Authorized Publicity Images, Captions, and Credits

“Visions of the Universe: Four Centuries of Discovery” Site Support Notebook

High Resolution Images Suitable for Publicity Use

These seven high resolution astronomy images have been posted for use in publicity. The image sizes range from a few megapixels to about a hundred megapixels. All images are from NASA and are royalty-free.

  • Preview images are about 1,000 pixels on a side
  • Medium resolution images are about 2,500 pixels on a side
  • High resolution images are about 5,000 pixels on a side
  • Ultra resolution images are about 10,000 pixels on a side
Authorized Images


Image Files

Crab Nebula
The Crab Nebula is a supernova remnant, the gaseous remains of a star that exploded. The stellar explosion was observed about 1000 years ago.
Credit: Hubble Space Telescope, NASA

Hubble Ultra Deep Field
The Hubble Ultra Deep Field shows approximately ten thousand galaxies in a patch of the sky one-third the apparent size of the full moon. These galaxies are at many different distances from us, stretching across the known universe. This image is the deepest visible light exposure ever taken.
Credit: Hubble Space Telescope, NASA

Spiral Galaxy Messier 51
Messier 51 is a galaxy composed of billions of stars, bright gas clouds, and dark dust lanes. The two prominent spiral arms are in a pancake-shaped disk that we view face-on. A smaller companion galaxy appears on the right side of the image.
Credit: Hubble Space Telescope, NASA

Mars Global Mosaic
This image of Mars is a composite of thousands of images taken by the Viking Orbiters in the 1970s. Prominent features include the North Polar Cap (top center), the volcanoes of the Tharsis plains (left of center), and Mariner Valley (below center), a canyon ten times deeper and a hundred times longer than the Grand Canyon on Earth.
Credit: Viking Mission, NASA

Orion Nebula
The Orion Nebula is a giant gas cloud where stars are being born. Massive stars at the center of this image formed a few million years ago, and their radiation heats the gas and makes it glow. Several thousand other stars are forming deeper within the nebula.
Credit: Hubble Space Telescope, NASA

This image of the planet Saturn shows the banded structure of its deep gaseous atmosphere. Saturn’s ring system shows only its basic features from Earth, including a few main rings and some empty gaps.
Credit: Hubble Space Telescope, NASA

The Sun in Ultraviolet Light
This image of the Sun is taken in ultraviolet light, which shows off its high energy charatceristics. While visible light features black sunpots, ultraviolet light reveals the magnetic storms raging in the Sun’s atmosphere above those sunspots.
Credit: SOHO Mission, NASA