ross and Patricia Dewdney in RUSQ 38:151–63, (Winter 1998)
2001 — "The Changing Nature of Reference and Information Services: Predictions and Realities," by Donald G. Frank, Katharine L. Calhoun, W. Bruce Henson, M. Leslie Madden and Gregory K. Raschke in RUSQ, 39:151-57, (Winter 1999)
2002 — “Has the Internet Changed Anything in Reference? The Library Visit Study, Phase 2,” by Catherine Sheldrick Ross and Kirsti Nilsen, RUSQ, 40:147-55, (Winter 2000)
2003 — “Reference and Information Services for Young Adults: A Research Study of Public Libraries in New Jersey,” by Kimberely Lione Paone and Mark Winston, RUSQ, 41:45–50 (Fall 2001).
2004 — “The Accessibility of Web Pages for Mid-Sized College and University Libraries,” by Tim Spindler, RUSQ, 42:149–54, (Winter 2002).
2005 — “Privacy and Confidentiality in Digital Reference” by Paul Neuhaus, RUSQ, 43:26–36 (Fall 2003).
2006 — “A Class Assignment Requiring Chat-Based Reference” by Denise Beaubien Bennett and Pamela S. Cenzer, RUSQ, 44:149-63, (Winter 2004).